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Ultrasonic teen repellent



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why would a normal kid be hanging around the streets late at night?

    They don't, at least the majority don't. But no-one seems to be able to grasp it.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Whowhere wrote: »
    I'm thinking this is something we'll have to disagree on. I've seen first hand the result of what this behaviour ends in, and i'm for anything that helps prevent that from ocurring.

    And i've been one of those kids hanging around in the street doing absolutely nothing wrong. It's a public place and nobody has the right to try and get me to move on if I'm doing nothing wrong. You are assuming that every young person is guilty of something or potentially a yob.

    It scares me that we have attitudes liek your workign for the police. Your meant to be protecting people's rights and freedoms. I gather you don't think that applies to young people.
    Weekender Offender 
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Why would a normal kid be hanging around the streets late at night?

    That's not the point. During the summer holidays as kids we'd be out in the streets till late, not causing damaging any property, just sitting around and having a laugh - there was fuck all else too do.
    You'd still get moaning old cunts who'd be better off in the ground coming out and trying to get us to move on. They just didn't liek the idea of us being there. Fuck em. We had every right to be there.
    Weekender Offender 
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    You've been moved on late at night? Why were you hanging around the streets so late at night?

    Because my mates and I had nothing better to do. It's beside the point though, because I had as much right to be there as anybody else.
    when i look at the rights of youths to hang around in a public place and the saftey of my family/the rest of the public who are just passing by doing normal everyday chores then the youths rights to congregate go right out the window.

    So you don't give a fuck about the rights of others, just as long as you feel safe. Lets treat all muslims as terrorists, all blacks as gun toting gang members, and all gypsies as scum sall we?

    You can't punish inncocent yoouths for a minority that misbehave.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote: »
    And i've been one of those kids hanging around in the street doing absolutely nothing wrong. It's a public place and nobody has the right to try and get me to move on if I'm doing nothing wrong. You are assuming that every young person is guilty of something or potentially a yob.

    It scares me that we have attitudes liek your workign for the police. Your meant to be protecting people's rights and freedoms. I gather you don't think that applies to young people.

    Where the fuck did I say that I assume every person who hangs around to be a yob? Why is it, that whenever I write something, someone here will deliberately or wilfully put everything i've written out of context? You assume that everytime I see a group of kids I march up to them, clip them around the ear and tell them to fuck off, regardless of what they might have been doing. I've been doing my job for a long time now, and I have an excellent idea of what makes a yob. A group of kids hanging around playing football or chatting aren't yobs. A group of kids hanging around, drinking, chucking bricks at windows and laying booby traps on roads for police cars, are yobs.
    Unless you've taken
    they are polite, they are friendly, they talk to me quite a bit, and I (at the seeming disgust of the older generation) will stand and chat with them. They know me by first name, they come to me for help/advice, if they misbehave it will be in a mischevious manner. The most they do is a bit of drinking on a Friday night, until we turn up and take their beer off them, then they'll just stand and chat without beer. When they congregate, they do it outside the shops in the precinct and on the benches. If someone needs to get past they will shuffle out the way.
    They NEVER hang around outside peoples' houses, smash their windows or do anything malicious. On a busy night there will be about 30-40 of them milling around.

    To actually mean that i despise all people under the age of 25, I suggest you re read what i've been writing and rethink what you're going to reply with.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Whowhere wrote: »
    Where the fuck did I say that I assume every person who hangs around to be a yob? Why is it, that whenever I write something, someone here will deliberately or wilfully put everything i've written out of context? You assume that everytime I see a group of kids I march up to them, clip them around the ear and tell them to fuck off, regardless of what they might have been doing. I've been doing my job for a long time now, and I have an excellent idea of what makes a yob. A group of kids hanging around playing football or chatting aren't yobs. A group of kids hanging around, drinking, chucking bricks at windows and laying booby traps on roads for police cars, are yobs.
    Unless you've taken

    But this noise contraption makes no distinction. That's the point.
    You agree that we should punish people for doing something wrong not because they might then? Because I can't see how this gizmo fits into that.
    Whowhere wrote: »
    To actually mean that i despise all people under the age of 25, I suggest you re read what i've been writing and rethink what you're going to reply with.

    You suport the limited use of this gizmo against young people hanging around in the streets. That's certainly what it comes across as.
    Weekender Offender 
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    The worst thign is, these "rights to stay out" are allowing innocent loving people just attacked and intimidated, their life a living hell just because of these rights.

    The worst thing is people like you wanting to punish 'innocent loving people' for being nothing more than youthful.

    Seriously you'd be happy restricting all young people's movement for crimes commited by a minority?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote: »
    But this noise contraption makes no distinction. That's the point.
    You agree that we should punish people for doing something wrong not because they might then? Because I can't see how this gizmo fits into that.

    You suport the limited use of this gizmo against young people hanging around in the streets. That's certainly what it comes across as.

    I support the use of the device on people who are causing problems, and from what i've experienced the well behaved kids don't hang around outside the houses of other people. If they don't hang around outside someone else's house causing problems then it won't affect them.

    And by problems I don't mean playing football or sitting quietly and chatting, I mean swearing, throwing beer bottles e.t.c. in their garden.
    I used to hang around on the street as well with my friends, but we behaved ourselves. We played football, rode bikes e.t.c. and then when we were old enough we found out about girls and started chasing them around instead.
    That is my experience, and the experience of countless other people who have grown up into well adjusted adults.

    The groups i'm talking about were somehow not present when lessons on right and wrong were handed out and have substituted good citizenship for hanging around on a street corner, getting drunk and harassing passersby.

    It's the police's responsibility to sort them out when they do, but we can't be everywhere at once unfortunately.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    But they can just turn it on when there's youths congregating outside the shop causing trouble.

    And what's to prevent peope using it all the time, against those who'd done nothing wrong?

    When youths are causing trouble you call the police who I'd hope would only move on those that are causing trouble.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmmm yes innocent loving people who live in crime hotspots and locally known for causing trouble eg murder around publ;ic places like cemetarys and shops late at night past 9pm.

    Yes i'm convinced that restricting the movements of youths will stop innocent loving children joinign gangs growing into more anti social youths and will stop other loving people being murdered, assulted and fearful to walk the shop.

    So what you're really saying is you'd rather people face these intimidations and problems than have them moved away home.

    It's amazing your priorities lie with the youths themselves than their victims.
    Would you agree on restricting the movements of black people in crime-spot areas where the majority of offenders are black as well?

    And if not, what's the difference between the two scenarios?
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Whowhere wrote: »
    I support the use of the device on people who are causing problems, and from what i've experienced the well behaved kids don't hang around outside the houses of other people. If they don't hang around outside someone else's house causing problems then it won't affect them.

    And if kids want to hang around in a terraced street where some cunts got one of these? It makes no distinction between those doing nothing wrong and those misbehaving, it's violates the rights of movement for young people, and who's going to make sure it's used responsibly againsty only those causing trouble?

    If a kids doing something wrong you call the police, no different than if any other member of society was causing trouble. It's for the police to deal with criminal activity not the public.
    Weekender Offender 
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    It's amazing your priorities lie with the youths themselves than their victims.

    My priorities would lie in preventing the inncocent being treated as guillty and protecting the freedoms of those who can't yet vote.
    Two, they could just walk away, it's really not that bad and kids shouldn't be hanging around outside a shop anyway.

    Why not if they're doing nothing wrong?
    Well others do that a lot to, which means police have no powers over children, the msot they've been able to do is slap an ASBO on them. Like i said, when the police come they just say they havn't done anythign and there's nothing they can do, or usually if the youths feel up for a laugh they shout "n***er" and run away laughing because one fo our local police officers is black

    This is besides the point. I'm talking about the rights of those who've done nothing wrong. This gizmo makes no distinction.
    I'm getting the feeling you think every kid is a yob?
    Weekender Offender 
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Let'as just keep it under the catagory of youths who cause trouble around shops and drink on street corners.

    Much easier that way eh?

    It's relevant so why not answer it?

    It's OK to descriminate against young people is the message I'm getting from you.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    If you call the police there's pretty not much you can do even when they destroy property and threaten to stab you because of "rights". (So much for normal peoples rights to be safe though)

    That's not strictly true. We've arrested the same people god only knows how many times, but the courts keep releasing them or the CPS keep refusing remand so they are bailed.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Look, if there is a group of youths being troublesome outside you jsut switch ti on until they fuck off and stop intimidating people. Normal youths walking past don't get bothered by ti because it only works if you stay there a while.

    And what's to stop it being missused? And 'normal youths' might want to hang aroudn there for a while - and why shoudln't they?
    If you call the police there's pretty not much you can do even when they destroy property and threaten to stab you because of "rights".

    You mean they won't do anything unless they are actually casuing trouble? Isn't that the way it should be?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think you've worded it wrong but i think i know what you mean.

    Most people in my area are white. Such a thing hasn't occured to me. Let'as just keep it under the catagory of youths who cause trouble around shops and drink on street corners.
    Well Brixton has a high concentration of black residents- I dare say they make up a higher percentage of the local population than youngsters do anywhere in the country.

    Brixton has also got crime spots- and much of the crime is commited by black people, whether it is black-on-black crime or else.

    All of that fits exactly the same criteria as what you were proposing for restricting the movements of youngsters in certain areas.

    So would you advocate restricting the movements of black people in Brixton?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »

    So would you advocate restricting the movements of black people in Brixton?

    Stop trying to twist it mate, the topic is about a speaker that discourages people from hanging around outside your house and smashing your stuff not about restricting people's movements.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere wrote: »
    Stop trying to twist it mate, the topic is about a speaker that discourages people from hanging around outside your house and smashing your stuff not about restricting people's movements.
    See post 91.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sure some of them msut be white? why distinguish?

    If it is a crime hotspot and there are youths drinking on street corners, should that not be enough.

    Why would you discriminate against black youths?
    Who says I would? I'm not proposing to discriminate anyone.

    You on the other hand appear to be advocating discriminating against everyone of a certain age because of the actions of a few.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    No one is treating them as guilty, it's just a fact that kids drinking on street corners are a bad thign and most normal kids don't do that so we mvoe them on but by "infringing on their right" to do this normal people and other kids are being beaten up and what not.

    Sorry I must have missed the bit where it said this gizmo only effects kids that have been drinkign and casuing trouble. Bollocks mate. This contraption makes no distinction.
    The point is that many well behaved kids hang around socialising with each other outside too, and with this box you're compramising their rights just so that you can prevent the misbehavior of the minority.
    If they're not doign something wrong there's no reason to turn the thing on and even if it is turned on why hang around the front of a shop anyway? It's not as if they have no where else to go. There's plenty of other places for them to stand and if there was not a problem with yobs at the shop the device wouldn't be there in the first place.

    What's to stop anybody putting up this device anwhere and using when they want against who they want. This device is aimed at peventing freedom of movement for a particular age group, that's the issue. In much the same way a curfew does. And it's for that reason why this device is wrong.
    If somebody's doing something wrong you call the old bill.

    Does this box work anyway. Won't troublesome kids just move on somewhere else and cause grief? You got a device hear that punishes kids whether they're casuing trouble or not, and it probably wouldn't work anyway. It's shit idea.
    Weekender Offender 
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Why would you discriminate against black youths?

    I wouldn't.

    But in many areas statistics show that black youths are responsible for high percentage of crime.
    Would you be opposed to a curfew on black youths in these areas?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote: »

    Does this box work anyway. Won't troublesome kids just move on somewhere else and cause grief? You got a device hear that punishes kids whether they're casuing trouble or not, and it probably wouldn't work anyway. It's shit idea.

    It does actually. The one i've seen in operation on some guys house had the desired effect. They've been around for 2/3 years now.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    You're the one talking about only takign actions against the actions of black people, i don't understand where you're going with this.

    Can't you see the relevance?
    There is little discrimination involved. Discriminating against all people up to about the age of 25

    You call that a little discrimination? :lol:
    Again I'm gettign the feeling that you think the majority of kids are antisocial?
    i could easily reverse what you said and say you're discriminating against normal peoples rights to feel safe walkign the shop just because a few youths like to use a shop.

    No you can't. That doesn't make much sense.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're the one talking about only takign actions against the actions of black people, i don't understand where you're going with this.

    There is little discrimination involved. Discriminating against all people up to about the age of 25 would be exempt on the grounds that approximatly a fucking lot of youths in hotspots who hang around shops are dangerous.

    There is little discrimination involved. Discriminating against all black people would be exempt on the grounds that approximatly a fucking lot of black people in hotspots who hang around shops are dangerous.

    Would you agree with the above statement then in areas where the majority of crime outside is committed by black people? And therefore if there was a sonic deterrent that only worked on them that it'd be ok to use?
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Whowhere wrote: »
    It does actually. The one i've seen in operation on some guys house had the desired effect. They've been around for 2/3 years now.

    Read what I said again. How do you know they didn't move on somewhere else and cause trouble.
    Makign kids move isn't somewhere else to cause trouble isn't any good is it? Cutting down youth crime is the answer. Do these boxes do that?
    I very much doubt it.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No, because not ALL black people are yobs, there will be white people too and in the case that there is onyl black people then there's no need to make that point is there.

    And do you not see not ALL young people are yobs too. Whether it be discriminating on age or race, what is the difference? Can you not see the point?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So the answer is yes then, it's ok to discriminate against young people, but not black people or the general touchy subject of race.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And do you not see not ALL young people are yobs too. Whether it be discriminating on age or race, what is the difference? Can you not see the point?

    Exactly. I can't believe that you can't see the parallel between ageism and racism Matt. It's obvious, and I think your initial refusal to answer Aladdin's question speak volumes.

    Oh, and just a quick point. The idea of only turning them on when people are causing trouble, as Whowhere suggested, defeats your entire argument. If by Matt's description, they are tame enough to be fine for a baby to hear, then they are certainly not effective enough to prevent an already escalated situation. And nor are they designed to. They are designed to prevent young people from going near the area in the first place, and by definition, therefore, are designed to treat all young people as potential troublemakers before they've even committed the terrible crime of hanging around. If they are distressing enough to deter such a situation, then they have no place in an area where children might be.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    There is an off on button.

    Read what I've said. You know full well this device is used againts those not causing trouble. It's used againts kids in general.
    Isn't not that bad, they can still sue the shop and then leave, there are plenty of palces they can go besides outside the shop.

    Who says it's just going to be used by shops? WhoWhere was arguing for it's use in residential areas.
    Aren't you doing the same to the "moaning old cunts"?

    There right to protection from criminal acts everybody has in this country. But this doesn't mean that the freedom of movement for over 20% of the population (those under 16) should be comprimised. There's certainly no right for those over 25 to have little black boxes installed all over the place to keep kids away. Don't be so ridiculous.
    There's no need for them in places with well behaved children.

    You said it yourself. There are well behaved children everywhere, and they have right to go anywhere they want in public without being descriminated against.
    Using their rights as an arguement is a joke to be honest, they've got plenty of palces tog o.

    There are? Where?
    Do you think the old cunts rights to feel undisturbed in their home because kids are outside would hold up in court?

    If it's an late at night and they're being troublesome it should do, and if it doesn't that's a problem with the legal system not an excuse to install boxes everywhere. If somebody simply doens't like the fact that kids are hanging around outside yet doing nothing wrong it's their problem.
    Well ti does seem to work apparently, i find less yobs by the shop and no one else seems that bothered about it.

    Does it cut crime? Does it do the job the police ought to be doing. No.
    Weekender Offender 
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Of course i can, but race was not the issue and by making an issue of it you're opening a larger can of worms, if you want to do that fine but you will be on a slippery slope to no where.

    Why is it ok in your mind to descriminate against youths but not ok to descriminate against blacks?
    Weekender Offender 
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