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Davis: Multiculturalism is outdated.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Clear as mud. Countries are man made inventions, this much you say but you can't tell me how they are made or give any details.
    I've given you enough details. You on the contrary do nothing but demand more and more pointless information (which you could look up yourself) without bothering to provide much evidence to support your argument- which at the end of the day is the highly improbable one, and the one that needs as much suppor as it can get.

    You must have the wrong link. That goes on about spain like it exists already.
    Remember, you are the delusional one, not the rest of the world.

    Come to think of it, more the reason for you to provide some evidence (for a bleeding change) that countries don't exist. Can't you even find a single website, no matter how delusional, to support your argument? Even the most ludicrous tinfoil hatters can at least provide the odd link...

    It assumes that the Iberian kingdoms existed. They couldn't have.
    Why not? Because you say so?

    I see you don't just pretend to be the Ultimage Judge of what exists and doesn't in the present. You also control the past. Wow.
    It also assumes that one man can call into existence borders etc, which is fine, he can for him at the time, but what's that got to do with me?
    You were the one asking for "evidence that countries existed".

    And as usual, when presented with it you change the subject or pretend you wanted something else.

    Wrong. you decide if something is art, it;'s a property of your perception, not of an object. Like colour etc.
    It can be good or bad art. But art it is, and more to the point, it has been created.

    You can, I can't. Therefore you are delusional. See a shrink.
    Yes God.

    That isn't creation, it's formation.
    Nope. It's creation.

    Yeah, ok. :rolleyes:
    You really should come to terms with it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Leave it Aladin, its not worth it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've given you enough details. You on the contrary do nothing but demand more and more pointless information (which you could look up yourself) without bothering to provide much evidence to support your argument- which at the end of the day is the highly improbable one, and the one that needs as much suppor as it can get.

    I ask for more details because i know you are talking out of your hat. the fact that you can't provide them is proof in itself.
    Come to think of it, more the reason for you to provide some evidence (for a bleeding change) that countries don't exist. Can't you even find a single website, no matter how delusional, to support your argument? Even the most ludicrous tinfoil hatters can at least provide the odd link...

    How can you prove a negative? You can't. It's not an argument, it's just the truth. The fact that no one has noticed really isn't my concern.
    Why not? Because you say so?

    No, because a kingdom is based on the idea of a border, which cannot exist.
    I see you don't just pretend to be the Ultimage Judge of what exists and doesn't in the present. You also control the past. Wow.

    I told you the criteria, you failed to provide evidence that I can sense. You are therefore deluded. pretty simple. If I claimed to see a 6ft rabbit called Harvey, you would want to have a shufti at the carrot munching fucker for yourself. When you failed to see it you would call me delusional. I am asking for your "harvey" please.
    It can be good or bad art. But art it is, and more to the point, it has been created.

    No, "art" is created by the person looking on. One mans van gogh is another man's firelighters.
    Nope. It's creation.

    nope, it's reformation. You mould material into new shaopes and move the bits left over to one side. At no point is anything created, just stuff is moved about.
    You really should come to terms with it.

    Terms with what? I haven't had any evidence yet. Your claim that you "feel" it isn't good enough, for all i know you are lying, in fact it seems very likely because I dion't have the same feeling.
    Leave it Aladin, its not worth it.

    Lol, sounds like a pub fight.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:

    Lol, sounds like a pub fight.

    If this thread had been a pub fight, you'd be spark out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If this thread had been a pub fight, you'd be spark out.

    Not likely. But excellent show of machismo, grats.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Not likely. But excellent show of machismo, grats.

    On the basis of your arguments you twit... :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    I ask for more details because i know you are talking out of your hat. the fact that you can't provide them is proof in itself.
    I've provided plenty. You just choose to ignore it or like you did two posts ago, claim it doesn't prove anything and come with such jewels as "must be the wrong link, they talk about Spain as if it already exists".

    In short, this is akin to presenting evidence to a fundie that the earth is billions of years old, and them saying the evidence is fabricated and that those fossils are made of plastic.

    Keep burying your head in the sand- be my guest.

    How can you prove a negative? You can't. It's not an argument, it's just the truth. The fact that no one has noticed really isn't my concern.
    Proving a negative can be tricky- in most cases. However proving a negative with something so obvious and real as countries should be much easier, since it's there for all to see.

    If someone came and claimed the Moon doesn't exist, despite the entire world being able to see it, you would think the person making such extraordinary claim would have to be the one showing everyone else the error of their ways, don't you agree?

    No, because a kingdom is based on the idea of a border, which cannot exist.
    Why cannot it exist?

    I told you the criteria, you failed to provide evidence that I can sense. You are therefore deluded. pretty simple. If I claimed to see a 6ft rabbit called Harvey, you would want to have a shufti at the carrot munching fucker for yourself. When you failed to see it you would call me delusional. I am asking for your "harvey" please.
    I know a man who is blind. He cannot see the sea, therefore the sea doesn't exist.

    I've told you before and I'll tell you again: if you have sensory depravation of any kind it's not my problem.

    No, "art" is created by the person looking on. One mans van gogh is another man's firelighters.
    You don't know much about art do you?

    nope, it's reformation. You mould material into new shaopes and move the bits left over to one side. At no point is anything created, just stuff is moved about.
    . Nope. A flying machine is created. No amount of "moving about" material could possibly create a flying machine by accident, not even in a billion worlds throughout the entire span of the universe.

    Terms with what? I haven't had any evidence yet. Your claim that you "feel" it isn't good enough, for all i know you are lying, in fact it seems very likely because I dion't have the same feeling.
    Sen-so-ry de-pra-va-tion.

    Anyway, you continue to ignore links providing plenty of proof. I cannot do anything more than show you the proof. If you ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist (as you do of so many other things) there is little else I or anyone can do to provide 'evidence', is there?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    On the basis of your arguments you twit... :rolleyes:

    Apologies, you may have noticed I am very literal. I still think I am winning, myself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bongbudda wrote:
    Have you noticed Klintock that everyone else seems to believe this falsehood except you.

    Maybe it is you who is wrong, and even if you are right, what difference does it make if no one believes a word you are saying.

    Are you one of those "extremists" that the men/woman calling themselves "the Government" have warned me about ? :D:D

    Count ME out of your absolutes please.

    BTW I think it is possible to de-program your "CPU".You may be surprised at the output if you had different input software? (GIGO ;) )
    klintock wrote:
    Apologies, you may have noticed I am very literal. I still think I am winning, myself.


    MY perception has you well ahead on points,and if I was the ref I`d consider stopping the fight. :D

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Why the inverted commas- they were British. Born in Britain, therefore British.

    Because if I don't like something in this country, I try and change it the British way .... via the ballot box. Do you think that those protestors that tried to break up the Muslim Council of Great Britain meeting shortly before the elections by stating that elections were un-Islamic (and they want to IMPOSE Sharia law on us) are good Britains? If they don't like our systems, they should either vote to change it, or shut up, or leave the country.
    Kermit wrote:
    Are you also seriously trying to imply that white people don't suicide bomb? It was white Chritians who invented the tactic- go and do some research on the Crusades- along with concentration camps and racial cleansing, it should be noted.

    And your point is ... ? This is the 21st century. Regardless of who invented what, even as far back as the Crusades, is pointless and does not justify blowing up innocent people in a tube train
    Kermit wrote:
    You mean in exactly the same way white Christians tolerate the Scientologists and Agnus Dei?

    Erm ... and Scientologists and Agnus Dei promote overthrowing the government, imposing their laws on the majority, blowing themselves along with dozens of inncocent people just so they can get to paradise and shag 70 virgins?
    Kermit wrote:
    Often enough.

    No you don't and you know it.
    Kermit wrote:
    Ah, of course. Muslims (because that's what your goat is) just spend all their time suicide bombing places, yeah?

    9% of the UK's population is Muslim, if memory serves me right (if you don't agree, go and research it yourself). That's about 5 million people. How many suicide bombers were there? 12? 15? 100? Even ten thousand suicide bombers is but 0.2% of the UK's Muslim population.

    But lets not let facts like this get in the way of some good old-fashioned racial prejudice, eh? All those dirty Muslims can't wait to blow us up!

    Oh c'mon! Take your head out of your arse. Where did I say anything about having problems with Muslims for being Muslim? However, I do believe that as much as the government has to take some of the blame for allowing Islamic hardliners to spout there bullshit uninhibited, the Muslim community must also take its share of the blame for allowing radicals to take over their mosques, incite their youth etc.

    And I am racially prejudice? Oh fuck off! I have no problem with anyones colour or race. I do have a problem with religon. That is completely different.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok, quick recap.

    So far we have had -

    1) Countries are based on agreements/mutual consensus.

    2) At no point was a mutual agreement or consensus arrived at.

    3) Countries can be sensed.

    4) They have no colour, sound, feeling, smell or taste.

    5) There are lines on maps which denote countries.

    6) Maps aren't territories.

    7) Countries are obvious Wah!!

    8) They are so obvious you can't produce a shred of evidence for them

    9) Everyone knows there are countries!! (except klintock)

    10) All small children know that santa brings their presents.

    11) there is something rong with kilintock for wanting proof in the first place. :rolleyes:

    DO you have anything else to add before I proclaim you a loony, Al?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have proof of at least one country and when it came into being Klintock.

    "On April 15, 1783, Congress approved the final treaty, and Great Britain and its former colonies signed it on September 3. Known as the Treaty of Paris, the peace settlement acknowledged the independence, freedom and sovereignty of the 13 former colonies, now states, to which Great Britain granted the territory west to the Mississippi River, north to Canada and south to Florida, which was returned to Spain. "


    There you go then, there is a set date when at least that bit of America became America.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Ok, quick recap.

    So far we have had -

    1) Countries are based on agreements/mutual consensus.
    In many but not all cases.
    2) At no point was a mutual agreement or consensus arrived at.
    See link re Spain as to just one example.
    3) Countries can be sensed.
    Yep. Problem?
    4) They have no colour, sound, feeling, smell or taste.
    Nor does love. Can't you feel love either?
    5) There are lines on maps which denote countries.
    Wow. A bit of progress at last.
    (Pssst... You are at serious risk of making a fool of yourself if you make such statements).
    6) Maps aren't territories.
    Nope. They give a geographical representation of countries.
    7) Countries are obvious Wah!!
    To everyone but you, oh Almighty Lord.
    8) They are so obvious you can't produce a shred of evidence for them
    Are you being deliberately obtuse?
    9) Everyone knows there are countries!! (except klintock)
    And yet the penny won't drop...
    10) All small children know that santa brings their presents.
    Now you really are making a fool of yourself.
    11) there is something rong with kilintock for wanting proof in the first place. :rolleyes:
    Certainly peculiar... just as it would be if someone demanded proof that the Atlantic Ocean exists.

    What is more worrying though is your burying your head in the sand and ignoring the evidence before you.
    DO you have anything else to add before I proclaim you a loony, Al?
    Proclaim away klintock, proclaim away. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "On April 15, 1783, Congress approved the final treaty, and Great Britain and its former colonies signed it on September 3. Known as the Treaty of Paris, the peace settlement acknowledged the independence, freedom and sovereignty of the 13 former colonies, now states, to which Great Britain granted the territory west to the Mississippi River, north to Canada and south to Florida, which was returned to Spain. "

    See, Al this is what's known as evidence. Of course, for it to be valid, great britain and spain both have to exist first. Also, writing things down on a piece of paper would have to gain the power to create borders, which doesn't happen in real life, only in harry potter books.

    For the sake of argument, lets say that congress agreed to those terms and to obide by them. What's that got to do with everyone else though? What stops any of the signatories from just not bothering pretending there are borders? In fact it's proof that counties are imaginary.
    In many but not all cases.

    So do many countries now not exist on your own logic? Name a country that exists through mutual agreement and consensus then. if not, drop the argument entirely I have defeated it often enough now.
    See link re Spain as to just one example.

    Try again, that was a despot forcing his will onto everyone else. No agreement or consensus there.
    Yep. Problem?

    Yeah, only you are doing it. Find me someone to corroborate.
    Nor does love. Can't you feel love either?

    >cough< Love has no feeling but you can feel it? Make your mind up.
    Nope. They give a geographical representation of countries.

    Now we are getting somewhere. Are the lines on those maps invented by people or are they grown on trees?
    To everyone but you, oh Almighty Lord.

    Are you being deliberately obtuse?

    Usually. :lol:
    Certainly peculiar... just as it would be if someone demanded proof that the Atlantic Ocean exists.

    Well, you would take them to that ocean point at it and say look an ocean. You say there is a country called "england" yet when i go to where the border should be theres nothing I can point at and say "oOooh - border!". of course, there is no atlantic ocean either, that's just another way of looking at things.
    What is more worrying though is your burying your head in the sand and ignoring the evidence before you.

    What evidence? You have produced none.

    Oh, and Al, your a loonie :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Well, you would take them to that ocean point at it and say look an ocean. You say there is a country called "england" yet when i go to where the border should be theres nothing I can point at and say "oOooh - border!".

    Yes there is, I dont know if you have ever traveled across borders but theres normally a nice sign, or even a gate and fence.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    See, Al this is what's known as evidence. Of course, for it to be valid, great britain and spain both have to exist first. Also, writing things down on a piece of paper would have to gain the power to create borders, which doesn't happen in real life, only in harry potter books.
    Unfortunately klintock your "real life" is a different world altogether from the real life of the rest of mankind.

    How did you get there?
    For the sake of argument, lets say that congress agreed to those terms and to obide by them. What's that got to do with everyone else though? What stops any of the signatories from just not bothering pretending there are borders? In fact it's proof that counties are imaginary.
    As it was explained to you many pages ago, it'd be impossible for all individuals concerned to sign agreements with each other. That's why there is such thing as heads of state and representatives. Comprende?

    So do many countries now not exist on your own logic? Name a country that exists through mutual agreement and consensus then. if not, drop the argument entirely I have defeated it often enough now.
    LOL. Of course you have...


    Try again, that was a despot forcing his will onto everyone else. No agreement or consensus there.
    As it was explained to you many pages ago, it'd be impossible for all individuals concerned to sign agreements with each other. That's why there is such thing as heads of state and representatives. Comprende?

    Yeah, only you are doing it. Find me someone to corroborate.
    My family, and many of my friends do. You should go abroad. Perhaps you'd start feelings something.

    >cough< Love has no feeling but you can feel it? Make your mind up.
    Let me make it clearer: love cannot be sensed with any of your precious five senses. And yet it can be sensed- it exists, demolishing all your fancy theories.


    Now we are getting somewhere. Are the lines on those maps invented by people or are they grown on trees?
    You know very well what the answer is. You also know very well that man is capable of creating things- you just don't like it because it disproves your theories. Tough luck.
    Well, you would take them to that ocean point at it and say look an ocean. You say there is a country called "england" yet when i go to where the border should be theres nothing I can point at and say "oOooh - border!". of course, there is no atlantic ocean either, that's just another way of looking at things.
    How about if you were in Australia? Pretty clear borders, for all to see.


    What evidence? You have produced none.

    Oh, and Al, your a loonie :D
    Whatever you say King George.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As it was explained to you many pages ago, it'd be impossible for all individuals concerned to sign agreements with each other. That's why there is such thing as heads of state and representatives. Comprende?

    How can someone else represent me if i don't authorise them to? How did they become head of state? Also, as the state is a geographical location bound by imaginary borders, how do you become head of state of something that doesn't exist yet to then invent it?

    ....was brought into being by a man who at least had the courtesy of not pretending he represented anyone (but god). His authority rests on the existence of god, a wonderfully unprovable bit of hokum. He didn't "represent" or had the "mutual agreement" of the local population, he had lots of sworda etc. So still no country that "exists" through your first argument.
    Let me make it clearer: love cannot be sensed with any of your precious five senses. And yet it can be sensed- it exists, demolishing all your fancy theories.

    You've already said yourself that you feel love about half a dozen times - make yer mind up!
    You know very well what the answer is. You also know very well that man is capable of creating things- you just don't like it because it disproves your theories. Tough luck.

    First law of thermodynamics. And it's not my theory.
    How about if you were in Australia? Pretty clear borders, for all to see.

    Nope. As I am sure you are aware the "border" for australia is several miles out to sea, good look getting me a photo of it. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    <note>Not refuting or agreeing with anyone's opinions here; just attempting to straighten out in my own mind the crux of each argument</note>

    Kilntock: Are you putting forward that it is impossible for a country to exist? The basis being, as there is no physicality to a border, people aren't forced to observe it and hence it is subjective?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kilntock: Are you putting forward that it is impossible for a country to exist? The basis being, as there is no physicality to a border, people aren't forced to observe it and hence it is subjective?

    That's about the size and shape of it. It's not that people aren't forced to observe it so much, because they are (at times). More that whether they do or don't it still isn't there. Even putting a fence around an area just means that there is now a fence there. The fence can be removed. It's not a fact, it's an opinion.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    That's about the size and shape of it. It's not that people aren't forced to observe it so much, because they are (at times). More that whether they do or don't it still isn't there. Even putting a fence around an area just means that there is now a fence there. The fence can be removed. It's not a fact, it's an opinion.

    So you're saying even though people are often told to observe these borders (or treat them in a specific manner) by other people (becuase these people have a belief in the border), it still doesn't give the border any more validity?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    How can someone else represent me if i don't authorise them to? How did they become head of state? Also, as the state is a geographical location bound by imaginary borders, how do you become head of state of something that doesn't exist yet to then invent it?
    1) Hardly possible to represent you when even your great great great great great granparantes weren't even born. Countries were (in most cases at least) created well before your birth.

    2) Read a bit of history

    3) It wasn't amusing the first time you tried out- it still fails to be amusing. And no matter how many times you say it, it doesn't make it any less real.

    Change the record if you will.

    ....was brought into being by a man who at least had the courtesy of not pretending he represented anyone (but god). His authority rests on the existence of god, a wonderfully unprovable bit of hokum. He didn't "represent" or had the "mutual agreement" of the local population, he had lots of sworda etc. So still no country that "exists" through your first argument.
    Nope. He was the representative of the people at the time. As it has been pointed out to you millions of times now, it would be impossible for every single citizen to sign agreements with everyone else. That is why we have representatives/heads of State.

    You've already said yourself that you feel love about half a dozen times - make yer mind up!
    My mind is well made up. It is you who keep moving the goalposts as more avenues are closed to your argument.

    First law of thermodynamics. And it's not my theory.
    I thought you didn't believe in laws.

    And in any event, that said law has zero significance to the case in hand. A flying machine is created. No question about it whatsoever.

    But then, there is no question that countries exist either, so what chance do I have to make you see the former when you refuse to admit the latter? :rolleyes:

    Nope. As I am sure you are aware the "border" for australia is several miles out to sea, good look getting me a photo of it. :rolleyes:
    Well there you are then. Get a pedometer, walk into the water and count 12 miles from the very shore of the water.

    What else do you need? :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Even putting a fence around an area just means that there is now a fence there. The fence can be removed. It's not a fact, it's an opinion.

    Yes it is a fact, aside from the border concerns its a fact that you can have a fence, the physical presence of a fence is not an opinion, you can prove its there.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Borders is just one of many things that can define a country what about it's laws, language, culture, and ultimately it's people?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote:
    Borders is just one of many things that can define a country what about it's laws, language, culture, and ultimately it's people?

    I think you may well be opening up Pandora's box there :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So you're saying even though people are often told to observe these borders (or treat them in a specific manner) by other people (becuase these people have a belief in the border), it still doesn't give the border any more validity?

    Yep, in exactly the same way as you would tell someone to get to fuck if they forced you to adhere to their religious beliefs etc. You say we should behave this way, I say different. You are entitled to your opinion, but don't tell me it's a fact.
    1) Hardly possible to represent you when even your great great great great great granparantes weren't even born. Countries were (in most cases at least) created well before your birth.

    So they died out with their origniators then, if they ever existed at all?
    2) Read a bit of history

    Please take your own advice. I suggest "The Isles" but I can't for the life of me remember who wrote it. Says pretty much what I am saying.
    3) It wasn't amusing the first time you tried out- it still fails to be amusing. And no matter how many times you say it, it doesn't make it any less real.

    Look, you think there are countries because some "leaders" made them up. the fact that they are "leaders" is also an opinion. i really don't want to get into the whole legitimacy argument because that's another misnomer where you will confuse fact and opinion.
    Nope. He was the representative of the people at the time. As it has been pointed out to you millions of times now, it would be impossible for every single citizen to sign agreements with everyone else. That is why we have representatives/heads of State.

    No king in history ever said he was a representative of the people. They were usually the biggest murdering bastard around and hence their "power" in any event you can only represent someone if they give their assent. So I await your proof that people ever assented, ever.
    My mind is well made up. It is you who keep moving the goalposts as more avenues are closed to your argument.

    What? I said name something you that exists that you cannot sense in some way. You said love. You also said (a hatful of times) that you feel love. Last time i checke dfeeling was one of the five senses. Sort yourself out.
    I thought you didn't believe in laws.

    This is law in it's physics sense - i.e. it's worked everywhere so far that we checked. It's more a guide to what scientists assume will happen. of course like all such laws it's open to revision the second that new data come out.
    And in any event, that said law has zero significance to the case in hand. A flying machine is created. No question about it whatsoever.

    I am saying that you can never add to or subtract from the total amount of stuff in the universe. What are you on about?
    Well there you are then. Get a pedometer, walk into the water and count 12 miles from the very shore of the water.

    And when i get there (nice jesus freakery touch, btw) how will I know that there is a border? Will there be a blue forcefield? Will I get that mysterious feeling you keep harping on about but never give details of?
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Klintock what language are you writing in?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Borders is just one of many things that can define a country what about it's laws, language, culture, and ultimately it's people?

    Just noticed this -

    1) laws only apply within the "border", so that's out if there are none.

    2) If that was so then all groups who spoke a different language would automatically become one country, which doesn't happen.

    3) Culture is no respecter of any boundary so that's bunnies, or are we all "american" because we watched an episode of friends once?

    4) So if all the people of "england" were moved to another part of the globe then "england" would move with them? Nope, bollox.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I cant sense nitrogen Klintock, does that exist? And I cant sense you either, do you exist?
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Klintock if somebody asks you for directions what do you do?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes, you can sense nitrogen. the only way we know it;'s there is because someone did an experiment which we can sense to prove it's existence.

    Otherwise, how would we know?
    And I cant sense you either, do you exist?

    As far as you know a computer program is writing these answers. The words on the screen can be sensed though.
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