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Davis: Multiculturalism is outdated.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    States of mind are created by internal representations of the five senses, allied to the structure between them. So, there are still no things that exist that cannot be sensed either internally or externally

    Where does love fit into that, which of the five senses is that triggered by?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No it's not very logic at all as you are attempting to reduce large chunks of the history of mankind to mere agreements and contracts. It doesn't work like that I'm afraid.

    I never said it did. You did. You were the one who raised mutual consensus etc, so it seemd to be logical to ask when and where. Following it now?
    There is certainly much more to life than your ideal of individuals signing "contracts" with each other/governments- certainly when it comes to the formation of countries. It doesn't work like that, and you know it. But you're just trying to justify your stance of course.

    Not at all. you have an untenable position, but my words weren't working, so I am using yours.
    When you are born you automatically become a citizen of the country you are born in.

    How, specifically?
    I'm not prepared to provide "evidence" of this any more that I'd be prepared to provide "evidence" that the Sun is bright and yellow.

    I can see the sun, it is indeed bright and yellow. please point out to me the colour of citizenship.
    So stop wasting my time with such pointless questions when you already know the answer (and the facts).

    The facts are that there are no countries but lots of people assume there are and then act accordingly. Stop wasting my time pretending that people aren't just pretending and that there are countries.
    They created it.

    How, specifically?
    But then, you appear to believe that mankind cannot create anything, only "transform", so why are we wasting all this bandwidth?

    I don't believe that. It's just a fact. You can alter substance from one thing to another but unless you are talking advanced nuclear shit then you don't create fuck all. Are countries nuclear then?
    Yes they do- I've told you a million times, I can feel my country and it exists. And nothing you're going to say will change that I'm afraid.

    Where specifically in your body do you feel your country? In your head? your hands? Your legs? Where?
    No, you create something to encompass the common identity, culture, roots, heritage etc of a people.

    Even you don't think this is true. If it was then you couldn't make a "country" out of anywhere, could you.
    I've answered a million times. You're just not liking what you're hearing. Can't help with that.

    You didn't answer my questions as they were written, doing so would be good.
    Where does love fit into that, which of the five senses is that triggered by?

    Depends on the individual. If you would like to know how someone creates love ask them, it's pretty easy to find out. VAKOG works on 100% of the people I have used it with.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do you believe that someone can own a piece of land Klintock?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do you believe that someone can own a piece of land Klintock?

    Nope. They can think they can though, and provided other people agree they will be safe in their delusion.

    It's another useful fiction. Unfortunately memes like this are at their most damaging when they are blindly believed in.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Nope. They can think they can though, and provided other people agree they will be safe in their delusion.

    It's another useful fiction. Unfortunately memes like this are at their most damaging when they are blindly believed in.

    i don't believe that...you're trying to say humans don't have intrinsinct ownership qualities
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have you noticed Klintock that everyone else seems to believe this falsehood except you.

    Maybe it is you who is wrong, and even if you are right, what difference does it make if no one believes a word you are saying.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    I never said it did. You did. You were the one who raised mutual consensus etc, so it seemd to be logical to ask when and where. Following it now?
    Er, no, you've been implying it for the last 8 pages of posts.

    As for when and where, in most cases there wasn't a meeting between people when a contract was signed, as you know very well. Countries aren't formed like that.

    Not at all. you have an untenable position, but my words weren't working, so I am using yours.

    How, specifically?
    Er... by being born, specifically.

    I can see the sun, it is indeed bright and yellow. please point out to me the colour of citizenship.
    Colour? :confused:
    Are you feeling alright?

    The facts are that there are no countries but lots of people assume there are and then act accordingly. Stop wasting my time pretending that people aren't just pretending and that there are countries.
    The facts are that there are countries and you are the only person in the entire world who claims different. But clearly you are Right and we are Wrong, oh your Lordship.

    How, specifically?
    By consensus, agreements (though sometimes reached by force), by uniting a common identity, heritage and culture.

    *makes note to self to save the above paragraph as apparently the message hasn't got through yet*

    I don't believe that. It's just a fact. You can alter substance from one thing to another but unless you are talking advanced nuclear shit then you don't create fuck all. Are countries nuclear then?

    There have been countless things created by man. If you choose to ignore that then be my guest.

    Where specifically in your body do you feel your country? In your head? your hands? Your legs? Where?
    In the same place where I feel love.

    Even you don't think this is true. If it was then you couldn't make a "country" out of anywhere, could you.
    I don't see why not.

    You didn't answer my questions as they were written, doing so would be good.
    I've done so a million times.

    So, do you believe abstract art exists or not? Are you going to go the way of Rich Kid and avoid the question for weeks on end? Regardless of whether you think I'm answering right or wrong, at least I am answering your questions.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As for when and where, in most cases there wasn't a meeting between people when a contract was signed, as you know very well. Countries aren't formed like that.

    Ok let me get this straight. Countries exist because of mutual consensus, agreements etc, but there has never been a place and time when that consensus and agreement was reached?
    Er, no, you've been implying it for the last 8 pages of posts.

    You bring it up every time. - here you do it again. -
    By consensus, agreements (though sometimes reached by force), by uniting a common identity, heritage and culture.

    Agreements through force aren't. If a common heritage is essential for a country, then why is there no "elvis" nation? he has many fans with a common culture etc If things exist with a common heritage but no country, then they cannot be needed for a country to exist. They must be incidental.

    You can only have heritage etc once the border has been drawn, as it's based on the arbitary illusion that a country is. So it's incidental to the country.
    Er... by being born, specifically.

    So a child without a birth certificate is a citizen? Can people be citizens without beng born within the fictional borders of the "country"? If they can then that can't be what makes them citizens.
    The facts are that there are countries and you are the only person in the entire world who claims different. But clearly you are Right and we are Wrong, oh your Lordship.

    Belief doesn't change facts, sorry. When everyone thought the world was flat it didn't make it so, everyone thinking that there are countries doesn't make it so either.
    There have been countless things created by man. If you choose to ignore that then be my guest.

    No there haven't. There have been countless things reformed by man but none ever created.
    So, do you believe abstract art exists or not?

    Which bit of it? The physical stuff is there, sure.
    Maybe it is you who is wrong, and even if you are right, what difference does it make if no one believes a word you are saying.

    What difference does it make? Well as it's the basis of all "state" power, maybe quite a bit. The delusion of country is to the state what the flat earth was to the church.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    No there haven't. There have been countless things reformed by man but none ever created.

    You're not all that hot on science are you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're not all that hot on science are you.

    First law of thermodynamics.

    The First Law of Thermodynamics states the following: The total amount of energy in our universe, or in any isolated part of it, remains constant. Furthermore, energy can be transformed from one form into another, but it cannot be created and cannot be destroyed.

    Basically you cannot create or destroy anything, only change it's form. Which i am sure is what I said.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    First law of thermodynamics.

    The First Law of Thermodynamics states the following: The total amount of energy in our universe, or in any isolated part of it, remains constant. Furthermore, energy can be transformed from one form into another, but it cannot be created and cannot be destroyed.

    Basically you cannot create or destroy anything, only change it's form. Which i am sure is what I said.
    And that's where the word abstract comes into play, as one instance of man creating something. You get a box of bolts, nuts and assorted pieces of iron. You wedge them- you have created a work of art. Presto!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You can create something, if you light a match you create light and heat.

    If you are arguing that all matter is mearly energy and changes only form then perhaps you could give us your feelings on string theory?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Ok let me get this straight. Countries exist because of mutual consensus, agreements etc, but there has never been a place and time when that consensus and agreement was reached?
    In most cases, no. It's been a gradual process.

    Is it really that difficult to grasp?

    Agreements through force aren't. If a common heritage is essential for a country, then why is there no "elvis" nation? he has many fans with a common culture etc If things exist with a common heritage but no country, then they cannot be needed for a country to exist. They must be incidental.
    It could be, if they organised themselves well enough, segregated, created their own borders, secured them and eventually reached an agreement with the rest of the original country.

    Have you heard of the Balkans?
    You can only have heritage etc once the border has been drawn, as it's based on the arbitary illusion that a country is. So it's incidental to the country.
    Er no, the people and the place can have heritage etc. The country is created to encompass all of that.

    So a child without a birth certificate is a citizen? Can people be citizens without beng born within the fictional borders of the "country"? If they can then that can't be what makes them citizens.
    In theory yes but without a birth certificate/registration it prove rather tricky for them to enjoy a number of rights/benefits. And yes, others who were not born there can become citizens of their country of residence, if they meet certain criteria which varies from country to country.

    It's not that difficult to grasp is it? I'm sure even you were aware of this...

    Belief doesn't change facts, sorry. When everyone thought the world was flat it didn't make it so, everyone thinking that there are countries doesn't make it so either.
    No, man can change and create facts. Man have created independent, fully functioning countries. If one person (i.e.) you doesn't like it still doesn't change the fact that countries exist and are very much real. And no amount of foot stomping is going to change this I'm afraid.

    No there haven't. There have been countless things reformed by man but none ever created.
    Countries exist. Art exist. Love exists. Airplanes exist. Washing machines exist. Etc etc etc ad infinitum.

    Which bit of it? The physical stuff is there, sure.
    How about the abstract part of it (i.e. the artist creating a piece of art out of some wegded nuts and bolts)?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You can create something, if you light a match you create light and heat.

    No, you transfered the energy from the sulphur into heat, light and smoke. Total exchanges are always equal.
    If you are arguing that all matter is mearly energy and changes only form then perhaps you could give us your feelings on string theory?

    String theory is bollox, top to bottom. It's all made of the same stuff, moving at different speeds to create the differnt qualities we know and love. Halfwit physicists misunderstood relativity.
    In most cases, no. It's been a gradual process.

    Really? how do youy know?
    It could be, if they organised themselves well enough, segregated, created their own borders, secured them and eventually reached an agreement with the rest of the original country.

    No, you said that a group with mutual "culture" was a country. i pointed out that this isn't always the case, and so must be incidental to it. In fact, you can have a country where large parts have NO shared culture, so culture isn't relevant to the existence of a country.
    Have you heard of the Balkans?

    That fictitious area with imaginary borders? yes of course.
    Er no, the people and the place can have heritage etc. The country is created to encompass all of that.

    So the place isn't the country then?
    Countries exist. Art exist. Love exists. Airplanes exist. Washing machines exist. Etc etc etc ad infinitum.

    No, if you want it too, yes, yes, yes.
    How about the abstract part of it (i.e. the artist creating a piece of art out of some wegded nuts and bolts)?

    In the head of the viewer, nowehre else. And they are entitled to have their delusions, just not to force me to join in.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Really? how do youy know?
    Thanks to a basic grasp of history.

    No, you said that a group with mutual "culture" was a country. i pointed out that this isn't always the case, and so must be incidental to it. In fact, you can have a country where large parts have NO shared culture, so culture isn't relevant to the existence of a country.
    Not always but it often plays a major part. As I have explained to you before, there are many contributing factors to be considered.

    That fictitious area with imaginary borders? yes of course.
    Real area with real borders to everyone else. Imaginary to you and you only.

    So the place isn't the country then?
    Yes it is.

    No, if you want it too, yes, yes, yes.
    Ah so man can create things.

    Will you make your mind up?

    In the head of the viewer, nowehre else. And they are entitled to have their delusions, just not to force me to join in.
    Just as the entire world has delusions that countries exist, eh?

    I thought so.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks to a basic grasp of history.

    Not always but it often plays a major part. As I have explained to you before, there are many contributing factors to be considered.

    And I am dismissing the idea of coutries a point at a time, that's one down. We now know that a shared culture isn't a part of a country, so what other reasons do you have for saying that there is one?

    We have already dismissed the agreement and consensus arguments, as you cannot substatiate your claims in any way shape or form.
    Real area with real borders to everyone else. Imaginary to you and you only.

    Real how? If i drive towards "scotland" there isn't a frigging forcefield or blue glow to let me know when i am in "scotland" it looks just the same as "england".
    Yes it is.

    If the place is the country, then how come the place was there before the country? Because the "country" is an arbitary, imaginary distinction present nowhere in the real world.
    Ah so man can create things.

    No, but those things can exist. It's not the same at all.

    Seriously, apart from the "feeling" that countries exist, do you have any other proof whatsoever that I can sense?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    You asked how do I know it's been a gradual process. I told you that a basic grasp of history will tell you that the creation of countries did not happen overnight out of thin air. Countries took shape over long periods.

    And I am dismissing the idea of coutries a point at a time, that's one down. We now know that a shared culture isn't a part of a country, so what other reasons do you have for saying that there is one?
    for the hundred and twentieth millionth time, mutual consensus/ agreements between its people and that of other countries.

    Do you really have that serious a reading comprehension problem?
    We have already dismissed the agreement and consensus arguments,
    Have we really? That's news to me and everyone else who is reading this thread... :rolleyes:

    Real how? If i drive towards "scotland" there isn't a frigging forcefield or blue glow to let me know when i am in "scotland" it looks just the same as "england".
    As it has been pointed out to you many times, just because you cannot feel or touch something it doesn't mean it's real.

    Try again.

    If the place is the country, then how come the place was there before the country? Because the "country" is an arbitary, imaginary distinction present nowhere in the real world.
    Er.. no. The country was created by man after the place.

    Do you enjoy going round in circles or something?

    May I suggest a drive through this:


    It looks like your kind of thing.

    No, but those things can exist. It's not the same at all.
    Er.. yes it is. And earlier you said man cannot create things, only transform them.

    Make your mind up.
    Seriously, apart from the "feeling" that countries exist, do you have any other proof whatsoever that I can sense?
    Yes. You can see the international borders drawn on a map. Or you can feel the paper in which it is all written down and explained to you (for instance, an encyclopaedia or a history book, or even your passport).

    Good enough?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    for the hundred and twentieth millionth time, mutual consensus/ agreements between its people and that of other countries.

    What was the first country? if it's defined by agreements with other countries, then you are saying that they have always been there, which MUST be false. Because you admit -
    Er.. no. The country was created by man after the place.

    So, how do you make a country? You cannot tell me when and where a country was made, as you cannot point to any example of mutual agreement or consensus. Btw, does an agreement made by your grandfather have any power over you?
    Do you really have that serious a reading comprehension problem?

    I was thinking the same thing.
    As it has been pointed out to you many times, just because you cannot feel or touch something it doesn't mean it's real.

    And i asked for a list of those things which exist but which cannot be sensed in any way. I am still waiting.
    Er.. yes it is. And earlier you said man cannot create things, only transform them.

    By making art you take raw materials and transform them into new shapes, at no point do you have less stuff in the world or more stuff in the world. So, you don't create anything, you transform it from one form to another.

    It comes down to this I think. You think that there is more than the physical world. I don't. If I can't sense it, it ain't there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This is just my theory but i think countries came about when groups of humans inhabit certain areas, farm that land, speak their own language, practice their own traditions, they then lay claim to the land around this where people live, then people from different areas around that lay claim to theirs and so on and so on, not sure how the first countries came about though so can't say much
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    It comes down to this I think. You think that there is more than the physical world. I don't. If I can't sense it, it ain't there.

    so you don't believe we live on the planet earth then, there must be exceptions to your theory of countries then, you must believe in Australia, Greenland, Indonesia, there are no fictious borders surrounding them
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    What was the first country? if it's defined by agreements with other countries, then you are saying that they have always been there, which MUST be false. Because you admit -
    No, of course they haven't always been there. And of course, the first country to be created didn't much have to clear with other countries. I suspect at the beginnings there were simply territories controlled by different factions, followed by Empires in some places and cases, followed by breakup of Empires, followed by alliances between local rulers to form kingdoms.

    Other places with natural boundaries such as islands would have had different origins of course.

    Is that a little bit clearer?

    So, how do you make a country? You cannot tell me when and where a country was made, as you cannot point to any example of mutual agreement or consensus. Btw, does an agreement made by your grandfather have any power over you?
    You're getting supremely tedious.

    Here: Spain , created in 1580 and in its present form since 1640.

    Now I suggest you spend some time researching and reading the wonderful wikipedia.com, or any other source of knowledge of your liking, before you make any further silly claims.

    But not to worry- I'm sure you'll find another loophole to pick up at- whether it be that you cannot 'sense' a country or that since the police cannot protect you 24 hours a day and return any stolen stuff, you are therefore not a citizen and therefore countries don't exist either (LOL).

    And i asked for a list of those things which exist but which cannot be sensed in any way. I am still waiting.
    You can wait as long as you want. It has bugger all to do with the argument of whether countries "exist", and in any case I've already told you I can sense my country. Case closed.

    By making art you take raw materials and transform them into new shapes, at no point do you have less stuff in the world or more stuff in the world. So, you don't create anything, you transform it from one form to another.
    Wrong. Bolts and nuts in a box don't constitute art. Bolts and nuts assembled in a certain way do constitute art.

    Aluminium and fossil fuel in their initial state don't constitute a flying machine. But man has used this materials to build, to create airplanes.

    Etc etc etc etc...
    It comes down to this I think. You think that there is more than the physical world. I don't. If I can't sense it, it ain't there.
    Unfortunately you are neither God nor the ultimate decider of what exists or not. You have already changed your own rules from whether an individual can sense something to whether you can sense something, with regard to whether something exists or not. Everyone else in the world appear to have no problem sensing other things, so it would appear that you have a sensory problem, rather than the rest of the world imagining things that don't exist.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is that a little bit clearer?

    Clear as mud. Countries are man made inventions, this much you say but you can't tell me how they are made or give any details.
    Here: Spain , created in 1580 and in its present form since 1640.

    You must have the wrong link. That goes on about spain like it exists already.
    The unification of Iberia was complete when Carlos I's son, Felipe II, became King of Portugal in 1580, as well as of the other Iberian Kingdoms (collectively known as "Spain" since this moment).

    It assumes that the Iberian kingdoms existed. They couldn't have. It also assumes that one man can call into existence borders etc, which is fine, he can for him at the time, but what's that got to do with me?
    Wrong. Bolts and nuts in a box don't constitute art. Bolts and nuts assembled in a certain way do constitute art.

    Wrong. you decide if something is art, it;'s a property of your perception, not of an object. Like colour etc.
    You can wait as long as you want. It has bugger all to do with the argument of whether countries "exist", and in any case I've already told you I can sense my country. Case closed.

    You can, I can't. Therefore you are delusional. See a shrink.
    Aluminium and fossil fuel in their initial state don't constitute a flying machine. But man has used this materials to build, to create airplanes.

    That isn't creation, it's formation.
    Unfortunately you are neither God nor the ultimate decider of what exists or not. You have already changed your own rules from whether an individual can sense something to whether you can sense something, with regard to whether something exists or not. Everyone else in the world appear to have no problem sensing other things, so it would appear that you have a sensory problem, rather than the rest of the world imagining things that don't exist.

    Yeah, ok. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Klintock, you didn't answer my post, what is your view of Australia, London, Earth and Sun.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Klintock, you didn't answer my post, what is your view of Australia, London, Earth and Sun.

    Sorry mate i missed it.

    Here we go -

    Of course we are on the earth, going around the sun, but it's all one big experience, indivisible. I know that the ground is there, but all the names for it, the borders etc are all imposed fictions and found nowhere in the real world.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    by that definition, there are no such things as tables, chairs, lamposts etc etc because someone we don't know named them, in fact what i'm writing now is jibberish
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    by that definition, there are no such things as tables, chairs, lamposts etc etc because someone we don't know named them, in fact what i'm writing now is jibberish

    Correct. Well done. You choose to see a table and it's there. in fact a lot of your early years are spent learning common perceptions so you can operate usefully in the world. the world itself is one great big blob though, and those perceptions are put on top of it by your mind.

    Theres a big difference between seeing a table and firewood. The table as opposed to a country has the advantage of having a physical presence though. What a country is an attempt to do is to mentally mark off areas of a table like that distinction actually exists, which is of course quite feasible to get people to behave as though there are marks on the table that can't be seen. It's not true, it's not a fact, and it's not always useful. It's an optional perception, an opinion.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Correct. Well done. You choose to see a table and it's there. in fact a lot of your early years are spent learning common perceptions so you can operate usefully in the world. the world itself is one great big blob though, and those perceptions are put on top of it by your mind.

    Theres a big difference between seeing a table and firewood. The table as opposed to a country has the advantage of having a physical presence though. What a country is an attempt to do is to mentally mark off areas of a table like that distinction actually exists, which is of course quite feasible to get people to behave as though there are marks on the table that can't be seen. It's not true, it's not a fact, and it's not always useful. It's an optional perception, an opinion.

    what about Australia though, it's land mass, someone called is Australia

    well maybe you're right, but don't you think that how we see things, and how perfect life is that it all just becomes real?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    what about Australia though, it's land mass, someone called is Australia

    And if they want to see it that way then fine, all I ask is that they don't foist there delusion or reality onto other people. You are saying "australia" like it's seperate from the water that laps on to it's beaches, that the distinctions you are amaking are present in the world.
    well maybe you're right, but don't you think that how we see things, and how perfect life is that it all just becomes real?

    Don't really folow you there mate, sorry.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Don't really folow you there mate, sorry.

    nah i'm just saying that isn't it just really weird how we can look at a table and just think table, don't think of how it got there or all the other shit we've been debating, it's just a table, and even now you reading this post, makes sense so perfectly, maybe it just makes it all real...(that sounds really hippy and far out)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    nah i'm just saying that isn't it just really weird how we can look at a table and just think table, don't think of how it got there or all the other shit we've been debating, it's just a table, and even now you reading this post, makes sense so perfectly, maybe it just makes it all real...(that sounds really hippy and far out)

    yeah, it takes you a long while to learn to automatically respond in the various ways that you do. Once you learn them you do it straight away and it IS really useful. You learn how to open one door, and whenever you see anything similar you can apply the same principle and get the same result. You see a wod and you "know" what it means.

    The problem lies when you are doing this stuff automatically and you have made a mistake. It's where a lot of problems come from, both personal and political. The country one is a biggie in the political arena, because

    1) Few people are aware of it.

    2) It causes massive cognitive dissonance and resistance when the truth comes out.

    3) It disempowers the average man or woman and puts all power into the hands of a few individuals and will do so over and over again til it's sorted.
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