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Davis: Multiculturalism is outdated.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    They exist because the people who benefit most from them force everyone else to indulge the idea.
    Not saying that isn't the case.
    They do exist. They're not real though.
    Try telling that to klintock ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    During the Crusades, the Knights Templar destroyed one of their own ships, killing 140 Christians in order to kill ten times as many Muslims.

    I'm stull trying to work out how this would work with a Crusade-era ship. Did they have explosives?

    I reckon you could make a case for the 600 Spartans who defended the pass at Thermopylae being the first recorded suicide squad...

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm stull trying to work out how this would work with a Crusade-era ship. Did they have explosives?

    Wood burns, doesn't it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They do exist. They're not real though.

    Okay any other things that both exist and aren't real?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I reckon you could make a case for the 600 Spartans who defended the pass at Thermopylae being the first recorded suicide squad...


    Fighting to the death, rather than surrendering, is not the same as suicide. After all there always remains a chance, however small, that the enemy will decide that the cost isn't worth it and run away. Not the same with explosive belt.

    Though as an aside I've always loved the quote:

    Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
    that here, obedient to their laws, we lie
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Ok, what's your proof that the boundaries between "countries" exist and when and where did you get it?
    Buy yourself an atlas. You'd be surprised.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    I have no problme with the concept of nations. As a concept. Do people really think about them as the arbitary, man made delusions that they are though? No, they think they are facts and act accordingly.
    Not much choice even if they didn't want to though is there?

    All law is based on the idea that the contry exists first, and then the "laws" are applicable in that country. Agreement between who? When and where was this agreement made and what has it got to do with me? How can a "law" that only operates within a "country" be used to make a country up in the first place?
    Frankly I don't care about that any more than I care about the egg/chicken argument. I was just telling you that countries exist, and to say otherwise doesn't make a lot of sense.

    However if you intend to walk between, say, the territory known as USA and the territory known as Canada and a border patrol stops you and demands documents and visas, I'm sure you can explain all of the above to the guard and convince them that since countries don't really exist there is no need for documents, visas or border controls. ;)

    So theres no evidence for it.
    There is no evidence for pain. Or for thoughts. Or for imagination. Or for desire. So nothing of that really exists either. Right?

    I agree completely. Most people do just fine without it. Some people don't though, ask the millions of dead this century alone, all of them dead for a fiction.
    As you know well I was referring to the lack of a physical barrier.

    Presumably China must almost exist in your book, since they have a good solid tangible Wall across much of its border. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    NQA wrote:
    Fighting to the death, rather than surrendering, is not the same as suicide. After all there always remains a chance, however small, that the enemy will decide that the cost isn't worth it and run away. Not the same with explosive belt.

    Normally I'd agree with you but in this case there were 170,000 Persians facing 600 Spartans - there really was only one outcome.

    ...And Kermit, yes wood burns, but how do you turn a burning ship into a means of killing 1000 people in a water-based environment?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Buy yourself an atlas. You'd be surprised.

    I've got one. And some tip-ex. You are now in the people's republic of legoland. Of course I don't have armed men and a school system to force feed you my delusion so you are stuck with the one you've got.
    Frankly I don't care about that any more than I care about the egg/chicken argument. I was just telling you that countries exist, and to say otherwise doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Apart from being the truth of course.
    However if you intend to walk between, say, the territory known as USA and the territory known as Canada and a border patrol stops you and demands documents and visas, I'm sure you can explain all of the above to the guard and convince them that since countries don't really exist there is no need for documents, visas or border controls. :)

    Oh good lord no. They are much too stupid and vicious to be reasoned with. Useful idiots I believe they are reffered to as. Luckily it's not up to me in that case to prove anything, it's up to the prosecution to prove that it does.
    There is no evidence for pain. Or for thoughts. Or for imagination. Or for desire. So nothing of that really exists either. Right?

    Lost me there. I was talking about the delusion known as "countries" you seem to want to go down some metaphysical road for some reason. On the other hand, I can sense all of those things, but I cannot sense a country. Mine has practical real world effect, yours is teenage meandering.
    As you know well I was referring to the lack of a physical barrier.

    Exactly. It's only in your head, and the heads of those who also believe in it. The problem always lies when you pick up a gun to enforce your delusion onto me. It would be wrong for a religious nutcase to do that, why is it ok for a believer in "countries" to do it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    ask the millions of dead this century alone, all of them dead for a fiction.

    I've tried. Frankly they're being a little uncommunicative...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :lol: :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:

    I've got one. And some tip-ex. You are now in the people's republic of legoland. Of course I don't have armed men and a school system to force feed you my delusion so you are stuck with the one you've got.
    And of course if you did have armed forces and the necessary resources to 'impose' a People's Republic of Legoland, it would become a reality and exist.

    See? It is really not that complex to create a country and to make it exist.

    Apart from being the truth of course.
    No is not I'm afraid.

    Oh good lord no. They are much too stupid and vicious to be reasoned with. Useful idiots I believe they are reffered to as. Luckily it's not up to me in that case to prove anything, it's up to the prosecution to prove that it does.
    It was proved hundreds of years ago and has been a very real and existing reality since. Of course, no one can force you to believe otherwise...

    Lost me there. I was talking about the delusion known as "countries" you seem to want to go down some metaphysical road for some reason. On the other hand, I can sense all of those things, but I cannot sense a country. Mine has practical real world effect, yours is teenage meandering.
    You will find that there are countless millions of people, including myself, who can 'feel' a country. Sorry. Still as real as ever.

    Exactly. It's only in your head, and the heads of those who also believe in it. The problem always lies when you pick up a gun to enforce your delusion onto me. It would be wrong for a religious nutcase to do that, why is it ok for a believer in "countries" to do it?
    Like anything else I'm afraid. Property, life itself... how dare people tell me there is such thing as property, that I cannot take what I please and live in any house I please... all imposed by law, gun and force...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And of course if you did have armed forces and the necessary resources to 'impose' a People's Republic of Legoland, it would become a reality and exist.

    No, it wouldn't. Just no one would be able to argue about it without getting hurt. Not quite the same, though fundametalist groups have been trying the same method for most of history.
    See? It is really not that complex to create a country and to make it exist.

    It's not difficult to get people to act like rabbits either, if you hold a gun to their heads. Doesn't mean a thing really.
    No is not I'm afraid.

    Just your opinion til you show me some facts i am afraid.
    It was proved hundreds of years ago and has been a very real and existing reality since.

    Excellent. Can I have that proof please.
    Of course, no one can force you to believe otherwise...

    No, but you can force me to agree with it behaviourally. Which is what this is all about. Do you have the right to force your delusions or realities on another person against their will?
    You will find that there are countless millions of people, including myself, who can 'feel' a country.

    Interesting. Where do you feel it?
    Sorry. Still as real as ever.

    It's real because you feel it? Now I am intrigued. So, if you didn't feel it it wouldn't be real?
    Like anything else I'm afraid. Property, life itself... how dare people tell me there is such thing as property, that I cannot take what I please and live in any house I please... all imposed by law, gun and force...

    If there's no property and you cannot own anything, why would you take other people's stuff? In fact how could you? To be consisitent in that belief you wouldn't see the point.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    No, it wouldn't. Just no one would be able to argue about it without getting hurt. Not quite the same, though fundametalist groups have been trying the same method for most of history.
    Rather simplistic and invalid comparison I'm afraid.

    It's not difficult to get people to act like rabbits either, if you hold a gun to their heads. Doesn't mean a thing really.
    It does to just about every person in the world but you. But of course, 6 billion people are wrong and you are right.

    Just your opinion til you show me some facts i am afraid.
    Seeing as you are the one making the extraordinary (and without meaning offence, breathtakingly absurd) claims that countries "don't exist", I believe you should be the one providing proof. Just as anyone who claimed that Elvis is not dead but living in sin with Nessie in the outer rings of Saturn would have to.
    Excellent. Can I have that proof please.
    Sure. Go to Heathrow, approach an airline counter and ask for a ticket to, say, New York.

    It'll all be revealed on arrival.

    No, but you can force me to agree with it behaviourally. Which is what this is all about. Do you have the right to force your delusions or realities on another person against their will?
    Sadly, in the case of countries, yes people have the right- at least regarding certain issues such as entering a country, setting up residence, crossing borders, etc. Unjust as it might seem.

    Interesting. Where do you feel it?
    Exactly in the same place where you could sense all those other things.

    It's real because you feel it? Now I am intrigued. So, if you didn't feel it it wouldn't be real?
    You tell me, you were the one claiming (in increasing desperation I fear) that, er... countries cannot exist because... er... you cannot sense them.

    If there's no property and you cannot own anything, why would you take other people's stuff? In fact how could you? To be consisitent in that belief you wouldn't see the point.
    Because they claim it's theirs? Because I might want to use it if and when I desire?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rather simplistic and invalid comparison I'm afraid.

    hmm how about addressing the point instead?
    It does to just about every person in the world but you. But of course, 6 billion people are wrong and you are right.

    You have spoken to 6 billion people? Nice one.
    Seeing as you are the one making the extraordinary (and without meaning offence, breathtakingly absurd and idiotic) claims that countries "don't exist",

    I am making the "claim" because once i ask for proof, no one has ever been able to provide any. Ever. you just failed to do so, making you thelatest in a long line.
    Just as anyone who claimed that Elvis is not dead but living in sin with Nessie in the outer rings of Saturn would have to.

    No, this is exactly the other way around. Your "6 billion people" are making a claim and I am asking for proof. You are dodging the proof thing again.
    Sure. Go to Heathrow, approach an airline counter and ask for a ticket to, say, New York.

    That is only proof that the person at Heathrow who will probably stop me believes that there is a country. I already know that people believe in it, we already agreed that that doesn't make it so. An easy analogy is - go ask a member of the spanish inquisition for proof of god.
    It'll all be revealed on arrival.

    Nice pun. :thumb:
    Sadly, in the case of countries, yes people have the right- at least regarding certain issues such as entering a country, setting up residence, crossing borders, etc.

    Circular argument. Countries exist, so people have the right to impose their will, which will make a country exist. Nice double bind.
    Exactly in the same place where you could sense all those other things.

    ? You feel what you see? I meant where in your body. in your chest? your fingers? halfway along the eyelid? Where do you feel that there is a country?
    You tell me, you were the one claiming (in increasing desperation I fear) that, er... countries cannot exist because... er... you cannot sense them.

    Misunderstanding. I cannot sense them, but you say you can. I am asking where you sense them.
    Because they claim it's theirs? Because I might want to use it if and when I desire?

    You have answered a different question. If you don't believe in ownership and property, why would you want to claim ownership or take possesion of property? Makes no sense at all.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Countries exist in the same way counties, cities, towns and villages exist, even in the same way your home exists. The country belongs to the people that live there.

    If property doesn't exist then neither does the law which governs it.

    Does that make sense?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Countries exist in the same way counties, cities, towns and villages exist, even in the same way your home exists.

    For the first 4, they don't exist either, they are arbitary drawing up of land. For the last one, the building exists, but nothing makes it mine more than anyone elses and so it's not a home in the strictest sense.

    They are usually comforting, useful beliefs, but they really aren't factually accurate or true.
    If property doesn't exist then neither does the law which governs it.

    Quite correct.
    Does that make sense?

    Absolutely spot on, but you think that those things do exist, and of course they do not. At least, not beyond the level of belief, like in santa, the tooth fairy or the big beard in the sky.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    hmm how about addressing the point instead?
    What would be the point? I could indeed explain to you that the comparison is invalid because a country exists by mutual consensus as well as countless other factors such as a common cultural identity, language(s), heritage, history and political agreements between its people and those of other countries. Countries are man made. And they exist.

    You are however desperately gripping to some utopia concept that this does not make countries- despite just about everybody else on earth thinking otherwise.

    You have spoken to 6 billion people? Nice one.
    Don't need to really do I?
    I am making the "claim" because once i ask for proof, no one has ever been able to provide any. Ever. you just failed to do so, making you thelatest in a long line.
    This is getting really tiresome and pointless... :rolleyes:

    Here's one. I could provide another 250-odd additional pieces of evidence... though it'd be a waste of bandwidth...


    No, this is exactly the other way around. Your "6 billion people" are making a claim and I am asking for proof. You are dodging the proof thing again.
    This is getting really tiresome and pointless... :rolleyes:

    Here's another one. I could provide another 249-odd additional pieces of evidence... though it'd be a waste of bandwidth...


    That is only proof that the person at Heathrow who will probably stop me believes that there is a country. I already know that people believe in it, we already agreed that that doesn't make it so.
    Yes it does.

    But feel free to sticking to such 'reasoning' if it gives you comfort.

    Circular argument. Countries exist, so people have the right to impose their will, which will make a country exist. Nice double bind.
    I'm glad you start to get it.

    ? You feel what you see? I meant where in your body. in your chest? your fingers? halfway along the eyelid? Where do you feel that there is a country?
    In my mind? In my heart? Where do you get your feelings? Or are you, like Lt. Commander Data, devoid of all emotions?

    Misunderstanding. I cannot sense them, but you say you can. I am asking where you sense them.
    See above.

    You have answered a different question. If you don't believe in ownership and property, why would you want to claim ownership or take possession of property? Makes no sense at all.
    I would not claim ownership of anything. I would go and grab something that I want and have no concern about "rights" or "ownership" about it from its previous so-called "owner".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Note to Aladdin.

    Waste of time.

    BTW It's isn't Tikka Masala which comes from the UK, I think it's Balti.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What would be the point? I could indeed explain to you that the comparison is invalid because a country exists by mutual consensus

    Where and when was it mutually consented to?
    well as countless other factors such as a common cultural identity

    Sounds good, what does it mean?

    So america and england are the same place? Or if i speak french in "london" will I be no longer in "england"?
    political agreements between its people and those of other countries.

    LOL. When was the last time you made a political agreement with france? it's done in your name right enough, but is it really anything to do with you?
    You are however desperately gripping to some utopia concept

    What utopia? That most people are in the grip of a massive, dangerous cult, desperately insane and used by a handful of clever men and women? Funny "utopia".
    despite just about everybody else on earth thinking otherwise.

    Is NOT a proof. It's an opinion. Just because everyone shares it makes it no more true than it makes the world flat if everyone thinks so.
    Here's one. I could provide another 250-odd additional pieces of evidence... though it'd be a waste of bandwidth...

    Wow. You think that some photons on a screen make a "country" and that brings it into existence? What if we removed "western australia" and replaced it with "cundelwazzoo"? What's the difference between me getting a piece of paper with shapes on and writing names on it and anyone else doing it?

    Maps are countries now? I thought they were -
    country exists by mutual consensus as well as countless other factors such as a common cultural identity, language(s), heritage, history and political agreements
    In my mind? In my heart? Where do you get your feelings? Or are you, like Lt. Commander Data, devoid of all emotions?

    It depends what feeling. Fear is a different feeling to pleasure. It starts in a different place and travels in a quite different direction and speed, among other things.
    I would go and grab something that I want and have no concern about "rights" or "ownership" about it from its previous so-called "owner".

    Why would you do that? If you knew you would never have any connection to it, then why bother? you are trying to both not have ownership and have it too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Absolutely spot on, but you think that those things do exist, and of course they do not.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You took your time with that didn't you?

    Still, nice touch. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Where and when was it mutually consented to?
    Before you and me were born.
    Sounds good, what does it mean?

    So america and england are the same place? Or if i speak french in "london" will I be no longer in "england"?
    Double yawn.

    LOL. When was the last time you made a political agreement with france? it's done in your name right enough, but is it really anything to do with you?
    Unfortunately it would be a bit tricky for tens of millions of citizens to make individual agreements tens of millions of other citizens.

    What utopia? That most people are in the grip of a massive, dangerous cult, desperately insane and used by a handful of clever men and women? Funny "utopia".
    Whatever you say.

    Is NOT a proof. It's an opinion. Just because everyone shares it makes it no more true than it makes the world flat if everyone thinks so.
    Not quite. Agreements are made when people share a common goal and beliefs. That you don't believe in such things doesn't make the agreement any less real.

    I am afraid that you don't have any right whatsoever to tell the French that France doesn't exist. Well, let me rephrase that. You do have the right to say it- it would have have zero validity.

    Wow. You think that some photons on a screen make a "country" and that brings it into existence? What if we removed "western australia" and replaced it with "cundelwazzoo"? What's the difference between me getting a piece of paper with shapes on and writing names on it and anyone else doing it?
    If the people of Western Australia wanted independence from thee rest of Australia and to change their name to Cundelwazzoo, they might get their wish and get their own country named just that.

    You, I'm afraid, have little power to do so.
    Maps are countries now? I thought they were -

    It depends what feeling. Fear is a different feeling to pleasure. It starts in a different place and travels in a quite different direction and speed, among other things.
    Thanks that fascinating piece of information. But let's not detour further from this particular point. Earlier you appeared to be implying that since countries couldn't be sensed they did not exist. I'm telling you I can sense my country. So therefore it exists.

    Why would you do that? If you knew you would never have any connection to it, then why bother?
    Because I felt like it at the time?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    You took your time with that didn't you?

    Still, nice touch. :D
    I bet it's your favourite movie.

    In it, lots of things don't exist. Not even spoons.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I bet it's your favourite movie.

    Nah fave is the colour of money.
    In it, lots of things don't exist. Not even spoons.

    This begs the question -

    Why have the idea of soup?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    If the people of Western Australia wanted independence from thee rest of Australia and to change their name to Cundelwazzoo, they might get their wish and get their own country named just that.

    You, I'm afraid, have little power to do so.

    I'm glad you mentioned this.

    I think I've said it before. I think its true, I remember reading it in The Age about six years ago. A Aussie ranch farmer resented paying tax, so he demanded his independence. The Aussies agreed whole-heartedly, and allowed him to be a separate country. And then put a border guard at his front gate, and refused him a visa:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Before you and me were born.

    So we were not part of the agreement then? So how is it binding upon us?
    Unfortunately it would be a bit tricky for tens of millions of citizens to make individual agreements tens of millions of other citizens.

    yes I agree. So anyone who says that's what they are doing must be a liar. Stand up all politicians of all persuasions.
    Not quite. Agreements are made when people share a common goal and beliefs.

    So if there is no common goal or agreement there is no country?
    That you don't believe in such things doesn't make the agreement any less real.

    that there is no proof for this agreement, that i have never seen or igned it, never contracted it, or been informed of it's terms means it isn't real.
    I am afraid that you don't have any right whatsoever to tell the French that France doesn't exist.

    As there is no france the rest of that doesn't stand up. They can't be french if there is no france. There isn't, so I can't.
    If the people of Western Australia wanted independence from thee rest of Australia and to change their name to Cundelwazzoo

    That's not what i asked. What I asked was what's the difference between me saying it and anyone else saying it?
    You, I'm afraid, have little power to do so.

    Sure I have. I have the exact same power as any other person. pop - I have no renamed western australia. It's just as mistaken as anyone elses statement.
    Thanks that fascinating piece of information.

    No problem. It's the most important thing you have ever read for your own personal freedom, but no worries you were being .....whatever.
    But let's not detour further from this particular point. Earlier you appeared to be implying that since countries couldn't be sensed they did not exist. I'm telling you I can sense my country. So therefore it exists.

    That's right. You can sense it, in fact you said you could feel it. I cannot feel it. if only you have the feeling, then it only exists for you. if that's the basis on which you are saying it exists, of course. As you can feel it and I cannot and there is no physical world cause, it must be a delusion on your part. Or I am lacking a sense that you have, but I assure you I am unimpaired. (Insert remark here)

    Now I want to know how you sense that "country". if you feel it, then that feeling must occur somewhere within your body (unless you keep your feelings in a shoebox somewhere or something). So, where do you feel a "country"?
    Because I felt like it at the time?

    Why would you feel like it though? Feelings are caused only by yourself unless you are being physically manhandled in some way, so why would you cause that feeling?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    James88 wrote:
    Multiculturalism is certainly outdated. People from ethnic minorites often tend not to intergrate,although many do. We all live in Britain, so we should act British, yet their are people who come here and try to turn the place into little India, or little Pakistan. Has anyone been to Leicester? I felt like a foreigner in my own country, at one point an Indian man asked if I spoke Punjabi :crazyeyes . Wtf, please make an effort to learn english if you do live in England. There should only be one culture, British, yet some people don't even bother learning English, let alone acting English. Instead they stay in their own communites, rarely mixing with other people. Thankfully many people who are of foreign origin intergrate into society, and it doesn't matter what race they are, they are considered British. However many people don't which causes problems

    Multiculturalism has failed, highlighted by the 7/7 suidicide bombings. A minority of British Pakistanis and other muslim groups feel alienated and disenfranchised. The bombings would not have taken place if the ethnic communties had been properly integrated.

    How does one "act british"? What exactly is "acting British"?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There is an argument that the Liberal multiculturalist project has failed the working classes (i.e. most of us) because it seeks to concentrate on what divides us - race and culture and not look at what unites us - economic interest (i.e. class). It basically racialises what are primarily class issues and divides people against each other for the interests of the capitalist class. This however does not mean that different races and cultures can't get on - they clearly can, most cities in the UK (London especially demonstrates this).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    So we were not part of the agreement then? So how is it binding upon us?
    We all are part of the agreement I'm afraid.

    As for how is it binding, well sorry fella but life would have it that the people of certain country (or area if you must) have control over their own land, and as such have all the right in the world to, say, restrict entry for others such as you and me.

    Just as you would restrict others from entering and moving into your house.

    yes I agree. So anyone who says that's what they are doing must be a liar. Stand up all politicians of all persuasions.
    That's why we elect politicians to represent us- or most of us do anyway. Life ain't perfect.

    So if there is no common goal or agreement there is no country?
    . Not quite. It's rather more complex than that and depends on other factors, as I pointed out earlier.

    No amount of deconstructing is going to change the fact that countries are very much real and very much exist I'm afraid.

    that there is no proof for this agreement, that i have never seen or igned it, never contracted it, or been informed of it's terms means it isn't real.
    You weren't around at the time.

    As there is no france the rest of that doesn't stand up. They can't be french if there is no france. There isn't, so I can't.
    Now you're just being silly :rolleyes:

    That's not what i asked. What I asked was what's the difference between me saying it and anyone else saying it?
    For starters you are not the entire (or the majority of) the population of Western Australia, nor do you live there or have any say whatsover into their affairs.

    Sure I have. I have the exact same power as any other person. pop - I have no renamed western australia. It's just as mistaken as anyone elses statement.
    You have all the right in the world to get your tippex out and rename any area you want, for course. The area or country in question will remain unchanged in real life of course, because... ^^ see previous answer.

    That's right. You can sense it, in fact you said you could feel it. I cannot feel it. if only you have the feeling, then it only exists for you. if that's the basis on which you are saying it exists, of course.
    No. As it has been pointed out to you many times already, countries exist for many reasons, not because they can be felt or sensed. I was just replying to your earlier suggestion.
    As you can feel it and I cannot and there is no physical world cause, it must be a delusion on your part. Or I am lacking a sense that you have, but I assure you I am unimpaired. (Insert remark here)
    What can be done? Some people have no feelings...

    Now I want to know how you sense that "country". if you feel it, then that feeling must occur somewhere within your body (unless you keep your feelings in a shoebox somewhere or something). So, where do you feel a "country"?
    When you feel 'good', where do you feel it?

    Well, that's exactly where I feel my country.

    Next question?

    Why would you feel like it though? Feelings are caused only by yourself unless you are being physically manhandled in some way, so why would you cause that feeling?
    I'm not sure. Get your ouija board and summon the spirit of Freud. He might be able to explain.
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