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Davis: Multiculturalism is outdated.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We all are part of the agreement I'm afraid.

    Ok, when and where did you agree to it? Did you agree verbally, in writing, what did you do to agree?
    As for how is it binding, well sorry fella but life would have it that the people of certain country (or area if you must) have control over their own land, and as such have all the right in the world to, say, restrict entry for others such as you and me.

    Do you have control over your own land? Who controls it?
    That's why we elect politicians to represent us- or most of us do anyway. Life ain't perfect.

    So if you don't elect them and refuse to vote - i.e. you don't create an agreement with them, do they stop representing you?
    . Not quite. It's rather more complex than that and depends on other factors, as I pointed out earlier.

    And I asked for proof, which you still haven't even attempted to give, other than a flat assurance that"they are real I am afraid". So, what's the proof for this assertion? Given that we already dismissed the idea that people acting as if something is there doesn't make it so. After all, football players limit themselves to a marked out area while playing, but the white lines aren't a real barrier, are they?
    No amount of deconstructing is going to change the fact that countries are very much real and very much exist I'm afraid.

    Abscence of proof for this. Proof please.
    For starters you are not the entire (or the majority of) the population of Western Australia, nor do you live there or have any say whatsover into their affairs.

    Do the majority of people in WA decide what things are named and how borders are drawn up?
    You have all the right in the world to get your tippex out and rename any area you want, for course. The area or country in question will remain unchanged in real life of course, because... ^^ see previous answer.

    Which is the same as anyone else naming and drawing up borders. you can doodle on maps all day long, but go into the real world and you will find a distinct absence of anything like what you have doodled.
    What can be done? Some people have no feelings...

    Oh, I have feelings alright, just not this one. Do you feel it in your head? your chest? The tips of your fingers?
    When you feel 'good', where do you feel it?

    Starts slowly about my middle, moves about 6 inches inside my stomach amd then climbs quickly to my throat, loops back round and starts again. Was this what you had?
    Well, that's exactly where I feel my country.

    is it? Where do you feel your country? You have made the silly assumption that we feel things in the same way, which half an hour of questioning people will reveal that everyone feels good and bad in slightly different ways. As you have just slightly experienced, you can take and use other peoples if they are described wll enough. Enjoy!
    Next question?

    Pick any of the ones you have avoided and have a go at it. Ta.
    I'm not sure. Get your ouija board and summon the spirit of Freud. He might be able to explain.

    Sorry didn't work. I am not too good at auto suggestion, sorry.

    I appreciate your defence of your belief, but there really isn't any proof you are providing so i must remain sceptical.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Ok, when and where did you agree to it? Did you agree verbally, in writing, what did you do to agree?
    Be born.

    Do you have control over your own land? Who controls it?
    I do, and my fellow citizens.

    So if you don't elect them and refuse to vote - i.e. you don't create an agreement with them, do they stop representing you?
    Nope. They still represent you. Rather selfless, I'm sure you'll agree.

    And I asked for proof, which you still haven't even attempted to give, other than a flat assurance that"they are real I am afraid". So, what's the proof for this assertion? Given that we already dismissed the idea that people acting as if something is there doesn't make it so. After all, football players limit themselves to a marked out area while playing, but the white lines aren't a real barrier, are they?
    Well I told you repeated times to check and atlas; I explained what makes a country; I even wasted some of thesite's bandwidth (sorry Jim) posting maps of those maps.

    Let me point out that this whole debate is rethorical. I know there is as much chance of you admitting that countries are real as there is convincing a flat earther that the earth isn't really flat. People believe what they want to believe, and are quite happy to deny the bleeding obvious just to support their completely unsustainable position.

    Abscence of proof for this. Proof please.
    Already have, many times over. Time for you to prove they don't. Especially since you're the one making the improbable and absurd claims that fly in the face of all the evidence in the world.

    Do the majority of people in WA decide what things are named and how borders are drawn up?
    They could, if they organise themselves well enough. It all depends on how the situation develops. It can go one way or another, as countless such conflicts across the world from NI to the Basque Country to the Balcans have proven.

    Which is the same as anyone else naming and drawing up borders. you can doodle on maps all day long, but go into the real world and you will find a distinct absence of anything like what you have doodled.
    If people went into the trouble of building physical barriers (i.e. a Great Wall) would it make you happier?

    How about islands? Isn't the ocean enough natural and physical border for you?

    Oh, I have feelings alright, just not this one. Do you feel it in your head? your chest? The tips of your fingers?
    Probably in the same way as you feel your feelings- whichever they might prove to be.

    Next question?

    Starts slowly about my middle, moves about 6 inches inside my stomach amd then climbs quickly to my throat, loops back round and starts again. Was this what you had?
    Slightly different- but then I guess it varies from person to person.

    is it? Where do you feel your country? You have made the silly assumption that we feel things in the same way, which half an hour of questioning people will reveal that everyone feels good and bad in slightly different ways. As you have just slightly experienced, you can take and use other peoples if they are described wll enough. Enjoy!
    Er... whatever. :confused:

    You'll have to live with the fact that I can feel my country. Therefore, according to your logic, at least one country exists. Sorry fella.

    Pick any of the ones you have avoided and have a go at it. Ta.
    Which ones would those be?

    Incidentally for all your demands of evidence you haven't proved yet that countries "don't exist". I eagerly await proof...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Be born.

    So you made an agreement in the womb, before you knew speech or writing, before you understood any of these concepts and before you were legally capable?
    I do, and my fellow citizens.

    What makes you a citizen?
    Nope. They still represent you. Rather selfless, I'm sure you'll agree.

    Yes very. :yeees: Invalidates your point about the agreement though. if it's a country because you have entered into an agreement with those who represent you, then it's the agreement that creates the country. As there is no agreement needed and they are doing it anyway, then there is no country.
    Well I told you repeated times to check and atlas; I explained what makes a country; I even wasted some of thesite's bandwidth (sorry Jim) posting maps of those maps.

    And this has been dealt with many times over. Scribbling on paper doesn't change the real world one iota, no matter who does it. People can choose to believe or not (if they recognise it's just an optional belief of course) but that doesn't make it a fact, just a widely held opinion.
    Let me point out that this whole debate is rethorical. I know there is as much chance of you admitting that countries are real as there is convincing a flat earther that the earth isn't really flat.

    Countries are entirely rhetorical, I quite agree. I also know that there is as much chance of you recognising that you hold a false, unprovable belief as a flat-earther.
    People believe what they want to believe, and are quite happy to deny the bleeding obvious just to support their completely unsustainable position.

    I know. Doesn't make it exist though, and doesn't make it a fact. It's a fact that people act as though it's real, it's not a fact that that it's real. It's a useful (or not) falsehood.
    Already have, many times over. Time for you to prove they don't.

    Where? How do you prove a negative again? Or have unicorns popped into existence now? Well, you can't prove that they aren't there can you?
    Especially since you're the one making the improbable and absurd claims that fly in the face of all the evidence in the world.

    What evidence?
    They could,

    Is that a yes or a no?
    if they organise themselves well enough

    Large groups of individuals do not organise themselves though, tiny minorites organise everyone else. (As things stand) using belief, lies, threats, bribes, punishment etc etc.
    If people went into the trouble of building physical barriers (i.e. a Great Wall) would it make you happier?

    I'm unhappy? No, it would still only prove that people thought there was a country, which I already agreed was the case. The fact that the land was there before the country and will be there long after we are all dead is where it becomes a bit tricky.
    Slightly different- but then I guess it varies from person to person.

    Different how?
    You'll have to live with the fact that I can feel my country. Therefore, according to your logic, at least one country exists. Sorry fella.

    Incidentally for all your demands of evidence you haven't proved yet that countries "don't exist". I eagerly await proof...

    Ok, drive north, when you reach "scotland" notice how nothing is different. Go to the edge of where your "town" is supposed to begin and end, is there anything there that would conclusively prove that there is such a thing?

    Legally of course it's quite easy. A country is made up of citizens, who owe a duty of allegience in return for protection. As there is no agreement to protect you or anyone else, then there are no citizens. if there are no citizens, then there is no "country."



    Citizen: A native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    So you made an agreement in the womb, before you knew speech or writing, before you understood any of these concepts and before you were legally capable?
    Yep. I was quite the prodigy foetus, me.

    What makes you a citizen?
    Being alive. Be living in a country. You are one too, whether you like it or not.

    Yes very. :yeees: Invalidates your point about the agreement though. if it's a country because you have entered into an agreement with those who represent you, then it's the agreement that creates the country. As there is no agreement needed and they are doing it anyway, then there is no country.
    Whatever you say.

    And this has been dealt with many times over. Scribbling on paper doesn't change the real world one iota, no matter who does it. People can choose to believe or not (if they recognise it's just an optional belief of course) but that doesn't make it a fact, just a widely held opinion.
    Unless of course we're talking about one of those precious 'contracts' of yours, presumably. For instance one that says you own the house you live in.

    Presumably you don't after all, and anyone can move in as and when they please.

    Countries are entirely rhetorical, I quite agree. I also know that there is as much chance of you recognising that you hold a false, unprovable belief as a flat-earther.
    Whatever you say.

    Presumably something only exists if you believe so, right? Not saying it's the case here, but if the entire population of the world believed something exists but you don't, the object in question does not exist, correct?

    Do you, by any chance, believe you are God?

    I know. Doesn't make it exist though, and doesn't make it a fact. It's a fact that people act as though it's real, it's not a fact that that it's real. It's a useful (or not) falsehood.
    They exist for many reasons explained to you at length on many occasions. You on the other hand have consistently failed to provide any evidence to the contrary.

    Where? How do you prove a negative again? Or have unicorns popped into existence now? Well, you can't prove that they aren't there can you?
    A minor difference of course is that no one has seen, formed, created or even felt a unicorn, ever. Whereas countries are very much real, do very much exist and are aplenty.

    So, you will still have to prove they don't exist, just as anyone who claimed that, say, the Statue of Liberty doesn't really exist would have to prove it to the rest of us.

    What evidence?

    Is that a yes or a no?
    It's a maybe. Having reading comprehension trouble as well?

    Large groups of individuals do not organise themselves though, tiny minorites organise everyone else. (As things stand) using belief, lies, threats, bribes, punishment etc etc.
    Oh dear dear dear...

    I'm unhappy? No, it would still only prove that people thought there was a country, which I already agreed was the case. The fact that the land was there before the country and will be there long after we are all dead is where it becomes a bit tricky.
    Not really, no. :rolleyes: x 1,000,000

    Different how?
    Just different.

    *makes note to self to save the following paragraph, since it has to be used again and again and again*

    Well, since you were earlier, when running out of ideas regarding what makes a country exist or not, insinuating that you could not feel or sense a country, it couldn't possibly exist, I was telling you that I can feel and sense a country, and therefore that country exists.

    Unless of course, as I questioned above, you really are God and the ultimate decider of what exists or not.

    Ok, drive north, when you reach "scotland" notice how nothing is different. Go to the edge of where your "town" is supposed to begin and end, is there anything there that would conclusively prove that there is such a thing?
    Many things mentioned in the last 20 or 30 posts. And no, I can't be arsed to list them again. Try to read the thread.
    Legally of course it's quite easy. A country is made up of citizens, who owe a duty of allegience in return for protection. As there is no agreement to protect you or anyone else, then there are no citizens. if there are no citizens, then there is no "country."
    Who told you there is no agreement?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't say this often, but I agree with Alladin :D .
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Being alive. Be living in a country. You are one too, whether you like it or not.

    So I am a citizen because I live in the "country" and the "country" exists because we are all citizens?
    Unless of course we're talking about one of those precious 'contracts' of yours, presumably. For instance one that says you own the house you live in.

    You mean the paper and ink that is thought to be linked to my house?
    Presumably you don't after all, and anyone can move in as and when they please.

    Unless they are physically stopped, they can.
    Presumably something only exists if you believe so, right? Not saying it's the case here, but if the entire population of the world believed something exists but you don't, the object in question does not exist, correct?

    What? A country isn't an object, it's an imposed distinction about an object.

    Do you think I am saying that the ground isn't there?
    A minor difference of course is that no one has seen, formed, created or even felt a unicorn, ever. Whereas countries are very much real, do very much exist and are aplenty.

    ? Ok, lets have evidence for a country on those lines - something I can see, something I can feel.
    So, you will still have to prove they don't exist, just as anyone who claimed that, say, the Statue of Liberty doesn't really exist would have to prove it to the rest of us.

    ? The statue of liberty is a giant bronze statue. A country is an arbitary distinction imposed upon land that is unable to be sensed. How are athey akin?
    Just different.

    What differences?
    Well, since you were earlier, when running out of ideas regarding what makes a country exist or not, insinuating that you could not feel or sense a country, it couldn't possibly exist, I was telling you that I can feel and sense a country, and therefore that country exists.

    Then describe the feeling for me please. Also, how do you know that that feeling has an external cause and not an internal one?
    Unless of course, as I questioned above, you really are God and the ultimate decider of what exists or not.

    Who told you there is no agreement?

    If there was an agreement to protect me in exchange for my allegiance, then i would be able to -

    1) Ask the police to come round my house 24/7 to look after my stuff.
    2) if anything did get stolen, seek compensation from them to replace it because they failed in their end of the bargain.

    As neither of those is the case, then there is no agreement.

    If there is no agreement, then I am not a citizen, in fact no one is. If there are no citizens then there can be no state. If there is no state then there can be no nations, countries etc.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    So I am a citizen because I live in the "country" and the "country" exists because we are all citizens?
    You're getting there.

    You mean the paper and ink that is thought to be linked to my house?

    Unless they are physically stopped, they can.
    Not legally, they cannot.

    What? A country isn't an object, it's an imposed distinction about an object.

    Do you think I am saying that the ground isn't there? [/quote] No I'm not. It was a hypothetical case incidentally. Since you seemed to be implying earlier that if you cannot feel, see or sense something it cannot exist...

    ? Ok, lets have evidence for a country on those lines - something I can see, something I can feel.
    You're the one having problems seeing and feeling things that the rest of mankind does, not the other way round.

    ? The statue of liberty is a giant bronze statue. A country is an arbitary distinction imposed upon land that is unable to be sensed. How are athey akin?
    Because countries are real and they exist, unlike unicorns. And since you are the one attempting to deny the obvious and claiming something real doesn't exist, you should be the one proving all of us wrong.

    What differences?
    Impossible to explain. But they're there. Sorry that you cannot experience something similar.

    Then describe the feeling for me please. Also, how do you know that that feeling has an external cause and not an internal one?
    Impossible to explain. But it's there. Sorry that you cannot experience something similar.

    See earlier comments.

    If there was an agreement to protect me in exchange for my allegiance, then i would be able to -

    1) Ask the police to come round my house 24/7 to look after my stuff.
    2) if anything did get stolen, seek compensation from them to replace it because they failed in their end of the bargain.

    As neither of those is the case, then there is no agreement.
    Ask for the Moon as well while you're at it...

    I'm not even going to dignify point number one by commenting on it.
    2) Tough luck. Get home insurance.
    If there is no agreement, then I am not a citizen, in fact no one is. If there are no citizens then there can be no state. If there is no state then there can be no nations, countries etc.
    Oh so not only you're denying the existence of countries, you're now denying the existence of citizens- even to those who claim to be citizens.

    You're getting funnier and funnier by the minute!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just put klintock on ignore, its easier.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're getting there.

    So it's a catch 22 then? Self proving runbbish like other fundamentalist beliefs?
    No I'm not. It was a hypothetical case incidentally. Since you seemed to be implying earlier that if you cannot feel, see or sense something it cannot exist...

    Now we are getting somewhere. A country is defined by it's borders. these borders cannot be sensed. So, no countries.
    You're the one having problems seeing and feeling things that the rest of mankind does, not the other way round.

    Because countries are real and they exist, unlike unicorns.

    Wheres your proof. It's pretty simple to do surely to god?
    Impossible to explain. But they're there. Sorry that you cannot experience something similar.

    No, it isn't. Every feeling you have is a product of you shifting fluids around. So, feelings have a start and a direction, a temperature and so on. Describe to me this feeling accurately and I will recreate it for myself. So both of these comments are incorrect.
    I'm not even going to dignify point number one by commenting on it.

    2) Tough luck. Get home insurance.

    So let's get this straight. You are a citizen because you are entitled to protection from the "state" but they don't protect you? So you cannot be a citizen then, because they other end of the deal has be broken.
    Oh so not only you're denying the existence of countries, you're now denying the existence of citizens- even to those who claim to be citizens.

    Not at all, only pointing out that the deal that would make you a citizen isn't being held to, so you aren't one. Pretty simple really. If you claim to be a tenant but get thrown on the street, you aren't one, if you get sacked you aren't an employee, and if someone welches on their end of the deal then there is no agreement.
    You're getting funnier and funnier by the minute!

    Glad you think so. :yes: You amuse me also with your clinging to your belief.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    So it's a catch 22 then? Self proving runbbish like other fundamentalist beliefs?
    Just when I thought that you were starting to get it... :(

    "Other" fundamentalist beliefs? Me thinks your position is much more akin to fundamentalism than that of the rest of the world (that is to say, those of us who naturally know countries exist). At the end of the day you are the one making impossible and irrational claims in the face of logic and evidence.

    Now we are getting somewhere. A country is defined by it's borders. these borders cannot be sensed. So, no countries.
    LOL! A country is defined by many things, as it has been explained to you many times over. And in any case 'sensing' is not the ultimate deciding factor on whether something exists or not, regardless of where you got such idea. And in any case borders can easily be defined. Just arm yourself with a SPD and presto!

    And what of those countries with borders that can be sensed (i.e. islands)? I very much believe even you would be able to sense the borders of, say, Barbados, as you feet touch the water.
    See above.

    Wheres your proof. It's pretty simple to do surely to god?
    The proof, as it has been pointed out about 2 million times now, is everywhere for you to see. On maps. On books. On the arrival terminal of a foreign airport.

    Go to a library. Browse the net. Travel a bit.

    No, it isn't. Every feeling you have is a product of you shifting fluids around. So, feelings have a start and a direction, a temperature and so on. Describe to me this feeling accurately and I will recreate it for myself. So both of these comments are incorrect.
    Er.. no feelings are nothing like that. Perhaps you were experiencing indigestion.

    So let's get this straight. You are a citizen because you are entitled to protection from the "state" but they don't protect you? So you cannot be a citizen then, because they other end of the deal has be broken.
    Yes, they can protect you as best as they can. That doesn't guarantee unlimited protection against everything, all the time.

    Is this the best you can do? Has the barrel got any bottom left to be scrapped at?

    Not at all, only pointing out that the deal that would make you a citizen isn't being held to, so you aren't one. Pretty simple really. If you claim to be a tenant but get thrown on the street, you aren't one, if you get sacked you aren't an employee, and if someone welches on their end of the deal then there is no agreement.
    And that proves I'm not a citizen exactly how?

    Glad you think so. :yes: You amuse me also with your clinging to your belief.
    Not nearly as much as you are amusing the entire membership of these forums, I suspect...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "Other" fundamentalist beliefs? Me thinks your position is much more akin to fundamentalism than that of the rest of the world (that is to say, those of us who naturally know countries exist). At the end of the day you are the one making impossible and irrational claims in the face of logic and evidence.

    No I am making a logical conclusion based on total lack of evidence. You haven't shown one single item of evidence to prove that you can have a country, You are like some 15th century preacher "everyone naturally knows god exists" blah blah blah.
    LOL! A country is defined by many things, as it has been explained to you many times over.

    So you can have a "country" without borders? Yes or no?
    And in any case 'sensing' is not the ultimate deciding factor on whether something exists or not, regardless of where you got such idea.

    A list (short as it must be) of all those things that you know exist but cannot in anyway be sensed.
    And in any case borders can easily be defined. Just arm yourself with a SPD and presto!

    Spd? What? they can be easily defined, made up said to be there, invented, created, assumed yadda yadda. Doesn't call them into actual existence though does it? the fact that you can get people to play along by force or fraud proves fack all.
    And what of those countries with borders that can be sensed (i.e. islands)? I very much believe even you would be able to sense the borders of, say, Barbados, as you feet touch the water.

    I would sense water, how would that be any different no matter what you called it?
    The proof, as it has been pointed out about 2 million times now, is everywhere for you to see. On maps. On books. On the arrival terminal of a foreign airport.

    Just like bibles and churches prove theres a god, eh? Get a grip.
    Go to a library. Browse the net. Travel a bit.

    May as well. Not a bad idea now that you mention it.
    Er.. no feelings are nothing like that. Perhaps you were experiencing indigestion.

    Yeah, they are. Or are you so insensitive to your own body?
    Yes, they can protect you as best as they can. That doesn't guarantee unlimited protection against everything, all the time.

    And when they fail you should get compensation, as you would with a private firm.
    Is this the best you can do? Has the barrel got any bottom left to be scrapped at?

    Well, you've ignored most of my other points when they have got tricky for you, evaded when you got stuck and just parroted previous shit back at me. you still haven't provided any proof. I am kind of waiting for you to put up a link for the creation of a territory (like the uk in 22) so i can pull that in bits too, but you haven't yet.
    And that proves I'm not a citizen exactly how?

    Read it again, get someone to help you if you need.
    Not nearly as much as you are amusing the entire membership of these forums, I suspect...

    As long as we are all having fun, that's the main thing. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    multiculturalism was never in date, it was an ideal. A beautiful but unfortunately very unrealistic ideal.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The_Juice wrote:
    multiculturalism was never in date, it was an ideal. A beautiful but unfortunately very unrealistic ideal.

    Explain, expand?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    No I am making a logical conclusion based on total lack of evidence. You haven't shown one single item of evidence to prove that you can have a country, You are like some 15th century preacher "everyone naturally knows god exists" blah blah blah.

    So you can have a "country" without borders? Yes or no?
    Let's save ourselves some time:

    me: no, you need borders

    you: well there you are blah blah, I cannot see borders therefore borders do not exist therefore countries don't either

    me: as it has been pointed out many times before, borders do exist whether you can 'sense' them or not.

    See? That's at least two further posts we've advanced in a moment.

    A list (short as it must be) of all those things that you know exist but cannot in anyway be sensed.
    How about you provide some of the evidence asked of you about 200 times, before you ask anything else of others?

    Spd? What? they can be easily defined, made up said to be there, invented, created, assumed yadda yadda. Doesn't call them into actual existence though does it? the fact that you can get people to play along by force or fraud proves fack all.
    (Satellite Positioning Device). Er yes it does. You're still failing (deliberately or otherwise) to see it.

    I would sense water, how would that be any different no matter what you called it?
    Congratulations! You've just sensed your first border.

    Just like bibles and churches prove theres a god, eh? Get a grip.
    Only that countries can be found everywhere (unlike God).

    You are the one in desperate need of a grip. Since about yesterday morning.

    May as well. Not a bad idea now that you mention it.
    Perhaps that's where you have gone wrong.

    Yeah, they are. Or are you so insensitive to your own body?
    Er no they aren't. Perhaps you are an android and haven't realised. It doen't work as 'moving fluids' for me or any other human being I have ever encountered.

    And when they fail you should get compensation, as you would with a private firm.
    Life ain't perfect.

    Anyway, is this your ultimate proof that countries don't exist? LOL!

    Well, you've ignored most of my other points when they have got tricky for you, evaded when you got stuck and just parroted previous shit back at me. you still haven't provided any proof. I am kind of waiting for you to put up a link for the creation of a territory (like the uk in 22) so i can pull that in bits too, but you haven't yet.

    Try to read the thread again.

    Read a bit of history while you're at it. With age-old countries like the UK history can get boring, that's the only thing.

    Read it again, get someone to help you if you need.

    As long as we are all having fun, that's the main thing. :D
    You got that right.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Name all the things you know exist that have never been in some way sensed.
    How about you provide some of the evidence asked of you about 200 times, before you ask anything else of others?

    Ok. There is no tangible physical, real world evidence that there are borders. So there is no evidence for countries, because without borders countries cannot be.
    See? That's at least two further posts we've advanced in a moment.

    Should have been sorted pages ago, but you are struggling a little.
    (Satellite Positioning Device). Er yes it does. You're still failing (deliberately or otherwise) to see it.

    I am sorry, what does your position on the face of the earth have to do with countries? Call the areas what you want, you will still be in the same place.
    Only that countries can be found everywhere (unlike God).

    For the last thousand years or so, yeah people have arbitarily divided land up into sections and pretended that it means anything. Until then no one had thought of the idea.
    Read a bit of history while you're at it. With age-old countries like the UK history can get boring, that's the only thing.

    The current "uk" was said to be invented by the signing of documents in 1922. this wiped out the old "countries" and replaced them with a new one, just as fictional as the previous ones.
    Er no they aren't. Perhaps you are an android and haven't realised. It doen't work as 'moving fluids' for me or any other human being I have ever encountered.

    Please tell me how you sense changes in your feelings without changes in temperature, direction, location etc in your body. Looks like you are the android. You certainly seem well programmed.
    Anyway, is this your ultimate proof that countries don't exist? LOL!

    No, that was in answer to your insane assertion that there were citizens.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock doesn't seem to understand abstraction and symbolism, i think he's autistic or something
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:

    Name all the things you know exist that have never been in some way sensed.
    To prove what exactly?

    I have already told you a million times that I can sense my country.

    Therefore my country exists.

    End of.

    And don't even think of replying "but can you sense its borders because if not the country cannot exist because countries without borders cannot exist and blah blah blah". That's a paradox for YOU to solve, since you appear to claim that the only basis for something to exist is whether it can be sensed or not.

    P.S. Not that a country exists because anyone can sense it, but since you seem to be dragging this debate to such astonishingly surreal and absurd levels...

    Ok. There is no tangible physical, real world evidence that there are borders. So there is no evidence for countries, because without borders countries cannot be.
    Oh look... just as I imagined. I promise I hadn't seen this when I typed the above reply... :D

    Should have been sorted pages ago, but you are struggling a little.
    Mr Black... Mr Kettle...
    I am sorry, what does your position on the face of the earth have to do with countries? Call the areas what you want, you will still be in the same place.
    Depending on where you go, you'll be in one country or another, naturally...

    For the last thousand years or so, yeah people have arbitarily divided land up into sections and pretended that it means anything. Until then no one had thought of the idea.
    So what? Are you a Creationist? You don't believe mankind can create but only God?

    The deeper you get into this, the more you come across as a fundamentalist. Which is bizarre because judging by your general comments about religion I didn't think you were.

    The current "uk" was said to be invented by the signing of documents in 1922. this wiped out the old "countries" and replaced them with a new one, just as fictional as the previous ones.
    Fictional to you. Real to the rest of mankind. But of course, you are right and everyone else is wrong.

    Please tell me how you sense changes in your feelings without changes in temperature, direction, location etc in your body. Looks like you are the android. You certainly seem well programmed.
    I sense them in completely different ways as I sense other things.

    Next question?

    No, that was in answer to your insane assertion that there were citizens.
    Did I hear the word insane?

    I thought you of all people would have applauded the right of individuals to see themselves as anything they wanted. But no, apparently several billion people who see themselves as citizens are nothing of the sort.

    Must be very frustrating to live on a planet where you are the only person who has the slightest clue of anything while everyone else lives in a permanent state of delusion. You must feel very lonely.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wow. I'd have given up by now if I were you Aladdin.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm having fun. I'm also happy to 'agree to disagree' on million on subjects. But I'm not so prepared to do so regarding this any more than I'd be prepared to do so when talking to someone who says the Moon is made of cheese.

    Though ultimately I know it'll get nowhere of course.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have already told you a million times that I can sense my country.

    And refused to give me details....
    Therefore my country exists.

    And I cannot sense a country, therefore it doesn't.
    And don't even think of replying "but can you sense its borders because if not the country cannot exist because countries without borders cannot exist and blah blah blah". That's a paradox for YOU to solve, since you appear to claim that the only basis for something to exist is whether it can be sensed or not.

    It's not a paradox at all. I know of nothing that is that doesn't have a sensory basis. Do you?
    So what? Are you a Creationist? You don't believe mankind can create but only God?

    No I don't think man can create, you can only convert. That's physics that is.
    The deeper you get into this, the more you come across as a fundamentalist. Which is bizarre because judging by your general comments about religion I didn't think you were.

    I do indeed have very firm beliefs. One of those is that it's wrong to enforce my beliefs on others. Which leads me to the problem I have with countries etc.
    Fictional to you. Real to the rest of mankind. But of course, you are right and everyone else is wrong.

    And that proves what exactly? Only that people have beliefs and I have different ones. Doesn't alter the facts of the matter in any way shape or form.
    I sense them in completely different ways as I sense other things.

    Details please. If it's visual it'll have a colour or a brightness, contrast etc. If it's a sound it will have volume, tonal qualities etc. Kino we have already covered. taste and smell have their own components.
    Next question?

    Details as above please can i have?
    Did I hear the word insane?

    Only if you read out loud or on the inside of your head. I only read visually as a rule so i don't do that.
    I thought you of all people would have applauded the right of individuals to see themselves as anything they wanted. But no, apparently several billion people who see themselves as citizens are nothing of the sort.

    I quite agree. You have the ability to choose any reality you want. Where I have the problem is when you tell me that it is the only reality, when I am expected to comply with it under threat, when you take my time and effort to match your version of reality. By all means think that the world is divided into countries. just respect my right to think differently and behave as I see fit. (Without hurting anyone of course)
    Must be very frustrating to live on a planet where you are the only person who has the slightest clue of anything while everyone else lives in a permanent state of delusion. You must feel very lonely.

    Not really. My reality is a pretty fun place where you can do whatever you like if you can persuade others. there are only words stopping you, after all.
    I'm having fun. I'm also happy to 'agree to disagree' on million on subjects. But I'm not so prepared to do so regarding this any more than I'd be prepared to do so when talking to someone who says the Moon is made of cheese.

    So am I. I think exactly the same but in reverse.
    Though ultimately I know it'll get nowhere of course.

    It's always worth it when it's fun though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    And refused to give me details....
    Some things can't be explained. Some things are abstract.

    And I cannot sense a country, therefore it doesn't.
    I didn't know all this discussion revolved around what you could feel. I thought it applied to any of us...

    It's not a paradox at all. I know of nothing that is that doesn't have a sensory basis. Do you?

    No I don't think man can create, you can only convert. That's physics that is.
    So how do you create a work of art?

    Wait, don't tell me... art doesn't exist either.

    I do indeed have very firm beliefs. One of those is that it's wrong to enforce my beliefs on others. Which leads me to the problem I have with countries etc.
    And I have sympathy with you, believe it or not, if you don't agree with a system that determines land will be devided into countries, each with its own restrictions, rules and laws. I'm sure it can be rotten if you don't agree with doing such things. But it doesn't mean they don't exist I'm afraid.

    And that proves what exactly? Only that people have beliefs and I have different ones. Doesn't alter the facts of the matter in any way shape or form.
    It certainly gives a very interesting insight...

    Details please. If it's visual it'll have a colour or a brightness, contrast etc. If it's a sound it will have volume, tonal qualities etc. Kino we have already covered. taste and smell have their own components.
    There are other feelings, not covered by any of those senses, as they are others that might borrow from one or several of the above as well as from a particular state of mind. As I've said, far too complext to explain, and no amount of dissecting is going to point them down- or disprove they are real. Because I can assure you I feel them and they are very real.

    I quite agree. You have the ability to choose any reality you want. Where I have the problem is when you tell me that it is the only reality, when I am expected to comply with it under threat, when you take my time and effort to match your version of reality. By all means think that the world is divided into countries. just respect my right to think differently and behave as I see fit. (Without hurting anyone of course)
    Perhaps all this debate could have been avoided by better semantics on both our part. How does ''I don't recognise the authority or legality of countries to restrict or govern me, even though I acknowledge their existence'' sound to you?

    For instance, I don't recognise the authority or legality of laws restricting me from taking drugs. However it'd be nonsense to say such laws don't exist, because they do.

    Not really. My reality is a pretty fun place where you can do whatever you like if you can persuade others. there are only words stopping you, after all.
    I'd imagine that could prove quite a challenge, and a bit of a losing battle in many areas. Either that or you can play Jedi mind tricks ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lets waste no more time. What's your proof for existence?

    Before I get to anything else, natrulich.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Of countries? A combination of universal consensus, mutual agreement, own identity, history, culture, feeling and heritage that have made countries into what we know them as today.

    Going to bed now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I will let you demolish yourself using your own words in the morning, if you are game.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru


    Right let's get down to it.
    A combination of universal consensus

    Ok where and when was this consensus come to? Does it really include everyone? Proof would be good.
    mutual agreement

    Name of parties, time and place of agreement please. Content of agreement would also be good.
    own identity

    Defined by who, when and where?

    Who's culture, relative to which other people?
    feeling and heritage

    Feeling where and when specifically? Heritage from whom?
    Some things can't be explained. Some things are abstract.

    Are you saying that everyone came up with this "abstraction" entirely seperately from each other, with no communication between them whatsoever? If not, then it can be explained. Get to it then.

    BTW, -
    Lets waste no more time. What's your proof for existence?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok where and when was this consensus come to? Does it really include everyone? Proof would be good.
    Er... the proof that there is a consensus is that there are countries in existence, clearly.

    As for whether everyone is included, well yes of course they are. You can even get a shiny passport to show for it.

    Name of parties, time and place of agreement please. Content of agreement would also be good.
    The people of

    American Samoa
    Antigua and Barbuda
    [continues all the way to Z]

    Time and place varies from country to country, naturally. Roughly covering the last two millennia.

    Defined by who, when and where?
    By the people of each country, over centuries if not millennia.

    Who's culture, relative to which other people?
    The culture of each set of peoples, who form each country

    Feeling where and when specifically? Heritage from whom?
    As I've said a million times now, feeling can be from one or several places, manifested through not only the five senses we know but through other means such as state of mind.

    I'm getting rather tired of this now :rolleyes:

    As for heritage, well it comes from the people of the said country, over several centuries if not millennia. Funnily enough, just as the culture, history and identity do. :rolleyes:

    Are you saying that everyone came up with this "abstraction" entirely separately from each other, with no communication between them whatsoever? If not, then it can be explained. Get to it then.
    No it can't be explained. And yes it exists.

    Now, let's engage in a little quid pro quo shall we.

    Can we finally have:

    - your proof that countries don't exist

    - your proof that citizens dont exist :rolleyes:

    - your answer as to whether you believe abstract art exists

    In your own time...

    BTW, where is that "demolition" of myself you had promised the other day?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    No it can't be explained. And yes it exists.

    It can be explained, people like to mark off their own bit of land/stuff and say this is mine.

    Groups of people do the same thing. Its human nature.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know, I was actually responding to his questions about abstractism (real world?) and abstract concepts/objects. I get the feeling that klintock's central pillar in his argument is that things that are not concrete and tangible don't really exist- hence my asking whether he also believes abstract art doesn't exist either.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Er... the proof that there is a consensus is that there are countries in existence, clearly.

    I didn't ask for this, I asked when and where was the consensus come to. In the absence of a date and place and people to come to a consensus, there cannot have been one. That's logic that is.
    As for whether everyone is included, well yes of course they are. You can even get a shiny passport to show for it.

    Again, you have answered a different question. I asked for proof that everyone was in on the consensus (whenever and wherever it was come to), I await your answer.

    Ok we will start off with afghanistan. When are where was "afghanistan" created. Who were the people involved in it's creation and when was the agreement and consensus arrived at between them?
    Time and place varies from country to country, naturally. Roughly covering the last two millennia.

    So pick one and get on with it. Anyone you like.
    By the people of each country, over centuries if not millennia.

    By which people specifically, when and where specifically? Names, dates and places please.

    Btw, you cannot say that the people of afghanistan came up with the idea of afghanistan in afghanistan because before they agreed to it (if they ever did) it wasn't in existence, even according to your own logic.
    As I've said a million times now, feeling can be from one or several places, manifested through not only the five senses we know but through other means such as state of mind.

    States of mind are created by internal representations of the five senses, allied to the structure between them. So, there are still no things that exist that cannot be sensed either internally or externally. So, is this "country" an internal or external phenomenon?
    As for heritage, well it comes from the people of the said country, over several centuries if not millennia. Funnily enough, just as the culture, history and identity do.

    But if a country was "created" at a specific point in space and time, it's a brand new thing at that point, and so has nothing to do with them, other than being a product perhaps. You cannot have an identity with something not yet invented, you cannot be in a place not yet defined. It's history must begin at the point it's invented, just as a persons history begins when they are born.
    Now, let's engage in a little quid pro quo shall we.

    Once you answer the question I actually put to you, and not ones you made up yourself, sure. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    I didn't ask for this, I asked when and where was the consensus come to. In the absence of a date and place and people to come to a consensus, there cannot have been one. That's logic that is.
    No it's not very logic at all as you are attempting to reduce large chunks of the history of mankind to mere agreements and contracts. It doesn't work like that I'm afraid. There is certainly much more to life than your ideal of individuals signing "contracts" with each other/governments- certainly when it comes to the formation of countries. It doesn't work like that, and you know it. But you're just trying to justify your stance of course.

    Again, you have answered a different question. I asked for proof that everyone was in on the consensus (whenever and wherever it was come to), I await your answer.
    When you are born you automatically become a citizen of the country you are born in. I'm not prepared to provide "evidence" of this any more that I'd be prepared to provide "evidence" that the Sun is bright and yellow. So stop wasting my time with such pointless questions when you already know the answer (and the facts).

    Ok we will start off with afghanistan. When are where was "afghanistan" created. Who were the people involved in it's creation and when was the agreement and consensus arrived at between them?
    Google is your friend.

    So pick one and get on with it. Anyone you like.
    Google is your friend.

    By which people specifically, when and where specifically? Names, dates and places please.
    Yawn x 94,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    Btw, you cannot say that the people of afghanistan came up with the idea of afghanistan in afghanistan because before they agreed to it (if they ever did) it wasn't in existence, even according to your own logic.
    They created it. But then, you appear to believe that mankind cannot create anything, only "transform", so why are we wasting all this bandwidth?

    States of mind are created by internal representations of the five senses, allied to the structure between them.
    No they're not.
    So, there are still no things that exist that cannot be sensed either internally or externally. So, is this "country" an internal or external phenomenon?
    Yes they do- I've told you a million times, I can feel my country and it exists. And nothing you're going to say will change that I'm afraid.


    But if a country was "created" at a specific point in space and time, it's a brand new thing at that point, and so has nothing to do with them, other than being a product perhaps. You cannot have an identity with something not yet invented, you cannot be in a place not yet defined. It's history must begin at the point it's invented, just as a persons history begins when they are born.
    No, you create something to encompass the common identity, culture, roots, heritage etc of a people. As, funnily enough, it has happened all over the world with the final result of the countries we know today.

    Once you answer the question I actually put to you, and not ones you made up yourself, sure. :rolleyes:
    I've answered a million times. You're just not liking what you're hearing. Can't help with that.

    Anyways, quid pro quo please. You can add 'what do you think of the concept of "I don't recognised the validity or legality of countries but I admit they exist nonetheless" (just as I do regarding drug laws)' to the list from my previous email.
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