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Depression and Self-Harming - Please read



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i messed up an exam today. and got told off fr cuttin so much, im o drunkkkkkkkk. ud better all take care :)(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ^^ yar well take care of yourself too :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i messed up an exam today. and got told off fr cuttin so much, im o drunkkkkkkkk. ud better all take care :)(

    Take care of yourself, and don't cut when drunk.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm currently taking Avena Sativa 3 times a day to help me out recently, which is Wild Oats. They've helped me out some too...

    No idea why I'm down... The doc said that I would probably get down naturally on cycles, so I s'pose I hit my rock bottom. Feel kinda glum now as I'm pretty sure I've been spiked on Friday but whatever...

    You ever look in a mirror and the face staring back at you isn't yours? It's likes somebody has moulded plastecine on top of the features you like least and the light hits you at the most awkward angles and it makes you feel like you're staring that photograph you've always regretted being a part of.

    Ever feel like the whole world doesn't like you that much and even your shadow doesn't take you seriously?

    It's like having two fish hooks through the corners of your mouth pulling them down.

    Other times you're in a baby bouncer.





    Gemo enough for everybody?

    I feel I'm doing Ok with the depression really... I haven't self harmed for nearly three years and I've been off the solvents. I don't drink half what I used to and hardly smoke much pot anymore... I'm pretty balanced in that I can hold conversations now and I'm pretty comfortable with my own body...

    I'm not really qualified to give out therapy, but I'd like to share a few things that helped me.


    I think maybe it depends on the individual, but to me a lot of what was affecting my mood was the material that surrounded me. Certain individuals, intoxication... Even music I found affected my mood quite a bit. Ever listened to classical? Within the timbre (which is the qualities of a sound that distinguishes it from another sound) of different orchestral instruments seemed like an aspect of the human personality... The violin seems to cry, the cello sings a love song and the double base is that feeling you get in your belly when you're in a bouncy mood... But meditation to music helped distract me...

    Uhm if anybody said anything that helped me it was about changing what you can and accepting what you can't change, which helps a lot. It's what my therapist said... to list things in two categories... I can't change the fact that the sun will set and I'll be left in the dark for a while, but I can bring a torch and a flask of hot chocolate instead of going without...

    Being around nature... Mindfulness... capturing the moment. You know why cats are so cool? Because a cat can be sitting in the garden and be fascinated by something we'd hardly even notice, like a leaf falling from a tree. Being there at that time and becoming one with everything around you is pretty relaxing. Thinking about nothing but the way the wind tickles your nose and the sun warms your skin like a flower...

    Like I say, I don't want to sound patronising, nor self-indulgent. I just wondered whether reading this might help somebody a bit, or at least bring a smile to their face...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm hoping someone will reply to this pretty quick! esp ,malt monkey as you always seem to help!

    i've cut all my arm. not bad just scratches etc. some blood. forgot i need to work tomorrrow and wear short sleeved shirt......

    hpw can i heal them or cover them quicker?

    That's actually quite scary...! Saw it...clicked it...:)

    You've gotta be careful placing anything on the scratches really, as you don't want to aggrivate them - you could try to cover with some liquid foundation type make up but if they're quite open and not surface scratches then that is not something to do. Is there anyway of being able to put one of those whit bandage things that sports people tend to use to help support damaged muscles?

    Malt x :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    wear a long sleeve t shirt undet the short sleeve one. cover and say you burned it or had an allegic reaction.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    please help me

    about a week ago my doctor refered me to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service because I had quite bad depression. I'd been self-harming, loss of appitite, slurring words because I didn't see the point in speaking proplerly and just generally feeling like my life was pointless. I got my refferal through in about a week and since I'd never had a problem like that before I didn't think it was unusual to get a referal so quickly. When I got there he was really nice he talked to me not at me which was really nice and my appoinment lasted two hours. At the end of it he said to me that I wasn't what he was expecting, he was expecting someone who was quite badly depressed and explained to me what he thought was wrong. I never gave it another thought until i got home and my mum said that she was shocked that I got a referal so quickly because it can normally be about a month or two. I started to think later in that night and now I think I've waisted his time becuase I didn't get a chance to tell him about the self-harming, loss of appitite, slurring words because I didn't see the point in speaking proplerly and just generally feeling like my life was pointless. I've got another appointment because he wan't to get me properly menaly assesed, should I tell him about all i've been feeling then or would it be pointless? have I waisted his time?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you should definitley tell him how you've been feeling and that you've self harmed etc...

    you are very lucky to get an appointment so quickly because the waiting list for mine is over 6 months and he didn't even bother to put me on it. just gave me valium!
    he wants to put me on flurodextine (I think that the name of it) but my mum's friend was put on anti- depressants and she said that she doesn't fell so low anymore but she also doesn't feel happy she said that it's a middle ground and she hates it. I have another appointment next week to me mentally assesed should I tell him then or make another appointment for after that to tell him?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Tell him whenever you get the chance - if he's wanting to assess you then he's going to want to know all that's been going on - tell him on your next appointment because it's all relevant and he will need to know in order to properly understand what you're going through, how it's affecting you and how much you need his help. You have not wasted his time, you are lucky to get in so quickly but at the same time, don't feel like you've got such a rare opportunity that taking your time and going at a comfortable pace is something you shouldn't be doing cause others don't get the opportunity as quickly. You need to just be open and see that's he's here to help, which I think you understand anyway.

    If he does suggest medication, talk through your concerns, ask questions about potential side effects. There are different variations of medication that can be used with you, discuss this with him definitely.

    Hope that helps a little!

    Malt x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    there are also a couple of SH questionaires in the "we need you" forum - i just thought id put it on this thread too as more people are likely to look here maybe? in case anyone wants to share their experiences.

    oh... - ive pm'd you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know how all that feels. I hope you're ok. PM or IM me if you need anything. You're not attention seeking, don't worry, it'll be ok.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont really know how to put this into words, so i apolgise in advance if this makes no sense, and also i apolgise for wasting anyones time

    I feel so completely helpless, i think my friend may be cutting again, my other friend is acting completely strange and wont say anything, and some other so called friends are doing some heavy duty bitching.

    Also i feel like such an attention seeking cow, like my problems probably aren't that bad, and im just making them out to be even bigger than they are. But i always feel so paranoid, like everyones talking about me, and shit like that.

    And now i see all my hard work going out the window, i hadn't cut myself at all for about a month, but now i've gone and fucked that up, and i've done it on my arm where everyone can see it. So i feel even more like an attention seeking cow

    This probably makes no sense but i just needed to get that off of my chest.

    You're not attention seeking, you're not cutting for anyone elses benefit if you know what I mean - you know you're not doing it to gain other peoples attention as you're obviously regretful. Stemming away from self-harming is a difficult process and sometimes you will fall back - but don't let yourself be brought down by it - it IS hard and you know you want to stop and you have managed, even if it's for a short period of time, you still got somewhere and you just have to keep trying - don't think of yourself as attention seeking.

    Don't belittle your problems - they are real, and big to you- different things, affect different people in different ways. You can't compare their situations to your own. My ex used to compare my self-harming situation (related to relationship woes and probs with family and him) to his cousin who used to self-harm as her parents divorced, and she attempted to take her life. He said I'd had nothing to be feeling the way I was in comparison to her.

    Make sure you look after yourself. It's easy to get tied down ith others concerns and issues without looking out for yourself, and that kind of feeds the helplessness feeling.

    PM if you need to

    malt xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I finally plucked up the courage to tell my friend that I had been feeling depressed for ages and she asked me if i was sure and then when i tolder her about going to see people about it she didn't even seem bothered. I didn't want attention for it or anything i just wanted to know that when I felt down I would have some one to talk to it about. now I really feel like an attention seeker and like a user. I was going to tell my other friend (i have more than two friends (at least I think I do) I just though that they were the most understanding) but she made me think that I shouldn't because I don't want to bother them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    When I first spoke to a friend about it, she appeared understanding...but it didn't mean she understood. I could see it in her eyes, how she was trying to be the considerate friend who was willing to listen...but she couldn't relate...and so the subject came up once...and has never come up again. The only person otherwise who I've spoken to it about, is also a self-harmer, who turns all discussions onto her, and how it makes her feel, how she likes it, why she does it...etc...so I found no one to really...talk to properly about it. Some self-harmers I find 'self-centred' despite being one myself. Listening to her was what she wanted...but I never found someone who did that for me and I resented her for going on about it when I was sooo sshhhmm and told to pull myself together.

    I'm not sure what advice I can really offer, just that I never found anyone who wanted to know. It's still a big taboo issue, if my friends properly knew they'd look at me like I was a psycho, would avoid me and try to lead the subject off talking about myself - I know this because my friend is more open about her SH and makes a huge issue of it, walking out of lessons and coming back with leaflets on SH from the school counsellor that everyone sees...and she is avoided. Friends have said "She just talks about herself, all the time. Her problems, what she's doing and there's nothing we say or do that can stop her." So they just don't wanna know. I think you're best bet is to seek professional help and speak with someone...meant to listen to you. It sounds harsh but I've realised talking to those closest spooks them, adds an element of "they'll get attached to me and will try and kill themselves" and feel this edge of responsibility and being forced to look after someone with issues.

    Sorry :( I don't meant to sound so negative. I just never found anyone to talk to about it, sorta ended up on my lonesome pulling myself out...get resentful of those who pluck the courage to say something.

    You're not an attention seeker and you know it - you have a problem and you do need help to come above it, and you should be able to turn to your friends, but it just has to be a certain person - who isn't so sensitive you get them down with your problems, but is strong enough to encourage you to help yourself.

    Malt x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There's been a few posts, so I'm going to try and cover it all in one post.

    If you self-harm, you need to tell your doctor. I told my doctor and she told me how to keep the wounds clean, she made sure I was keeping the wounds clean and not getting infections, and she did a lot of leg-work to find me the intensive help that I needed. They can't help you if you don't tell them about things, and if they don't offer the help you need then you can't help yourself.

    Anti-depressants are not "happy pills", as they are jokingly called. They remove the horrible feelings, and they stabilise mood- they leave you feeling numb. If you cut because the feelings of pain and sorrow are too much then going on ADs may well help. If you cut because you feel blank and nothing then going on ADs would be counter-productive. I always believe that people should give ADs a try before writing them off, fluoxetine saved my life and the lives of many others. If they don't agree with you then fine, but try them first.

    Often telling friends about SH problems doesn't work as you'd hope, because friends don't know how to react. They don't want to say the wrong thing or try to impose themselves on you, so they go the other way and don't interact enough and don't say anything. Being told that a friend does that to themselves is horrible, and often even I don't know how to react, and I've got years of experience- a friend who has no experience of those feelings will feel completely unable to empathise or help.

    If you want to talk to someone, then I'm always at the end of a PM. I know I sound like a scary old fool sometimes, but I'm not really, and I would always listen. Most other people on this thread would be the same.

    If you want to talk to someone more professional, then The Samaritans would be a good starting point. If you don't feel able to speak with someone on a telephone, then you could try emailing jo@samaritans.org; they will reply quickly and sympathetically, and I have found that it's often easier to write down how you feel instead of talking on a telephone.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fuck. I was looking at a house yesterday and got a call saying I have to go and see a psychiatrist today (I've known since Mon that the psychotherapist was referring me on) and I'm dreading it. They're probably going to put me on ADs which I really don't want (last time they made things worse and I need to be at my best for an event I'm sort of hosting next week) and I know it's going to be really difficult and horrible.

    Must stop ranting and go now. Argh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I just go a phone call from my doctors surgery my prescription for Fluoxetine has been sent. It's really upset me . I just don't know what to do. I suppose it's more kind of shock than anything else. He said that we would have another couple of appiontment before he put me on them and I've only had one appointment. I know that the NHS is really busy but I really don't want to have on appiontment to tell me I'm taking them and then leave me to get on with it and end up staying miserable anyways. I just don't know what to do I think I'll speak to him about it tomorrow. I was so happy this morning and now I can't stop crying I know it sounds selfish of me but I just though that I'd have spoken to him more before he put me on them. I don't know anything about them and he's just put me on them what do i do?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    piccolo wrote:
    Fuck. I was looking at a house yesterday and got a call saying I have to go and see a psychiatrist today (I've known since Mon that the psychotherapist was referring me on) and I'm dreading it. They're probably going to put me on ADs which I really don't want (last time they made things worse and I need to be at my best for an event I'm sort of hosting next week) and I know it's going to be really difficult and horrible.

    Must stop ranting and go now. Argh.

    maybe they'll try a different medication?

    haven't seen you for ages (my fault) so hello :) x x x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    oh.... wrote:
    I don't know anything about them and he's just put me on them what do i do?

    First of all, you read about them on NHS Direct.

    Second of all, I'd suggest that you take them and see if they do any good. If they make you worse, or make no difference, then go back to your doctor, but it'd be a good idea to try them if you haven't before. They might work- they saved my life- or they might not.

    Thirdly, keep pestering for more treatment, don't be fobbed off by ADs alone. try and get counselling.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :( . Im feeling really shitty. And I had my first counselling session on friday and I dont know what I was expectin but it just was weird. She seemed shocked at most things I said and just ... I don't know. Will definitely keep trying with it. The Prozac/Beta Blockers seem to be doing alright bit side effecty. Just feel so frustrated all the time. And im cutting all the time. And drinking and smoking and drugging and eating and puking just bein stupid.

    [/end rant]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sunding you a hug girl_gunner
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Counsellors tend to be shocked at a lot of things, try and give them a bit of time. They are very good for low-level problems, such as homesickness or loneliness, but they aren't good for much mroe serious. But keep going, and keep trying.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeh I will. It was the little things like she said "some people have other methods of coping like smoking?" and I was like ummm I smoke and then she said it again but with drinking and I was like umm I drink.I've just gotta get my head round it all really. Had a bad few weeks and am stuck in a rut.But I'll be going every week now so it should be helpful.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey to you too.

    They did put me on Prozac but I agreed to it because it sounded like the alternative was hospital. Sigh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kirsty, please be strong and take care of yourself.

    Kate, same goes for you and just hang in there, it's really worth giving the prozac a go.

    <3 for you both x x x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The woman I saw last year couldn't even say the words self harm or "cut yourself". she kept saying "what do you feel when you....when you....when you.." and then kind of gesturing and just giving up. It was totally hopeless...how was I meant to be able to feel comfortable talking about it when she clearly wasn't?

    I'm suddenly doing it all the time again and just feeling generally crap the whole time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i get SO angry and its like a taking in a massive breath and the pain is because i deserve it! i should be punished! the scars can remind you so that you can never forget something you want to! its like when you hit someone! you get a rush! i can sit there for hours bleeding til i feel numb! its better then drugs to me!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    xapis wrote:
    The woman I saw last year couldn't even say the words self harm or "cut yourself". she kept saying "what do you feel when you....when you....when you.." and then kind of gesturing and just giving up. It was totally hopeless...how was I meant to be able to feel comfortable talking about it when she clearly wasn't?

    I'm suddenly doing it all the time again and just feeling generally crap the whole time.
    I was thinking about you the other day, actually. I hoped things had worked out.

    So sorry it's not going to plan. You must have given up for a long time, can you try to focus on that? Is there any way you can get a referral to another counsellor? Are you still at uni?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    piccolo wrote:
    I was thinking about you the other day, actually. I hoped things had worked out.

    So sorry it's not going to plan. You must have given up for a long time, can you try to focus on that? Is there any way you can get a referral to another counsellor? Are you still at uni?

    Thanks...I've been lurking around but not posting much.

    Well, I'm not at uni at the moment. I started 2nd Year and lasted about 2 months before we (the department, my family and i) decided that ending up in hospital all the time was not doing me any good and that despite the fact that i was still getting 1st class marks etc, i shoudl really take some time out. so i reluctantly suspended my studies for a year to get my head back together. it seemed to work for a while, as i was fine until just the past month really.
    i'm starting 2nd year again but at a different uni next year (couldn't face going back to the same one!). The new uni are vaguely aware of what has gone on and seem quite well set up for support, so hopefully once i'm there it'll be ok.

    for the moment i'm lonely and bored in my hometown, living with parents (and arguing all the time), friends all away at uni etc etc so no one really to talk to. i've been a bit better the past couple of days so hopefully i'll be ok...just feeling sorry for myself.

    Anyway, I hope that you find the prozac helps a bit this time round...I have been reading but never quite finding the right words to say to anyone so sorry. always here to listen though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bloody side-effects. I feel shit. :(
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