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Being discharged from MH services

Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
I hate discharge. but usually being discharged just meant i was going with a different service. like i went from CAMHS to Adult mental health - to adult eating disorders - to Personality disorders. And have relied a lot on them since i was 15. Which am grateful of. But now being completly discharged and im so sad and stressed. I don’t know if i am ready. It was only a few months ago that i kept ending up going in hospital or arrested. I feel bit better at managing crisis maybe bit of DBT helped but i feel like soon if i dont find a purpose to my life i will die
And i get attached to the staff and get so upset just the fact that i wont see them.
But then i don’t know if matters ill try by myself cause...
Maybe triggering
I feel like maybe i should tell my CC that but she will think i am saying it tostay under services and that im just an attention seeker so best not.
Im just so stressed i feel a lot of pressure to get a better life. I feel like such a failed kid. And it is embarrassing when i tell people what im doing with my life atm and i cant stand staying like it for much longer.
Feel like just getting no where 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And i get attached to the staff and get so upset just the fact that i wont see them.
But then i don’t know if matters ill try by myself cause...
Maybe triggering
I feel like ive given myself a certain time on when i want to change my life by - meaning i want a better job and to feel purpose or some kind of direction by that time. And i an trying is just hard with no money and jobs i can apply to id hate (just retail ect). And i feel like if i dont by this certain time - i will know ive tried & wont need more help and will know that life isnt for me and feel i may actually kill myself.
I feel like maybe i should tell my CC that but she will think i am saying it tostay under services and that im just an attention seeker so best not.
Im just so stressed i feel a lot of pressure to get a better life. I feel like such a failed kid. And it is embarrassing when i tell people what im doing with my life atm and i cant stand staying like it for much longer.
Feel like just getting no where 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“And when they look at you, they won't see everything you've been through. They won't see the **** that turned to scars that began to fade with time. They won't see the heartbreaking things that shook up and changed your entire world. They won't know how many tears you cried or even what it was you were crying about. They won't see how strong you had to be because you had no other choice. What they will see though is how compassionate you are because you experienced pain. What they will see is how kind you are because you experienced how cruel the world is. What they will see is how good you are because you've seen how bad things or people can be. The difference between you and your experiences are who you choose to be, despite everything that could have turned you cold and unkind.You are the good the world needs and the best of us.” ~ Kirsten Corley
Posts: 37
Boards Initiate
I can understand how scary that must be for you, I remember being discharged from being an inpatient - I was petrified. It might be helpful to talk to your CC, maybe she can help you find it less scary and prepare you for it? If you feel like your not ready I would say that to them - they might just not realise? Sending you big hugs ❤
Take care,
PianoGal xx
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
I would say i am not ready to leave services. & tbh would probably be honest. But that would completly ruin any chance of being a peer support worker as think need to not be under any service. So i cant say it. But then i feel i have a low chance of becoming one anyway😭 & then when they say i failed at trying to become a peer support worker. Would be too late & would Already be discharged
& know youre/ they would to -probably thinking - being a peer support worker isnt the best time rn then. But it is cause id find some purpose. But they will find out i cant look after my own mental health let alone others. So its all pointless really & i am deluded into thinking i have tiny chance of becoming peer support worker
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Posts: 274
The Mix Regular
The peer support worker sounds like a very interesting, and extremely fulfilling, role. What would it involve you doing?
When it comes to finding a job that will give you purpose there is usually more than one job out there that will do just that. But across all of the jobs that would give you a fulfilling life, there will be common traits/behaviours that are required in all of those jobs. So which are the aspects that most appeal to you about the peer support worker? Because maybe those aspects are transferable to some other roles too...
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
A peer support worker is someone who has been through mental health system and then helps others in the Nhs by like speaking with them listening ect and other jobs in different enviroments and sounds like a really good job. And only job like that. And somethmes the only thing i enjoy - that doesnt feel forced is on here - supporting/replying to people and thats peer sort of support. And peer level. I used to want to be mental health nurse but i think i am stupid and have no money to get anywhere even if wasnt stupid. Just A job supporting other sound good but other supportint job i think need more qualifiations
So basically is a job id really want. But probably cant get anyway. So may aswell just be honest to them tbh.
Dk. Im just really sad and dont want to be discharged as sometimes look forward to appointments and someone showing they care. And im just so lonely.
My CC was hinting at referring me back to adult eating disorder but that is differently a service id rather not use again
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
Which i do think could really help as ive never had that sort of help. I mean ive had therapy for anorexia but i didnt like the man tbh and he called me attenion seeker. And i feel like rape is what causes me to feel so bad all the time so validating all & speaking about it - could help me.
Guess i just feel stressed about life & that i could get really bad crisis again or something and will have no mental health support
Community Champion Posts: 5,217
Part of The Furniture
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
Posts: 1,171
Wise Owl
Just wanted to say I'm really glad you're looking into peer support work, you are so supportive and kind to others on here it is clear it's something you'd be really good at. With your experience of the 'system' too, I think you could really help others. Don't give up on that, I totally understand the purpose thing you're seeking as I've done the same - I didn't manage to get a job I think gives me purpose (YET), but I volunteer in my spare time which helps. You always have options, whatever life is currently throwing at you.
Glad you emailed rape crisis, let us know how you get on with them? Totally understandable to be concerned about being discharged, just because this is happening doesn't mean you aren't still worthy of support - you are. You aren't being selfish or attention seeking, I think you are just aware of your own needs and tbh that's a good thing.
- Lucy
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
All i have left is this friday of a "moving forward workshop" and then monday is my last group and thats it😭😭😭by myself all over again. I think i see my CC one last time but will be pointless when i get so upset i cant breath so cant speak.so embarrassing
Im getting really upset by it all now & yesterday kept crying thinking about it. Quite pathetic 😭😭😭😭
makes me think if i even want help from a different service if i get this sad & attached when it finishes
should get over it. Its just their job & dont give a shit about my life
Community Champion Posts: 5,217
Part of The Furniture
have you spoke to them about how your feeing being discharged? If you haven’t it might me worth a conversation as their there to make sure your discharge goes as smoothly as possible.
Your doing amazing , Keep stay strong ❤️
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
im just so sadd😭😭😭😭😭😭😭feel like no one cares if i feel better or not. Will tell me to piss off either way. Which is the way it works cause is the job. Just sad
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
Community Champion Posts: 5,217
Part of The Furniture
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
lol i don’t know how to stop crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭pretty sure im a weirdo
Community Champion Posts: 5,217
Part of The Furniture
Will be good to have that convo with them ❤️ They might be able to just have a phone call or somthing to just check in with you x
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
Community Champion Posts: 5,217
Part of The Furniture
You are doing amazing and making so much progress with joining peer support etc ! You can keep doing this I know you can 🥰
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
now realise im not even talking about being discharged from service in this thread. But it has to do with it because i want to find something before my groups end next monday
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
Inactive, Moderator Posts: 1,551
Extreme Poster
I wonder if it is worth trying to break down the things you value from the mental health support you currently have, and then see if there are ways that you can find this support through other routes? From reading your posts, I get the sense that there are strong elements of trust, empathy and regular support/guidance that you find helpful. Have I got that right?
Stepping away from support can be a daunting experience, but perhaps flipping it around and thinking about what you have built from sticking with the sessions - for example, you've identified a direction and goals of what you want to do. Whilst it may feel uncertain how you are going to get there, it's still a step closer towards where you want to be, if that makes sense
Have you come across organisations such as the Young Women's Trust? They offer free coaching either via phone, whatsapp, text or email. What coaching can do is help you work out how you reach the goals you set for yourself. You build a supportive relationship with your coach, and they help you unpick what you want to do, how you feel you can get there, and help you stay motivated. You can find out more on their website about their coaching programme (if you watch the video, you may see a shout out for a familiar organisation
Also, in terms of looking to build skills, there are some courses over on the Skills Network that you can do for free, as it is funded by the European Union. Things like this mental health course may be ones that can help you build up your CV?
Keep sharing with the community, we are all here for you
Stay strong,
I'm a community moderator. I'm here to help guide discussions and make sure Community Guidelines are followed. I can't send DMs, but you can message @TheMix or email community@themix.org.uk with questions or concerns.
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
Really helpful! 😊 Havent heard of young womens trust before. But seems really helpful for the help im looking for and signed up to it & it said they should contact me. & found their sign posting page interesting. & Cause my group therapy is occuptional think i will miss having help to find motivation & guidance as just find it so hard by myself cause not confident & dont want to give up on my goal for that i start with otherwise would feel worse.
& also the support- think i just like havin someone who cares & someone who seems interested in what i do, encorages & motivates me.
The mental health course sounds interesting too. I actually start a level 1 mental health awareness course on 28th next week. Which quite anxious about & have been trying to find level 2 for it. & just anything. And Bradford university (dont live in Bradford) but they have distance learning for a lot of level 2 courses that can do for free from home & can do how many you want. And know someone whos done that. Which i think is so good. & want to do that at some point. Theres so many can do for free. https://www.bradfordcollege.ac.uk/study/distance-learning/courses
Which all sound interesting aswell. B ut do kinda wanna do something thats not from home so i can build confidence
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
and i have the first moving forward work shop tomorrow
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
All going to go down hill now. I feel very alone. Im scared that i will feel so alone that id want to speak to someone that isnt my family so will self harm so i can go to hopsital and speak to someoen.
How fucked up is that thought
is a mess because no matter how alone i feel i still push people out of my life as dont trust people and my facebook messages are filled with peopel saying ive ignored them. Thats why i only like that social contact. My own fault
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
My appointment was because i have very low iron.
And apperently iron levels doesnt change if they take blood when youre on your period. Lol i was properly stupid thinking that / asking it ahhah. And iron wouldnt change depending on the day and would still be low apperently. So i need to actually take my pills ffs.
and she was like "your level would only be low if you dont eat or if you have heavy periods" then she realise i had eating disorder and take laxatives so then spent ages looking at her dictonery lol wtf. I think maybe my levels are low from the pills i take idk but those two reason obviously aint the only cause so i could still be dying aha.
She said she needs to forward the results to Mh service to ask if i can go on flouoxatine. Which i don’t know why cause theyre mental health. Fml just give me anti depressants lol
Posts: 15,758
Skive's The Limit
it was helpful but was really anxious. And we talked about what i do now and what motivates me and asked questions - which was kinda stressful and felt like their was right and wrong answers lol. But i feel lot better for being able to have a phone call but said can do it on whatsapp next week if is better for me and am home alone and getting to be home alone now which makes phone calls more easier.
Seems quite good tho and she was really nice.
Posts: 1,171
Wise Owl
Understand it’s disappointing not to have group therapy this week as it sounds like it was helping, but I think it’s encouraging your CC wants to meet to discuss care after discharge - do you see her soon?
Inactive, Moderator Posts: 1,551
Extreme Poster
Glad it was helpful
My understanding of coaching is that there shouldn't be a right or a wrong answer, and actually that may be a useful thing to discuss with your coach around how you feel about coaching, as this can help them work out how to support you better. Does that make sense?
I'm a community moderator. I'm here to help guide discussions and make sure Community Guidelines are followed. I can't send DMs, but you can message @TheMix or email community@themix.org.uk with questions or concerns.