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Depression and Self-Harming - Please read



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Franki wrote: »
    Too late :(.

    I'm sorry :(.

    *hug* I understand how you feel, last friday was bad for me, i went to the lengths of opening a new pack of my flatmates razors :( so i basically stole from her and made a mess. Great!

    It's started a bit of a habit now- i hadn't s/h for at least 8 months before this, but now, even though i don't feel down or like i need to be punished (my usual s/h triggers) i still feel like doing it, in some sort of sick fascination with it :/ arg!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Franki wrote: »
    Too late :(.

    I'm sorry :(.

    you know that you have other friends in life besides them, who actually care about you and could help if you'd let them?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    omg hi wrote: »
    you know that you have other friends in life besides them, who actually care about you and could help if you'd let them?
    I know. It just hit a nerve and now I'm kind of at a loss. I was really stupid last night and sent him this stupidly long text. I knew it would get ignored but I'm still upset that I've had no reply. It's like the Lewin thing all over again, except worse because I know this is my fault and I can't fix it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    skakitty wrote: »
    *hug* I understand how you feel, last friday was bad for me, i went to the lengths of opening a new pack of my flatmates razors :( so i basically stole from her and made a mess. Great!

    It's started a bit of a habit now- i hadn't s/h for at least 8 months before this, but now, even though i don't feel down or like i need to be punished (my usual s/h triggers) i still feel like doing it, in some sort of sick fascination with it :/ arg!

    skakitty *hug*
    Franki *hug*

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    skakitty wrote: »
    *hug* I understand how you feel, last friday was bad for me, i went to the lengths of opening a new pack of my flatmates razors :( so i basically stole from her and made a mess. Great!

    It's started a bit of a habit now- i hadn't s/h for at least 8 months before this, but now, even though i don't feel down or like i need to be punished (my usual s/h triggers) i still feel like doing it, in some sort of sick fascination with it :/ arg!

    *hug* *hug* *hug*
    Too late :( .

    I'm sorry :(.

    *hug* *hug* *hug*

    ily both! and if either of you ever ever ever need to talk I am here for you!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks guys :) it's just hard to predict because it comes on impulsively and quickly, but i'll try to talk xxxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    skakitty wrote: »
    *hug* I understand how you feel, last friday was bad for me, i went to the lengths of opening a new pack of my flatmates razors :( so i basically stole from her and made a mess. Great!

    It's started a bit of a habit now- i hadn't s/h for at least 8 months before this, but now, even though i don't feel down or like i need to be punished (my usual s/h triggers) i still feel like doing it, in some sort of sick fascination with it :/ arg!

    I have my own cutting kit. Blades, alcohol wipes, sterile wash capsules, waterproof plasters, and red T-shirts to wear for the next few days. The urge to cut can be hard to control. I tend to cut in a series over a couple of weeks because it is almost addictive. What prevents me from doing it sometimes is the thought that I'll have to go through the whole rigmarole of preparation and cleaning up afterwards. I lay great importance on keeping the sites clean. My psych has suggested I use rubber bands on my arm to replace the thrill of the cutting pain. It does work. The postmen leave hundreds of red rubber bands in our homes every day. I gave up smoking many years ago but I still occasionally have the craving for a cigarette. I have a similar craving to cut. I take each craving one at a time. Getting over one craving to cut means that it might be a couple of weeks before the next craving. Unless something totally stresses me to the point where I have to be able to cope with the un-copable.
    I only joined this forum a couple of days ago and I cannot possibly trawl through every posting and discussion. What I have found is a group of people who are sitting at the bottom of a well with me. Your empathy far out weighs any sympathy that non-self-harmers express.
    What I do is not wrong. It is not right either. It is my way of getting through stuff.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :( Hello all once again,
    Am I aloud to type on this thread, sorry if I'm not I had only read the first post.
    You can always delete mine if you wish. Thank you for reading on please feel free to carry on reading.

    I've been cutting my self a few timess now on my legs and armsI use it as a coping strategy which makes me feel better sometimes, I draw with the blood after and sometimes have a panic attack.

    I teand to really cut when im really sad/angry or really depresses. I cry my self to sleep at night scared of my head eeven touching the pillow im so confused about life.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :( Hello all once again,
    Am I aloud to type on this thread, sorry if I'm not I had only read the first post.
    You can always delete mine if you wish. Thank you for reading on please feel free to carry on reading.

    I've been cutting my self a few timess now on my legs and armsI use it as a coping strategy which makes me feel better sometimes, I draw with the blood after and sometimes have a panic attack.

    I teand to really cut when im really sad/angry or really depresses. I cry my self to sleep at night scared of my head eeven touching the pillow im so confused about life.

    *hug* yes, anyone can reply on this thread :) you have a panic attack after you have cut? do you know why this is?

    and are you scared of sleeping or waking up to a new day?

    I hope everyone on this thread starts to feel a bit better - *hug* to you all xxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bipolarity wrote: »
    I have my own cutting kit. Blades, alcohol wipes, sterile wash capsules, waterproof plasters, and red T-shirts to wear for the next few days. The urge to cut can be hard to control. I tend to cut in a series over a couple of weeks because it is almost addictive. What prevents me from doing it sometimes is the thought that I'll have to go through the whole rigmarole of preparation and cleaning up afterwards. I lay great importance on keeping the sites clean. My psych has suggested I use rubber bands on my arm to replace the thrill of the cutting pain. It does work. The postmen leave hundreds of red rubber bands in our homes every day. I gave up smoking many years ago but I still occasionally have the craving for a cigarette. I have a similar craving to cut. I take each craving one at a time. Getting over one craving to cut means that it might be a couple of weeks before the next craving. Unless something totally stresses me to the point where I have to be able to cope with the un-copable.
    I only joined this forum a couple of days ago and I cannot possibly trawl through every posting and discussion. What I have found is a group of people who are sitting at the bottom of a well with me. Your empathy far out weighs any sympathy that non-self-harmers express.
    What I do is not wrong. It is not right either. It is my way of getting through stuff.

    Yea, you are right, i had this type of kit back home but i've since moved abroad for awhile and everything is so expensive (but this is not really an excuse) I guess i think that if i buy anything here, it'll give me the excuse to cut more (because currently i am doing it for my own mind's sick 'amusement' rather than out of depression- what i mean is i have my inner voice back telling me to cut a lot 'just because it's what you deserve')
    The thing with the rubber band has never worked for me, it just causes me to need to cut even more to 'deepen' or prolong the pain :(

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bipolarity wrote: »
    What I do is not wrong. It is not right either. It is my way of getting through stuff.

    welcome. x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm so angry I feel sick. I really need to cut myself now, I need to talk with someone :(

    I'm not entirely sure what that post was meant to acheive..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    grace wrote: »
    I'm so angry I feel sick. I really need to cut myself now, I need to talk with someone :(

    I'm not entirely sure what that post was meant to acheive..

    grace you know you can always post on here about whatever is upsetting you, or you can PM me if you want to talk privately.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    grace wrote: »
    I'm so angry I feel sick. I really need to cut myself now, I need to talk with someone :(

    I'm not entirely sure what that post was meant to acheive..

    *HUGS* whats upsetting you? xxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    skakitty wrote: »
    *HUGS* whats upsetting you? xxx

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It can often be hard to deal with 'lost' friendships - feelings of guilt and sadness for what 'could have been' - great that you are still in touch though, maybe you could arrange to meet in person?

    3 years is a long time for your (ex) boyfriend to have reacted the way he did. Hope you are OK tonight and that perhaps you took some of the PM offers up. You know you can keep posting here too.

    Take care :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks guys :heart:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I recently relapsed like three days ago, and did it again today because my friend told me they weren't very deep. and because he cut for the first time in his life and I feel like it's my fault. it's just another addiction. I've been hospitalized for it twice and relapsed both times. I think I may be ready for residential treatment, for SI and my ED. but my parents refuse to pay for any more treatment.

    I feel like it's their fault. I get back at them for everything by hurting myself. but it's not enough. I want them in trouble with the law for refusing to give their child the treatment she needs.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Self harmed for the first time in ages last night. I really thought id never do it again, but drunk and upset arent a great combo I suppose.

    All im thinking right now is 'i cant let my boyfriend see that' but its on the inside of my thigh and at the moment im sleeping in pants cause its pretty muggy at night, in bed isnt so much a prob, but getting up to go to the loo or anything makes me nervous that im gonna get caught out.

    I cant let him find out cause it was him that upset me so bad, I was lying in bed next to him, and I couldnt stop crying, I felt too upset and guilty.

    Why do I overreact to things that seem so silly in the cold light of day
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi AThiefAWhoreAndALiar,

    Hope you are OK this evening.

    Did your boyfriend know about you harming before? If so, he may understand that relapses are somthing that can happen.

    Perhaps if you speak to him about it, you might not then be carrying the feelings of guilt around with you? What was it that he did to upset you? Do you think that you could talk to him about it?

    Take care :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Harry23 wrote: »
    Hi AThiefAWhoreAndALiar,

    Hope you are OK this evening.

    Did your boyfriend know about you harming before? If so, he may understand that relapses are somthing that can happen.

    Perhaps if you speak to him about it, you might not then be carrying the feelings of guilt around with you? What was it that he did to upset you? Do you think that you could talk to him about it?

    Take care :)

    He did know, but didn't really get it i dont think.

    We've chatted through our fight, kinda, basically, he feels i constantly think everyone hates me, and basically says i need to get this outta my head. All he did to upset me was be distant with me, but that set me off so bad. I definately cant tell him cause he'll think im trying to guilt him or something
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If your boyfriend cares for you, it might be hard for him to hear you being down on yourself, if that is truely how you feel? (everybody hating you). If him being a little distant has made you feel so upset - there maybe other emotional stuff that you need to look at?

    When you stopped harming last time, can you remember the techniques & strategies you used to help you stop? Perhaps you can try using some of them again? This page (including all the related articles and links) may help too.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    so i thought the feeling i got at work would pass but i should have learn't by now...that's the feeling i feel when i have the urge to self harm. and i did...why? because i cannot cope. deep down somewhere i say yep i'm ok but really it's creeping up inside me. i feel desperate, i feel alone, i feel weak, i feel scared.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    life is incredibly, incredibly unfair. sometimes i feel as though i cant continue. morons are happy. mean people have found someone who loves them. a year of caring and supporting my boyfriend and what do i get?

    hello loneliness.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im feeling pretty shit at the moment. im new to this site, but you all seem like lovely people, and i'd be gratefull for some support at the moment.

    i cut pretty badly on a regular basis, but i've managed two whole weeks now. and i can feel myself slipping. help please.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im feeling pretty shit at the moment. im new to this site, but you all seem like lovely people, and i'd be gratefull for some support at the moment.

    i cut pretty badly on a regular basis, but i've managed two whole weeks now. and i can feel myself slipping. help please.


    Hey Lauren :)

    Just remeber that two weeks without self-harming is absoutely brilliant- and i mean that. I know from personal experience how hard it is to not self-harm and you've done so well.

    Is there anything thats made you feel like you are slipping?

    BB x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im feeling pretty shit at the moment. im new to this site, but you all seem like lovely people, and i'd be gratefull for some support at the moment.

    i cut pretty badly on a regular basis, but i've managed two whole weeks now. and i can feel myself slipping. help please.



    welcome lauren.

    as BB has said, two weeks is incredible. try to manage one day at a time, instead of thinking 'i must go for another week without cutting' think 'i must go another day without cutting' and before you know it you'll have made the week, but it will have been less daunting. remember that you are dealing with your emotions and sometimes they can be hard to control. be kind to yourself, it takes time to feel better. you're doing really, really well.

    what's happening in your life at the moment?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks for replying (: im not really sure what's triggering me at the moment, but i think i made a pretty positive step in choosing not to buy blades today.

    and yeah, trying to get through this day by day will be easier than trying to do another whole week. i guess im just stressed out about having to go back to school on wednesday, and i've been having problems with "friends" and stuff. it's mainly just little things piling up, and its the only way i know how to get rid of them.

    would anyone be able to recommend prevention tips ? i've read through the threads on here that have some suggestions, but i guess im just too scared to try and replace cutting at the moment.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm so low at the mo and don't really know what to do with myself. I've been on a high two weeks ago and now i've just come tumbling down. I feel like self-harming or taking an overdose because i feel so paronoid about people coming after me. i'm so nervous that i keep vomiting.
    I need some help :crying:

    BB x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm so low at the mo and don't really know what to do with myself. I've been on a high two weeks ago and now i've just come tumbling down. I feel like self-harming or taking an overdose because i feel so paronoid about people coming after me. i'm so nervous that i keep vomiting.
    I need some help :crying:

    BB x

    there is ALWAYS people here to help, me being one of them. do you know if something triggered this ? you need to try and remember, that hard as it is, it's got to get better. try and stay positive, and a great way of doing that is to come on here and ask for help before turning to hurting yourself. stay strong, and you can always pm if you want me to help.

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