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[OLD] The 'I need a hug' thread - please read first post before posting :)



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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,119 Wise Owl
    Finally got disability payments hehe
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,590 Extreme Poster
    I give up :/
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡

    Just suicidal
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    Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 2,508 Boards Guru
    Broke down yesterday at lunchtime in school. I'm so drained and everything is so much.

    Also now anxious for helping out today bc I gotta do alot of talking. Gonna be so drained bc ill be in school 8:30 - 3:10 then ill stay in school and change back to uniform to help out 3:30 - 7:30 for the year 9 parents evening. Gotta help a different teacher at lunchtime roo. Head student makes you so busy.
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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,294 Community Veteran
    Hugs to all those who need them <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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    cc_ilariacc_ilaria Posts: 79 Budding Regular
    Big hugs to all 💜🫂
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,119 Wise Owl
    Apparently I might be in a state of early psychosis
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    Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 2,508 Boards Guru
    Chloe234 wrote: »
    Also now anxious for helping out today bc I gotta do alot of talking. Gonna be so drained bc ill be in school 8:30 - 3:10 then ill stay in school and change back to uniform to help out 3:30 - 7:30 for the year 9 parents evening. Gotta help a different teacher at lunchtime roo. Head student makes you so busy.

    Drained is an under-statement to how I feel but it's done. My ankles are killing me tho
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    libbystrawberrylibbystrawberry Community Champion Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    fml fml fml
    I got secrets, that nobody knows
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,590 Extreme Poster
    Starting counselling after being on the waiting list...im scared
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡

    Just suicidal
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 912 Part of The Mix Family
    i cant do this i cant do this anymore

    Sending you lots of hugs @libbystrawberry - we're here if you'd like to chat some more about what's been going on. You're stronger than you think <3

    Remember there are services that you can reach out to if you're finding things difficult. You don't have to go through this alone :)
    Crisis Messenger (24/7) | text THEMIX to 85258
    Samartians (24/7) | call 116 123 | email jo@samaritans.org
    Papyrus (2pm-midnight) | call 0800 068 41 41 | text 07786 209 697 | email pat@payrus-uk.org
    Supportline (hours vary) | call 01708 765 200
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    Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 2,508 Boards Guru
    School was shit today
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,590 Extreme Poster
    Got first counselling session on Friday....
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡

    Just suicidal
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,590 Extreme Poster
    I give up, im done, done done done. Not opening up ever again
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡

    Just suicidal
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    ebyrne556ebyrne556 Moderator Posts: 945 Part of The Mix Family
    Sending hugs @River
    We are all here for you <3

    FAQ | How to report a post | How to report spam
    I'm a community moderator. I'm here to help guide discussions and make sure Community Guidelines are followed. I can't send DMs, but you can message @TheMix or email community@themix.org.uk with questions or concerns.
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,590 Extreme Poster
    She hates me :'( I'm such a horrible person why can't I just do everyone a favour and die
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡

    Just suicidal
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 912 Part of The Mix Family
    River wrote: »
    She hates me :'( I'm such a horrible person why can't I just do everyone a favour and die

    Hey River, just wanted to drop in with a reminder that you can start your own thread if you wanted to explore things in more depth with the community around who this is that you feel hates you. We're all here for you <3

    You're definitely not a horrible person and we very much care for you. :)

    If you do find yourselves at breaking point, you can chat to Crisis Messenger any time about absolutely anything on your mind (text THEMIX to 85258). Samaritans are available for that too.

    Remember that you're worthy of kindness and care - from yourself as well as other people <3.
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,119 Wise Owl
    My whole life is falling apart
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    Chloe234Chloe234 Community Champion Posts: 2,508 Boards Guru
    I'm gonna be honest with everyone, I'm in a really really bad place atm and I think it's the lowest I've ever been mentally, if I seem different or I'm not around as much etc that's why. I'll be okay I think, and I'm getting help through safeguarding in school and stuff. I love you all and I'm sending hugs to everyone who need them just like I do right now
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,349 Wise Owl
    I can’t do this anymore. This is nothing compared to what a lot of you are going through but I’m struggling. My mum’s hoarding is out of control. She’s been a hoarder for as long as I can remember but it only ever gets worse. Theres no space for anything and of course it’s all my fault. I feel like I have absolutely no control over my environment. It’s all so toxic and I just wanna get away from this house and my parents. But I’m stuck here for who knows how long, because it’ll take years to get the money to move out. I just want to live in a normal house. 😭 side note - i don’t even know if we’re gonna have a Christmas tree this year because there’s no space. It’s just so depressing even though that’s such a little thing. Ughhh
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,119 Wise Owl
    NHS 24 told me to just "tough it out"
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    Past UserPast User Posts: 0 The Mix Regular
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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    lunarcat522lunarcat522 Posts: 565 Incredible Poster
    @River @IainJammyboy @AnonymousToe Sending you all love, sorry that life is really difficult right now but just know you're all so strong for sticking it out, even if it doesn't feel like it.

    Know you're not alone in this and we're all here to listen anytime and offer advice/support whenever you need it. Hope things get better for you all <3
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,590 Extreme Poster
    I cant sleep, in too much pain cos I relapsed
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡

    Just suicidal
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    HarryTHarryT Community Manager Posts: 319 The Mix Regular
    @River - sending you big hugs right now <3

    If you'd like to chat about that some more then remember you can create your own thread on the boards. You matter to us and you absolutely deserve support.

    Hugs to everyone else who needs them right now.
    Hello amazing human (yes, that's YOU). I wish that you could see the amazing person who I see within you  ✨
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,590 Extreme Poster
    Im in a idgaf about anything mood today ‐_-
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡

    Just suicidal
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    AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 1,933 Extreme Poster
    Hearing that a lot of you are in a difficult place now. You're seen and heard, and please keep using this community as a safe space where you can share your feelings. We're here with you every step of the way <3
    FAQ | How to report a post | How to report spam
    I'm a community moderator. I'm here to help guide discussions and make sure Community Guidelines are followed. I can't send DMs, but you can message @TheMix or email community@themix.org.uk with questions or concerns.
This discussion has been closed.