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[OLD] The 'I need a hug' thread - please read first post before posting :)



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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,119 Wise Owl
    NHS is full of lies
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,349 Wise Owl
    Feeling miserable tonight
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    Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,590 Extreme Poster
    My arm is in agony :'(
    ♡ she was like a star ♡
    ♡ nothing but a beautiful echo ♡
    ♡ of death ♡

    Just suicidal
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    JustVJustV Community Manager Posts: 5,417 Part of The Furniture
    I have to change. I really have to change. I’m going to try therapy again but fuck knows if it’ll do anything this time.
    Be kind to yourself @independent_. Making meaningful change in your life requires other things to fall into place too - it's not just willpower.
    Away for now 🌈
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    nat_nat_ Moderator Posts: 53 Boards Initiate
    River wrote: »
    Told my friend that I wasnt safe....regret it

    Hey @River, it sounds like things have been really difficult for you lately. Remember you are not alone and the community are all here for you <3

    Do you feel comfy sharing more with us about what's been going on for you? Can you also share if you're feeling safe this morning? We really care about you <3

    If you're struggling and need immediate support, remember you are not alone. I've listed some services below for you, which are always available for you to use if you need a chat.
    * If you need urgent help or have any concerns for your health or safety, the quickest way to get help is to call 999 or go to your nearest A&E. 
    *Crisis Messenger - Our crisis messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you’re aged 25 or under, you can text THEMIX to 85258.
    * Papyrus - If you are having thoughts of suicide, you can contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice. You can call them on 0800 068 4141 or text them on 07786209697.
    * Samaritans are reachable by phone and email 24/7. Whatever you're going through, you can call them any time, from any phone on 116 123.

    Keep us updated on how you're doing <3
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,349 Wise Owl
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,119 Wise Owl
    Feeling Suicidal
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,349 Wise Owl
    Feeling Suicidal

    Please keep safe ❤️
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,119 Wise Owl
    @AnonymousToe thanks - I will do, but I'm just so sad because the NHS are going to discharge me because I'm refusing antidepressants as I keep saying, and that my whole life is falling apart because I can't get the right treatment I need - even my parents defend the NHS that it's my fault I'm not getting better
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 912 Part of The Mix Family
    @AnonymousToe thanks - I will do, but I'm just so sad because the NHS are going to discharge me because I'm refusing antidepressants as I keep saying, and that my whole life is falling apart because I can't get the right treatment I need - even my parents defend the NHS that it's my fault I'm not getting better

    Glad you're feeling safe @IainJammyboy <3

    I noticed you mentioned that the NHS lied about getting you an appointment with the early psychosis intervention team and the support they can offer you. This sounds so frustrating Iain, have they just said they can't offer you this referral anymore?

    I'm really sorry that they aren't offering you anything outside of antidepressants - you deserve to be supported with the right treatment that works for you.

    Let us know how you're feeling today <3
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,119 Wise Owl
    @Gemma for me it usually takes days or weeks for the mental health team to do any referrals or anything I ask, but whenever my GP phones on my behalf it's always done on the same day - just getting my GP to speak on my behalf this morning too
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 912 Part of The Mix Family
    @IainJammyboy that's so frustrating that you have to push so hard to get the help you deserve. You should be so proud of yourself for continuing to advocate for yourself - it's not an easy thing to do.

    I hope your GP is able to make some progress - keep us updated and be kind to yourself <3
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    JustVJustV Community Manager Posts: 5,417 Part of The Furniture
    edited December 2023
    faolan wrote: »
    TW - grief
    My dad lost his fight with cancer last night. Knew it was coming but still feels weird
    :( I'm so sorry @faolan
    Away for now 🌈
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    independent_independent_ Community Champion Posts: 8,708 Legendary Poster
    faolan wrote: »
    TW - grief
    My dad lost his fight with cancer last night. Knew it was coming but still feels weird

    I’m so very sorry @faolan that’s awful, please take care of yourself, grieve however you need to. I’m always around for a chat if you need one, but I know it can be really hard to talk so I’ll just leave this here. <3
    “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
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    Past UserPast User Posts: 0 The Mix Regular
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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    libbystrawberrylibbystrawberry Community Champion Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    faolan wrote: »
    TW - grief
    My dad lost his fight with cancer last night. Knew it was coming but still feels weird

    im so sorry for ur loss, here if u ever wanna talk <3@faolan
    I got secrets, that nobody knows
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    JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 1,982 Extreme Poster
    I'm ill again... thats like the 4th time this month ffs!!! I'm actually gonna go crazy :s
    Believe in me - who believes in you
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    JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 1,982 Extreme Poster
    edited December 2023
    I feel like crap. And I can't sleep. But I'm in a very weirdly good mood 🙃 I don't get it

    Sometimes when Im feeling really bad, for some reason I'll be in a very good mood. Can anyone else relate to this? Or am I just weird lol
    Believe in me - who believes in you
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    spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,119 Wise Owl
    Can't get a sick note or an advocate to not get kicked out of college, and my GP can't put in a referral to the early psychosis team despite the actual facts and the information on the NHS website that it is possible
This discussion has been closed.