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[OLD] The 'I need a hug' thread - please read first post before posting :)



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    toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 167 Helping Hand
    @FordRanger can you try and confront him about how you're feeling? that's a really fucked up thing to say about someone, especially to a friend
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    TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,621 Extreme Poster
    edited February 19
    toffuna101 wrote: »
    @FordRanger can you try and confront him about how you're feeling? that's a really fucked up thing to say about someone, especially to a friend

    @toffuna101 might be complaining to his work place about him to get him sacked unless he can apologise genuinely. I have been a customer of his company where he works and pottentially could be a one again. Its pretty much bullying what he's said which I wouldn't be happy using a company knowing they have an employee who's a bully. He's done it before said lots of mean stuff, racist, judgemental etc. Like he said that I don't have a job, maybe it's time to get him sacked and then he won't have one then I could say he doesn't have a job. He could maybe just judge a random customer or be racist etc. I think getting him sacked isn't that unreasonable because he's done this behaviour several times things like this where I have threatened to complain to his job first but he said sorry then ended up doing similar things again. I think it would be unreasonable if he was in his own place, had bills to pay then it would maybe be unreasonable but he lives at home currently and goes out partying all the time. If he lost his job he might learn his lesson to right his wrongs. Plus he'll get another job probably in the same field as his current one just another company.
    Post edited by TheNightmare on
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    amy02amy02 Moderator Posts: 213 Trailblazer
    Sending hugs your way @FordRanger @River @toffuna101 <3 I hope this afternoon has gone better for you all :3
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    TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,621 Extreme Poster
    edited February 19
    amy02 wrote: »
    Sending hugs your way @FordRanger @River @toffuna101 <3 I hope this afternoon has gone better for you all :3

    @amy02 thanks, my day wasn't too bad, I had college earlier which went ok, I was a bit nervous but it went fine in the end, just hoping it continues decent and is helpful. Only issue was just my so called friend calling me a tramp, like I'm all for a joke but he was dead serious and done it before which he knew then I didn't like it. Not sure if I'm being a bit sensitive tbf though but I think other people wouldn't like being called that.
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    independent_independent_ Community Champion Posts: 8,708 Legendary Poster
    I'm in one of those moods where my capacity for empathy is really fucking low and have no patience. I hate it. Don't understand it. It's like my brain's just given up on me.
    “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
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    AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 1,933 Extreme Poster
    Hey @independent_, I can hear that you're in a difficult place at the moment. That's okay, you're welcome to share how you feel here :)

    Is there something you can do that might help to occupy you for a while? What do you like to do to take your mind off things (e.g. hobbies)?
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    toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 167 Helping Hand
    amy02 wrote: »
    Sending hugs your way @FordRanger @River @toffuna101 <3 I hope this afternoon has gone better for you all :3

    my afternoon has been the same, after my camhs meeting i lay down for three hours because of how drained i was and only now did i turn my pc on. after they run a few tests on me to see if its anything medical ill most likely get the help i so desperately wanted for months on end. i expected to be relieved, but now i just feel numb
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    toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 167 Helping Hand
    @AnonymousToe have they been to university themselves?
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,349 Wise Owl
    toffuna101 wrote: »
    @AnonymousToe have they been to university themselves?

    @toffuna101 yes they have, but apparently they worked it out themselves (because their parents didn’t go) so that’s what they expect me to do too.
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    toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 167 Helping Hand
    @AnonymousToe thats shit on their part, the internet still exists however going to university is a big step in someone's life, therefore your parents should have the right help you out
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,349 Wise Owl
    edited February 19
    My teacher told me she was feeling better last week and she was supposed to be back at school today, but she wasn’t and now I’m really worried about her
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    toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 167 Helping Hand
    not sure why but my body woke up earlier than expected 🤔
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