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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're angry at illegals being in this country, and no one is saying you shouldn't, but you're making no sense. Be like what? Have skilled workers? The BNP wants pretty much ALL non-white British born out of the UK. That's extreme, and that is racist.

    Other parties have immigration policies too you know, which work at regulating the border more and making sure only skilled workers, with workable understandable English to be allowed into the country.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    geneve wrote: »
    If all the Brits in this country did work there might not be such a large number of foreign workers required.

    Indeed. The fact is, illegal immigrants aside (I'm sure everyone can agree that they shouldn't be here), economic migrants would not come to this country if there was no work for them. They couldn't take 'our' jobs if 'we' were already in them!

    On another note, how indigenous do you need to be to be an indigenous Brit? Just out of interest.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No idea. I'm a second-generation immigrant I suppose since my grandparents came over here from Ireland to help in the war effort. I guess that doesn't make me British enough to opine on immigration matters...

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »


    I don't know if they BNP hate people because of their races. I certainly don't. What I do hate, is the mass immigration that our country has to put up with.

    So why not then vote for UKIP or one of the independents who may also raise any concerns about immigration? Why vote for what is, essentially, a Nazi party? You don't just get the immigration question looked at by voting BNP, but you get a party where nearly every one of their leaders has had criminal charges brought against them including racism, violence etc. There are repugnant repercussions for voting for the BNP that extend far further than mere immigration. That's why you need to dig deeper into a party's manifesto than just concentrating on the froth.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    By the way racism is a state of mind! You can't change peoples minds by what the anti-racist movement does, which is marching through the streets chanting "nazi scum" at BNP supporters.

    Also if anti-racists have to use the word "nazi" against everyone who is racist it shows they don't know how to argue a point, as just because someone is racist it certainly does not mean they agree with the ideology of the German nazi party.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes but the BNP doesn't go around admitting that they're racist. You're not trying to change the minds of BNP campaigners, you're trying to make sure that they can't keep up this image that makes certain people think their policies are not racist.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think if everyone on here gave a definition of racism, we would not find two the same. It's an emotive subject and, as Goldsword said, it's more to do with state of mind then anything else. Thoughts can be less rational than words or actions because you only have yourself to jusitfy them to, so it's possible to focus on the positive aspects rather than the negative aspects.
    I think a lot of BNP supporters just think fewer people would mean more jobs and houses, they don't think about the immigrants themselves. It's not that they don't think of them as people, it's that they don't think of them at all. I don't think that in itself makes them racist, because it seems to be more to do with wanting to achieve a practical result. We all do it to some extent anyway, and it's often nothing to do with hating that particular group.
    I many people support the BNP for those reasons, and because they're often immediately hated for these beliefs, their thoughts and analysis of the BNP stop there. There are rational reasons behind their decision to vote for the BNP, even if the BNP themselves would make the problem worse.
    If the BNP supporters believe they're being unfairly treated compared with ethnic minorities in one sense, and they're labelled 'Nazi' because of it, they're going to feel that ethnic minorities have the advantage in every sense, which will make the problem worse.
    I think many of the problems connected to immigration have little to do with immigrants themselves. If anything, it was Labour that allowed the growth of the BNP to continue for so long. Why put the effort and money into building council houses when people are blaming immigration? As long as immigration was being blamed, no one cared about the fact that they weren't building any more, despite more people by theirs and the gap between rich and poor increasing so much.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Considering that the founder of the BNP, John Tyndall, was a Nazi sympathiser, admired Hitler and set up the paramilitary organisations in line with the Nazi SA model, I don't believe that I use the word 'nazi' as an emotive term.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BNP aren't Nazi, though they are probably fascist.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BNP aren't Nazi, though they are probably fascist.

    Missing Teagan's point completely. They might not be anymore, but they certainly were modelled on them to begin with.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere wrote: »
    Missing Teagan's point completely. They might not be anymore, but they certainly were modelled on them to begin with.

    Irrelevant - the Whigs were taken from the aristocrats, Labour were a socialist party and the Tories were state protectionists.

    The BNP is not a Nazi party
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would say most of the BNP supporters are nazi-esque, whereas I agree with Flashman, I'd say they're more facist than Nazi.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They're fucking racists all the same, which is all one needs to know, really...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Agreed! Can't see why anyone would get worked up about the characterisation of the BNP as Nazis, even if it's not a strictly 100% accurate usage of the term.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere wrote: »
    All thos dammed immigants, steelin our jobz and our wimmin.

    Seriously, that is what the BNP want you to believe. When immigrants arrive here they either don't work because they're not allowed to, or they do the work nobody else wants to do. Even the ones who don't work contribute more than your family, for the simple reason they're not actually entitled to anything. They get food and clothing vouchers and get to live in a communal bedsit, despite wanting to work. Each one must cost what, £100 a week for us to look after?

    Your family doesn't work, they have no intention of working and they're scamming how much off the rest of us? 3 or 4 times that I'd reckon.

    If we were going to deport people based on how much they cost the taxpayer, I know who'd I'd be sticking on the boats first, and it wouldn't be an immigrant.

    But why should our country fork out for immigrants? No other country is stupid enough to.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »

    But why should our country fork out for immigrants? No other country is stupid enough to.

    Every country is "stupid enough" to. What d'you think would happen if all of our foreign doctors and nurses went home tomorrow? You see this is the problem. You think you're paying for immigrants. You're not. They're paying for you. They actually do a job and pay taxes. I assume because of your age, you're a student of some description. If not, they're at least paying their way. EU immigrants in particular have a pattern of only staying short term. So basically, they come in for some of the best years of their working lives, and then leave before they need pensions or the levels of healthcare that older people tend to need.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There are nowhere near enough to cope with demand. Thats why The NHS actively advertises and campaigns to get qualified people coming over from other countries here to do the work

    But what about the rest who don't work and who I see hanging round on street countries scaring old ladies?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »

    But what about the rest who don't work and who I see hanging round on street countries scaring old ladies?
    WTF are you on about?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    WTF are you on about?

    Lyric, my hometown is one which has a very high population of Eastern European immigrants, all of them work very hard (and in jobs that the general population would think beneath them) and I've never seen one of them hanging round on the street scaring old ladies. The people I see doing that are the wonderful local people of Braintree, hanging round the Job Centre smoking and drinking and shouting abuse and clearly not giving a shit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »

    But what about the rest who don't work and who I see hanging round on street countries scaring old ladies?

    I'm an old lady, and you sure scare me sometimes :crazyeyes
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »

    But what about the rest who don't work and who I see hanging round on street countries scaring old ladies?

    ... sre you talking about teenagers here?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey, im amazed the BNP didnt get an MP in, they have 500k votes, and other parties had as many as 8 seats with way less than that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrG wrote: »
    Hey, im amazed the BNP didnt get an MP in, they have 500k votes, and other parties had as many as 8 seats with way less than that.
    Yeah, but you're talking about parties that didn't stand nationwide. The BNP had 338 candidates and got 560k votes. The SNP got 490k votes with just 59 candidates. Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionists had 17 and 16 candidates, and got 171k and 168k votes respectively. It's easy to get lots of votes when you have lots of candidates, but that doesn't translate into seats unless you get high percentages.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »

    But what about the rest who don't work and who I see hanging round on street countries scaring old ladies?
    What do you mean by this exactly? Are you trying to say it's only immigrants who hang around on street corners scaring old ladies?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »

    But what about the rest who don't work and who I see hanging round on street countries scaring old ladies?

    What the hell? Are you reading any of this before you write it?

    Seriously, I've been doing my job for over 7 years now. In that time I have encountered about 2 or 3 immigrants who could be considered criminals. I'm sure other cops will have encountered more and some will have encountered less. I will also admit that some large cities do have varying problems of Eastern European pickpocket gangs who send young children out to steal from the unwary.

    In that same time period I have dealt with THOUSANDS of "native" british people who are feckless, antisocial, criminal wankers who think a good idea for a Friday night is to smash the windows of an elderly woman's house or to get pissed up and stamp on a 14 year old girl's face.

    I deal with young kids in school who are victims of their own upbringings. Their parents have lived a life of unemployment and crime and their kids are going the same way. The few immigrant children who attend my schools are impeccably behaved, they work hard and their parents are SO polite and grateful that they have been welcomed and given a place in our society they will literally do anything to make it work.
    I know a young Vietnamese boy who within 3 months of arriving here, not being able to speak a word of English now has a better command of the English language than most of his friends. I have no idea how he did it because neither his parents or the school could afford to give him a tutor. He didn't even have an interpreter....

    Now if I had a choice between an immigrant family like the above who are willing to bend over backwards to integrate, will work all the hours God sends at a menial job that nobody else wants to do or your parents who refuse to get off their lazy backsides and think scamming the state out of thousands of pounds of my money because working in a sandwich factory or on a farm as a labourer is beneath them, I know who I'd rather have living next door to me.

    This may sound harsh to you Lyric, but you really are spouting a load of uninformed bollocks.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »

    But what about the rest who don't work and who I see hanging round on street countries scaring old ladies?

    what the feck are you on about?
    Im sorry, but you really are sounding stupid, stop now please. You dont know what your on about!

    The people who are scaring these "old ladies" are the brits, they are the ones that are causing the trouble, costing the country millions a year to clean up the path of destruction that they leave behind.

    I agree that immagration needs to be tightened, that there needs to be a well constructed points system that only lets people in the uk where jobs are needed. But dont pretty much say that immagrants are soley (spelling?!) the ones to blame for why our country is in the state that its in now. God, as geneve said if it wasnt for these well paid nurse and doctors that are coming in from other countries with higher tax bands YOUR family wouldnt get the benefits so they dont have to work.

    You need to do your research more.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    piecesofme wrote: »
    This :yes:

    I work with a lot of nurses from the Philippines and there training is so much better than what we have here! Get rid of non British nurses and Dr's and you would be fucked!

    At least they are working! It's the ones who don't and claim all kinds of benefits!
    Please don't go on about my mum and dad, because I know they claim benefits. Well, my mum actually has a part time job now. But I am not my mum and dad. I am me and I work.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, so if we exclude your parents because you work, what gives you the right to generalise against all the immigrants, many of whom work anyway?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »
    I am me and I work

    And so do the vast majority of immigrants. Doing the jobs that you don't want to, or can't do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lyric wrote: »

    At least they are working! It's the ones who don't and claim all kinds of benefits!
    Please don't go on about my mum and dad, because I know they claim benefits. Well, my mum actually has a part time job now. But I am not my mum and dad. I am me and I work.

    The majority of immigrants work, I know where I live we had a lot of polish people come over and they work on the buses, opened car washes even their own food shops and hairdressers. Whenever I go past the job centre I never see any immigrants queuing to sign on!
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