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Boyfriend makes me feel discusting



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dump that unworthy thing now....NO PERSON be it male or female should ahve to go into ANYTHING like that....<-If this isnt alreaady done...wacha waiting for?!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »

    i have been seeing this lad for about 3 months now, the only problem we have is he can't handle my past. when i was about 17, before i got with my first serious partner i use to have a "colourfull" sex life, basically i was a bit of a slag and i have regreted my behaviour ever since. i was young and naive and didnt realise that sleeping with lots of guys would get me a bad reputation and loose me resepct, i thought it would make men like me if i had sex with them and couldnt understand it when they never stuck around. anyway i realise now im older (22) that my behaviour was wrong and will never be repeated.

    i live in a very small town and everybody knows everybody's business so therefore my bloke had heard about some of the shit i got up 2 years ago and he has basically said to me that he don't think i am good enough for him, in a way i understand where he is coming from, no blokes wants a "slut" for a misses but at the end of the day all that shit was YEARS ago and i am a completly diffrent person now and would never dream of behaving like that again.

    when ever we argue he brings my past up and calls me every name under the sun, he makes me feel so small and so discusted with myself, i am ashamed of how i was in the past but whats done is done and there is nothing i can do to change that expect learn from my horriable mistakes.

    my boyfriend says things to me like "you make me sick, i have never stooped so low, your the villiage bike, i can't belive i can actually shag you without throwing up, etc etc" all of this understanably makes me very upset but his attiude is i have no right 2 be upset becuase its all my own fault.

    i have had boyfriends in the past but not a single one has ever said any of the nasty things to me as my bf does now, and nobody has ever made me have such a low opinion of myself in my whole life before.

    the thing that really gets me angry about all of this though is he has actually slept with almost twice the amount of people i have!! whenever i mention this fact to him he says its diffrent becuase i'm seen as a slag around town becuase i'm female where as he is seen as a "stud".. what a fucking joke!!!!!

    anyway, im really stuck here becuase when he aint being nasty i am so happy but he really makes me feel like i'm wothless and nothing. is he in the right to say all of these things to me and i just have to accepct them? thanks

    Sleeping around isn't wrong, if that's what you want to do. From your post though, you did it for the wrong reasons. Regardless, that was then and this is now. He's disgraceful for what he says. It's way below the belt. Tell him that out of all the men you've had, he's the worst and you can't go on pretending otherwise no longer. You don't want to sleep with lots of men anymore, but the one you want to settle with has to be up to it. Then tell him to close the door on the way out and to istantly forget you address, phone number, name and what you look like.
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    ElenaElena Deactivated Posts: 50 Boards Initiate
    Hey there :wave:

    Hope you managed to have a lovely Christmas despite everything you're going through. I really feel for you and it's difficult to know what to say, but I think one thing is clear here...you need to try any put yourself first.

    I can't point the finger because I don't know your boyfriend. However, it's obvious that he has been very insensitive and you're very unhappy. Regardless of who is right and who it wrong, I think you should look at 2009 as a fresh start...with him or without him.

    I think you need to speak to someone who understands what you are going through. I good place to start might be Get Connected , They offer a telephone based service for young people like yourself going through difficult times, feeling like there is nowhere to turn.

    I genuinely wish you all the best for 2009 and hope it brings you all the happiness you so obviously deserve.

    Love and hugs,

    S x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sleeping around isn't wrong, if that's what you want to do. From your post though, you did it for the wrong reasons. Regardless, that was then and this is now. He's disgraceful for what he says. It's way below the belt. Tell him that out of all the men you've had, he's the worst and you can't go on pretending otherwise no longer. You don't want to sleep with lots of men anymore, but the one you want to settle with has to be up to it. Then tell him to close the door on the way out and to istantly forget you address, phone number, name and what you look like.

    I wouldnt say any of that to him, especially the way he has been with her recently, theres no point antagonising him and making herself suffer more.

    Just get rid.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *spoken in an Oprah Winfey-guest style New York ebonics accent...

    "You gotta drop that Zero and get yo'self a Hero".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Omg i coudnt believe what i read he mental a buseing you hunni DUMP HIM ur worth more than that if he cant see it its his loss happy new year x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks for all your replys...

    things have not really got any better, last night he took me out for dinner and before we went i made one simple comment of how i wished he wore a shirt and he went mad and told me he wished i was as thin as my sister and didn't dress like a tart.... i don't think i dress like a tart, he said i didn't make an effort to go to dinner becuase my boots were scuffed.

    anyway, after dinner he dragged me to the pub and just wandered off talking to loads of people i didnt know and lots of women which made me really uncomfertable so i asked if we could go home, he took me home and told me it was OVER and he never wants to see me again, i get rreally upset and beg him not to finish it but he just walks out on me and goes back down the pub. supprisingly he came back after an hour, just before midnight and his phone kept going off and he told me he had given his number to three diffrent women when he was out becuase me and him were "over" even though i was ringing him begging him to come home and see the new year in with me...

    he said the only way we would get back togther is if he can do what he wants when he wants and im never to moan about it... i had to agree becuase the thought of loosing him and the thought of him with another woman makes me sick...i'm not ready to let go yet. :( i guess i dont deserve any sympathy as im a fool for putting up with all this. sorry.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    thanks for all your replys...

    things have not really got any better, last night he took me out for dinner and before we went i made one simple comment of how i wished he wore a shirt and he went mad and told me he wished i was as thin as my sister and didn't dress like a tart.... i don't think i dress like a tart, he said i didn't make an effort to go to dinner becuase my boots were scuffed.

    anyway, after dinner he dragged me to the pub and just wandered off talking to loads of people i didnt know and lots of women which made me really uncomfertable so i asked if we could go home, he took me home and told me it was OVER and he never wants to see me again, i get rreally upset and beg him not to finish it but he just walks out on me and goes back down the pub. supprisingly he came back after an hour, just before midnight and his phone kept going off and he told me he had given his number to three diffrent women when he was out becuase me and him were "over" even though i was ringing him begging him to come home and see the new year in with me...

    he said the only way we would get back togther is if he can do what he wants when he wants and im never to moan about it... i had to agree becuase the thought of loosing him and the thought of him with another woman makes me sick...i'm not ready to let go yet. :( i guess i dont deserve any sympathy as im a fool for putting up with all this. sorry.

    No, he is the fool.

    Seriously I would urge you to sit down and think are you worth all this degradation? Are you worthy of such disrespect? Any reason why you ought to look forward to more crap off him? No, no and f'ing NO!
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    I really cannot see in honesty why you are still with this utter plank. I know leaving him may be hard but its for the best. Surely you can understand that you can do better than this sad excuse of a man?!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i would like to think so but if everything he says is true, that i'm seen as scum and dirty around town then i will never find another bloke.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    i would like to think so but if everything he says is true, that i'm seen as scum and dirty around town then i will never find another bloke.

    Woman!! Will you stop!! If you WERE the town bike (which you're not) then why would this absolute stud muffin be with you?

    It's a clever tactic by arsehole blokes who like to control their women. make you think you're skanky ho' and you're lucky to have him. that way he makes you feel almost grateful to have him as no-one else would - giving him freedom to treat you like crap.

    Well it's all BULLSHIT you hear? You're worth MUCH more than that ok? You are entitled to have a happy relationship with any man, just not that snivveling little shit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    he says the only reason he is with me is becuase he didnt realise what i was like untill about a month in to our relationship, he thinks i "tricked" him in to falling in love with me.
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    i would like to think so but if everything he says is true, that i'm seen as scum and dirty around town then i will never find another bloke.
    Would you rather not be alone than with the vermin that you are with?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    he says the only reason he is with me is becuase he didnt realise what i was like untill about a month in to our relationship, he thinks i "tricked" him in to falling in love with me.

    OMG I'm going nuts here!! What a COCK!!

    What a COCK!!

    That guy is a serious arsehole. If what he says was true (and trust me, it isn't) then why didn't he just walk away then?

    Please please please listen to old Quagmire - the guy is a loser and has no idea how to treat women. You're 22, do you really want your 20s to be blighted by that sack of cheap grade shite?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if it was a simple case of poof and hes gone then yeah but i live in a small town and will always see him and it will hurt me so much to see him with other women. he said one of the girls numbers he got last nights wants to get with him and told him 2 text her as soon as hes single so i dont want him to go running to her becuase shes really pretty and not a slag like me apperantly:(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    if it was a simple case of poof and hes gone then yeah but i live in a small town and will always see him and it will hurt me so much to see him with other women. :(

    Ok you don't know me or anything but PLEASE believe me when I say the opposite is true. It will drive HIM nuts to see you happy with a bloke who will look after you. So you live in a small town, you know what? That means there'll soon be posters up around the place warning people not to touch the knobhead.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Move to a different town
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm really sorry if i sound patronising here, but i have been there done that and got the emotional scars from it.

    My ex did everything your guy is doing and a hell of a lot more, and i had friends telling me to leave him left right and centre and i didn't because i was scared of being alone and scared of what he would do if i left. But eventually I got the courage and left. i packed all my stuff up when he was at work, gave his mum back my engagement ring and moved back to my house. Ok, we didn't live that close to each other, but we moved in similar circles and i couldn't bare seeing him with other girls at first, and then i thought that they were fools for not seeing what an abusive twat he really is. I was constantly scared about bumping into him when i went to see friends near where he lives, or if he and his mates came to the pub we used to go to, or if he'd start coming and lurking around my house. I still was a bit worried, but luckily i had the chance to move away from mutual friends, away from the pub we used to go to, away from the area, and completely change my life.

    Now, I'm still not the person i was before him, but that might take a good while. I've been single now for 9 months, and although i'm completely over him, the scars run deep and its taking a long time to get my confidence back.

    I know its scary, and hard, and a whole load of things but if you have any shred of self respect left, do one of the most important things you can and leave. Get another job in another town, move somewhere else, don't have anything more to do with him, because you will become worthless in your own mind if you let in continue. Trust me, i know because that is how i felt, and its utterly soul destroying.

    There are places you can go to get out of these situations if you haven't got friends or family you can stay with. if you work with a big company they can quite possibly relocate you, if not, you might just have to look for new work.

    PM me if you feel the need, but BE STRONG!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    this is the official face palm thread 2008.

    You do realize that you are making yourself ready for a world of pain if you stay.

    Think about this: you have the opportunity to leave him now, because he is the real manslut that gives his number out to 3 different tarts who would apparently gladly fuck him, even tho he is in a 'relationship', and he will be known as a wifebeater and manslut. Do you think his girls are worth a pence? fucking dudes in relationships, getting whatever they can in their greedy sausagy fingers, even if a physically and mentally abusive slave holder (I mean come one, he would treat his dog better, if he had one).

    OOOOORRR: get left by him, and word spreads around, he left you because you are to dirty and cheap for him and after your magic witchcraft trickery wore off on him, he realized he is not in love with you and he is desperately trying to scrub your dirt off of him and you are the ultimate loser in this game.

    Is being in a "relationship" (and I am using this term very loosely here, because it's a dependence from one side and overpowering the other from the other side) so important to you that you risk your sanity and physical well-being by being with someone who will run the rest of your self-esteem so far into the ground until you are a nut-case for the rest of your life and with someone who's a REAL AND ACTUAL DANGER(!) for your health. I mean, one drunken "blooper" and you might have broken bones and then it's just the ol' "I had to put her in her place, she thought she can do whatever she likes".

    I thought you were just a little confused and realize what the fuckity fuck is going on when there is an equivocal opinion of this filth of a man, but in reality you are just looking for comfort because you can't deal with your real life anymore and I am losing respect at a fast pace for you, because everyone who wishes himself into slavery shall be a slave in my eyes.

    I'm done with that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    what is a face palm thread?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Please leave this arsehole now. You do not deserve any of his crap. He says what he says to abuse and control you he doesn't say it because it's true. He knows that if he says it you'll forgive him and end up staying.
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    what is a face palm thread?
    It's the kind of thread that makes people want to bring their palms to touch their faces with lots of force.

    The only thing about your past that you should be ashamed of (among things you've said here) is that you didn't get rid of that piece of shit on day one. Do the smart thing and 1)get rid of him now and 2)alert the police.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    StrubbleS wrote: »
    this is the official face palm thread 2008.

    You do realize that you are making yourself ready for a world of pain if you stay.

    Think about this: you have the opportunity to leave him now, because he is the real manslut that gives his number out to 3 different tarts who would apparently gladly fuck him, even tho he is in a 'relationship', and he will be known as a wifebeater and manslut. Do you think his girls are worth a pence? fucking dudes in relationships, getting whatever they can in their greedy sausagy fingers, even if a physically and mentally abusive slave holder (I mean come one, he would treat his dog better, if he had one).

    OOOOORRR: get left by him, and word spreads around, he left you because you are to dirty and cheap for him and after your magic witchcraft trickery wore off on him, he realized he is not in love with you and he is desperately trying to scrub your dirt off of him and you are the ultimate loser in this game.

    Is being in a "relationship" (and I am using this term very loosely here, because it's a dependence from one side and overpowering the other from the other side) so important to you that you risk your sanity and physical well-being by being with someone who will run the rest of your self-esteem so far into the ground until you are a nut-case for the rest of your life and with someone who's a REAL AND ACTUAL DANGER(!) for your health. I mean, one drunken "blooper" and you might have broken bones and then it's just the ol' "I had to put her in her place, she thought she can do whatever she likes".

    I thought you were just a little confused and realize what the fuckity fuck is going on when there is an equivocal opinion of this filth of a man, but in reality you are just looking for comfort because you can't deal with your real life anymore and I am losing respect at a fast pace for you, because everyone who wishes himself into slavery shall be a slave in my eyes.

    I'm done with that.

    All of this.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if i'm 100% honest here then i think he will break up with me soon anyway. our relationship is hanging on by a thread at the moment and i get the feeling he genuially does not want to be with me. hes basically told me that. we have agreed to give things one more go and have made a new years resolution not to spend so much time together so hopefully we won't be in eachothers faces so much, causing arguments. i honestly think me and him will split up soon becuase i know im so close to being dumped.
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    He won't break up with you. Not ever. Because in his view, he's found a convenient idiot that he can do whatever he likes with (probably even rape) and who will always be there to be used that way.
    The only way out is to prove you're not the idiot he thinks you are and give him what he deserves.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    if i'm 100% honest here then i think he will break up with me soon anyway. our relationship is hanging on by a thread at the moment and i get the feeling he genuially does not want to be with me. hes basically told me that. we have agreed to give things one more go and have made a new years resolution not to spend so much time together so hopefully we won't be in eachothers faces so much, causing arguments. i honestly think me and him will split up soon becuase i know im so close to being dumped.

    Hopefully that will get through.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He won't break up with you. Not ever. Because in his view, he's found a convenient idiot that he can do whatever he likes with (probably even rape) and who will always be there to be used that way.
    The only way out is to prove you're not the idiot he thinks you are and give him what he deserves.

    I agree...you take control and get out of this! Show him he can't treat you like this and you're not going to be a door mat any longer. You need to leave him sooner rather than later!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Y'know we all mean well but I'm not sure shouting the message out is going to help the OP very much. We've tried to get the message across where possible, it's up to her now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lover read what you've said and pretend it's a stranger saying those things. What advice would you have given to them?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i completly agree with you all, this is SO hard 4 me though!!!!!! next time he trys to walk away from me i am not going to stop him, but im hoping so much that with a new year we will be able to have a fresh start. i understand if you think im stupid but i love him and i can't just turn my feelings off like a tap. if i am pissing you off then don't reply in my thread but i feel i want to give things one last chance and am hoping some time apart will do us the world of good
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