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Boyfriend makes me feel discusting



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have you thought about moving away somewhere and making a fresh start?

    yeah i really want to, have for years, i actually have some savings and am seriously thinking of moving this summer. it will be scarey though. i do want to get away becuase my bf says that becuase of my reputation around here i will never find a boyfriend that does not think im a slut and he says there is no way i will ever find a bloke willing to marry me round here becuase i'm used goods and no guy wants to make the vilage bike his wife. so i do need a fresh break and to go where nobody knows me
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    oh god how did i get myself in such a mess? i just spoke to him on the phone and hes said becuase i decived him by having my mates number on my phone hes going to go out and get wrecked 2night when he promised me this morning we only had to go out for a few hours becuase im not feeling well. now becuase he found out i had that number on my phone (even tho he knew all along, i think he was just trying to find something to cause an argument) now hes going to go on a bender 2night. he keeps hanging up the phone when i try and talk and now hes switched it off and i really wanna speak to him

    See, he's playing everything his way - and you're panicking and playing right along with it.

    It sounds like he indeed just wanted a fight, another chance to put you down and flex his emotional muscles over you. He knew the number was there, and yet only now decided to kick off about it - on Christmas Eve? Nice. You've deceived him? Nah - he's just looking for excuses now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You still live with your family if I remember right? Can you just try to spend some time with them today and turn your phone off? It seems like you were looking forward to a really nice christmas with your boyfriend but I can't see, from what you've said, how that will be what would happen.

    If you can try and sit down and talk about it with your family, enjoy your time with them and then start thinking about meeting someone you deserve to be with in the new year. You don't need to go into the gory details, just tell them it was a mistake - I'm sure you know they'd be on your side.

    Although the future of your relationship is up to you, you're in a relationship with someone utterly despicable right now and can't deserve that. Perhaps due to what he's said or the gossip in the town you think you deserve to be with someone like this, but you don't - no one does.

    To be honest I don't know what your previous relationships have been like - but someone you should be with shouldn't ever be abusive or insulting towards you. Whether you've been together 3 minutes, 3 months, 3 years or 3 decades.

    The thing is abusive relationships don't really get better - they pretty much get worse. He is really unlikely to be nice to you on Christmas day, because it means so much to you that it goes well. It's the perfect opportunity for him to make you unhappy - which is what seems to make him feel good.

    If you want a nice day, have it without him, flog his presents on ebay and get drunk with your family.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    yeah i really want to, have for years, i actually have some savings and am seriously thinking of moving this summer. it will be scarey though. i do want to get away becuase my bf says that becuase of my reputation around here i will never find a boyfriend that does not think im a slut and he says there is no way i will ever find a bloke willing to marry me round here becuase i'm used goods and no guy wants to make the vilage bike his wife. so i do need a fresh break and to go where nobody knows me

    I really think that could be the best thing for you!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    at the moment i am tyed to my job becuase i am doing an nvq and dont want to leave untill that is done, i have some savings but dont know how i will be able to support myself if i move away, i'd proberly get minium wage like i am getting now and that is no way enough to be able to afford a place of my own. thats why i still live mith my mum and step dad now
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just remember that just because he says you won't meet anyone where you live doesn't mean it's true. He just undermine your confidence even further. Everyone has things they regret and you may find other people are more understanding than you think - it's always the nastier people that speak the loudest.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Also - there's nothing wrong with being single... So get rid of this 'man', and be single.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »

    i have been seeing this lad for about 3 months now, the only problem we have is he can't handle my past. when i was about 17, before i got with my first serious partner i use to have a "colourfull" sex life, basically i was a bit of a slag and i have regreted my behaviour ever since. i was young and naive and didnt realise that sleeping with lots of guys would get me a bad reputation and loose me resepct, i thought it would make men like me if i had sex with them and couldnt understand it when they never stuck around. anyway i realise now im older (22) that my behaviour was wrong and will never be repeated.

    i live in a very small town and everybody knows everybody's business so therefore my bloke had heard about some of the shit i got up 2 years ago and he has basically said to me that he don't think i am good enough for him, in a way i understand where he is coming from, no blokes wants a "slut" for a misses but at the end of the day all that shit was YEARS ago and i am a completly diffrent person now and would never dream of behaving like that again.

    when ever we argue he brings my past up and calls me every name under the sun, he makes me feel so small and so discusted with myself, i am ashamed of how i was in the past but whats done is done and there is nothing i can do to change that expect learn from my horriable mistakes.

    my boyfriend says things to me like "you make me sick, i have never stooped so low, your the villiage bike, i can't belive i can actually shag you without throwing up, etc etc" all of this understanably makes me very upset but his attiude is i have no right 2 be upset becuase its all my own fault.

    i have had boyfriends in the past but not a single one has ever said any of the nasty things to me as my bf does now, and nobody has ever made me have such a low opinion of myself in my whole life before.

    the thing that really gets me angry about all of this though is he has actually slept with almost twice the amount of people i have!! whenever i mention this fact to him he says its diffrent becuase i'm seen as a slag around town becuase i'm female where as he is seen as a "stud".. what a fucking joke!!!!!

    anyway, im really stuck here becuase when he aint being nasty i am so happy but he really makes me feel like i'm wothless and nothing. is he in the right to say all of these things to me and i just have to accepct them? thanks

    Just send him down this way and I'll sort the sumbitch out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's so unbelievable that a sane human being would go through all that and says thank you in the end, that i occurs more and more like a really elaborate hoax :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know you feel such attachment to him right now and you feel you will never be good enough for anyone else and all the people in your town think you are a slut but that is really honestly not the case.

    This man has no idea how a real loving relationship should be conducted and is mentally breaking you down piece by piece so that he can do exactly what he wants when he wants and you will go along with it. He will continue to make you feel like shit when it suits him, giving you short burst of happiness to make you feel grateful to have him, because that is what he does to make sure that you do not have the courage to defy him or leave.

    Please for gods sake just turn of your phone, stop chasing him, tell him that you are at home for christmas day and since he cant behave like a person that has any respect or love for you then you dont want to see him. Yeah he might call you names but its his issue not yours. If you carry on with this relationship you may well end up physically abused in hospital or maybe even dead, find the strength to walk away now.

    Regarding telling your parents you dont have to tell them what you have done in your past just tell them of his attitude towards you and how he has pushed you to the floor, so you ended it. Being in a relationship with the wrong person is far far worse than being single.

    Good luck with it x x x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hes walked out on me again 2day, he got hold of my face and pinched my cheeks really hard and pulled them i thought my lip was going to split. all this becuase i am really ill, i woke up with a sore throat and its developed into a full blown cold, i feel like proper shit and we were all meant to be going out 2night so i asked my bf if he could stay in with me where i was ill and maybe look after me a little bit like bringing me tea and toast ect but he said no way, hes going out on the lash and nothing i could do would stop him, i then puked (by accident) on my bed and myself where i feel ill and all he done was fuck off out my house telling me hes going to the pub. my face hurts and so does my throat, i dont know where he is as he has turned his phone off and iv gotta change my bed sheets on my own cus they have sick on them even though i really dont feel up 2 it. i'm going to make an effort and get dressed and go 2 the pub and find him becuase if i dont he will prob end up getting wasted and maybe going home with some girl
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    no time to read the whole thread.

    but chuck him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    no time to read the whole thread.

    but chuck him.

    lol, yeah. It sums the thread up nicely anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yup defo get rid of him :shocking:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To be quite honest, you aren't doing anything to convince me that you should not only dump him, but report him to the police, so that he doesn't get the chance to abuse anyone else after you, and so that the entire town knows exactly what sort of scum he is. Most police forces have a specialist unit to deal with crimes like this. Trust me, an abusive boyfriend is looked down on far more than a girl who's had a lot of boyfriends. It's about one step above child abusers and rapists in the popularity stakes. There's no chance you'd be the one to come out of this relationship in a bad light. And tell your parents. And don't have anything to do with him over Christmas. The fact that you keep chasing every time he's been out of order, just shows him that he can do whatever he wants, and you'll still do whatever he says.

    Here's a police website outlining the support that's on offer, and the legal measures you could take against him.

    Try and have a good Christmas, but I think it'll be a lot better if you're surrounded by people who love you, which quite clearly doesn't include this wanker.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Please don't stay with him for any longer.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Sleeping with somebody is only a mistake if you did it for anything else other enjoyment.
    Even then, young people will still make mistakes, that's life - nothing you've done warrants the 'slut' label.

    Your BF is cock. Get rid, don't sleep with men to make them happy, do it for yourself, else tell them to get fucked.

    You;ve done nothing wrong from what I've read. Don't lads take the piss, we're fickle - never forget as a woman you have some serious power and all you need to do is excercise it.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    right its xmas evening, and im sat at home on my own and my bf is walking 9 miles to his own house, my cold is turned into full on flu and i feel like shit.

    last night he forced me 2 go out even though i was really ill, and looked it. i manged to get him home after 2 hours though which was good of him to come home with me, when we got home and went to bed he refused to cuddle me so i got upset where i was ill and emontional... he flipped out like i have never seen him before. he grabbed me by the throat so many times i though i was going to pass out and he full on punched me in the arm, its bruised and had a lump now, he grabbed me by the hair and threw me around the room, all this becuase i begged him not to leave me on xmas eve. he hit me in the stomach twisted me arms round loads, i was so fucking tempted to smash him round the face with a lamp or something but i knew if i did that he would just do the same and id never see him again.

    anyway he stormed out and went to the pub, by this time its past midnight and i tryed ringing him over 20 times but he ignored me so i got dressed and went to look for him, even though im really ill. i found him in the end and we made up.

    my mum asked me over xmas dinner where i got them bruises from and i had to lie to her and tell her i got them play fighting. iv spent all xmas day in bed tossing and turning, having hot and cold flushes etc, my bf has just got drunk 2day and has now decided 2 fuck off and leave me to go home becuase he "can't bear to be around me" becuase i make him sick, in both ways.

    eairler on in the day i asked him never to hurt me or grab me round the throat again becuase it really scared me but he told me that if i ever got in his way when he was trying to leave the house then i just have to expect the same thing. hes basically got complete control over me. i also asked him to spend boxing day with me to make up 4 me being ill on xmas day and he said the only way he would stay if i let him have sex with me 2day and film it even though i'm the most ill i've been this year, i had to agree becuase i didnt want to spend boxing day alone and would be worried sick if he spent all day down the pub. he proceeded to fuck me even though i was snotty and shakey and make a little video for him to wank over later, but now hes going back on our deal and says he wont come see me 2moro.

    im so sorry to blab on xmas day but i dont feel i cant talk to anybody at home. i could never report him to the police as where the town is so small i will be seen as a grass as well as a slag and i cant live with that.

    i think hes going to break up with me soon anyway, thats what he says unless i change my attidute.

    thanks, merry xmas :(
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    **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,235 Supreme Poster
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    im so sorry to blab on xmas day but i dont feel i cant talk to anybody at home. i could never report him to the police as where the town is so small i will be seen as a grass as well as a slag and i cant live with that.

    i think hes going to break up with me soon anyway, thats what he says unless i change my attidute.

    Hey, don't be sorry at all. I'm so sorry to hear about what's happened today - it sounds like you're feeling really low and don't feel like you're strong enough to break away from this guy even though you know he is treating you really badly. As Jim said, other people are bound to be more understanding than you think. If no-one at home - is there anyone away from home you can talk to?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hun, why, oh WHY are you with this guy? seriously?!!!!

    if any guy treated me like that, i'd tell him where to go. you deserve so much better than this guy. why exactly are you letting yourself be treated in such a way?

    now i don't mean to patronise you so im sorry if i do but when i was younger, i had a boyfriend just like yours. he had COMPLETE control over me. if im completely honest, i was a complete emotional wreck the whole time i was with him. i was constantly on edge and my relationship with him can only be described as horrible. it took me over 3 years to actually have the guts to leave him. i thought that he was 'the one', i thought i didn't deserve any better and being the fool i was, i thought he'd change but guess what? he never did. i am now with a lovely man and when i look back at that relationship, i actually cannot believe how much of an idiot i was for staying with him.

    don't make the same mistake i did. don't waste your life feeling miserable, worthless and on edge because you don't deserve it.

    please leave him hun :( it will be hard, yes but its the right thing to do. i hope you make the right decision :heart:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hun, why, oh WHY are you with this guy? seriously?!!!!

    if any guy treated me like that, i'd tell him where to go. you deserve so much better than this guy. why exactly are you letting yourself be treated in such a way?

    now i don't mean to patronise you so im sorry if i do but when i was younger, i had a boyfriend just like yours. he had COMPLETE control over me. if im completely honest, i was a complete emotional wreck the whole time i was with him. i was constantly on edge and my relationship with him can only be described as horrible. it took me over 3 years to actually have the guts to leave him. i thought that he was 'the one', i thought i didn't deserve any better and being the fool i was, i thought he'd change but guess what? he never did. i am now with a lovely man and when i look back at that relationship, i actually cannot believe how much of an idiot i was for staying with him.

    don't make the same mistake i did. don't waste your life feeling miserable, worthless and on edge because you don't deserve it.

    please leave him hun :( it will be hard, yes but its the right thing to do. i hope you make the right decision :heart:
    Please listening to this Lover. She knows what it's like to go through an abusive relationship and get out of it.
    What you've said about him in this thread has proven what an utter monster he is. Please get out now while you can. Don't worry what others will think about you (I'm sure they'll be on your side) as long as your safe and happy that's all that matters.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thats really upsetting to read :( just made me cry
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i just spoke to him on the phone and he says he aint going 2 cum and see me 2moro becuase his legs will hurt from walking 9 miles home even though i begged him to stay with me as its xmas day, i hope he comes and sees me though so i can relax and not be worried. i think i have paranoia issues, my ex cheated on me loads and its really affecting my relationship now. if he dont come and see me though i am going to consentrate on getting better because i am really ill and need 2 get better, its been an awful xmas
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    and as i said before, im 2 embarassed 2 talk to anybody about this, i think he knows he has a problem though as i just rung him and he said to me hes sorry 4 the violence and he knows he has got to sort out cerian issues in his head and learn to ddeal with them (me being a slag) for us to finally be happy
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If it is not glaringly obvious you need to break up with him and it will never be a happy relationship by now then you are pretty screwed really.

    Cant you see its better being alone than getting your arse kicked on a weekly basis?
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    I'm sorry - but to 99.9% of us here it is blatantly obvious that this relationship is completely out of order and needs you to put a stop to it.

    Hopefully you will realise this yourself sooner rather than later.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not only would i recommend breaking up with him, id have called the police too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrG wrote: »
    Not only would i recommend breaking up with him, id have called the police too.

    Too fucking right. The man doesn't love you, so stop fooling yourself into thinking he does, or ever will. Break up with him now, or you'll only get hurt even more. You're worth well more than this, and to be frank, absolutely nothing would be better than him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ±Lover± wrote: »
    and as i said before, im 2 embarassed 2 talk to anybody about this, i think he knows he has a problem though as i just rung him and he said to me hes sorry 4 the violence and he knows he has got to sort out cerian issues in his head and learn to ddeal with them (me being a slag) for us to finally be happy
    A boyfriend shouldn't have to "deal" with you. He should love you for exactly who you are!

    You deserve so much better than this guy!!! This guy isn't worth keeping, there are guys out there who will love, appreciate and respect you. Honestly there are. He might seem like he has good and bad points, but these bad points are not ones anyone should have to put up with!

    The people who've cheated on you or treated you badly in the past might have knocked your confidence, but you can get it back. You deserve just as much respect as any other girl, so don't settle for anything less.

    Please please consider what everyone has said. Your happiness should always come first!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In case it still hasn't sunk in yet:

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