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Goodbye to Foxhunting



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Was talking to some huntsmen the other day who met up this morning. They invited me, but to be honest I don't wanna get involved.

    A lot of animal rights protestors are worse savages than foxhunters... Very double standards a lot of them that I've encountered.

    I don't agree with the hunt in that people aren't eating what they kill... However personally I have nothing against people sending ferrets down burrows to flush out rabbits. They always put the milky does and the pregnant does back in the burrow.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere wrote:
    Cannabis smoking won't be ignored, because most arrests for posession of cannabis occur because some idiot has been stopped for causing trouble, or has been arrested for another offence and searched.
    Maybe. Or maybe it's because it's easier for the police to arrest some people smoking a jay in the public part to get statistics up, than it is to send a team to a flat that's been broken in to, or look in to helping an old lady who's being terrorised by thugs.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    If I write to the police in advance Whowhere, tell them to look at my lack of police records and 'exemplary citizen conduct', do you think I would be allowed then to smoke a joint in the park, or on a bench on the street, minding my own business and without fear of some copper coming round and bothering me?

    Fat chance methinks.

    If the law is to be upheld, the law is to be upheld. I find this selective policing highly suspicious.

    At least with drug taken there is no victim. Last time I looked, there has to be a victim in animal cruelty cases. It looks as good a case for police to intervene as any.

    If you do that, then you do that. You know it's illegal, and you choose to break the law, it's your perogative. If the hunters choose to break the law, and the police have the evidence to prosecute, then they will.
    What I'm saying is, for all practical purposes that ain't going to happen, at least not until the government decides to part with the cash for:

    a helicopter
    scrambler bikes/horses.

    it's a lot easier to catch some bastards breaking into a house than it is to follow a pack of horses over muddy fields in a Ford focus or on foot on the off chance that they MIGHT kill a fox with dogs instead of shooting it.

    And just so you don't get me wrong, I'm mostly against fox hunting, and I'm not disputing with you the rights/wrongs.morality of it. Just highlighting how difficult it is to prove the offence.

    Moonrat, maybe it is easier to catch someone smoking a spliff on the street, but I can tell you one thing.
    Given the choice between easily catching someone having a smoke, or putting some work in and finding the cunts that attacked a 14 year old girl for no reason, i'd rather do the latter, and 90% of police officers will be the same.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The natural way for predators to kill is after a chase, and using the predators jaws, rather than a shot gun... So nature isn't humane.

    This makes no sense.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote:
    Back in the late 80's I think you'll find that a large number of supposed 'sabs' were actaully 'anarchists' and 'hooligans' out for the trouble.

    Given the recent performance of pro-hunto protesters, isn't this a case of pot.kettle. black.?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why not, blagsta? the anti-hunt arguement is is that it is against nature to chase and kill foxes using hounds. when in fact, nature would let that happen. nature has no concept of right or wrong.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blagsta wrote:
    This makes no sense.
    I think she means that in nature, the death of an animal is more painful than if it were shot by a farmer, thus nature is less human.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why not, blagsta? the anti-hunt arguement is is that it is against nature to chase and kill foxes using hounds. when in fact, nature would let that happen. nature has no concept of right or wrong.

    Actually, in nature the fox would probably go to Earth, but in a hunt they all get blocked up I beleive, so they get to chase the fox without it escaping. Things in nature are really well balanced normally, and you seldom get an animal like a fox being hunted - dogs would normally go for small herbivores like rabbits and hares if they could get them. Or insects, timone and pumba style (that bit was made up :p).

    Anyway, got a great book here called "British Mammals" - Collins New Naturalist Series. The first edition was actually printed in 1952, but it's still got loads of accurate interesting information. I've got the second edition (1968).

    According to this, it doesn't say the ordinary diet of a dog, I suppose that's because you don't get that many wild dogs anymore. Says that the fox "the food of the fox is almost entirely animal matter; an analysis of the contents of the stomachs from a number of nimals showed that during summer rabbits were the commonest food; sheep came second, followed by small birds, insects, and small mammals" - also goes on to say some of thje sheep is carrion but not all of it because foxes prey on lambs, especially in Wales! This book is great :D

    Anyway, my point is that looking through at all the british 'beasts of prey' as they are called - not one hunts other beasts of prey really. It does say 'The wild cat ... will doubtless eat anything it can catch'. Very interesting, a good read / reference book - picked it up for free from my school library (ex library stock). But anyway, this is all kind of aside the point :p but anyway...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why not, blagsta? the anti-hunt arguement is is that it is against nature to chase and kill foxes using hounds. when in fact, nature would let that happen. nature has no concept of right or wrong.

    No that is not the anti-hunt argument. Not mine anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MoonRat wrote:
    I think she means that in nature, the death of an animal is more painful than if it were shot by a farmer, thus nature is less human.

    This makes no sense either. We are part of nature.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My major gripe with the whole thing, is the vast amount of wasted time and effort that has gone into getting the ban.

    Firstly proportion of foxes caught by hunts is fairly small when compared to shooting. Secondly the idea that foxes suffer less from a shot than being killed by a hound is rubbish; a shot with a shotgun will only kill from around 15 metres (according to relations who are farmers), the fox in many cases will be wounded and will go off to die over the space of a couple of hours; with the hounds it will probably be dead in well under a minute.

    I'm sure many could provide examples of this not being the case, but like the issue of sabs; it is impossible to prove a negative.

    The police have got far better things to do, the amount of well informed people, who object to fox hunting on the basis of animal cruelty and not the toffery.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mich wrote:
    Firstly proportion of foxes caught by hunts is fairly small when compared to shooting.

    So why bother hunting with hounds? 'cos it's tradition and people enjoy it. It's got fuck all to do with "population control".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blagsta wrote:
    This makes no sense either. We are part of nature.
    But you could argue that we have the ability to make decisions that animals don't.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    good bye ...

    blue skies ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MoonRat wrote:
    But you could argue that we have the ability to make decisions that animals don't.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well... If we are a part of nature that tends to justify us foxhunting rather than saying we're above nature and not fulfilling our hunter gatherer instinct.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blagsta wrote:
    So why bother hunting with hounds? 'cos it's tradition and people enjoy it. It's got fuck all to do with "population control".

    Part of me says, "So?", the other part points to the fact that it is slightly more 'humane'.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    at the end of the day ...if your city should ever faulter and die ...you'll change an awful lot of your belief systems ...or wish you knew how to.
    your packaged shiny lives look ever more fragile from out here in the countryside ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MoonRat wrote:
    Well... If we are a part of nature that tends to justify us foxhunting rather than saying we're above nature and not fulfilling our hunter gatherer instinct.

    This still makes no sense.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    at the end of the day ...if your city should ever faulter and die ...you'll change an awful lot of your belief systems ...or wish you knew how to.
    your packaged shiny lives look ever more fragile from out here in the countryside ...

    I've lived on site, I know all that mate. Foxhunting is unnecessary however.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MoonRat wrote:
    Well... If we are a part of nature that tends to justify us foxhunting rather than saying we're above nature and not fulfilling our hunter gatherer instinct.

    There's a concept that is incredibly important when you think about nature - that's the conept that everything is in equilibrium. There is tonnes of grass everywhere because that grows from the sun, which covers the entire earth. This is eaten by a few hundred rabbits etc, which is eaten by one or two foxes. Humans, fit in fine here, when they are primitive. But now we've become destructive to the environment because we have developed the means to alter the environment to suit us, not adapt to fit into the environment. The main problem with this is that we aren't the only things that live in the environment.

    Human and fox encounters 'naturally' would be rare, and also wouldn't include mass hunting over lands where we don't abode. Every animal has it's territory - we're just peculiar in thinking all of it is ours. Following our hunter gatherer instinct, we would hunt large mammals by surrounding them in a group, since the thing that sets the human hunter apart from other animals is the ability to work as a pack. If you watch a wolf pack hunting (arguably one of the most similar hunting species to humans naturally, now themselves hunted to extinction in the UK) then they coordinate and surround a prey so it has nowhere to escape. Then some clever human came along and put a rope around a whole herds neck or something (not exactly sure how) and only killed one at time, when he was hungry. This developed and developed until hunting was no longer necessary for our survival because we had animals that we could grow and the 'hunt' was simply slitting its throat.

    But as always, the hunting tradition carried on for the upper classes, i.e. monarchs and courtiers, because life was pretty boring when your main purpose in life (to collect food) was kind of redundant. So then it became a hunt about the skill, about the chase, about pitching the hunter against the hunted and see who would be best. There was no shame in this until eventually people thought it was cruel (naturalists, mainly, saw that prolonged hunting damaged the environment) and most forms of hunting have been slowly eradicated. But saying the fox is damaging the environment, is itself a good excuse to get by this. So a way was found to carry on the hunting tradition.

    So hunting in this kind of way, as you can see, isn't part of our instinct. Part of our tradition, yes, but nothing to do with instinct. Predators by and large avoid each other, preferring to go for 'easy' prey.

    Sorry about the long winded reply, by the way :p I'm just really interested into the way nature works etc etc
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Human and fox encounters 'naturally' would be rare, and also wouldn't include mass hunting over lands where we don't abode. into the way nature works etc etc
    lands where we don't abode.

    lands where YOU don't.
    where all of us used to.
    those lands you pressume man no longer has any place in are actualy our home ...our mother ...our sanity.
    we we're a full part of what happens in nature ...we still are to a large degree out here.
    you have lost your identity ...you have been digitaly concreted.
    shrink wrapped and removed from the world and placed inside some huge palace of delights and comfort.
    seperating man from nature is a catastrophic move.
    YOU ...talk about damaging something called the environment ...something seperate from you ...even though it might be all around you.
    but living here goes further than that ...the environment isn't all around us ...it is us ...we are it ...when people start believing ...knowing this to be the case ...then we are in with a chance ...but as long as people believe the environment to be a cause ...something out there ...we have no chance.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mich wrote:
    Part of me says, "So?", the other part points to the fact that it is slightly more 'humane'.

    erm shotting dead is better thasn leaving an animal to die from internal injuries etc

    thats why scotland has seen better population control measures since its ban on hunting with hounds, they use the hounds to flush out the fox and theyre shot dead when close

    more humane and better pest control
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    erm shotting dead is better thasn leaving an animal to die from internal injuries etc

    thats why scotland has seen better population control measures since its ban on hunting with hounds, they use the hounds to flush out the fox and theyre shot dead when close

    more humane and better pest control
    utter bollox!
    have you seen a fox that has had half it's head blown away ...maybe it's bottom jaw and part of it's chest ...cos the shot went wrong?
    they run like hell and die alone. slowly.
    do you know what shot is ...it isn't a bullet that you can target ...it is a small canister with a pile of small round leads balls inside ...when discharged ...the fox gets hit in a hundred places ...it is rarely clean.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    utter bollox!
    have you seen a fox that has had half it's head blown away ...maybe it's bottom jaw and part of it's chest ...cos the shot went wrong?
    they run like hell and die alone. slowly.
    do you know what shot is ...it isn't a bullet that you can target ...it is a small canister with a pile of small round leads balls inside ...when discharged ...the fox gets hit in a hundred places ...it is rarely clean.

    well in scotland theyre doing a good job of it ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well in scotland theyre doing a good job of it ;)
    have you actualy seen the happy little fataly damaged foxes making that last dash?
    the law is a fucking joke.
    foxes still get killed ...just as nastily ...death in the field is never comfortable.
    this legislation had fuck wank nothing to do with animal welfare and those of you who still believe it did ...have been conned fucking silly!
    wake up for fucks sake ...get out of your armchairs and packaged dinners ...
    escape for a while from your delusional world of books and research and i know this for a fact bollox ...while there is still a corner where you can get away with being filmed ...go and have a smoke ...blow smoke rings ...while you can still do a cash transaction ...go and fucking do one ...these things will all be quaint memories before long.
    and oh how fucking stupid a lot of you are going to feel ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    have you actualy seen the happy little fataly damaged foxes making that last dash?
    the law is a fucking joke.
    foxes still get killed ...just as nastily ...death in the field is never comfortable.
    this legislation had fuck wank nothing to do with animal welfare and those of you who still believe it did ...have been conned fucking silly!
    wake up for fucks sake ...get out of your armchairs and packaged dinners ...
    escape for a while from your delusional world of books and research and i know this for a fact bollox ...while there is still a corner where you can get away with being filmed ...go and have a smoke ...blow smoke rings ...while you can still do a cash transaction ...go and fucking do one ...these things will all be quaint memories before long.
    and oh how fucking stupid a lot of you are going to feel ...

    erm im lost...... :confused:

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    erm im lost...... :confused:

    me too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lands where we don't abode.

    lands where YOU don't.

    You've misunderstood me, we go out in groups and go across the county killing the foxes - even if the land isn't the huntsmen's land. You understand the concept of territory? Yet we say to the fox that it is all human territory, even if its just some far out corner of our property we never go to. You still probably won't understand what I'm getting at, but I'm not all that bothered to explain it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You've misunderstood me, we go out in groups and go across the county killing the foxes - even if the land isn't the huntsmen's land. You understand the concept of territory? Yet we say to the fox that it is all human territory, even if its just some far out corner of our property we never go to. You still probably won't understand what I'm getting at, but I'm not all that bothered to explain it.
    We as humans assume everything's our territory, we're that arrogant.
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