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Carrying on racial debate



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It ain't as simple as that...if you think it is then you're a bit silly.

    There are many socio-economic factors that contribute to crime. To say that people are merely "thick, callous + greedy" is simplistic to say the least. Who's being GCSE level now?

    As I said - you're critical faculties are fucked.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well the proof is in the fact that lower income areas virtualy always have a higher crime rate. Do you think rich muggers and 'gun toting low life' would go to the lower income area to comit crime? Doesnt make a great deal of sense to me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo
    I've had break-ins in cars left in inner-city areas, no such probs in the 'burbs. If i lived in the inner-city I'd have higher insurance, no-claims, burglaries,,, for what, diversity, man? No thanks

    I knew I said I wouldn't again but have to reply to this. I live in the 'burbs and car crime is a regular occurence here. The house three doors down had a man run in and steal a handbag in front of them last month.

    In many suburban and rural areas (remember Tony Martin?) crime or fear of crime is as bad as the inner cities. If you do read the Mail surely you are aware of this.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Some 'burbs are more exclusive than others. London 'burbs tend to exclude the poor (thick, callous + greedy?) through their price-tag.

    I have no such problems where I live, it'd be a different story elsewhere
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I used to live right in the middle of the home counties, the centre of white middle england..neighbourhoods with houses in the region of 500k..2,4 children, mainly white of course.

    I now live right in the centre of sheffield.

    I feel much safer in sheffield.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by PussyKatty
    Can I just add. I spent 3 months in the USA this summer and it was interesting, if not very pleasant, to see that a lot of Americans reacted to Mexican and hispanic people, the way that the right wing British people do to asylum seekers.

    It seems every society likes to have a group to place their blames on, back in the 50s and 60s, it was the West Indians who were invited to live over here to work, now it's asylum seekers.

    Jesus fucking christ, gimme a break. Britain invited West Indians into the UK in the 50s and 60s to help with post-war reconstruction. We needed them then, we don't need bloody new immigrants anymore. There are enough immigrant families in the UK as it is and soon their children and their children's children will be providing us with a workforce far more than capable of sustaining a prosperous economy and society. Your liberal argument seems to be that we need more and more foreigners in the UK all the time, but you forget that the many that are here already are starting families and increasing this country's population with their children as it is.

    Which part of the USA did u stay in PussyKatty? I was in Southern California throughout August and the problem with Mexican immigrants really is getting worse there. Gray Davis, ex-Governer of California and now deposed thank christ, introduced a policy to GIVE driving licenses to all mexican immgrants, be they legal or illegal. Does that sound sane to you? A driving license entitles them to vote in presidential elections, thus determining the future of a country in which they do not belong. The same is going to happen here eventually. The increasing number of immigrants are just going to continue voting for Labour, since Labour are the government letting them all in.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A driver's license may have entitled them to vote in local and state elections in California, but to register to vote for national Presidential elections one must show proof of citizenship (i.e. birth certificate).

    Illegal immigrants even with driver's licenses could not vote in national elections.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I never said the UK NEEDS unlimited numbers of immigrants. Don't put words into my mouth. I just think, we are all born into the world, I'm lucky, I was born in a free democratic country where I have lots of opportunities. I don't blame anyone for wanting to improve their prospects.

    I do understand that we live in a small country, there should be better controls, better government policies etc. The system is a shambles.

    I was in Southern California for 3 months. can't see why it is a "problem" with Mexican immigrants. Lots of them come into the USA, work for crap pay, living in shacks, the Californians wouldn't put up with those conditions.

    I heard that, if you have a baby in the USA, it gets US citizenship automatically and a lot of Mexican women cross the border heavily pregnant, so they can give their child a better chance of a good life.

    And it is true that a very large amount of immigrants, work in low paid industries, such as catering, factory work and cleaning. This country has plenty of jobs now, enough to go round.

    the government are making a lot of mistakes and need to find some better sort of system, because at the moment, the immigrants get the blame for all the policies, which they have no say in themselves.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    in reply to the fachist scum

    we need immigrant workers, because of the increasing elderly population, and that is fact!
    already theres more old people than under 20's!

    the system itself needs to be sorted out, so its fairer and quicker, and lets in the right people but stops people bein smuggled in illegally etc to be prostitutes etc
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by giantno1
    Your liberal argument seems to be that we need more and more foreigners in the UK all the time,

    and you're argument comes down to the fact that you're a racist scumbag.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    we need immigrant workers, because of the increasing elderly population, and that is fact!


    The Myth
    "Britain needs migrant workers to help pay for our pensions"
    The Facts
    False. Immigrants themselves grow older. To maintain the present population of working age to pensioners would require over 1 million immigrants a year up to 2050. That would double the population to 120 million and leave us with the same problem. (www.migrationwatch.co.uk)

    damn, must stop referencing fasishishisht websites
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "The numbers are not unreasonable, but there is no basis for them. They're just guesstimates," said Professor John Salt, a migration expert from University College London.

    In line with present trends so far
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just a little thing from the other thread, which I thought I'd reply to even though it's really late, so sorry, but...
    Originally posted by giantno1
    Urdu is less valid because Pakistan is 1000's of miles away. France and Germany are across a 25 mile strip of sea, and no-one goes on holiday to Pakistan unless their Pakistani or looking for trouble. French and German have been taught in British schools for hundreds of years, not so Urdu.

    I study A-level language. Spanish. Big tourist industry there, lots of people go on holiday there. But I don't learn how to order food and drink, ask for things in hotels etc. I learn about the history of the country and things like that, because I have an interest in it. If people have an interest in learning Urdu as an option, to be taken if they want to, then they should be able to learn about the history and heritage of their countries the same as in any of the other languages.

    And even French and German etc had to start being taught t some point, why not Urdu now?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo
    In line with present trends so far

    Isn't it a bit pointless quoting something without referencing it? Its impossible to tell the context.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    and you're argument comes down to the fact that you're a racist scumbag.

    Yeh good one Blagsta, don't come crying to us 'racists' in a few decades time when conservative english people are the minority in Britain and radical eastern european, asian and african militias rule our society.

    And in response to Moonshiner, make Urdu an option in schools, I dont give a fuck, but it CANNOT replace existing modern foreign languages being taught in schools, nor can it be forced upon British children. As long as this does not happen, the idea seems feesible.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by giantno1
    Yeh good one Blagsta, don't come crying to us 'racists' in a few decades time when conservative english people are the minority in Britain and radical eastern european, asian and african militias rule our society.

    Dude... that's a bit extreme...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by MoonRat
    Dude... that's a bit extreme...
    I think the word you want is 'clueless'.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by giantno1
    Yeh good one Blagsta, don't come crying to us 'racists' in a few decades time when conservative english people are the minority in Britain and radical eastern european, asian and african militias rule our society.


    You really do live in a bizarre twisted fantasy world don't you?
    Have you ever seen a shrink for those delusions?
    Originally posted by giantno1
    And in response to Moonshiner, make Urdu an option in schools, I dont give a fuck, but it CANNOT replace existing modern foreign languages being taught in schools, nor can it be forced upon British children. As long as this does not happen, the idea seems feesible.

    Its not going to replace anything so stop chucking yer toys outta yer pram. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Abit of knee-jerk heaping of derision going on here

    Islamic populations are often in conflict with other religions and governments - Nigeria, Indonesia, Phillipines, E.Africa. Who's to say how UK islamics will behave in the future as their number s increase. France is uneasy about its muslims hence the debate on headscarves in schools.

    Many undesirable people in the UK (criminals, beggars) have sneaked in on the asylum ticket, UK governments should have woken up the large influxes possible under the asylum laws and asserted the will of the majority who thought large scale immigratoin was at an end.

    The least we could do is withdraw from the 51 Convention and get on with the necessary task of deportation those not desired hereor in their own countries of origin.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo
    Abit of knee-jerk heaping of derision going on here
    You can say that again...

    Islamic populations are often in conflict with other religions and governments - Nigeria, Indonesia, Phillipines, E.Africa. Who's to say how UK islamics will behave in the future as their number s increase.
    And who's to say how Christian fundamentalists such as the American Right and the US President will behave in the future? I think we're at much greater danger from them than from the Muslim population of this country. At the end of the day the average Muslim man doesn't command an army, have access to WMDs or claim God talks to him personally- a clear sign of mental subnormality and/or dangerous fundamentalism.

    And don't forget that our own Tony prays together with Dubya and has been embracing brain-washing educational bodies (a.k.a. "faith schools") to set camp in this country. If you're worried about fundamentalism I suggest you leave the Muslims alone and look elsewhere.

    France is uneasy about its muslims hence the debate on headscarves in schools.
    Utter rubbish. France is simply secularising state schools further. The debate centres around the Muslim scarf wearers because it will have a bigger effect on them than on Christians who are told they cannot display big Christian symbols.

    "France is uneasy about its Muslims..." FFS!

    Nice distortion of the facts there to suit one's agenda. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo

    The Myth
    "Britain needs migrant workers to help pay for our pensions"
    The Facts
    False. Immigrants themselves grow older. To maintain the present population of working age to pensioners would require over 1 million immigrants a year up to 2050. That would double the population to 120 million and leave us with the same problem. (www.migrationwatch.co.uk)

    damn, must stop referencing fasishishisht websites
    Just off the top of my head, I'd say that the present government is carrying on the good work of eroding pension rights, so that immigrants currently working, let alone their children, won't be anything like the burden previous pensioners were. Another aspect of my 'this country is fucked but the government aren't letting on' theory...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo
    Abit of knee-jerk heaping of derision going on here

    Yeah from your side. :rolleyes:
    Originally posted by solo
    Islamic populations are often in conflict with other religions and governments - Nigeria, Indonesia, Phillipines, E.Africa. Who's to say how UK islamics will behave in the future as their number s increase. France is uneasy about its muslims hence the debate on headscarves in schools.

    You're the master of the simplistic analysis straight out of the fucking Beano aren't you?
    Originally posted by solo
    Many undesirable people in the UK (criminals, beggars) have sneaked in on the asylum ticket,

    Really? Have they? Oh yes, I forgot, the UK was a paradise free of any social problems before we let Johnny Foreigner in wasn't it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin QUOTE]At the end of the day the average Muslim man doesn't command an army, have access to WMDs or claim God talks to him personally- a clear sign of mental subnormality and/or dangerous fundamentalism.[/QUOTE]

    Nor does the average xtian, buddhist. it's their Govts. who matter in this, Iran is on the way,one to watch.

    And don't forget that our own Tony prays together with Dubya and has been embracing brain-washing educational bodies (a.k.a. "faith schools") to set camp in this country. If you're worried about fundamentalism I suggest you leave the Muslims alone and look elsewhere.

    bending + praying 5x a day, fasting for 1month seem weird things to me, their poor wretches of children should be spared, why look elsewhere, a good starting-place.

    Really? Have they? Oh yes, I forgot, the UK was a paradise free of any social problems before we let Johnny Foreigner in wasn't it?

    Nothing like adding to our problems of which there were all too many
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo
    Nothing like adding to our problems of which there were all too many

    Really? I'd like some evidence of your claims.

    Oh I forgot, you don't "do" evidence do you?

    Fucking clown. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo
    Nor does the average xtian, buddhist. it's their Govts. who matter in this, Iran is on the way,one to watch.
    If only the current government of the United States could be trusted as much as Iran's...
    bending + praying 5x a day, fasting for 1month seem weird things to me, their poor wretches of children should be spared
    Whereas kneeling and praying to a figure nailed to two planks of wood daily, not eating meat during Lent, pretending to eat flesh and drink blood at rituals and many other absurdities christians practice are a perfectly reasonable thing to do?

    But I actually agree with you on something: children should being spared the life-wrecking effects of organised religion. ALL children that is, of ALL religions.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Immigration caused no problems, eh

    Depends how far we go back as to whom we regard as an immigrant.

    As for non-whites, Afro-caribs are disproportionately involved in various crimes against the person, the crack trade and have a police operation Trident all to themselves as it deals with black--on black crime. there's a few problems straightaway

    Recently we have the problems on HIV+ African immigrants increasing our figures in that area

    Kurdish gang crime involving heroin + torture

    albanians with ppl smuggling + prostitution

    I could go on

    Lots of problems if you're motivated to look for them
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And you know why that is?

    Probably not actually. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo
    Immigration caused no problems, eh

    Depends how far we go back as to whom we regard as an immigrant.

    As for non-whites, Afro-caribs are disproportionately involved in various crimes against the person, the crack trade and have a police operation Trident all to themselves as it deals with black--on black crime. there's a few problems straightaway

    Recently we have the problems on HIV+ African immigrants increasing our figures in that area

    Kurdish gang crime involving heroin + torture

    albanians with ppl smuggling + prostitution

    I could go on

    Lots of problems if you're motivated to look for them
    most crime is white on white ...bit like the most evil and destructive wars have been white on white.
    gangs doing heroin and torture and murder in the uk have always been mostly white ...and still are. there are megabucks to be made ...are you saying there is now a growing population of kurds living in the millionaires rows dotted around the country?
    the white english crime families that go back generations will not and have not ...let immigrants take over their patches ...it may look like they have on the surface but if you believe that then you know very little about organised crime in the uk.
    prostitution has been here a little longer than illegal imigrants.
    people smuggling and slave trading ...always the preserve of the white english in the past ...have we lost that one?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    most crime is white on white

    In a country that's still 90% white that's not much of an observation. Gangs from abroad have made a very big impact in Europe and are muscling in here.
    will not and have not ...let immigrants take over their patches ...it may look like they have on the surface but if you believe that then you know very little about organised crime in the uk.

    Sounding a real insider all of a sudden, tell me about Kurds in Green Lanes in Harringay and their relation to organised crime in the uk.

    if an audit were done on Afro-carib crimes against individuals it would be a long + sad one. A white kid was knifed to death in Woolwich the other night, he won't be getting the Stephen Lawrence treatment, it will be buried .
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