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As if - they'll be proud to have any of your features
Amazing photos :crazyeyes
She totally needs these for them
all the kids in florida were wearing those in the parks
Only about a thousand! I think I've made my mind up but obviously then I have to do battle with the bloke as we're being a bit chalk and cheesy at the moment. Could change my mind again when they arrive, of course, but I want to have some names ready.
Sofie it's lucky I'm not planning to dress them identically since you just called people who do "sad" :razz: They're non-identical, anyway, so that "Shining twins" effect is kind of lost... shame, that!
I really love those "thing 1" and "thing 2" outfits, you find all the best stuff Abbie. I've already had a set of "twin clothing" that says "I was here first", "No, I was here first". Cute, but hopefully there won't be an influx of that kind of thing
Cheers Helen, I suppose they could probably do worse genetically since their Dad's a bit of alright too
Sorry, didn't mean it like that.
An aunt of mine has quads who I've only seen once (as they live in Wales) and they were all dressed in the same thing.
i'm so excited for you, you'd think i actually knew you!
That'd be telling, especially when I change my mind every ten seconds anyway :razz: Cheers me dear
Sofie I can't even begin to fathom quads, your aunt must be one heck of a woman! Kudos to her :thumb:
I believe at one point she was carrying 6 babies but lost two of them...
Keep it to yourself that my advice. Saves getting pissed off with other peoples "opinions" on the names you choose.
And everyone else pinching the names you like. There's someone I know this happened to. So, in the end him & his wife decided to go for the name Xanthe. (which he said he didn't like at first)
Once the baby (or babies in your case) is born and has been named, it's suddenly impolite to make judgements on the names... funny how that sort of respect doesn't extend to pregnancy... :chin:
Yeah, yeah, I know the reason It's still none of their bloody business though
none of anybody else business though.
I have found it just as annoying when people really like the name - for instance my mum. I told her a name I liked and she kept from then on referring to my bump as the name id told her i liked - as though the decison had actually been made. Another friend kept doing the same thing. Its rather annoying.
I would find that annoying.
Even when my aunty knew she was expecting a girl (a few months before the baby was born) she already knew what she was going to call it. yet, it was always reffered to as 'the baby' never 'Rosie'. (which did turn out to be the name of the child)
:thumb: You're right, that's definitely the plan from here on out. I've had some... interesting feedback from the few people I have sounded out about names so far. No name is going to please everyone so I'm bloody well going to please myself... well, and 'im indoors too I suppose.
People don't seem to extend any kind of courtesy to pregnant women. I'm not bothered about any special treatment but people do feel like they can say whatever they damn well please. I can't count the amount of sympathetic "I'm so sorry you're having twins" comments I've had, though of course they are balanced out by nice ones too of course...
What's that supposed to mean?
Not really, that would get too confusing when I come babysit ;d
Sofie I'm not too sure what they mean by it. I guess because they known it's going to be a lot of work - as if having one child is a walk in the park - and we're (well I'm) pretty young compared to a lot of the people commenting. People do say some funny things though, I met a friend of my parents' in M&S the other week who told me all about how every set of twins she'd ever known grew up to hate each other. Cheers for that, love You've got to have a sense of humour about it or a machete in the handbag would be necessary.
I could write a book about the weird responses I've had to telling people I'm pregnant though, people are by no means universally positive about it. We were at a family christening a month or so ago and I was having a chat about ultrasounds with my boyfriend's SIL and some rude distant relation of my boyfriend's butted in with "are you pregnant AGAIN? Do you even know how that happens?" blah, blah contraception etc. She was silenced with a "yeah it's something you'll catch from the water round here so you'd better watch out" from the other half, but still - how rude can you get :rolleyes:
Just don't call one Francesca, because that would be like "I want to call her Frances but I don't want to look like I'm copying you" . Plus far too many people call me Francesca and it's become one of my Most Hated Names because of it.
That is very rude . I would have hit her tbh :yes:.
I had a stupid shop assistant the other day asking me if I was expecting twins cos her mate is pregnant too (no mention of gestation) and apparently much smaller!! What a twat. I know im huge. Ive got a fucking week to go. What business is it of hers.
Do you have random people thinking they can stroke your belly yet?
Same!! Or at the very least, poured salt in her drink.
And to make sure (why do I never think to make sure when I make the original post?), I don't agree with what I described earlier.
It is outrageous. Public property though these pregnant women, or so it would seem...
I haven't had too many requests for belly rubbing though St Patrick's night was bloody awful for drunk men asking if they could kiss my stomach for luck (!?). Of course I only said no because of my "hormones" People are very strange! How often has your belly been stroked then? Or how often have people attempted, should I say? :razz:
Sometimes its worse if people ask as well as then I really feel I cant say no, as at least theyve been polite about it.
The only people I really dont mind touching it are my partner and my son tbh.
I told my friend that I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago and her response was "Oh my god no" errr...thought you were supposed to say congratulations?!?
My son keeps mauling my stomach but it's just wobbly lard at the moment as it's too early for a bump. When I was pregnant with my son people were forever prodding and poking at me and any of my names suggestions were met with "Oh no, you can't call the baby that...don't you remember that horrible kid at school with the same name?" Arghhhhhhhhhhh!!! With all the hormones thrown into the mix it does start to tip you over the edge!!
How many weeks are you now Briggi? I would love a 4d scan but I don't know where/when and how much!
Almost 24 weeks now
The 4D scan was totally worth it, I had mine done at my hospital because they have the facility but I think a lot of people have it done privately. You've plenty of time to hunt down a convenient place, anyway... twins have to be scanned earlier as if it's left after something like 27 weeks they hide behind eachother so you only see the bolshy, confident one :razz:
I concur though, people are SO rude, I've had loads of "why ruin your life you're so young blah blah bollockscakes" comments but we know better than that eh. Many, many congratulations to you m'dear! :yipee:
That's very rude. Surely you'd realise the responsibilty anyway and wouldn't need people to tell you that?