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Ken Livingstone accused of anti-semitism



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What about the academic ‘boycott’ against Israel? Many anti-Israel extremists have called for a boycott of all Israeli academics – Israeli scientists, Israeli lecturers, etc. The extremists ‘boycott’ against Israelis also appears to be against all Israelis, so no political distinction is made. Israelis are boycotted purely because of their nationality. Chilling.

    And what about the sustained campaign against Israel at SOAS? (And the disgusting events there seem to be against anyone who isn't an anti-Israel fanatic let alone pro-Israeli...)

    there was a big thing about this in the ulu newspaper, however i find both sides extremely repulsive, the anti-israeli government boycott all israeli things, and the israelis call all people who question their government anti-semetic

    a speech got called off recently :(

    fucking idiots
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ken only hates jews and blacks who drive in the bus lanes!
    along with all other races.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What about the academic ‘boycott’ against Israel? Many anti-Israel extremists have called for a boycott of all Israeli academics – Israeli scientists, Israeli lecturers, etc. The extremists ‘boycott’ against Israelis also appears to be against all Israelis, so no political distinction is made. Israelis are boycotted purely because of their nationality. Chilling.

    And what about the sustained campaign against Israel at SOAS? (And the disgusting events there seem to be against anyone who isn't an anti-Israel fanatic let alone pro-Israeli...)

    Ah yes - you mean this academic boycott

    The one that was supported by at leat 10 Israeli academics when it was first proposed?

    In my book old bean - the extremists are those who support the degradation of the Palestinian people. People a bit like yourself ;)

    As for these "disgusting events" at what Melanie Phillips dubs the " School of Orchestrated Anti Semitism", what are they?

    The publishing of an article which supports the rights of Palestinians to use violence:
    'People who are in a wretched state, being deprived of basic moral justice, because of the ongoing deliberate actions of others, have a right to violence against them, if no other course of action is as likely to meet their objective of improving their predicament. In particular, those peoples who are being denied a right to self-determination in their native soil by foreign colonialist occupations - a right their tormentors take for granted with respect to themselves - and suffer as a result have a right to armed resistance, if no other way is available. By contrast, there is no right to violence if the objective is ultimately to exploit further, conquer even more and steal more land, as is the case with Israeli violence.

    Why don't you tell me which bit is wrong. You yourself have no problem justifying violence, do you?
    Has Israel committed wrongdoings against Palestinians? Sadly, yes. However Israel has never deliberately and intentionally went out to murder innocent Palestinians. Israel’s motives have been consistent – to defend itself and ensure its security. Whereas Palestinian terrorists have acted purely of malice and hatred - an aim to kill innocent people. IDF soldiers don't want to kill innocent people, a suicide bomber meanwhile has the aim of killing the maximum number of innocent people possible.

    completely ignoring the fact that the IDf kills way more civilians than the "Palestinian terrorists (who) have acted with hatred and malice" ... and that those killings create extremism rather than stop it.

    However, I am aware that the new Hasbarah trick is to pretend that peace is on the horison, when it clearly isn't - while the wall is still being built in defiance of the ICJ ruling, whilst settlements are rapidly expanding, and now talk of a second perimeter fence to ensure the imrisonment of the entire population of Gaza.

    Well, sanctions did work in the case of South Africa, and they are an appropriate tool to get Israel to behave with a modicum of decency.

    As for events at SOAS, I've yet to see proof that anyone has been attacked by the "extremists" - and, quite honestly I think its time to stop bleating on about the complaints that people have about the way that Israel is treating the Palestinians, and to actually *deal* with the complaints.

    Before the prospect of peace flies out of the window altogether.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Before the prospect of peace flies out of the window altogether.


    reminds me of a line from a leonard cohen song ...

    the dove ...she will be caught agen ...bought sold and caught age ...wooooo.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes, I gather they did so but when the Roses complained about this, the Editor agreed that he had made an editorial misjudgement, and he shouldn't have included the comment. This was repeated in a recent editorial.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Franky wrote:
    Yes, I gather they did so but when the Roses complained about this, the Editor agreed that he had made an editorial misjudgement, and he shouldn't have included the comment. This was repeated in a recent editorial.

    Not sure which post or point you're responding to Franky.

    ETA: Amira Hass, commenting on the opening of the Yad Vashem Memorial (Mk 2) comments:
    Thirty-eight years of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian nation have accustomed generations of Israelis to regard the Palestinians as inferior, and therefore not as deserving as we are. But hush, one must not say that out loud, because Israelis will raise an indignant cry: "How can you compare?"

    In the same way, it is forbidden to demand of us - with diplomatic threats - to change our ways. Because then we will remind them of our people who were murdered.

    This widely covered event shows that Israel has turned the liquidation of Europe's Jews into an asset. Our murdered relatives are being enlisted to enable Israel to continue not giving a damn about international decisions against the occupation. The suffering our parents endured in the ghettoes and concentration camps that filled Europe, the physical and mental anguish and torment that our parents were subjected to every single day since the "liberation," are used as weapons to thwart any international criticism of the society we are creating here. This is a society with built-in discrimination on the basis of nationality, and the discrimination is spreading on either side of the Green Line. This is a society that is systematically continuing to banish the Palestinian nation from its land and usurp its rights as a nation and its chances for a humane future.

    + Aerial photos show extensive building in settlements
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