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Ken Livingstone accused of anti-semitism



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had the pleasure of seeing the news conference on Sky this morning.

    The little tracker said "Ken's regret" when it crossed to the conference- oh, how that qwuickly disappeared.

    He might be a scumbag with dubious politics and morals, but for the way he slated the Mail group was a joy to watch.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The Daily Mail:
    "The cynically, distorted attempt by Ken Livingstone to excuse his behaviour when dealing with an Evening Standard reporter is a complete red herring, and sadly Mr Livingstone knows it. It is absurd to drag in a highly inaccurate rewriting of ancient history to cloud what is a very simple issue.

    For the record, and in answer to Mr Livingstone's questions, there was no event at which David English, the late Editor-in-Chief of Associated Newspapers dressed up like Hitler or encouraged any of his staff to do so. A private reception was held 13 years ago, in the Associated Newspapers' building, (Derry Street, London) to mark the retirement of David English as Editor of the Mail at which the overwhelming majority wore lounge suits. Five members of staff (none of them senior executives) turned up as a spoof dressed in German military uniforms. Another member of staff was dressed as Churchill.

    They did so in the context of the then current battle between the Mail and the Sunday Times to secure the publication of the historically important Goebbels diaries. David English considered the spoof in extremely bad taste and said so at the time.

    Mr Livingstone's attempts to drag the Mail into his dispute with the Standard - which has its own autonomous editor, and for whom Mr Livingstone once worked -is an absurd and dishonest diversionary tactic. The public will not be so easily fooled."
    The Full Statement here
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree he shoudnt apologise as theres no point and he only did what a lot of people have done, all people have some form of racism in them i think towards somebody or something.

    However, what a hypocritical cunt, how can he stand there and bleat on about how awful the Mail has been over the last 100 odd years when he used to work for them himself and was quite happy to be paid for them and help them sell the paper!!!!!!!!!! pure madness
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stargalaxy wrote:
    And yet the Mail has not a single word to say about these very serious accusations by Ken Livingstone:

    "To the Daily Mail group I say that no-one in Britain is less qualified than they to complain about anti-semitism. Their papers were not, as some have reported, guilty of “a brief flirtation” with Adolf Hitler in the l930s. In truth these papers were the leading advocates of anti-semitism in Britain for half a century.

    Beginning a hundred years ago with their campaign to stop Jewish refugees fleeing to Britain from Russia they carried on right the way through the rise of Hitler and even after the start of World War II still felt free to peddle the lie that Germany’s Jews had brought the holocaust upon themselves.

    Whilst it is true the Mail group no longer smears Jews as bringing crime and disease to the UK it is only because they have moved on. After a decade of pandering to racism against our citizens of Black and Irish origin they have moved on and now describe asylum seekers and Muslims in similar terms. For the Mail group the victims may change but the intolerance, hatred and fear pervade every issue of the papers."

    No justification for their long association with racism and nazism then. No denial that they are racist, intolerant, hatred-filled organisation.

    I wonder why they have nothing to say on the subject... :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    And yet the Mail has not a single word to say about these very serious accusations by Ken Livingstone:

    "Whilst it is true the Mail group no longer smears Jews as bringing crime and disease to the UK it is only because they have moved on. After a decade of pandering to racism against our citizens of Black and Irish origin they have moved on and now describe asylum seekers and Muslims in similar terms. For the Mail group the victims may change but the intolerance, hatred and fear pervade every issue of the papers."

    I wonder why they have nothing to say on the subject... :rolleyes:
    True, this is very important. But the Mail isn't the only paper with a history of racism and homophobia, though it is very guilty of this at times. The only reason they've toned this stuff down recently is because of people going to Associated Newspapers HQ in London to protest about it!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If he felt like this about the Mail Aladdin why did he work for them? I find that so strange.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    True... a bit of hypocrisy there... Then again there is a marked difference between reviewing restaurants or being a guest columinst (and remember guest columinsts get to say what they want, not what the paper believes in), which to the best of my knowledge is all Ken has ever done for the Standard, and to be a regular member of the news staff who actively participates in dirty campaigns and homophobic hounding.

    The point Ken has been trying to make all along, from the moment he said what he said, is that if the journo is Jewish and takes great offence at any reference to the nazis, what the fuck is he doing working for the most racist, bigoted, prejudiced and for many years Nazi supporting newspaper group in the whole of Britain if not Europe?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    Point no. 1: His comments about the bloke being a concentration camp guard might have been distasteful or even offensive, but are they really anti-semite, as the Board of British Jews claim? I really can't see it. I'm sorry to say so, but to me this is being oversensitive- especially when it is very clear that the remark wasn't made with racist intentions.

    Point no 2: Why oh why would any Jewish person want to work for the Rothermere family anyway? This is the people who openly supported Franco, Hitler and Mosley for years. Surely the journalist has little grounds to accuse others of anti-semitism when he's happy to work for such people?
    Point no. 1: Yeah a lotta Jews died in concentration camps... But weren't there gypsys, homosexuals and people with disabilities targetted too? If the reporter would have happened to be a gypsy... would there have been such an uproar?

    Point no. 2: I don't think you can really work many jobs in the media ethically in my opinion.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My better half has an interesting theory at the minute, in that people are deliberately making the Jewish look bad by screaming about anti-semitism at every opportunity.

    And, to be honest, I have to agree with her. The Mail, by screaming about anti-semitism when it quite blatantly isn't, is actually making the Jews look bad. Which, given their history, is probably exactly what they are wanting to do.

    Interesting, though, how they scream about "PC gone maaaaaad" at every opprtunity, but are quite silent about this over-reaction. It's just very strange how their morals (if you call them that) go so quickly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Let's stop talking about it then. ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Apologize? yes it is time the jewish community apologized for its treatment of the people of Palastine, hippocrites. Livingstone is an easy target the reporter should be ashamed of his treatment of another human being, nosey sod !!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MoonRat wrote:
    Point no. 1: Yeah a lotta Jews died in concentration camps... But weren't there gypsys, homosexuals and people with disabilities targetted too? If the reporter would have happened to be a gypsy... would there have been such an uproar?

    Yes a lot of Jews did die in concentration camps. 6 million.

    The Nazis as you say did target other groups too. I believe at least 500,000 gypsies were killed alongside Jews, millions of Poles many of whom were not Jewish and an estimated 5,000 to 15,000 homosexuals. As well as the disabled who were also targetted by the Nazi euthanasia programme. I don't know how many but Jehovah’s Witnesses were another group the Nazis persecuted.

    I don’t know if there would have been as much uproar had the reporter been a gypsy. I wouldn’t like to say.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Linstock wrote:
    Apologize? yes it is time the jewish community apologized for its treatment of the people of Palastine, hippocrites. Livingstone is an easy target the reporter should be ashamed of his treatment of another human being, nosey sod !!


    The Jewish community has absolutely nothing to apologise for. First of all not everybody in the Jewish community supports Israel. The Jewish community in Britain is also not responsible for wrongdoings carried out in Israel. Blaming British Jews for the faults of Israeli Jews is as racist as blaming British blacks for the severe wrongdoings of Mugabe’s regime in Zimbabwe. It's plain stupid. It's like blaming British Muslims for the evil terrorist actions carried out by other extremist Muslims.

    Anyway you say the Jewish community must apologize - has the Muslim community apologized for its treatment of the thousands murdered on 9/11? Or for the innocent people blown up in suicide bombs? No. And it has no obligation to because the Muslim community in Britain is not responsible for those things, as the Jewish community is not responsible for supposed wrongdoings in Israel.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    My better half has an interesting theory at the minute, in that people are deliberately making the Jewish look bad by screaming about anti-semitism at every opportunity.

    And, to be honest, I have to agree with her. The Mail, by screaming about anti-semitism when it quite blatantly isn't, is actually making the Jews look bad. Which, given their history, is probably exactly what they are wanting to do.

    Interesting, though, how they scream about "PC gone maaaaaad" at every opprtunity, but are quite silent about this over-reaction. It's just very strange how their morals (if you call them that) go so quickly.

    Did wonder about that after the Princess Michael story, does seem a tad silly when it can easily lead to genuine anti-semitism being ignored if people were crying wolf.

    Who would want that?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    The Jewish community has absolutely nothing to apologise for. First of all not everybody in the Jewish community supports Israel. The Jewish community in Britain is also not responsible for wrongdoings carried out in Israel. Blaming British Jews for the faults of Israeli Jews is as racist as blaming British blacks for the severe wrongdoings of Mugabe’s regime in Zimbabwe. It's plain stupid. It's like blaming British Muslims for the evil terrorist actions carried out by other extremist Muslims.

    Anyway you say the Jewish community must apologize - has the Muslim community apologized for its treatment of the thousands murdered on 9/11? Or for the innocent people blown up in suicide bombs? No. And it has no obligation to because the Muslim community in Britain is not responsible for those things, as the Jewish community is not responsible for supposed wrongdoings in Israel.


    Absolutely agree, indeed the whole idea of 'communities' should be put to bed, imo.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lukesh wrote:
    real figure is believed to be 250,000

    From where?

    I know figures vary a lot. I got mine from here

    Either way the figures don't make a difference. 250,000 or 10,000 the figure is horrible, evil and such an awful waste.

    I guess a lot less homosexuals died than Jews because many homosexuals managed to hide their sexuality. Whereas not many Jews managed to hide their Jewishness.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BlackArab wrote:
    Absolutely agree, indeed the whole idea of 'communities' should be put to bed, imo.

    I guess...I think it's unavoidable though as currently minorities feel the need to be part of a community. I am always sort of puzzled by the gay community, esp being gay..I mean gay people apart from their sexuality and being in a minority they may well have no more in common with each other than straight people? Although I suppose its the same for all the other 'communities' in many ways. I guess it's society's failings maybe that people feel the need to stay part of a community.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Linstock wrote:
    Apologize? yes it is time the jewish community apologized for its treatment of the people of Palastine, hippocrites. Livingstone is an easy target the reporter should be ashamed of his treatment of another human being, nosey sod !!

    shut up this is nothing to do with this....

    and anyone please dont comapre this to the issue at hand
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Linstock wrote:
    yes it is time the jewish community apologized for its treatment of the people of Palastine,

    Congratulations. You win this weeks "Moronic Post" award.

    What has the UK Jewish Community ever done to the Palestinians?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hoo boy - Skeletons coming out of closets
    Black and Jewish leaders reacted with 'horror' at news that senior Associated executives reportedly dressed up as members of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich at a retirement party 13 years ago for Daily Mail editor Sir David English.

    And somehow, the Board of Deputies thinks an editorial team dressing up as members of the 3rd Reich is 'less important' than Livingstone being forced to apologise to a reporter.....

    The stench of hypocrisy .....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    - embracing and defending a cleric who is the religious legitimator of suicide bombing;
    - producing a partial and distorted defence of that's clerics views;
    - characterising celebrated human rights campaigner (and supporter of an independent Palestine), Peter Tatchell as a dupe of a Mossad plot;
    - demuring when a Saudi journalist asked him a question about the jews who the journalist believes control the media, and mentioning the jewish wife of a disgraced press tycoon as if it were an example of that conspiracy at work.

    What is more important, being an arch-apologist Livingstone stooge, or condemning a politician who was voted for and is paid by londoners?

    How does what associated execs did 13 years excuse Livingstones comments to a jewish journalist now? Maybe Mayor Livingstone was annoyed that he wasn't paid enough as a food critic for the standard.

    Hypocrisy indeed.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Madge Noon wrote:
    blah, blah, blah

    Fuck off back under the stone you crawled out of.

    For every one elses benefit, the name "Madge Noon" is one that I use on another website, and which this coward/stalker is using to hide behind.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    regardless of where people are coming from I'd like to judge people by their actions here

    so how about waiting for someone to attack you rather than engaging in a premtive fuck off?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jim V wrote:
    regardless of where people are coming from I'd like to judge people by their actions here

    so how about waiting for someone to attack you rather than engaging in a premtive fuck off?

    Indeed, "judging by actions"

    The action was to sign up, using a handle I use elsewhere, and in post 1 to refer directly to one of my posts - which, by the by, happens to be on a thread discussing a concerted campaign against Ken Livingstone by a group of people whose intention appears to be to shut down dialogue.

    The poster in particular starts off by making explicit the links between Livingstone and Al-Qaradawi. Al- Qaradawi being someone who was attacked on the basis of "evidence" from MEMRI - a propaganda outfit notorious for using out of context quotes for a specific political agenda.

    Bearing in mind that I have had people building up a dossier of personal information on me, and following me around websites posting up information including my home address and full name, and that this person has specifically referenced to the site where those problems began, the action of taking a user name I adopted there and bringing it here was intended to cause personal discomfort.

    I did not follow anyone here - this person however appears to have followed me here. And, if they want to engage in a discussion with me, their actions make it an unappealing prospect.

    I am singularly unimpressed by the devious methods that posters such as this will use to threaten, intimidate and harrass people whose views are not in accordance with their own.

    If the poster desires a discussion on the matters raised in the post, I suggest that they refrain from making it personal, and reregister with a name that isn't directly linked to me.

    I would then be happy to discuss at great length the disinformation campaign that has raged around Al-Qaradawi's appearance at City Hall. And the stench of hypocrisy of defending the Daily mails editorial staff dressing up as members of the Third Reich.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If the poster desires a discussion on the matters raised in the post, I suggest that they refrain from making it personal, and reregister with a name that isn't directly linked to me.

    Get over yourself. You don't have a copyright on my username.

    I would never post anyones full name and address on a website, that is clearly not on. I would never set up a blog, whose main aim was to attack a moderator who had banned me from a discussion board. Now thats harassment.

    Don't pretend to be the hard done by victim, ftp. It's sickeningly hypocritical.

    Back to Mayor Livingstone however:

    I don't know why you started talking about MEMRI. The link I provided used documents from islamonline.net, Qaradawi's website, his own propaganda outfit. Visit the link I provided.

    Why defend this clerical fascist? Why won't Livingstone apologise?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you following freethepeeps around?

    if so, why?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The action was to sign up, using a handle I use elsewhere, and in post 1 to refer directly to one of my posts

    Ah, diddums, does your nappy need changing?

    Bit of an overreaction...
    Bearing in mind that I have had people building up a dossier of personal information on me, and following me around websites posting up information including my home address and full name, and that this person has specifically referenced to the site where those problems began, the action of taking a user name I adopted there and bringing it here was intended to cause personal discomfort.

    But, so far, this person has done nothing wrong. If they do then the mods will react. You should give them the benefit of doubt. Innocent until proven otherwise...
    I am singularly unimpressed by the devious methods that posters such as this will use to threaten, intimidate and harrass people whose views are not in accordance with their own.

    And your reaction was considered and appropriate?

    I understand your concern Peeps, but give the user a chance. If they fuck up then I think we would all pounce. No-one like a troll.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    But its not a great start taking a username that someone uses on another site.

    I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with FTP that this comes close to stalking.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I understand your concern Peeps, but give the user a chance. If they fuck up then I think we would all pounce. No-one like a troll.

    Read post 2 by "Madge" and see if you think that all the information contained in it is relevant to a thread about Livingstone and anti-semitism.....

    Whilst it is alleged that imitation is the highest form of flattery, following someone around the net, taking on a username they use, and imparting information that is not relevant to any of my actions of this site suggests a somewhat less benign motive .......

    Now, I'm sure some of you would love to know what dirt "Madge" has to dish, but for one minute put yourself in the position where someone takes a name you use elsewhere, and starts dishing out their version of a story whilst basking in anonymity.

    You'd erm feel flattered?

    There are users on this site who are aware of some of the stuff that Madge wants you to know. They have left well alone, because its irrelevant to what happens here...........

    This isn't "politics and debate", its a personalised attack and its gone far enough already.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    NQA wrote:
    But its not a great start taking a username that someone uses on another site.

    I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with FTP that this comes close to stalking.

    Agreed, tbh, its pretty obvious of his/her agenda from the two posts alone.
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