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I have BPD too. But I’m forever suicidal. Not mood swings they just diagnosed me it so they can ignore how suicidal I am
Remember we're here for you ❤
I think it's really good that the Samaritans keep replying to you. As they say, you are important, you are worthy, and you matter, even if you don't think you do right now.
I'm also sure that if you were to kill yourself, money would be the last thing on your family's mind. They'd be devastated. And I'm sure your nan wouldn't want that either. She would want you to keep going knowing that one day things are going to be better for you. I know it's really hard to see that right now, but some of the best days of your life haven't happened yet (statistically they can't have!) so there will be good things in your future, it's just a case of pushing through the dark times until you get there (though I know that's easier said than done).
I expect recent events are also making you feel completely overwhelmed, so it's natural for these kind of thoughts to come up more at a time like this. They always creep up on us when the bad stuff hits. But that's all the more reason for you to be kind to yourself and give yourself some time to come to terms with what's happened. Grief is a really difficult thing to work through even for people who don't have mental health problems on top. So please go easy on yourself. You are doing the best you can.
I didn’t get chance to see my Nan last time before she passed away and last time I did see her was a few months ago which I am feeling bad that it was so long along and I remember that day at how upset she was when we all left her and how she loved lots of company. But am glad it was a few hours after she passed away when she was getting ill,knowing it was going to happen and not days like they said it was. It happened fast but glad she wasn’t suffering so bad for days. And need to go to Hastings as where the funereal will be but we don’t know how we are going to get there and stuff and I have literally no money til a few weeks but need travel money and to buy something to wear for funereal. And I don’t think I want to see her a the rest of chapel and feel bad about that aswell.
I definitely relate to the small things seeming like so much effort. I struggle to do anything because of how bad my anxiety is, even stuff normal people do every day and never think twice about.
I don't think you need to decide on work goals or education right now. Maybe once your head's in a slightly better place you'll have more of a feeling for what route you want to go down. If money is an issue there might be some grants or something you could apply for. It's really hard to see a future for ourselves when we're feeling like this, so try not to pressure yourself too much and take one day at a time.
Thanks yeah. Is just stressful cause I have group therapy on Monday and will need to speak about my goals as it’s occuptional based. But i cant see that far ahead
Speaking about goals is really hard when you feel like you have no future. I hope they can come up with something helpful for you, but I'm sure they'll be understanding if you say your nan's just died and you're not really able to think straight at the moment. Maybe best to just be honest with them if you can.
will have to use my sisters money otherwise can’t go and then pay her back. And this is not including any of this but I already owe her £75 loll fuck knows how that happened. I told my family I wouldn’t want to go to the rest of chapel and they seem okay with it. Tbh I really don’t want to go to the funereal as I just hate them and I know sounds selfish:/ and my family will defiently not be okay with that and would hate me if I said that
I’ve even removed them from my contacts. Lol. I send them massive paragraphs and they just go like “how are you feeling” or they say something like “do you want to end the pain or die” um you’re meant to listen 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I feel bad I called them asseholes
I'm sure a simple apology is fine for the assholes bit. They must get worse than that and they will understand that you were very upset at the time. xx
Just wanted to echo what has already been said here, and also send you some hugs,
if your feeling really suicidal it may be worth going to your local accident and emergency or contacting emergency services, sorry your struggling so much, we care about you
I'm so sorry to hear about your Nan. I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and your family
It sounds like you've been really struggling this last week. Really well done for continuing to reach out to Samaritans even though they weren't listening to you. It's great they are starting to listen to you a bit more now. Do you feel like you can text them again today to talk through how you're feeling?
I hope you manage to find some time to relax this evening. Keep fighting, we're all here for you and care about you so much
I also hope group therapy goes okay tomorrow. Let us know how you get on
I’m sure these have already been mentioned but I thought I’d give you then again 💖
Stay strong buddy xx
I'm sorry to hear about the tough time you've been having recently. It's really good to see you talking to Samaritans and sharing on here. We're here to listen and hope to hear from you after therapy tomorrow. I hope it goes well.
Well therapy is quite shitty tbh. Idek how they can call it a type of therapy. When All we do is go round talking about our goal & how it is going & then they get a speaker to talk for the rest. ( a speaker from like a community, like today it was for exercise and they talk about their organisation) Like idek.
I said my goal isn’t going great cause I am so suciidal & then they all just looked at me with sympathic eyes & then carried on talking lol. & Like I was thinking okay, no one cares. I can’t see far head let alone a goal so stressing me. And someone started suggestion maybe apprentership if I hate primark that much cause need money. & Later I was just like well yeah I can say this now but when I get home I’ll just start thinking about dying instead of thinking about my goal.
I think I was totally depressing and they was all looking at me like wtf shut up you suicidal bitch lol.
& the OT suggested I keep meeting up with them seperatly to look online with me for apperterships if I find motivation hard by myself.
I don’t know just feeling shit because I know soon I will get really suicidal and see no point in living. But part of me wants to do something with my life and not kill myself. And guess no one can help me but myself. But just no one cares about how suicidal I am 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭suicide just seems to a constant option as soon as things get overwhelming & idk. Sounds weak. Feel overwhelmed and stuck. I dk what I want to do with my life