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[OLD] The 'I need a hug' thread - please read first post before posting :)



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    Sunshine12Sunshine12 Posts: 106 The Mix Convert
    Hey @AnonymousToe ! That’s sounds difficult with your parents that must be rrly hard for you, if it helps you could listen to some of your favourite music to try and blur out the noise. What exactly are u scared about for tomorrow? I’m always here to talk if u want, and you’re not alone and I care about what u have to say. Sending love ❤️
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,116 Wise Owl
    Hi @Sunshine12 thank you <3
    I have to go and look at a university this weekend and that’s scary. Plus I’ve just had a friend leave, my parents are too busy preparing for tomorrow to care how I feel (not that they do anyway though lol) and so I just feel completely alone.
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    Sunshine12Sunshine12 Posts: 106 The Mix Convert
    No worries! @AnonymousToe Nerves are perfectly normal when looking at a prospective university for the first time, heck I was a nervous mess when I first when to visit one of my uni choices, but it’s also something to see as exciting, a new chapter of your life to learn new things, explore new places and meet new people. Uni open days (I’m assuming that what is it? Correct me if I’m wrong) are a great way to see if the uni is for u with no pressure of having to choose them. And as for your friend and your family I can imagine how painful that must be for you and even tho it appears like ur parent don’t care they’re probably just too stressed about the day going well for u. You’d think parents would be pros at expressing their feelings but they can have blips too, I bet they love/care for u lots even if they aren’t great at expressing it, if it helps u could try n tell them how u feel about their lack of communication.

    Just want u to know I’m always here to chat and ur not alone even if u feel super lonely rn ♥️
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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,109 Community Veteran
    Hi @Sunshine12 thank you <3
    I have to go and look at a university this weekend and that’s scary. Plus I’ve just had a friend leave, my parents are too busy preparing for tomorrow to care how I feel (not that they do anyway though lol) and so I just feel completely alone.

    I also got to agree with @Sunshine12 as nerves are totally normal and are part of the human experience. It's totally understandable that you would be feeling anxious about going to your uni open day especially when there are plenty of people around and even strangers you haven't met before. I've never been to a uni open day myself but I remember having a college open day and being a bit nervous as I was also having my interview too. But the thing with uni open days is that you are able to see what that uni has to offer and means that you can choose whether that is the uni you want to go to as well. It does sound that this is affecting you a lot at the moment and I can imagine how stressful this must be for you right now.

    I don't know if this might be a thing but if the uni said had a quiet area for example, say if you did get overwhelmed, you could go to a quieter area during that day if things do become overwhelming. You could also contact the uni as well to maybe explain that you are feeling anxious about the day and they could further reassure you or even offer support for you. It could be that you even do like a staggered day so only half a day of seeing that uni maybe and doing another section of it on a different days. I'm not sure how many days open days last for but I'm sure that everything should be okay for you. Remember to be kind to yourself during it too and checking in with how you are feeling.

    Im always here if you wanna talk more <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,116 Wise Owl
    Thank you @Sunshine12 and @Amy22 it’s just difficult because it takes the tiniest thing to set me back so far. I was struggling anyway but my teacher made me feel better and I was okay apart from worrying about this open day. But then one little thing has just brought me right back down. My teacher’s told me to let her know how it all goes, but I feel like it’s just gonna be bad news for her now - I’ll be less able to cope if I’m feeling miserable in general. Nothing good ever lasts 😭
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    Sunshine12Sunshine12 Posts: 106 The Mix Convert
    @AnonymousToe heyy don’t worry, it’s absolutely normal to feel like your emotions are always going up and down and it’s totally human for that to happen! In fact I think it’d be weirder to never question ur emotions than to question them. I’m wishing u the best for your open day and I’m hopeful that you’ll have a great day and hopefully 🤞 will love the uni and the area, but even if you don’t like the uni that’s equally as fine because it just means that it isn’t the one for you and your perfect uni awaits for u!! And don’t forget to reward yourself after your open day, if it’s a big day for u, u should celebrate with an equally big treat ! 🎂 🎶 📕
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    AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 1,116 Wise Owl
    Thank you so much @Sunshine12 you’re so lovely <3
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    Sunshine12Sunshine12 Posts: 106 The Mix Convert
    @AnonymousToe don’t even worry about it you’re more than welcome !! U seem like a rrly lovely person too and I hope the best for u and your open day.
    Always here if u want to chat ♥️
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 697 Incredible Poster
    Really really suicidal

    Hey @IainJammyboy you're doing so so well to keep reaching out. Can you let us know if you're feeling like you can keep yourself safe today?

    Remember there are services you can reach out to when you're struggling with these thoughts. You don't have to go through this alone. <3
    *If you need urgent help or have any concerns for your health or safety, the quickest way to get help is to call 999 or go to your nearest A&E. 
    *Crisis Messenger - Our crisis messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you’re aged 25 or under, you can text THEMIX to 85258.
    * Papyrus - If you are having thoughts of suicide, you can contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice. You can call them on 0800 068 4141 or text them on 07786209697.
    * Samaritans are reachable by phone and email 24/7. Whatever you're going through, you can call them any time, from any phone on 116 123.
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 697 Incredible Poster
    Siena wrote: »
    My old house (that is still owed by my parents but have been abandoned as was a total mess) has suddenly got one window boarded up the kitchen garden window. Saw it in the car. I don’t know why someone would boarded that window up but it’s a window next to the door so I feel like it was to open the door as it is clearly a neglected house no one lives in. Now I am scared that someone is living in that house and can go through all of our stuff. I’m about to walk teddy to have a look through the windows. But I’m scared if I see someone or what I’d do. I feel like if the police did it they’d inform someone? And if the police did it why would they do it as it was like the one window that wasn’t broken. Very confused and scared

    Also don’t know how long it’s been like that I sometimes have a look when I’m in the car and haven’t noticed before

    Not sure if it’s safe to look by myself. Dunno bit scared

    That sounds super strange, @Siena. I'd probably avoid going in there by myself if you're feeling like it could be unsafe. Could it have been boarded up by neighbours or someone potentially trying to keep the house safe from being broken into?

    Maybe you could ask some of your family if they've noticed it? If you're going to check it out, I would definitely recommend doing it with some of your family so you've got people around you if you're scared. <3
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    GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 697 Incredible Poster
    edited February 17
    @Siena I've just had a wee look on squatting and the law here. In terms of people's rights, it looks like they can only apply for ownership of a property if they have been squatting there for over 10 years so it's more if it's become a long-term thing.

    Would definitely recommend calling the police to ask them if they know anything about the property and to keep yourself safe too. :)
    Siena wrote: »
    Maybe if I don’t see any difference I could knock on the door next to it and ask if they have seen anyone enter in or out the house the past few years

    ^This is a good shout - the neighbours might be able to say if it was the police or someone else they've seen at the house.

    Do keep in touch with your sister whilst you're there <3
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