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South Dakota Passes Anti Abortion Bill



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And often the very pro-lifers themselves (not Fiend, but the loonies in America) are also ultra right wingers who support the death penalty. A more delicious irony you will not find anywhere.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    While I personally oppose abortion I’m not in favour of banning it – although I think there is a strong case for reducing the limit. However – people that say ‘there is nothing human’ being terminated even at the later stages – 24 weeks worry me. I can only assume that you're ignorant. Tbh imo there really isn't much of a moral difference between late abortions and infanticide.

    Well, even with infanticide I haven't made my mind up there, babies are strange little alien things when they're born- hardly human and certainly not capable of living without aid. If we can advocate termination at certain stages of pregnancy, ther is still the issue of a legal cut off- you say before 24 weeks, I say maybe even after birth? Are your reasons for wanting the date to be before 24 weeks becasue after this you feel the feotus(sp?) is more 'human' and therefore has rights?- This is where I would be interested to debate.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can't believe I've come back from holiday and nobody has made a post about this.

    Hadn't seen it, that's why.

    Just a thought, and the two should never really be linked but is there ever a suggestion that Doctors should be jailed/stuck off to taking part in executions in the US?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fiend_85 wrote:
    Yes I am, but I'm a little offended that you think I don't realise that sex is also a lot of fun, not just about reproduction. Esentially, it's fun with consequences though, if you can't handle the consequences, have fun another way.

    On a tangent to the origonal post, because most sex is for fun and not intentional procreation, plenty of people have sex at a time when they're not ready or prepared to raise a child, presumably and hopefully in these circumstances, with contraception. I think it's more fair to encourage reasonable precortion against unwanted pregnancy by contraceptive method than to say "don't do it unless you're willing to raise a child"- that just ain't gonna happen! Contraception failure isn't the only reason for abortion though so advocating abstinance (sp??) before one is ready for parenthood doesn't completely cover the users of legal abortion.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just a thought, and the two should never really be linked but is there ever a suggestion that Doctors should be jailed/stuck off to taking part in executions in the US?
    There was something in the news about this last week where doctors refused to be on stand by for a new method of exocution (incase it didn't work properly) but they refused because it was against their code of practice. Is this what you are referring to?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Those were anaesthetists, and it was relevant to a lethal injection.

    I was talking generally...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    like Aladdin said...I care about actual life, life that is in existence now, i.e. the life of the woman who is carrying the foetus, far more than I care about the potential life of something that is entirely dependent on the woman for its survival. so yes, i think a woman's rights trump those of a foetus, which basically lives parasitically off the mother until it is born - i know that is a harsh use of language and i don't necessarily mean it with the negative connotations that word implies, merely that it is incapable of survival without the woman who is carrying it, so it has no rights independently of her, at least until it is capable of survival outside of the womb.

    if you're anti-abortion...simple, don't have one. but please don't try and stop me, and all other women, having access to one if we need to. no sensible woman uses abortion as a form of contraception - but sometimes people get pregnant without it being planned, and i can see no good reason, moral or otherwise, for bringing more unwanted life into this world.

    That is a very good argument! :thumb: 10/10
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Legislators have no right to impose moral and religious beliefs on everybody else? Funny – but I bet you supported the ban on fox hunting, clearly an example of moral beliefs being imposed on a section of the population. Or the smoking ban? Some of us think it’s completely immoral to include private members’ clubs and not consider separate areas. What about inciting racial hatred? Most MPs think it’s immoral – hence the law that prohibits it exists. But some neo-Nazis down the road don’t have a problem with it. Yet by banning it certain beliefs are imposed on them – do you oppose the law banning incitement to racial hatred? I didn’t think so – neither do I. Yet aren’t we imposing our values on the minority that disagree therefore?
    But a woman having an abortion doesn't infringe on other peoples freedoms and liberties. The laws you've stated have been introduced because the activities in question have been viewed to infringe on another person's (or foxes) rights. Whether they do or not is a matter for debate, but that is the motivation behind such laws.

    The motivation behind anti-abortion campaigns seems to be more down to inflicting your own moral views on someone else. You (not you personally) don't consider abortion acceptable, and therefore you don't believe that anyone else should be able to carry out the procedure.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    But a woman having an abortion doesn't infringe on other peoples freedoms and liberties. The laws you've stated have been introduced because the activities in question have been viewed to infringe on another person's (or foxes) rights. Whether they do or not is a matter for debate, but that is the motivation behind such laws.

    The motivation behind anti-abortion campaigns seems to be more down to inflicting your own moral views on someone else. You (not you personally) don't consider abortion acceptable, and therefore you don't believe that anyone else should be able to carry out the procedure.

    If abortion can be carried out all stages surely at some point it infringes on the unborn baby?

    IMHO after about 22 weeks it ceases to become a cluster of cells and becomes a baby
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why 22 weeks then?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The problem is that the pro-lifers are just a lot more organised, better at campaigning and at the moment the more effective.

    In fact I've heard it argued that Roe Vs. Wade should be challenged and removed so that there can be a proper debate about what the country wants and get something better in place. This isnt a proper law, its one judgement on one case, thats rubbish.

    But, I dont think challenges will get to the Supreme Court any time soon so there will be a state by state solution, with some banning it in all but extreme situations and other states making it easier.
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    I'll just tell a few points and probably not reply here again.
    1)Something that can move on it own, has brain functions and a different DNA than the (hopefully to be) mother is NOT simply "a part of her body". Transplants are an exception.
    2)The only reason I disagree with abortions being illegal is that there are some desparate souls (often with good reason to be desparate) who's try and do it at home, with bad results.

    3)(Kind of a continuation to 2) Instead of attacking those who get abortions people should attack the reasons they do. Attack the partents who'd throw their daughter out of the house for getting pregnant. Attack the people who didn't inform the kids about contraception enough. Attack the values that make it so difficult for (relatively) young people to raise children today (financial or not). DON'T attack someone who probably will do it anyway, just with more guilt afterwards etc.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    katralla wrote:
    Well, even with infanticide I haven't made my mind up there, babies are strange little alien things when they're born- hardly human and certainly not capable of living without aid.

    You’re a pretty sick person if you haven’t made your mind up that infanticide is murder.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    NQA wrote:
    If abortion can be carried out all stages surely at some point it infringes on the unborn baby?

    IMHO after about 22 weeks it ceases to become a cluster of cells and becomes a baby

    whilst it's in the mothers body, it's almost entirely her choice whether she keeps it or not imo and the current limit legally for non medical reasons is perfectly adequate, as so few abortions are carried out after 20 weeks anyway, mainly due to health risks on the woman, and the fact that most of these are abortions carried out because of the results of embryo screening only picking up certain conditions after 18 weeks (minumum)

    whats her name on here who works in a clinic should be able to back me up here
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Zalbor wrote:
    I'll just tell a few points and probably not reply here again.
    1)Something that can move on it own, has brain functions and a different DNA than the (hopefully to be) mother is NOT simply "a part of her body". Transplants are an exception.
    2)The only reason I disagree with abortions being illegal is that there are some desparate souls (often with good reason to be desparate) who's try and do it at home, with bad results.

    3)(Kind of a continuation to 2) Instead of attacking those who get abortions people should attack the reasons they do. Attack the partents who'd throw their daughter out of the house for getting pregnant. Attack the people who didn't inform the kids about contraception enough. Attack the values that make it so difficult for (relatively) young people to raise children today (financial or not). DON'T attack someone who probably will do it anyway, just with more guilt afterwards etc.

    exactly my sentiments really

    if it weren't legasl, they'd still be done
    it isn't a nice moral choice, however in life these sort of choices have to be made every so often
    and promoting good contraception and good RESPONSIBLE attitudes to sex would reduce numbers of abortions more than making them illegal would ever do
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You’re a pretty sick person if you haven’t made your mind up that infanticide is murder.

    Isn't it seperate from murder because it is infanticide? I can imagine situations where I would rather allow or cuse the death of my offspring, it might actually be different if those situations arose, but sitting here now, I can imagine infanticide being the best option. Thinking as I type, a severe disability would be an example of a situation I'd consider.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    katralla wrote:
    Isn't it seperate from murder because it is infanticide? I can imagine situations where I would rather allow or cuse the death of my offspring, it might actually be different if those situations arose, but sitting here now, I can imagine infanticide being the best option. Thinking as I type, a severe disability would be an example of a situation I'd consider.

    Disturbing. Infanticide is murder, the former merely refers to murder of a human at a particular stage of life. Your original post -
    katralla wrote:
    Well, even with infanticide I haven't made my mind up there, babies are strange little alien things when they're born- hardly human and certainly not capable of living without aid. If we can advocate termination at certain stages of pregnancy, ther is still the issue of a legal cut off- you say before 24 weeks, I say maybe even after birth? Are your reasons for wanting the date to be before 24 weeks becasue after this you feel the feotus(sp?) is more 'human' and therefore has rights?- This is where I would be interested to debate.

    You seem to be suggesting that because a baby is dependent upon others and lacks human attributes – presumably meaning the ability to communicate coherently and the ability to reason it ‘maybe’ okay to murder a baby.

    What about disabled people incapable of living without aid? What about the elderly in care homes? Are they ‘human’ in your opinion? Are you a Nazi sympathiser?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Banning abortion will not reduce abortion numbers. If people are serious about it, then try doing so through non-legislative means i.e. sex ed, encouraging families to talk, providing supportive environments etc.

    So long as the zygote/embryo/foetus is in her body, she gets the final say over gestating or terminating choices. The foetus can kick, move, sing, find a cure for the cold, it doesn't matter to me: I side with the woman each and every single time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What about disabled people incapable of living without aid? What about the elderly in care homes? Are they ‘human’ in your opinion? Are you a Nazi sympathiser?
    A baby after it's been born can be looked after by any adult, the same way as elderly or disabled people. An unborn baby only relies on the mother, no-one else can have any responsibility for it. Therefore, up until the point that the baby could realistically survive without it's mother (not literally by itself, obviously), only the mother should have any right to decide. I dont know enough about the biology side of things to know where that point is though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Therefore, up until the point that the baby could realistically survive without it's mother (not literally by itself, obviously), only the mother should have any right to decide. I dont know enough about the biology side of things to know where that point is though.

    Well with technological advances, some are surviving just after 20something weeks. However, a lot of them currently have disabilities or die in neo-natal care. There was a table with stats on this a while ago, I don't know where it is now. In the UK, abortion used to be legal up until 28 weeks, but the laws were adjusted accordingly as more and more foetuses were surviving birth at earlier gestations.

    In cases where the woman's life is at immediate risk or there's a case of severe foetal abnormaility, abortion is legal up until birth.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go_away wrote:
    Well with technological advances, some are surviving just after 20something weeks. However, a lot of them currently have disabilities or die in neo-natal care. There was a table with stats on this a while ago, I don't know where it is now. In the UK, abortion used to be legal up until 28 weeks, but the laws were adjusted accordingly as more and more foetuses were surviving birth at earlier gestations.

    In cases where the woman's life is at immediate risk or there's a case of severe foetal abnormaility, abortion is legal up until birth.
    That seems quite sensible to me. Now we just need to sort out the whole sex education thing to make sure that fewer people need them in the first place. It always confuses me that this country always seems to look at America for solutions to problems, when there are plenty of countries much closer to home that have the solutions in place already.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A baby after it's been born can be looked after by any adult, the same way as elderly or disabled people. An unborn baby only relies on the mother, no-one else can have any responsibility for it. Therefore, up until the point that the baby could realistically survive without it's mother (not literally by itself, obviously), only the mother should have any right to decide. I dont know enough about the biology side of things to know where that point is though.

    Read the post I was replying to. I wasn’t talking about abortion – I was responding to katralla who says
    katralla wrote:
    if we can advocate termination at certain stages of pregnancy, ther is still the issue of a legal cut off- you say before 24 weeks, I say maybe even after birth

    You say that you think ‘only the mother should have the right to decide’ – presumably therefore you wouldn’t have a problem with abortions past the present 24 week limit? As you can see for yourself we're not even talking about 'potential life' - from a pretty early stage abortion is quite clearly a life taken. As I said before – I wouldn’t advocate banning abortion as I think it’s a personal ethical decision for women in that situation to make but the pro-choice side needs to be honest about the facts of abortion. Seeing those pictures and others except at a very early stage it’s factually incorrect to write-off a foetus as a ‘collection of cells’ and something as disposable as a wart.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Seeing those pictures and others except at a very early stage it’s factually incorrect to write-off a foetus as a ‘collection of cells’ and something as disposable as a wart.

    I've only been skimming the whole thread as I'm very sleep deprived/highly worked/highly strung but did anyone actually say that?

    The only time I've ever really heard of the 'collection of cells' thing are from anti-abortionists and their websites.

    ETA: I just read comments on Page 2. Despite whatever intrinsic value we place on the foetus, like I said, I'd still side with the woman every time, despite the stage of development the foetus is at. I mean, the woman went through that once herself and she can do a whole lot more to boot if we're just looking at things on the basis of a few simple reflex actions.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Read the post I was replying to. I wasn’t talking about abortion – I was responding to katralla who says
    I know, I was just butting in with my viewpoint. :blush:
    You say that you think ‘only the mother should have the right to decide’ – presumably therefore you wouldn’t have a problem with abortions past the present 24 week limit?
    I reckon that the cut-off point is the point at which the foetus could realistically be removed from the mother and survive. Even then, however, the mother's welfare must come first up until the point that the baby is born.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You seem to be suggesting that because a baby is dependent upon others and lacks human attributes – presumably meaning the ability to communicate coherently and the ability to reason it ‘maybe’ okay to murder a baby.

    I view it more like an extension of abortion than 'murder'. If we take infanticide to be up to 12 months after birth- I would be as repulsed by causing/allowing the death of a 12month old as you appear by my post-birth suggestion. Again, thinking as I type, only new borns fit into my idea of ethical infanticide/ extension of abortion.

    When I think about how dangerous it would be to ethically accept infantacide, I also question the ethics of abortion. Underlying this is my uncertainty of when a feotus/baby is human and has rights, or even if it needs to be 'human' to have rights - here I appear to differ from the majority by thinking babies are little alien things.
    What about disabled people incapable of living without aid? What about the elderly in care homes? Are they ‘human’ in your opinion?

    Different issue in my mind, that goes more into euthanasia etc.
    Are you a Nazi sympathiser?

    No. :impissed:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go_away wrote:
    I've only been skimming the whole thread as I'm very sleep deprived/highly worked/highly strung but did anyone actually say that?

    The only time I've ever really heard of the 'collection of cells' thing are from anti-abortionists and their websites.

    ETA: I just read comments on Page 2. Despite whatever intrinsic value we place on the foetus, like I said, I'd still side with the woman every time, despite the stage of development the foetus is at. I mean, the woman went through that once herself and she can do a whole lot more to boot if we're just looking at things on the basis of a few simple reflex actions.

    katralla wrote:
    Legal abortions just remove a few unwanted cells- a bit like cutting out an ugly mole no?

    Like you I’d side with the woman every time in that I don’t think abortion should be illegal. However – I believe that honesty is required, dehumanising a foetus as a collection of cells or whatever is simply false.
    I reckon that the cut-off point is the point at which the foetus could realistically be removed from the mother and survive. Even then, however, the mother's welfare must come first up until the point that the baby is born.

    I’d agree, until the baby is born I think the mother’s welfare is of primary importance. (From a religious pov that is clearly the case in Jewish thinking and I’d guess it is too among Christians, I don’t see how anybody could oppose abortion where the mother’s life is threatened).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I believe that honesty is required, dehumanising a foetus as a collection of cells or whatever is simply false.

    Fair point.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    did i read right? she cant get an abortion if she was raped?
    wouldn't it be even more cruel to bring a child into the world that couldn't/wouldn't be looked after?
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