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Are you currently in the UK?
I haven’t play Cup head either but I’ve heard lots of good things about it, if I recall correctly it’s being turned into a tv series on Netflix.
My favourites have to be hollow knight, oxenfree and rime. I love the style of those games.
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
Goodness! Keep up the good work, dude! Would love to see more in the future!
Love doing creative stuff but I never seem to have the patience nor energy for it these days. So it's been broken down into colouring books and short stories!
What kind of stories to do you write??
About 45 minutes ago my mum sent me a text saying that she is being discharged from hospital and she has fracture clinic on Monday (video appointment.) She has been in a lot of pain. Thankfully I still managed to get to school as a family friend took me but I was 50 minutes late. Thankfully the teacher that I had for lesson 1 was notified as to why I was late so I didn't get into trouble.
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
We’re here if you ever need anything
Thank you! Paint by numbers is the perfect way to switch off for me, I took a little break but these past few days I’ve been really motivated, I’ve made a lot of progress. I share a picture when it’s finally finished
Ooh colouring can feel so calming, That sounds like lots of fun. I get what you mean though not having much motivation, most of the time I only ever have motivation when I’m busy and don’t have enough time lol.
Short stories are cool, I like writing short stories. What sort of things do you like to write or read about if you don’t mind me asking?
I like sci-fi things , I’m not very good at writing them though, I often over complicate things oops.
And happy Friday!
@SpaceOtter - Can definitely see why! The results are so rewarding!
Yees! You have motivation to get your stuff together but not for your hobbies, and it's actually kinda sad.
I write about what I daydream, I guess.
Sci-fi?? That's so cool! How do you write sci-fi??
In terms of reading...? Hm. I read a lot of things! But I'm always interested in stories that covers heavy topics? Like psychological thrillers, crime thrillers, horror, etc. I love the intensity and how immersive it can get! What about you??
Hope you’re all ok
Glad you made it safe!
How are you @independent_
How are you?
I'm tired but I'm too hyper to go to sleep.
Same tbh, I know I should sleep soon ish but bit hyper lol.
How’s your day been?
My day's been alright. Manageable, actually.
What about yours? What have you been up to?
How are you?
I've taken to calling my sister "Plaguebearer" because she keeps bringing me illnesses back from school lol
Otherwise I guess I'm okay! How about you? What happened to your nice, fixed sleep schedule?
Hope you get well soon!
Yoo, what kind of illnesses is your sister collecting to be ill like that?
I've had better days. Just been a little moody about a lot of things.
Well, like all nice things that happen in life, it was obviously a sham. Bro, my schedule didn't even last for two days.
Ohhh colds, stomach bugs, tonsillitis. You name it really. Oh, and nits, her school is riddled with fuckin nits.
Anything in particular getting to ya and making you moody? Somethin you wanna talk about? I've had a relaxed day aside from picking my sister up from school, otherwise I've been playing games and tryna chat to people on discord - trying not to be such a loner lol
Hey 2 days is better than none lol. I guess my sleep is okay-ish atm but it's getting gradually worse again now -- you mentioned something in the hugs thread the other day which resonated with me. I find myself having bad dreams or always waking up super anxious and panicky so, I feel like I quite often avoid sleeping until I pass out
Stomach bugs, that's fine. Nits, that's fine. But tonsillitis?? Tonsillitis?? How is that possible? At this point, these illnesses are evolving. There's some Pokemon ecosystem going on at your sister's school and it's getting out of control.
Ah. Hope you're not too squeamish about Lady Red. As if I'm not emotionally sensitive enough, my emotions goes up 100x when she comes around. It's not too bad but it's relatively difficult to deal with.
What games have you been playing??
Haha, that is a good way to look at it.
I'm sorry to hear that
Sleep hasn't been the same since I was 9. I avoid sleep in general cos the dreams I have are so vivid, I just wake up super panicky and/or anxious. It doesn't help at all cos I can kinda feel the sensations? What kind of bad dreams do you have? If you also don't mind me asking. :
Well I mean in terms of tonsillitis it's probably just something she gets and I conveniently get just after
Doesn't bother me any, though I'll say I'm glad as hell it's not something I have to deal with.
I've been playing Ghost of Tsushima, Warframe and Final Fantasy 14 recently.
Like I say I've just been avoiding sleep tbh. Are they like night terrors for you then? ^^ I don't tend to have them, but recently I have experienced them while taking medication, hence why I stopped taking it.
Hmmm, I doubt my dreams are as bad as yours but, mine are often related to my anxieties or traumatic events. It sounds so sad and insignificant but I keep having dreams about my dad, and when I wake up the reality of him not being here anymore is gone and then slowly comes back again. It's like I have to keep reliving the realisation he's not here anymore. Otherwise it'll be anxiety dream, to do with whatever I'm worried about at the time lol
Oooh, that makes sense.
Oooh, I heard Ghost of Tsushima is a beauty... How is it??
Hm... Pretty much.
Oi! This right here:
Anything, and I mean anything that bothers you, whether it's big or small, is significant enough, okay? And in this case, your dad not being there is very significant.
In terms of dreams related to real life worries, I get that a lot. Do you get dreams about any memories in the past too??
Ooh. @Past User Sims 4.
Been feeling very creative so I built huge families and I kinda regret it because the family tree is so big.
Pinterest, too! I've been seeing a lot of new artists and photography lately so I've been saving and organizing them!
Been catching up on my manga list too!
What about you? What have you been up to??
Ghost of Tsushima is gorgeous yeah, and a really nice setting too. Also love the gameplay and rpg elements. Narrative could be a little better but it's good enough!
I was taking Mirtazapine for a while, it helped me to fall asleep but I had a lot of negative side affects. And thank you for the kind words there, doesn't tend to be something I talk about.
Occasionally I have dreams about past memories too, usually bad memories but not always. Have you been having something specific that keeps coming up? I imagine it helps to keep a diary of the dreams you have.
Art is one of my weakest qualities unfortunately, never been any good at it aha
I haven't actually done much lately, but now that I've booked my vaccine and once I get them, I want to finally work towards getting out again. I want to sort out counselling again and start jiu jitsu at a place close to where I live.
How about you, any plans going forward now? Tbf idk how I'm going to cope with going out again aha.