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The poem spot



  • LozLoz Community Champion Posts: 127 The Mix Convert
    @Distraction thank you <3 im gonna try be around a bit more i kind of went AWOL for a bit :joy:
    "My darkside won today" - DArkSide by BMTH
  • DistractionDistraction Posts: 481 Listening Ear
    Hahah, a bit of awol can be refreshing to be fair, but you were missed for sure!
  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,496 Wise Owl
    I've not seen this thread for a couple months and it recame up on my screen - just wanted to say yet again I love reading everyones poems - you're all so creative and have amazing ways of putting emotions into something beautiful :3
  • amy02amy02 Moderator Posts: 281 The Mix Regular
    I agree @sinead276 ! This page always inspires me to do more writing :3
  • LozLoz Community Champion Posts: 127 The Mix Convert

    shaking, fear, crawling in my skin
    i swore to myself i wouldn't let them in
    the edge has never been so thin
    i can't escape the grasp of the sin
    silence is a shadow, a different kind of art
    it's the inescapable misery that lives in my heart
    it's wanting to move on but not knowing where to start
    it's wanting to be loved when everything is dark
    the eyes are a shadow of all the stories untold
    it's the haunting memories caught in a chokehold
    it's the pain inside to where the soul was sold
    it's rejecting the warmth when you're used to the cold
    the shadow is the side that no one ever sees
    because if it were made known, no one would believe
    it's the tortured mind, the sadness that never leaves
    it's not wanting to be awake, but being too afraid to sleep

    "My darkside won today" - DArkSide by BMTH
  • LozLoz Community Champion Posts: 127 The Mix Convert

    enough is enough
    but still you return
    with your twisted love
    to watch me burn

    how can you heal an empty shell?
    is there any way out of this prison?
    do they see that i am unwell?
    can barely make a thought out decision

    is there something better on the otherside?
    because i am sure damn sick of life
    is there some place i don't have to hide?
    somewhere easier to survive?

    breathe in, breathe out
    repeat. repeat.
    hush, don't make a sound
    repeat repeat

    repeat. repeat
    don't sleep. don't sleep
    bleed for me
    can't you see?

    i've had enough.
    "My darkside won today" - DArkSide by BMTH
  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Moderator Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    Lovely poetry @Loz
  • DistractionDistraction Posts: 481 Listening Ear
    Don’t come near me,
    Don’t dare stay,
    I’ll take your happiness,
    And throw it all away.

    Don’t think for a minute,
    That we can be friends,
    For I’m so much work,
    That it’ll just come to an end.

    Don’t wiggle your way in,
    To my life of pain,
    Because if you win,
    You might just see,
    What I’ve truly became.
  • DistractionDistraction Posts: 481 Listening Ear
    If I left a note,
    Would it be filled of past hope,
    Would it scream, of a world unseen,
    Of the demons, that kept me acting like a machine,

    Or maybe…
    It would be traced with a wish,
    Of what could have been,
    If only, I could’ve put my brain in, for a dry clean,

    So I’m torn, far and in between,
    Of what I have left within me,
    To fight this misary,

    Then again…
    Maybe this isn’t necessary,
    Maybe I’m just a drama queen,
    Behind the scenes.
  • DistractionDistraction Posts: 481 Listening Ear

    (SH Trg)

    The night I started

    When I started self harm,
    I didn’t even know it had a name.

    Or any clue on what else to do,
    When the nightmares came.

    Morning always seemed so far away,
    As it was the only thing,
    That kept the monsters at bay.

    So I tried to stay awake,
    Watching them in the shadows,
    As they would kill and slay,
    Hoping that they, would just slip away.

    But more often than not,
    Fear would make way,
    For sleep to take me astray.

    And it was in that world,
    That I was so very afraid,
    Trapped and murdered,
    Again and again,
    Feeling every ounce of the pain.
    It made me feel insane.

    For when I awoke,
    The monsters remained,
    Still Hurting me,
    In every way.

    So I learnt a trick,
    For it all to be delayed.
    As tears fell,
    I picked up a blade
    And stayed awake until day.
  • DistractionDistraction Posts: 481 Listening Ear
    A child's last hope

    You can scream,
    You can cry,
    But you might as well wave goodbye.

    For adult eyes,
    Turn to glass,
    As they walk away,
    No questions asked.
  • DistractionDistraction Posts: 481 Listening Ear
    I was an adult,
    Before I was even a teen,
    A mother,
    To the lady,
    Who gave birth to me.

    Soothing her aches,
    Understanding her needs,
    As I listened to the demons,
    That wanted to kill me.
  • LozLoz Community Champion Posts: 127 The Mix Convert
    edited August 29

    i don't think anybody truly understands
    what it is like to be held hostage in the dark
    to have the fate of my life in my own hands
    the only thing awake is the beating in my heart

    when will i wake up? feel like myself again?
    when will i heal? be stronger than the pain?
    when will i be able to hold an umbrella against the rain?
    will the memories ever be something i can contain?

    when will i wake up?
    when will i feel like i'm enough?
    when will i wake up?
    when will i feel worthy of love?

    what if i never wake? what if things don't change?
    what if this is the only way?
    what if i'll always be trapped in this cage?
    what if i'll never be okay?

    what if i never wake?
    what if i'll never be okay?

    what if i'll never be okay.

    "My darkside won today" - DArkSide by BMTH
  • LozLoz Community Champion Posts: 127 The Mix Convert

    routine - maybe it's okay?
    keep busy. get on with the day.
    still got baggage to clear off my plate.
    but i've started again on a clean slate.

    a twisted celebration
    a trauma anniversary
    i wait in trepidation
    i wait here on my knees

    i can't see

    i can't leave

    i can't speak

    the agony when the bullet hits a nerve
    i know this next month is going to hurt
    a slave to the memory i have to serve
    beat me, break me, leave me in the dirt
    "My darkside won today" - DArkSide by BMTH
  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,686 Extreme Poster
    edited September 18
    a weird thing indeed
    one moment youre fine
    the next youre not
    way past your prime
    your face gets hot
    anxious, unaware and lost
    voices scream in your face
    until you give chase
    and sink into despair
    unlikely to repair

    a tricky thing indeed
    one moment youre good
    the next youre not
    you sit in the psych ward
    all breathless and bored
    until you have your meds
    to fix it all
    you go to therapy
    in order to mend
    but your thoughts still bend

    an annoying thing indeed
    one moment youre coping
    the next youre not
    you get discharged
    but the delusions still barge
    and the cycle loops
    again and again
    until you fall
    and youre never the same again
    psychosis - by toffuna101
  • LozLoz Community Champion Posts: 127 The Mix Convert

    creep in through the back door
    leave me on the bathroom floor
    nauseous and broken to the core
    questioning if i can do this anymore

    whisper your truths like they're fairytales
    bring back memories that were rotten and stale
    help me build my coffin, bring another nail
    remind me what i'm working for is just going to fail

    keep me away from sleep, make sure i'm deprived
    force me into lying and to say that i'm doing fine
    tell me i can't do this even though i survived
    lie to me, lie to me, never draw the line

    you like to watch me panic, it's that off which you feed
    it's almost like you wanted this, you want to watch me bleed
    it's not good enough for you until i can't fucking breathe
    if i reach that point, you whisper that they won't hear me scream

    they won't hear me speak

    they won't even see
    "My darkside won today" - DArkSide by BMTH
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