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steelgates hatred.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by cokephreak

    If I were you I'd give up on this and concentrate on other threads thoughout the board.

    Just reading all of what he said I think he should fuck off altogether.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog

    Rape is a crime no matter what. You cannot simply be a rapist in mind. Either you rape someone and become a rapist or you arent a rapist. Its quite simple.

    Being a paedophile is not a crime. Abusing a child as a result of being a paedophile is a crime.

    Steelgate is a very disturbed man and we should all stay well away from him.

    so does that mean you think steelgates views on rape are ok?
    surely some could argue that it was a sexual fetish like any other if thats the case.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What you've said is digusting beyond words.

    Sex is not a "right". You can't "take" it from someone if you want it and they won't give it to you.

    Its an act between two consenting adults.

    What kind of a selfish, pathetic person would force misery upon someone else for his own pleasure? And no, desperation is no excuse. :mad:

    Rapists deserve no sympathy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    what I mean is, we dont know whether steelgate has commited any rapes, but he seems to be a rapist in mind (as you put it) and to me thats definitely not ok
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by rainbow brite

    so does that mean you think steelgates views on rape are ok?
    surely some could argue that it was a sexual fetish like any other if thats the case.

    What part of my post did you not understand? I thought I was more than clear of what I thought of steelgates views.

    Rape is not simply a sexual fetish because by its very defintion, it is a crime. Simulated rape, IE extreme domination scenarios are not to my taste but they arent crimes and those involved are not rapists.

    If you rape a woman, you are a rapist. If you dont, you arent. I fail to see the confusion.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I wondered how long it would be before this thread came up. We had the same thing on liv4now before it vanished. Not surprisingly, everyone reacted in much the same way.

    Steelgate does not seem to believe in things like masturbation or other normal persuits that men undertake to get their minds off of sex. Instead he tries to rationalise rape, though I'm uncertain as to whether he's comitted it himself in the past, or would do in the future.

    It's certainly disturbing, but the argument on liv4 just went on and on and on in circles, and to be honest you're all probably better off just ignoring it. You wont change his views or make an impact, because that's an impossibility.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Having just read through the whole of this thread I have one thing to say, and I cannot be bothered to quote all the shit you spouted, Steelgate.

    Go fuck yourself you ignorant jackass.

    I cannot believe that scum like you are allowed to walk around freely in society. You should be castrated. Painfully. :mad::impissed:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Turtle
    Hey, anyone up for organising a meet up with Steelgate? You know, just to discuss this rather contentious matter in a far more poignant form.

    Indeed. I'll attend, and I'll bring a friend, too. :)

    :mad: Why the fuck haven't the mods banned him yet?

    Yes, quite. How the HELL does this guy get to stay when Thanatos gets banned multiple times!?!?!?!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hes not worth it. if noone ever replies to any of his posts from now on, maybe he will go away.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by rainbow brite
    hes not worth it. if noone ever replies to any of his posts from now on, maybe he will go away.

    I am afraid that he is like some disease. Don't take care of it, and it'll be much worse.

    He isn't a normal human being. He (with all seriousness) has some great mental problems, and he doesn't react like "normal" (or somewhat normal) people would. Lost case really.
    36 years old, and my 12 year old little brother is better at defending himself and his views.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Jacqueline the Ripper

    Lost case really.
    36 years old, and my 12 year old little brother is better at defending himself and his views.

    To be fair though, your 12 year old brother's views probably aren't so extremely odd. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nice Katana, Mac. ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    steelgates extreme left polotics where we could no longer vote ...or we would be reported to the authorities for thinking differently from the government are bad enough, BUT....the left in europe are now pushing for freedom to download and possess
    child porn images. under the human rights act !! how dare we arrest a man for only looking at pictures and thinking about sex with children ? they have not committed a crime...only thought about it. is this a twisted logic or what ?
    i've always thought of myself as being politicaly to the left. but the world is going fucking mad !
    i might just go for a weekend break, three or four weekend breaks if nessesary , till i meet steelgate. he wont be coming on here anymore after i have had a chat with him.
    and something realy smells here. i've been barred because i'm daft..this guy is truly dangerous. all the media warnings about nutters on the internet trying to meet people...and "thesite.org"
    is entertaining STEELGATE ?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Threatening violence because some-one has dared have and express views different to your own?

    Yeah, that runs to form.

    Jacqueline the Ripper : yes this me sticking up for some-ones rights, even if i don't agree on how they are using them. Like the peadophile thing... Is that really how I'm rememberd on this board?

    Stellgate is being unsensitive to others, and is guilty of not seeing things from all angles, but I think every-one has been guilty of this from time to time.

    He is also expressing his views, regardless of wether they will be popular or not. I think this is a pretty brave thing to do (very brave, actually, when you consider what these views are).

    I don't see how threatening him, however jovially (and not all the threats seemed that jovial), will make this better, educate his views, or even show yourself to be better than him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It was me who said that, not Jaqueline, and yes unfortunately that is how i remember you on this board, as a paedophile sympathiser and now a would be rapist sympathiser. Its up to you what you think but it makes me feel a bit sick. I actually agree with you on a lot of the other forums usually, but these 2 issues are extremely dodgy IMO
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Extremely dodgy is an understatement. There aren't many types of people in this world who deserve the death penalty. Rapists and paedophiles are 2 of them.

    Sympathisers of these sick fucks are just as bad.

    yes, Steelgate is expressing an opinion. He is expressing an opinion that a completely illegal activity is somehow justified, and his views make me think he himself is a rapist too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2. Racist, hateful, defamatory or otherwise illegal posts are not suitable.

    This is one of the points in the agreement you make when you sign up.
    Surely Steelgate has violated at least one of those and should be banned.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if he did get banned then he would probably just come back under a different name. in the members pages, there are steelgate, stee1gate and a stealgate. am i wrong in thinking these are all the same person? also since he only uses internet cafes, then it would be hard to ban his computer from accessing the site.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Then maybe we should arrange a meetup, teach him our views of rapists.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by cokephreak
    Threatening violence because some-one has dared have and express views different to your own?

    Yeah, that runs to form.

    On the contrary. Look back through the archives. You will notice a couple of things. First, I have stated on at least one occasion (quite recently) that I think rape is the vilest crime, that it is one of the few things that will get me genuinely angry. Second, I have disagreed with -- probably -- almost every other poster on these boards at one point or another, but I have never threatened violence. So your argument that this is somehow "true to form (for me)" is utter bollocks: what you are seeing is a great deviation from the norm caused by Steelgate's abhorrent (and I mean that word) opinions.

    Any society capable of suriving beyond the first generation has to, at least in some measure, be founded on proinciples designed to protect the children and child-bearers. You could even say that that is the first principle of chivalry, or gentlemanliness: women are so important and valuable that they are to be protected at all costs.

    My hatred of rapists -- and Steelgate comes pretty close to being one, given what he's written -- is both an emotional gut reaction and a reasoned response. Care to criticize?
    Stellgate is being unsensitive to others, and is guilty of not seeing things from all angles, but I think every-one has been guilty of this from time to time.

    True. But, then again, not many of us opine that rape is somehow justified, or is morally equivalent to a starving man stealing a loaf of bread. A rapist does not just steal the use of his victim's body: he steals her self-respect, and violates the cardinal law I stated above -- protect the child-bearers. The verb rapere means to sieze. I am happy to sieze the lives of such 'people.' Their place in society has, quite frankly, been voided by their actions.
    He is also expressing his views, regardless of wether they will be popular or not. I think this is a pretty brave thing to do (very brave, actually, when you consider what these views are).

    Brave, perhaps. However, as Nietzsche pointed out, if you see a man running ahead, is it because he is a brave scout -- or a cowardly deserter?

    In any case, now that he has expressed his views he can and will bear the consequences of them. He will receive vitriol from the other posters on this board. If he meets any of us, his safety will be in doubt. If he actually does rape a woman... :mad:
    I don't see how threatening him, however jovially (and not all the threats seemed that jovial), will make this better, educate his views, or even show yourself to be better than him.

    My threats weren't jovial. I just said, rape makes me angry to the blood.

    Will these views make things better? No. But then, I am not prepared to say nothing, and doing nothing would be far worse than anything any of us has done so far. Will it educate is views? Well, Steelgate has shown himself to be remarkably resistant to persuasion by reason, so swords of Damocles are all we have. Better than him? By an evolutionary leap, YES!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mackenzie : those comments were not directed at you. Not solely at you, at least. If the words do not fit the sentiment does.


    Whowhere : "2. Racist, hateful, defamatory or otherwise illegal posts are not suitable."

    What has he said that falls under this? he's said some things that have made people hate him, but i would not call them hateful.


    RainbowBrite : Sorry i got the names confused.
    I am actually quite sorry i'm seen like that, also...
    But its better than the alternative.
    You understand that i cannot let some-one be victimised for some-thing I see as unfair.

    Scarlett : "I cannot believe that scum like you are allowed to walk around freely in society. You should be castrated. Painfully."

    Woah!!! Its possible to express a veiw and get that as punishment?!?
    I'm guessing your not a member of Amnesty International.

    Unless your not remembering that all he has done is express a veiw. It appears that no-one on this board agree's with him, but does that mean its ok hurl abuse.


    All : How come when everybody is teling me about why rape is a disgusting crime (why do you think i need telling??) you are only talking about female rape victims?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RainbowBrite (all - light releif)


    I'm not a rapist-sympathiser.
    Your basing that on the knowlegde that steelgate is a rapist and i sympathise with him.

    I do not think that steelgate is a rapist.
    From what he has said i think he is a rapist sympathiser (in which there is nothing wrong).

    This makes me a rapist-sympathiser sympathiser. Thats a little more acurate.

    Heaven help us if some-one starts arguing on my side...

    That would make them a 'rapist-sympathiser'-sympathiser sympathiser... I'm not sure what the punishment for that is...
    5% of the overall mark for bad grammer?

    Maybe scarlett would say the castration does not have to be so painful.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by cokephreak

    From what he has said i think he is a rapist sympathiser (in which there is nothing wrong).

    Nothing wrong? Sympathy for a rapist? Why should a rapist get any sympathy?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There is no "should" or "should not" about it.

    If a person wants to give any-one sympathy thats up to them. Its not like sympathy itself is shielding them from the law, preventing the course of justice or helping them commit a crime.

    Why do you think giving sympathy is wrong?

    Is there something evil about me, just because when ever i see some-one less fortunate, or different from me i think "there but for the grace of god am i..."

    I think my gran must have snuck into my bedroom each night and repeated that over and over... ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If he supports rape?

    Let him visit a prison, meet the bubba man. The bubba man likes rape also..

    Although Stellgate is unsensitive to others, bubba will find his sensitive spots.. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by cokephreak
    Why do you think giving sympathy is wrong?

    I don't. In fact I didn't say that at all. Sympathy is fine when given to people deserving of it. Rapists aren't and I detest the idea that a rapist would get any sympathy.
    Why would anyone want to give sympathy to a rapist or someone who defends them? Someone who thinks that they have a right to force a person into doing something they don't want to do if they can't get sex, someone who deems rape as a similar offence to stealing a loaf of bread?! Why would you defend someone like this?

    I don't care if he's less fortunate or not. He's defending and condoning the actions of rapists. These are people who have carried out an action which can ruin their victims lives. You obviously have no idea what it's like; how you're left feeling after that and you don't want to know and I find it sick to think that someone can believe this shit and even worse to find that someone would defend a person like this.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    When it comes to rapists, sympathy is a word in the dictionary between shit and syphillis.....

    Yes, I have sympathy.. I am sorry they exist.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I read through most of the thread, I think I figured it out.

    As hes sympathetic to rapists and saddam, also believes socialism is good and doesnt have a job. I have come up with an analagy. (sorry in advance if I misspelled anything, I have a job and Im in a hurry)

    He admires saddam and sypathizes BECAUSE saddam has been raping and pillaging his own country. His views give me the impression that people like his hero, saddam should not be held accountable for their actions. Making excuses and giving justification to perpretrate violence or dehumanizing a fellow person of any sex religion politcal persuation or race.

    Steelgate, my son is only 20 but he came up with something good for you to chew on yesterday. He was being general in his statement. So please take it this way. It applies to stealing bread raping and just about any situation your describing.
    If YOUR making EXCUSES, YOUR making MISTAKES.

    It may be a little deep for yas, give it some time to soak in.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Sympathy is fine when given to people deserving of it. Rapists aren't and I detest the idea that a rapist would get any sympathy.

    sympathy is not a finite resource.

    Would i defend some-one who says rape is like stealing a loaf of bread?
    If he was about to be savaged by a group of people running on mob mentality.....
    If all he had done was make that statement of belief, and never even stolen a loaf of bread, much less raped any-one....

    I think i would.

    I certainly hope i would.

    If YOUR making EXCUSES, YOUR making MISTAKES.

    What is the difference between an excuse and a reason??
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