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That made me so happy! Go you! x
Thanks for getting in touch! It's so common for people struggling with eating disorders and body image problems to not see your body for what it really looks like. It's true - the mirror can lie to you but also it's human nature to pick on ourselves, especially to focus on what we don't like about our bodies. When you look in the mirror - try telling yourself things you like rather than things you don't! It doesn't have to be about your physical appearance but it can be about anything about you.
I'm sorry to hear you're finding this difficult - struggling to eat around people and feeling the immediate urge to burn off food can be symptoms of disordered eating.
Remember that food and calories are purely energy, fuel and we NEED it to survive! Food is a part of everyday life, it's always around us and it really is something that we should enjoy rather than fear.
Perhaps you could set yourself a challenge to eat at least one bit of food around people a day - whether that's friends or family, and then try and increase it when it begins to get a little easier. Remember, no one should judge you for what you eat. EVER. And you should be able to eat wherever you want, and whenever you want! You have nothing to be ashamed of.
Sending you lots of positivity x
Is it normal to feel fat and want to starve although you are quite thin? I sometimes hate my body image and it stops me from motivating myself to eat.
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
I'm just going to be in the background tonight! just looking over but I hope everyone has a helpful evening
Thank you for all the questions!
I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know if you saw one of my previous answers in this thread but I actually got a lot of my support from a local charity which runs regular support groups for young people. I know that these support groups were really helpful for all of us there and made us feel less isolated and alone, and I made genuine friends!
It was a chance for everyone there to forget about our problems and do nice things together
Sending lots of positivity and strength - you're doing amazingly x
I am very sorry to hear this, you’re not in the wrong so don’t give up! Get back in touch onto your doctors again but make sure it’s a different doctor. Even though it’s the same place, each doctor will have a different opinion and will do things differently. If you can Ask for a specific doctor that has supported, you in the past. If you need someone to speak to now Samaritans are really good at listening, they aren’t eating disorders specialists, but they will listen to you. Beat also does a support line that could help as well.
I Would say keep trying with your doctors but see if you can try a different doctor each time. Also, tell the doctor about what the dentist has said. Fear is a horrible thing, it’s our self-fight, our self. You are doing the right thing getting help, you are the best doctor for you but it’s just sometimes we need that professional help just to get us going in the right direction. So, no matter what the doctor says be proud because you achieved that fear. If you can get someone to go with you as support. If that does not work, see if your dentist could ring your doctors or send a letter of what they know to help support you. You can do this!
@Millie2787 you are deserving of the support, and like @TomR said you should definitely be proud of yourself for reaching out!
No, it’s not that the eating disorder, I am very sorry to hear you're struggling a lot. But you can fight it and achieve things that the eating disorder would never make you think you could achieve. Recovery is very hard but worth it in so many ways You can do it! Even if it’s the smallest step forward! If you want someone to speak to Beat to have a support line that might help and the number for this is 0808 801 0711
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
You are never, ever too fat, or too thin to have an eating disorder. One of the biggest misconceptions around eating disorders are that you have to have a certain appearance or be a certain weight but that is just not true in any way.
Please never think that you don't deserve help because your feelings are always valid. And please don't give up - you did so so well going to the GP, it was such a brave thing to do so you should be very proud of yourself!
If you feel like you can and want to, I would go back to your GP again and describe to them how you're feeling, in as much detail as possible and ask for help. Is there anyone who could maybe go with you for some support? In the meantime, take a look at the link to these organisations and see if any are near where you live - as they could also offer you some support.
You've got this! x
Thank you so much for asking the question even though you were scared.
Wanting to starve yourself and feeling fat is definitely the disorder talking. Remember that losing weight and starving yourself won't make you happy - but eating and giving yourself energy will help you get through every day. One of my close relatives was very poorly with anorexia - she has been in recovery for a while now, and says that when she didn't eat she was miserable and grumpy all the time, whereas now she eats a proper balanced diet and goes to school, has a part-time job, goes to dance class and in general is so much more happier!
Choose food and life! You are beautiful the way you are.
You've got this x
- eating a balanced diet with no restrictions
- exercise (not too much though!)
- staying hydrated
- getting fresh air every day
- taking time for myself
- listening to music
- doing at least ONE thing that makes you happy every single day
- surrounding yourself with positive people only
Please be careful if you are going to try Bootea... I just want you to be aware of the side effects. Those detox teas are scientifically proven to not give you a 'detox' but are instead laxatives which can damage your body
Great idea to speak to your team and it's absolutely amazing that you appreciate your body and don't want to lose your hair again - you've come so far and it's so wonderful to hear!
Maybe you could also speak to your team about your body image and ways you can work on it?
I hope it all goes really well! Sending lots of strength and positivity to you x
I think the issue is when I went to the doctor's last week and brought up my struggle, he knew full well where my mental health in general is and how I was struggling with my depression and eating disorder. He basically shut me down, told me I was fat and set me a goal weight. He completely ignored what I had originally said about how I was struggling. He also refused to do my medication or refer me anywhere and had the "mental health isn't real" attitude. Since that appointment I have lost weight at a quick rate because his attitude and comments have really impacted me. My issue with all this is, I'm to scared now to visit the doctor's. He was just a cover for my original doctor who has been helpful, but this one doctor was so horrible and just lectured me for 25 minutes about how talk therapy is a waste of time and me taking meds is pointless. He called me lazy for having days I can't get out of bed, called me over active when told I abuse the fact my gym is 24/7, yet he called me fat, yes fat was the word he used, just because I'm not your typical stereotype of anorexia
It's been a long day today, sorry
Also baring in mind I only went to that appointment because I had to have a follow up with blood works after having pneumonia and all I did was ask for a prescription for my meds.. never got it, not been on meds all week 🙃
It's good you can recognize that your struggling with this so be proud, it’s one step forward. Start small, so, for example, you could eat a snack with someone, then build it up from then. You should never feel like you need to burn off the energy, we all have been “brainwashed” from adverts that we need to do that, but they never take into account that to just live we need energy. An eating disorder is so sneaky so believe your dad, he wouldn’t just say that for nothing, I’m sure he would want the best you. You got this! Take care
I think you need to try and see a different doctor - this doctor clearly hasn't had any mental health training and doesn't understand how mental health impacts people's lives.
We DO understand you and everything you're saying is very, very real. Please don't listen to him. I can assure you - there are good doctors out there. I promise you! They are there, please don't give up - please try again.
I also once had a very horrific experience with a medical professional and I used to leave in tears every single time I had an appointment with them because they didn't understand my ED. So I never saw them again after realising they were causing more harm than good. I then found a very helpful person and it changed my whole perspective.
Your mind is the most important thing because mental and physical health go hand in hand. Therapy is super helpful (it helped me more than anything else) and you deserve all the support you can get! Never ever forget that x
I would agree with Molly @GreenTea , Keep trying different doctors because that’s shocking! You’re not in the wrong. You could maybe put in a complaint if you were unhappy with how the doctor treated your situation. You could try and just wait until your original doctor comes back. But if you have any physical signs that you know aren’t right you must go to A&E. You could try and ring CAMHS yourself and explain the situation. Please take care, You can do this don’t give up.
I'm too old for camhs, so it's ok. I'm 24 and the situation with my original doctor was because of all the flooding she couldn't get over. I went to the practice on the way home today but theres no appointments for 6 weeks (didn't book as I didn't have my diary with me and have to fit appointments between my 3 jobs)
It was honestly the worst experience. I left in tears and ended up SH that night as I was so stressed and confused and angry with that appointment. It's almost like I won't get heard because I'm not extremely slim so I don't matter.
Anorexia and Bulimia Care (ABC) 03000 11 12 13 anorexiabulimiacare.org.uk
Advice and support for anyone affected by eating problems.
Beat 0808 801 0711 (youthline)
0808 801 0811 (studentline)
beateatingdisorders.co.uk Under 18s helpline, webchat and online support groups for people with eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia.
Take care everyone