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The "Islam Is Peace" campaign...



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kinda off topic, but was I the only person that was relieved when George Galloway finally called someone out on that bullshit assertion that the President of Iran said he wanted to wipe Israel off the map on Question Time on Thursday? It only took about 4 years of people railing off that line without the BBC so much as issuing a correction (even though the American newspaper who did the original translation did correct themselves). :banghead: I thought the BBC were supposed to be anti-Israel? I thought they would've jumped at the chance to correct this one. Quite a good example of how crap can spread and no-one ever has the intellectual honesty to actually check whether what they are saying is true, as long as it's in line with party rhetoric and backs up their viewpoint.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think George Galloway is a walking personality disorder. Ahmedinajad has said all kinds of nasty things about Jews and George receives ample financial compensation. I'm more interested in seeing how Respect is imploding from within. I have my sources.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cheeta wrote: »
    I'm not sure what you mean by any of this either. You seem to have a very rich vein of sly, guarded insults to use. I prefer to speak my mind.
    As it happens it was a compliment. Shame you couldn't read it that way.

    Come to think of it, if you think that was an insult perhaps you have not been on many message boards after all...
    The rest of your above post is divided between carrying on in the same snide insinuation tone, and asking questions about multiculturalism that I have answered above.
    Yes, about that... I still fail to see what multiculturalism has got to do with the the topic in hand... or indeed, how it could be anti-semitic.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    The people he is referring to are ex-Muslims and many others who have been the victims of Islamic violence in the past (myself included) as well as academics who have seen their careers ruined (and worse) just for speaking out the awful truth about Islam. Many of them live clandestinely and have real reasons for staying underground. The 'is it' about Islamic ideology is that it is a system of thought control that can be easily explained even by using Chomsky's propaganda model explained in MANUFACTURING CONSENT. The counter-intuitive aspect of all this is that Chomsky has been himself duped for decades about the core doctrines within Islam. The people he has surrounded himself with (Tariq Ali and the rest of the stable of zmag writers) have deliberately obstructed any real research into Islam, which is, in itself an ideology that fully utilizes terror so that it's followers obey.

    This system of thought control is best studied by going further than the Q'uran and exploring the other texts such the hadiths, sirat, etc. As one studies Islam further a glossary of Islamic terms is needed to make sense of Islamic writings. Something that most leftists and liberals don't seem to have the courage to do. Or as I sense on many occasions a smug satisfaction with the explanations preferred in mainstream media. This seems strange to see leftists believing the view of Islam by mainstream media but that's what has happened. Why so few have noticed this is another question altogether.

    Much of the Left (and others) have gone with the extremely faulty take on Orientalism by the likes of Edward Said. It's sad but it's also deadly. Many of the people that Said influenced were (and many still are) responsible for painting the wrong portrait of Islam and leading foreign policy in the US and many other nations astray. Edwards said has been debunked extensively but as usual much of the Left deliberately ignores this.
    All very well, but you still seem to miss the point that the majority of Muslims do not advoctate violence, repression of hatred, regardless of whether 'scholars' or certain passages of the Koran might say.

    Give it a ballpark figure of about 1.2 billion. The "people in the West" cheetah is referring to are both Muslims and non-Muslims. Many non-Muslims have been attacked physically by jihadis but thought that they were just angry people from the Middle East.
    You've got any figures for that?
    The honor killings in the West are also greatly underreported. I predict that this trend will continue until it explodes. There are already quite a few teenagers who are secret infidels and more who will run away from their dysfunctional families and community. And not because it's the "trendy" thing to do but because it will be absolutely necessary in order to continue being alive. This is going to multiply exponentially into the millions and we at faithfreedom.org know it.
    Honour killings are not restricted of people of Muslim origin. In any case, cheeta's remarks could be interpreted as some kind of constant and mass killings taking place on both Muslim countries and the West by Muslim extremists. That is certainly not the case.
    I don't know if you are being honest here. First, you state: "Ah, the old multiculturalism. You just couldn't resist not dropping it in could you?":D

    Which should tell any reader that you have heard this line of reasoning before and consider it to be insufficient. But then you state: What do you mean by that anyway? What on earth has multiculturalism got to do with anything? Which tells me that either your writing off-the-cuff without much foresight or that you already have a strong argument as to why the issue of multiculturalism is irrelevant to any discussion about Islam. If the latter is the case then please explain to us why this is so.
    I still don't see the significance of multiculturalism at all I'm afraid. Nor am I convinced either way by single articles by people who are almost certainly not exactly impartial in the matter.

    This is a tu quocque argument but I'll take it on. Anybody who wants to be knowledgeable about religion had better understand the core doctrines of religions. For decades Islam was mentioned in a textbook fashion that mainly covered the 5 pillars. Just go to any bookstore or library in North America or Europe and very often what one will find in regards to Islam on the bookshelves are propaganda pieces that whitewash Islam. If one were to research Islamic texts in-depth then one can see that this is a camouflage as well as a diversion for believers to get their lives ritually entangled in a fine mesh net. There is a real shortage of published criticisms of Islam going back way before 9-11 and the media blackout really kicked in after 9-11.

    Ever wonder why the Aisha Controversy isn't mentioned on mainstream media outlets? It's because there is pressure and it is intense pressure coming from Western politicians who have interests in the oil industry, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and it's petrodollars and religious industry as well as (to their everlasting shame) "leftish" academics who (since the 1960's) have taken control of departments in universities. Their influence in Religious or Islamic Studies, Middle East Studies, and Communications Studies -these three in particular- turned back the clock when it came to educating the West about Islam. That's right. Left intellectuals such as Chomsky, Said, Tariq Ali, and others were instrumental in creating a culture industry that flourishes in a way that leftists of a previous generation (esp. Horkheimer and Adorno) would easily recognize and (I daresay) condemn. Islam was relegated to being studied with a focus on intricate tilework, cool calligraphy and an eye to cultivating a self-loathing of one's own culture and society if you were from the West. All the while they suppressed any real efforts to study Islamic texts. Do I expect any of them to confess to these blatant efforts? Not hardly but the silence is deafening from their side.
    Perhaps that could be because just like Christianity or Judaism, Islam has some good sides that promote good things and have caused good in the world. Perhaps they were concerned by the double standards seen in the West that painted its own chosen religion as peaceful and wonderful while portraying another religion that is pretty similar in values as monstruous. Perhaps they were trying to counter the long and arduous hate campaign waged by the far right and by sectors of the press in this country and elsewhere. Perhaps they have met many decent Muslims and give people credit even if they disagree with some of the dogma. Etc etc.

    And no, I'm not suggesting everyone with grave concerns about Islam has an agenda at work or far right leanings. But there is a rather nauseating, thinly-veiled campaign in parts of the mainstream media (let alone obscure websites and organisations) that is behind much of the witch-hunt ordinary, decent Muslims are finding themselves the victims of.

    You are right that many things in Islam need to change. But many other things need to, and by focusing only on one problem while ignoring the others little will be solved, and the very people you are trying to save will dig in deeper. Few Muslims will listen to people in the West about the need for reform and more tolerance when the leader of the free world speaks of 'Crusades' and on God's instructions (!) bombs the shit out of Muslim country after Muslim country in the Middle East, describing everyone a terrorist and a fundamentalist, and while giving unilateral support and carte blanche to a certain other country in the area to perpetrate 40 years of appalling abuse, indiscriminated attacks, nuclear proliferation and illegal land occupation.

    The more you alineate people, the less likely are you to change their views. We should be engaging positively in all fronts with Muslim scholars and States, not dragging Islam through the mud if we do not have the decency to do the same about our own religion and conduct.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kinda off topic, but was I the only person that was relieved when George Galloway finally called someone out on that bullshit assertion that the President of Iran said he wanted to wipe Israel off the map on Question Time on Thursday? It only took about 4 years of people railing off that line without the BBC so much as issuing a correction (even though the American newspaper who did the original translation did correct themselves). :banghead: I thought the BBC were supposed to be anti-Israel? I thought they would've jumped at the chance to correct this one. Quite a good example of how crap can spread and no-one ever has the intellectual honesty to actually check whether what they are saying is true, as long as it's in line with party rhetoric and backs up their viewpoint.

    Just like Ahmadinjihad said that iran has no homosexuals and then later his aides corrected it saying Ahmad meant to say the gays in iran are not like the gays in America.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    J wrote: »
    Who's that guy in the old testament who was tested by God to kill his own son but he didn't and by doing so actualy pleased God? Maybe some of the things in the Qua'ran are a test, and God wants to test people to see where their heart really lies?
    You mean maybe the koran is open to a different non-violent interpretation. Good Luck. The Sufis tried it over the Centuries. They had to turn the koran into a complete allegorical meaning and had to ignore the meaning of the text. It did not work and IMO it won't work. The Arabic text will take precedence over any ambiguous allegory.

    Of course my opinion does not matter. So make your interpretation work first and then I will be so happy that I will even have a smile as I let you lop tarts in my face.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well there was something in the news only recently about how some guy was campaigning to have the law that requires the consent of the first wife to be overthrown, therefore I guess the law must exist in the first place.

    Thats not to say that women arent ever coerced into consenting but thats not the same thing
    As for coercing the wife, that is very doable since the husband by islamic law is allowed to beat his wife if he fears discord until she returns to obedience as per verse 4:34.

    But yes, a country can have many secular laws that contradicts islam. Over time however, the islamists will win since they can always prove the secular law is against the islamic law.

    And guess what, most islamic countries now have a clause in their constitution stating that no law is above the koran. Even Iraq's new constitution and Afghanistan have that bullshit Koran above All clause (I thought we went to Iraq & Afghanistan to free them).

    Aladdin can sing and dance all he wants about how the "Majority" of muslims do not care about the koran. Yet, they agree to have the koran above any secular law or lawmaker in the country.

    And who gets to interpret if the law is against the koran or not? of course the Mullahs and Imams. So now EVERY muslim country, even the ones Aladdin came from or visited, has a council of Theocrat Turbanites. And the Council of Turbanites sits there and review every law and if the law is opposed to the Koran, the law gets Vetoed.

    Some Muslim countries will even claim they achieved Democracy (See: Iran). Since they let you vote from amongst the turbanites. The Turbanites will elect few turbanites amongst themselves and then the people will pick which turbanite will wear the "Big Turban" for the next few years. It is almost like electing a Republican from Texas.

    The people however, do not get to pick from doctors or engineers or lawyers or scientists or journalists. The people only get to pick a Turban from amongst the Turban.

    A Turban, elected or not, that will sit above elected lawmakers. That in short, is Theocracy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Baal wrote: »
    Just like Ahmadinjihad said that iran has no homosexuals and then later his aides corrected it saying Ahmad meant to say the gays in iran are not like the gays in America.

    No, nothing like that. One was a mistranslation of what he said, admitted by the American newspaper that translated it. The other was him cocking it up and backtracking.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    Well you can come to Jordan with me, where I have several Muslim friends, and you will meet them in person.

    That way you can also show them the error of their ways and tell them that instead of being friends with infidels like me they sould be cutting my throat before they can call themselves Muslims.

    They really need telling I think. Nothing worse than living a lie, as they apparently have been all their lives.
    Aladdin wrote: »
    I can show you people who are Muslims and who do this. Would that suffice?
    No it does not suffice that you show us some people who do this. You mention you can show us people from Jordan. Screw Jordan. I have cousins in Jordan. Here is a link informing you where does Jordan fit, on my Shitlist. And Jordan is more modernized and more secular and more tolerant then ALL its neighbors. Even Dubai's prince biggest claim to civilization, is that his most recent and Third wife, is the daughter of the King of Jordan. You should see her sitting on a big table with his Dubai monkeys, she looks like a goddess among them.

    Here is the link about Jordan:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Baal wrote: »
    No it does not suffice that you show us some people who do this. You mention you can show us people from Jordan. Screw Jordan. I have cousins in Jordan. Here is a link informing you where does Jordan fit, on my Shitlist. And Jordan is more modernized and more secular and more tolerant then ALL its neighbors. Even Dubai's prince biggest claim to civilization, is that his most recent and Third wife, is the daughter of the King of Jordan. You should see her sitting on a big table with his Dubai monkeys, she looks like a goddess among them.
    Are you feeling okay?

    Incidentally, that does the link got to do with Muslims at large?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    And no, I'm not suggesting everyone with grave concerns about Islam has an agenda at work or far right leanings. But there is a rather nauseating, thinly-veiled campaign in parts of the mainstream media (let alone obscure websites and organisations) that is behind much of the witch-hunt ordinary, decent Muslims are finding themselves the victims of.

    I think Sam Harris makes an important point on this particular issue. He stressed that it's important that we (referring to atheist, secular and humanist groups in this particular lecture) shouldn't attack "religion" when a particular religious belief infringes on the rest of us (let's say for example, a ban on stem cell research). The thing about religious beliefs is that even though they are all equally irrational, members of every different religion can see the irrationality in all of the other religions. And so when someone wants to ban stem cell research on the basis of religion, it's important to bring a rational argument against that specific religious argument, rather than simply dismissing it because it's religious and shrugging and simply saying "another example of religious nutters". Dismiss it because it's religious, and you're alienating all of the religious people who can see the irrationality in the argument that stem cell research is murder, and would agree with you if you were willing to have a reasoned debate into it. Attack religion as a whole in this instance, and you only damage your own cause.

    And so I'd disagree that we should point out the bad parts of every religion, or point out that every religion has bad parts every time we criticise one of them. I think every time a specific aspect of a specific dogma comes into public discussion or attempts to infringe upon others, it should be argued specifically. That way the law of averages says that the majority of people are not going to have that specific religious belief about that specific issue, even if they do all identify as Christian, Muslim, whatever. So to attack the entire religion, or all of religion in general in this instance would completely fuck up any chances for rationality to prevail.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    All very well, but you still seem to miss the point that the majority of Muslims do not advoctate violence, repression of hatred, regardless of whether 'scholars' or certain passages of the Koran might say.

    You've got any figures for that?
    What point am I missing.

    Muslims will riot over the stupidest of reasons and will not self-criticize or riot or demonstrate against the most blatant of human right violations made by muslims. Islamic forums, which we assume are carried by the more learned muslims, The multi-lingual muslims who can use a computer and type, will not carry a shred of condemnation to "Jihadis going against the peaceful teachings of islam".
    Aladdin wrote:
    Honour killings are not restricted of people of Muslim origin. In any case, cheeta's remarks could be interpreted as some kind of constant and mass killings taking place on both Muslim countries and the West by Muslim extremists. That is certainly not the case.

    I still don't see the significance of multiculturalism at all I'm afraid. Nor am I convinced either way by single articles by people who are almost certainly not exactly impartial in the matter.
    That is a hasty Generalization. Accusing cheetah of claiming there is a Constant Mass Killing. But yes there is mass killing. When in 20 years, no one got more then 1yr jail time for honor killing, in Jordan, where your darling non-koran following friends live, then I consider it state sponsored gendercide. Mass Killing of Jordanian Women.

    What is constant however, is the state of hate and fear that result whenever a criminal and his crime are allowed to thrive in a society.

    When 90% of certain islamic populations have their women circumcized (mutilated). And the habit increasing in new muslim areas when islam did not exist as a legal entity few decades ago, then I consider it a constant state of pussy mutilation. Do you want to marry a woman who Constantly does not have a pussy, Aladdin?

    Aladdin wrote:
    .... Perhaps they were trying to counter the long and arduous hate campaign waged by the far right and by sectors of the press in this country and elsewhere. Perhaps they have met many decent Muslims and give people credit even if they disagree with some of the dogma. Etc etc.
    Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps but is sure is that the Imams and Mullah are not being criticized, it is the perception of the West that is being criticized. Which is why the campaign for "Islam is Peace" is flawed. As I stated earlier it should be: "Why Islam is not Peace" And it should be directed to shame the failed scholars of islam. Not the Dhimmified West.
    Aladdin wrote:
    And no, I'm not suggesting everyone with grave concerns about Islam has an agenda at work or far right leanings. But there is a rather nauseating, thinly-veiled campaign in parts of the mainstream media (let alone obscure websites and organisations) that is behind much of the witch-hunt ordinary, decent Muslims are finding themselves the victims of.
    Mainstream Western media is extremely tolerant of islam. Go sing that tune somewhere else. And no, blogs are not mainstream.
    Aladdin wrote:
    You are right that many things in Islam need to change. But many other things need to, and by focusing only on one problem while ignoring the others little will be solved, and the very people you are trying to save will dig in deeper. Few Muslims will listen to people in the West about the need for reform and more tolerance when the leader of the free world speaks of 'Crusades' and on God's instructions (!) bombs the shit out of Muslim country after Muslim country in the Middle East, describing everyone a terrorist and a fundamentalist, and while giving unilateral support and carte blanche to a certain other country in the area to perpetrate 40 years of appalling abuse, indiscriminated attacks, nuclear proliferation and illegal land occupation.
    Tu Coque. I do not care about Bush or Sharon when I apostate or criticise islam in the middle east or Europe actually. I care about "Turbanman" that will make his fatwa in a mosque for some weak willed "Not a True Muslim" to pick on the fatwa, and come slit my throat.

    Aladdin wrote:
    The more you alineate people, the less likely are you to change their views. We should be engaging positively in all fronts with Muslim scholars and States, not dragging Islam through the mud if we do not have the decency to do the same about our own religion and conduct.
    I am sorry. I am not in the appeasement business. Go pray to the statue of Chamberlain or make sure you face Brown next time you hit your prayer rug. I am like the jew who escaped from his concentration camp. I am the Simon Wiesenthal coming to look for the murderers and their ideologies. Your islamic train is being driven by Wahabis. Your new imams (last 10 years), ALL of them, every Single Last One of them, are being trained with Wahabi books and Wahabi money sitting in Wahabi Madrassas.

    I will not use the velvet glove with Fascists. Fascists Love nothing more then the sight of people wearing Velvet Gloves. Instead you deal with fascists by exposing their man-cults. By ridiculing them and by shaming their followers. And nothing, scares a fascist worse then ridicule.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And gaining compliance through threats of violence isn't violent or hateful enough for you? Bearing in mind that Christians are supposed to spread this message, the new testament instructs people to threaten others with everlasting agony. And to children, this is far worse than any physical abuse you could give to them.

    Fair enough about the other quote, but I notice you didn't touch the one where Jesus clearly instructs people to follow the rules set down by god in the old testament. Which is precisely why the old testament is part of the bible, and hasn't been thrown away.
    I do not care about being threatened by hell. I find it amusing and funny. Even as a kid. What I find threatening is having all the cars of Christians painted with a white graffiti and the jewish cars with red graffiti to mark the cars of the sons of Apes & Pigs.

    Which verse are you referring to? Mathew? Isn't that the Mathew verse where Christ politically extricates himself from the OT? something about "I have come to complete the covenant"?

    And what happens with "Completed Covenants"? aren't they complete? closed? finished? done?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    I would argue that Muslim extremists are more dangerous and proactive than those of other religions.

    What matters is that Muslim extremists are but a very tiny minority and that it is wrong to suggest the majority of Muslims would parttake in violent acts or even support them.
    Yes. The majority of muslim do not partake in violent acts. But when in the ME, the average muslim has a picture of Ossama in his wallet, then you can assume the majority of muslims are complicit with their passive support of their islamic avant-guards.

    When muslim guys carry in their cell phones beheadings and exchange the videos like they were, the baseball cards of a player who just died from heart attack, that is a tacit support for violence.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Baal wrote: »
    I do not care about being threatened by hell. I find it amusing and funny. Even as a kid.
    ^ You've never experienced the threat of hell fire?

    Have you never felt compelled to believe in Islam because of the consequences you could suffer in the afterlife? Which is something that is preached and drilled into us over and over again throughout our vunerable youth/childhood, and even adulthood?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Baal wrote: »
    Yes. The majority of muslim do not partake in violent acts. But when in the ME, the average muslim has a picture of Ossama in his wallet
    Well again, perhaps folks in Jordan are a lot more open minded, or perhaps the Muslims I have met in Jordan are not average Jordanian Muslims, but I can say that not only I have not seen a single bin Laden photograph around, but also that everyone I have discussed the matter with is of the opinion that bin Laden is a complete cunt.
    When muslim guys carry in their cell phones beheadings and exchange the videos like they were, the baseball cards of a player who just died from heart attack, that is a tacit support for violence.
    Sure, they are complete twats. Though to be honest I don't see it much different than those in the West- particularly in the US- who go to sites such as liveleak.com and download videoclips of the mighty USAF dropping laser guided bombs on Iraqis and brave Marines machine gunning anything that moves.

    Unfortunately politics have been muddled with religion and we have a generation of people (on both sides) that have been radicalised. I'm not optimist about the future and for as long as there is war and conflict in the Middle East religion will continue to be thrown into the mix and play a bit part in the conflict. Not an attractive outlook for anyone concerned.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have we finished with the tu-quoque arguments?

    Now maybe we can get back to discussing the topic.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Baal wrote: »
    What point am I missing.

    Muslims will riot over the stupidest of reasons and will not self-criticize or riot or demonstrate against the most blatant of human right violations made by muslims.
    How many of them do riot?
    Islamic forums, which we assume are carried by the more learned muslims, The multi-lingual muslims who can use a computer and type, will not carry a shred of condemnation to "Jihadis going against the peaceful teachings of islam".
    Intelligence or literacy has never been mutually exclusive with capacity for extremism or violence.

    That is a hasty Generalization. Accusing cheetah of claiming there is a Constant Mass Killing. But yes there is mass killing. When in 20 years, no one got more then 1yr jail time for honor killing, in Jordan, where your darling non-koran following friends live, then I consider it state sponsored gendercide. Mass Killing of Jordanian Women.
    Oh dear dear dear... starting to scrap the bottom of the barrel a little don't you think?

    When 90% of certain islamic populations have their women circumcized (mutilated).
    Do you have any evidence to support that claim? And more importantly, what percentage of the total Muslim population of the world do these "certain islamic populations" comprise?

    Pray do tell.

    And the habit increasing in new muslim areas when islam did not exist as a legal entity few decades ago, then I consider it a constant state of pussy mutilation. Do you want to marry a woman who Constantly does not have a pussy, Aladdin?

    Yawn... And you'd started so well...

    Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps but is sure is that the Imams and Mullah are not being criticized, it is the perception of the West that is being criticized. Which is why the campaign for "Islam is Peace" is flawed. As I stated earlier it should be: "Why Islam is not Peace" And it should be directed to shame the failed scholars of islam. Not the Dhimmified West.
    If only the West could join in and shame the failed scholars, instead of pretending most muslims are violent and indulging in pathetic generalisations...

    Hell, we're seeing such generalisations on this thread so what hope there is?

    Mainstream Western media is extremely tolerant of islam. Go sing that tune somewhere else. And no, blogs are not mainstream.
    No thanks, I think I'd rather stay here and ensure a sense of proportion and fairness is injected when needed :)

    Tu Coque. I do not care about Bush or Sharon when I apostate or criticise islam in the middle east or Europe actually. I care about "Turbanman" that will make his fatwa in a mosque for some weak willed "Not a True Muslim" to pick on the fatwa, and come slit my throat.
    I suspect you are far more likely to have your throat slit by a hoodie on the upper decker of the 33 bus, but do feel free to check for mad muslims under the bed every night.

    I am sorry. I am not in the appeasement business. Go pray to the statue of Chamberlain or make sure you face Brown next time you hit your prayer rug. I am like the jew who escaped from his concentration camp. I am the Simon Wiesenthal coming to look for the murderers and their ideologies. Your islamic train is being driven by Wahabis. Your new imams (last 10 years), ALL of them, every Single Last One of them, are being trained with Wahabi books and Wahabi money sitting in Wahabi Madrassas.

    I will not use the velvet glove with Fascists. Fascists Love nothing more then the sight of people wearing Velvet Gloves. Instead you deal with fascists by exposing their man-cults. By ridiculing them and by shaming their followers. And nothing, scares a fascist worse then ridicule.
    You've lost it now pal :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    If only the West could join in and shame the failed scholars, instead of pretending most muslims are violent and indulging in pathetic generalisations...
    ^ For Gods sakes Aladdin can you STOP saying that because that is not our view.

    Haven't I made it clear that I do NOT think that most Muslims are violent?

    Yet why do you continue to repeat this?

    Like we stated, the vast majority of 'Muslims' are merely born into this religion and they will probably live the whole of their life without reading or understanding the Quran. We should be thankful that the vast majority of Muslims are like this.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Baal - as stated before it's one thing to talk about opinions but it's something entirely different to state claiming things as fact. If you want to continue to post here then please provide some evidence for your claims (with links)

    - Some Islamic states practice female gential mutilation on 90% of their population

    - Every Iman in the last ten years has been trained with with Wahabi money using Wahabi texts

    Your comments about Muslim's 'rioting for any reason', use of slang terms for Muslims, all suggests that you don't have much interest in a reasoned or intelligent debate.

    You've agreed not to post anything hateful or insulting by posting here. If you continue to be unable to debate an issue without making insulting comments you'll be toast.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    - Some Islamic states practice female gential mutilation on 90% of their population

    No, that figure is wrong. It is 97% .

    The 1996 Demographic and Health Survey in Egypt revealed that female circumcision is virtually universal among women, with 97% between the ages 15-49 having been circumcised. Among survey respondents with one or more living daughters, 87% report that at least one daughter has already been circumcised or that they intend to have the daughter circumcised in the future. The median age at circumcision is 9 - 8 years of age.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Cheers for that - a terrible piece of information
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cheeta wrote: »
    No, that figure is wrong. It is 97% .

    The 1996 Demographic and Health Survey in Egypt revealed that female circumcision is virtually universal among women, with 97% between the ages 15-49 having been circumcised. Among survey respondents with one or more living daughters, 87% report that at least one daughter has already been circumcised or that they intend to have the daughter circumcised in the future. The median age at circumcision is 9 - 8 years of age.



    However, I just did a quick search on the study and it doesn't seem to be related to the practice of Islam:

    Female genital cutting includes a range of practices varying from a simple nick of the clitoris to the partial or complete removal of the female genitalia for non-medical reasons. FGC is a common practice in many societies in the northern half of sub-Saharan Africa. Nearly universal in a few countries, it is practiced by various groups in about 28 African countries, in Yemen, and in immigrant populations in a growing number of countries. In a few societies, the procedure is routinely carried out when a girl is a few weeks or a few months old (e.g. Yemen), while in most others, it occurs later in childhood or adolescence. In the case of the latter, FGC is typically part of a ritual initiation into womanhood that includes a period of seclusion and education about the rights and duties of a wife.

    Both scholars and activists often assume that FGC ?is an ?ancient? and deeply entrenched practice, that it is associated with initiation, with Islam, and with patriarchy? (Shell-Duncan and Hernlund, 2000:3). The same authors point out, however, that FGC is a recent practice in some societies; it is not always part of an initiation ritual; and most of the Islamic world does not observe the practice. Indeed, the practice in what is now Egypt and Sudan predates Islam by hundreds of years. Female genital cutting is a term chosen for its neutrality. The practice is more often referred to as female circumcision or female genital mutilation. Many people object to the use of the term female circumcision, which, they argue, suggests that the practice is analogous to male circumcision. In the mid-1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) and many other groups adopted the term female genital mutilation (FGM), which emphasizes the permanent physical damage done to the female genitalia. This is the term used by the majority of English speakers. Recently, researchers and interested parties have expressed concern that the term female genital mutilation ?stigmatizes the practice to the detriment of the programs trying to change it? (USAID, 2000). French speakers generally use the term excision for all types of FGC.

    So just a bit of balance there. There's also a table up and Iran, Indonesia, Iraq, Turkey etc. are not featured which is surprising as they have very large Islamic populations.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes, its very important to have balance. So instead of a bunch of kaffirs on an Internet forum pronouncing on whether or not FGM is Islamic, lets give an airing to a free discussion between two muslims on the subject.

    There is also a hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad approves the practise, which I was going to quote here until I realised that the scholar from Al Azhar University has quoted it already in this clip.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sanitize wrote: »
    ^ For Gods sakes Aladdin can you STOP saying that because that is not our view.

    Haven't I made it clear that I do NOT think that the most Muslims are violent?

    Yet why do you continue to repeat this?

    Like we stated, the vast majority of 'Muslims' are merely born into this religion and they will probably live the whole of their life without reading or understanding the Quran. We should be thankful that the vast majority of Muslims are like this.
    We should indeed, and I was not implying you were saying the majority of Muslims were playing. That is certainly not the impression I got from one or two other people, who have been implying they are or simply pretending those who aren't don't count as Muslims anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    Are you feeling okay?

    Incidentally, that does the link got to do with Muslims at large?
    You claimed that your Jordanian friends do not care much about the koran. I gave you an example from a country considered more enlightened, where the suspicion of adultery or even an act that could lead to adultery is met with state semi-sanctioned Murder. This is following the Islamic concept that is drilled in muslims heads since birth, that Adultery is held on the same level as Murder and Shirk (partening with allah).

    What does this has to do with Muslims at large? This has to do with the enlightened Muslims in Jordan. Like your friends. Here you have 60 out of 85 Jordanian Turbanites voting against criminalizing honor killing. These Jordanian "Males" would rather sit and watch Jordanian women get killed and NO ACTION of any consequence would be taken against the killer.

    These males are acknowledging that if their Daughters or Sisters or cousins get honor killed, they would rather let the murderer go for 6 month to a year. Now if Murder your wife, hands you 6 month in jail, how much you think they hand to Wife Beating?

    And if the wife is allowed to get beat, then you can bet your family jewels, that everybody else in the house is permitted to get beat by the man of the house.

    Here is a little Gift from the Koran:
    Quran 4:34 - Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
    For the record: This verse is translated to sound really nice in English. In Arabic it reads much worse. And one English translation, the translator was so ashamed from this verse that he added (lightly) after 'beat them'.

    * In Arabic it does not say "Men are the maintainers", it says "Men are held a degree above women".
    *In Arabic it does not permit the beating if you "fear desertion", merely it permits the beating sequence if you "fear discord".
    * Allah preference for men is preposterous:
    First: Allah prefers men because he made men better! (so men are better).
    Second: Allah prefers men by what men spend from their pockets. Allah has no appreciation or regards for the women that used to die during childbirth at rates reaching 20% in certain times. But Allah will prefer men by what they spend, from their pockets.

    You were asking if I am feeling okay, thanx for asking, how about you, you feeling me?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cheeta wrote: »
    Yes, its very important to have balance. So instead of a bunch of kaffirs on an Internet forum pronouncing on whether or not FGM is Islamic, lets give an airing to a free discussion between two muslims on the subject.

    There is also a hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad approves the practise, which I was going to quote here until I realised that the scholar from Al Azhar University has quoted it already in this clip.


    Well, this is a public debate forum for anyone to partake in discussion, we don't exclude 'kaffirs' (or 'infidel, derogatory term used by Indian Muslims for Christians'), if you want a free discussion between yourselves go set up your own forum where you can ban all the kaffirs. Or do you just want to preach?

    And back to the original point. You can pick out as many examples as you like of Islam bringing evils upon the world, but making unsubstantiated claims this has real world relevance is just propaganda. It was used as an argument against Islam. Jim V asked for a source, so one was posted up citing Egypt as a muslim country (yes) that has a high rate of female genital mutilation (yes). I looked at the source, and found that it was not related to Islam at all and that the practices of circumcision in Eygpt predates Islam. Therefore it's completely invalid and using it as an argument against Islam is wrong.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Baal wrote: »
    Your islamic train is being driven by Wahabis. Your new imams (last 10 years), ALL of them, every Single Last One of them, are being trained with Wahabi books and Wahabi money sitting in Wahabi Madrassas.

    Once again Baal - please provide some link for this - oh and I missed it before - this isn't 'our' Islamic train, it's a discussion about Islam, I doubt very much anyone who has posted follows Islam.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Baal wrote: »
    You claimed that your Jordanian friends do not care much about the koran. I gave you an example from a country considered more enlightened, where the suspicion of adultery or even an act that could lead to adultery is met with state semi-sanctioned Murder. This is following the Islamic concept that is drilled in muslims heads since birth, that Adultery is held on the same level as Murder and Shirk (partening with allah).

    What does this has to do with Muslims at large? This has to do with the enlightened Muslims in Jordan. Like your friends. Here you have 60 out of 85 Jordanian Turbanites voting against criminalizing honor killing. These Jordanian "Males" would rather sit and watch Jordanian women get killed and NO ACTION of any consequence would be taken against the killer.
    If such vote had been taken by the people of Jordan your argument might hold more water. But it wasn't, and I hope you are not suggesting the government and politicians of Jordan are elected by its people or represent their views.

    Religion always clings the longest around the statute books. This is true even of democracies where archaic laws regarding oral or anal sex remain even when the majority of the population probably don't give a toss about it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    Well, this is a public debate forum for anyone to partake in discussion, we don't exclude 'kaffirs' (or 'infidel, derogatory term used by Indian Muslims for Christians'), if you want a free discussion between yourselves go set up your own forum where you can ban all the kaffirs. Or do you just want to preach?

    And back to the original point. You can pick out as many examples as you like of Islam bringing evils upon the world, but making unsubstantiated claims this has real world relevance is just propaganda. It was used as an argument against Islam. Jim V asked for a source, so one was posted up citing Egypt as a muslim country (yes) that has a high rate of female genital mutilation (yes). I looked at the source, and found that it was not related to Islam at all and that the practices of circumcision in Eygpt predates Islam. Therefore it's completely invalid and using it as an argument against Islam is wrong.

    I have no wish to ban all the kaffirs, especially as I am one. The point I was making there is that whether or not you or I agree that FGM is, or is not, sanctioned by Islam, will make no difference to the female population of Egypt. It will not reduce the practise if you convince me this is against Islam, it will not increase if I convince you it is not. It needs muslims themselves to reject the practise, and especially influential muslims to pronounce it contrary to Islam.

    That was why, in the interests of a free debate I posted a link to a debate between two muslims about it. Did you watch it? Or were you too interested in trying to score points off a stranger on the net?
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