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Would YOU wear fur?



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ballerina wrote:
    nope, it's disgusting to kill animals for their fur. and how they do it is horrible.
    Is it worse than how they slaughter animals in a slaughterhouse?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    not read the whole thread but i have read some of it....yes i do wear fur, i have a couple of fur coats. whats the difference between wearing leather and eating meat, your still killing the animals...ofcourse thats just my opinion, not forcing it on anyone else
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Amira wrote:
    not read the whole thread but i have read some of it....yes i do wear fur, i have a couple of fur coats. whats the difference between wearing leather and eating meat, your still killing the animals...ofcourse thats just my opinion, not forcing it on anyone else

    The difference is, in a lot of cases how cute the animal is, mink and so on look nicer so they rank higher up the scale on animals its ok to use. Seals are another good example of this.

    However, a lot of people dont like the conditions in which fur animals are kept in, very small cages and a generally bad enviroment.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ballerina wrote:
    nope, it's disgusting to kill animals for their fur. and how they do it is horrible.
    No it's not. Animals get killed for my tea, for my shoes and for my coat.

    The conditions the animals are kept in are bad, but it's no worse than the conditions in any other factory farming environment.

    In all seriousness I would prefer to buy synthetic because of the farming environment, and because I strongly disapprove of the whole factory farming environment (as much as anything, free range meat tastes nicer) but my problem with fur is not that it was once a living being.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you are interested

    Hey - I realize that it isn't a big problem in the UK; however, if you are interested I've started a petition to try and stop fur sales (I'm mainly concerned with the US because it's become a problem here). I would appreciate if you take a look at it, if you sign please pass it along to your friends.


    By the way, I am not a crazed activist; I think eating meat is good for people. Personally I choose not to, but I do not force my beliefs onto others. I understand that animals will die - but when a cow or a pig dies people eat the meat, they use the skin, and with the other parts they often make dog treats (pig/cow ears, hooves, snouts ect). When an animal is killed for it's fur, the rest of it is discarded. Also, the way the fur trade animals are treated is absolutely unnecessary - there is no reason that they have to live their lives in a cage and be skinned ALIVE. These animals deserve to be treated humanely and if they must be killed it should be done quickly - they should not lie gasping for air after their skin has already been removed. :heart:
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    If I could afford it, no, I wouldn't, I consdier it overpriced.

    Sure, the conditions are bad. A main difference between your beef steak and a fur coat is the method of killing. The beef doesn't have to look good on your plate, so they can kill it in a method that if it had fur, would damage the coat.

    I do have a leather jacket though. Thing is, cow are not considered "cute" as said above. I think what is really disgusting though, is that cats are boiled alive in the far east.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There is no reason, but it's about cost. It's cheaper to skin them alive, so they do.

    But the issue is not with fur, it's with fur farms. It's a difference.

    To be honest, I'm far more disgusted by what IAMS pet food company did in its animal testing, and by how foie gras is produced.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How is it cheaper to skin them alive? Don't get it, does it cost anything extra to kill them before they skin them? Sorry, I don't really think so.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If an animal was killed for meat, what the hell is the problem in wearing it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That's the thing, the animals are not killed for meat. Simply fur. They leave their bodies to rot. When you think about it - it's really not necessary to have fur coats. We don't need them, there are so many other fabrics that we can use, it's just a status symbol (and a gross one at that). :yuck:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    whats the difference for the animal if its killed for meat or for fur. Theyre not going to think " well I dont really want to be killed but as long as they eat me its OK."
    Is the problem with the fur industry only wastage?
    I mean - you either give a shit about animal suffering therefore dont wear them or eat them, or its not a priority of yours so you eat them and wear them. Its a bit much for someone who happily munches on a steak to then start saying that people who wear fur are doing a terrible thing.
    I can see why some people who eat meat wouldnt want to wear fur, obviously its up to the individual to decide which causes they support and I guess its better to do something than nothing if you really dont like the industry but its hypocritical to start shouting about it unless you dont eat animals either.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "I mean - you either give a shit about animal suffering therefore dont wear them or eat them, or its not a priority of yours so you eat them and wear them."

    Personally I don't eat animals. I'm sorry but it is rather close minded to say that you don't see the difference, human survival is an acceptable reason to kill animals - I can find/afford other things to eat rather than animals but what about in these third world countries (where a lot of these fur farms are located), why can't they use the animal for food. If they are going to kill it anyway - feed some hungary people in the process.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have you actually ever seen a mink? There isn't actually anything on it to eat.

    Oh, and try going to the Steppes and tell me that fur isn't necessary. Even try going to Keswick on a cold January night and tell me that synthetic materials are as equally good as natural fur. Natural fur is better than any synthetic material, fact.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mushy24 wrote:
    "I mean - you either give a shit about animal suffering therefore dont wear them or eat them, or its not a priority of yours so you eat them and wear them."

    Personally I don't eat animals. I'm sorry but it is rather close minded to say that you don't see the difference, human survival is an acceptable reason to kill animals - I can find/afford other things to eat rather than animals but what about in these third world countries (where a lot of these fur farms are located), why can't they use the animal for food. If they are going to kill it anyway - feed some hungary people in the process.

    Im probably one of the more open minded posters on this board actually - Tell me what IS the difference from the animals point of view to be killed for food or for clothing? It doesnt make much difference once youve killed the thing.
    eating meat has NOTHING to do with human survival in the western world. Are we having a go at people who wear fur in poorer countries too. Which one are we talking about here?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im probably one of the more open minded posters on this board actually - Tell me what IS the difference from the animals point of view to be killed for food or for clothing? It doesnt make much difference once youve killed the thing.
    eating meat has NOTHING to do with human survival in the western world. Are we having a go at people who wear fur in poorer countries too. Which one are we talking about here?

    I have two major issues with the fur trade; one is the torture they put the animals through and two is the waste of the animal. Why must they torture the animal before they kill it - why does it have to be skinned ALIVE? Why, once the animal is dead can't they use the rest of it for something else?

    When I watched that video of the animal being skinned, I couldn't think of anything but my tiny little dog. I just imagined her being killed like that. Animals do have feelings, maybe not like you and I, but that suffering animal definatly felt the pain of having it's skin removed. Can you really justify that?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Have you actually ever seen a mink? There isn't actually anything on it to eat.

    Oh, and try going to the Steppes and tell me that fur isn't necessary. Even try going to Keswick on a cold January night and tell me that synthetic materials are as equally good as natural fur. Natural fur is better than any synthetic material, fact.

    If you can honestly tell me that fur coats are a necessity for human survival then I will agree with you. Above all else, human survival is most important. In NYC - FUR COATS ARE NOT A NECESSITY!!!! It's cold but it isn't that cold! I can get by easily with a cotten hoodie and a coat made of syntetic material. Maybe fur is warmer - but I can get by with out it.
    I've never been to Steppes or Keswick - you'll have to let me know just how cold it is.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    recently i saw a video of a raccoon being skinned alive. it was the most horrible thing i had ever seen. how can anyone be so cruel??!! and even after they didn't have the heart to kill the poor thing. it just lay there..covered in blood, naked, without its fur. :nervous: sorry, im rambling.. it's just soo sad :crying:

    i have vowed NEVER to wear fur. i have respect for models who don't wear fur because of this reason :thumb: and im starting to hate jennifer lopez..damn she wears a lot of fur! grrrr....

    fur is ok if ur an eskimo & trying to keep warm...but for us? c'mon!!!!!!!

    i guess leather is a little better- i still wouln't wear it tho :no: if u rlly want to wear fur, why dont u just wear faux..it still looks the same..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is it worse than how they slaughter animals in a slaughterhouse?

    yes! in slaughterhouses they -usually- kill the animal and then chop it to pieces. in the fur trade, they skin the poor things alive and then leave them to bleed to death. its horrible.
    and i suggest everyone signs the petition mushy24 was talking about


    it takes 5 seconds and you can even do it anynomously if you insist..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well youre preaching to the converted as regards to animal cruelty, I definitely dont like the way they do it, but one thing im wondering about is, do they ALWAYS do it like that - are ALL fur farms the same? Im thinking along the lines of battery farming chickens for their eggs is a BAD thing, but that doesnt make all eggs unethical. There are free range alternatives.
    I dont believe that ALL fur farms skin their animals alive. I believe that the said practice probably does happen, in the same way that factory farming pigs and chickens does. I think there are bound to be farms that dont do that, and indeed the more I think about it, the more I think that skinning an animal alive is likely to be the messiest way of doing it, being that the blood would flow and the animal would struggle, unlike if it was euthanased before skinning, then the blood would pool and not damage the coat as much.
    This website say they euthanase the mink by vetinarian approved standards with carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide. http://www.furcommission.com/farming/index.html#Anchor-Humane-35326
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yes! in slaughterhouses they -usually- kill the animal and then chop it to pieces. in the fur trade, they skin the poor things alive and then leave them to bleed to death. its horrible.
    and i suggest everyone signs the petition mushy24 was talking about


    it takes 5 seconds and you can even do it anynomously if you insist..

    Thanks for checking out and signing my petition - it's nice to see that other people recognize the absolute horror that those poor animals are put though - and that they actually want to do something to stop it. :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good to see RB's link was completely ignored, there.

    Who showed you the videao fo the animal being skinend alive? I don't doubt that it does happen, but I do seriously doubt that it is likely, for the same reasons RB said.

    And, again, I shall ask: what is the difference between killing an animal for it's fur, and killing an animal for it's meat? Also, if you can get any edible meat at all off a mink then you're doing damn well.

    For the record, in winter the Russian Steppes often drop to below -25C. Think Siberia.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Good to see RB's link was completely ignored, there.

    Who showed you the videao fo the animal being skinend alive? I don't doubt that it does happen, but I do seriously doubt that it is likely, for the same reasons RB said.

    And, again, I shall ask: what is the difference between killing an animal for it's fur, and killing an animal for it's meat? Also, if you can get any edible meat at all off a mink then you're doing damn well.

    For the record, in winter the Russian Steppes often drop to below -25C. Think Siberia.

    I'm going to say that I think I've already answered that question. Anyway - here it gets about -15 F. on a really REALLY bad winter day. Still, I can deal w/o the fur.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mushy24 wrote:
    I'm going to say that I think I've already answered that question. Anyway - here it gets about -15 F. on a really REALLY bad winter day. Still, I can deal w/o the fur.
    So why do you think its morally better to kill an animal for meat then? Its very easy and nutritionally sound to live without meat.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This website say they euthanase the mink by vetinarian approved standards with carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide. http://www.furcommission.com/farming/index.html#Anchor-Humane-35326

    Well, I checked out that website and looked @ a few others, I'm glad to know that the video I saw is not the norm. I know that PETA is very extreme and tend to make things seem worse than they really are..... hell, for all I know, that one guy on the video could be the ONLY guy that would skin the animals alive. I think I've just realized that there are going to be sick people who don't give a shit about an animals life no matter what. I guess there isn't anything that people can do to stop that.
    But for me..... I can't be convinced that fur coats are a necessity in an environment like mine - but people wear them anyway, so whatever.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    IAMS pet food company did in its animal testing, and by how foie gras is produced

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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Kermit wrote:
    Good to see RB's link was completely ignored, there.

    Who showed you the videao fo the animal being skinend alive? I don't doubt that it does happen, but I do seriously doubt that it is likely, for the same reasons RB said.

    And, again, I shall ask: what is the difference between killing an animal for it's fur, and killing an animal for it's meat? Also, if you can get any edible meat at all off a mink then you're doing damn well.

    For the record, in winter the Russian Steppes often drop to below -25C. Think Siberia.

    Word up about Siberia. It has hit -50ºc there before. Fur = Warmest thing going. Although out there most coats are not made from mink or designer furs.

    Not all animals are skinned alive. Just some in some fur factories. Couldn't they give them lethal injection or something poisonus to make it more Humane? I can understand that point, but to say even after that it is bad is just taking the piss I feel, as fur has been worn for YEARS by mankind. They usually used to kill the animal though incase it fought back, they did tend to catch large things like bears. :lol: You try skinning a bear alive.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mushy24 wrote:
    I can't be convinced that fur coats are a necessity in an environment like mine

    Meat isn't a necessity.

    Why the hypocrisy?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mushy24 wrote:
    Well, I checked out that website and looked @ a few others, I'm glad to know that the video I saw is not the norm. I know that PETA is very extreme and tend to make things seem worse than they really are..... hell, for all I know, that one guy on the video could be the ONLY guy that would skin the animals alive. I think I've just realized that there are going to be sick people who don't give a shit about an animals life no matter what. I guess there isn't anything that people can do to stop that.
    But for me..... I can't be convinced that fur coats are a necessity in an environment like mine - but people wear them anyway, so whatever.
    I love people who are open minded enough to see all sides to an argument.
    Welcome to the site :wave: :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I love people who are open minded enough to see all sides to an argument.
    Welcome to the site :wave: :)

    Thanks! Glad to be here! :yippe:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I must admit I'm quite surprised at the number of responses to this thread. Seems to be a topic that's divided a lot of you. It's been very interesting to read. Thanks for your responses.
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