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Would YOU wear fur?



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmm That's strange... :chin: When I say I wear my fur coat (that I bought from a car boot sale!) I get it in the neck. But when others say they wore fur coats but refer to them specifically as 2nd hand, that it's fine!?!? WTF!

    Ilora x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bongbudda wrote:
    Is it the fur itself that it immoral or the method for getting the fur?
    I hate the way the animals suffer for vanity. Food is different, it's nature, animals eat animals, not to look good.
    Good question, I had to ask myself as it's an overwhelming feeling I get instantly. I care far more for most animals than most people and an even par with those people I care for. Anyone that could consider dressing themselves using animals that are only used for fur and tht are treated disgustingly, repulses me.

    I cant even read most articles of animals being mistreated as it severely distresses me and that's coming from someone who considers herself very tough cookie in most situations.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What about rabbit fur then? people eat them, and i would imagine rabbits are treated alright, although i couldn't say for certain.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmm That's strange... :chin: When I say I wear my fur coat (that I bought from a car boot sale!) I get it in the neck. But when others say they wore fur coats but refer to them specifically as 2nd hand, that it's fine!?!? WTF!

    Ilora x
    dont worry im sure someone will comment on me too. I think the fact its second hand DOES make a difference i.e. youre not directly supporting an unethical trade.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think that one of the reasons that people get worked up over the whole fur issue while they allow themselves to wear leather is also the fact that usually animals used for their leather are used for their meat too.
    So yeah.
    Exactly, leather is a by-product of the meat industry. I think that distinction is really important to be honest. The animals are probably not still treated very well, though, in fairness.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Stargalaxy - out of curiousity, do you eat meat? do you wear leather shoes or use other animal products, etc.? (this question was also asked by Beans)
    The answers are yes, I eat a little meat, tends to be simply chicken on Sundays. I don't wear leather shoes, and as far as I know, I never have and as for animal products, it depends what you mean.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stargalaxy wrote:
    The answers are yes, I eat a little meat, tends to be simply chicken on Sundays. I don't wear leather shoes, and as far as I know, I never have and as for animal products, it depends what you mean.
    your like me ...two thirds vegatarian ...meat and tw veg yeah?
    what do you you feed the animals in the house?
    no ...the pets of course!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    your like me ...two thirds vegatarian ...meat and tw veg yeah? what do you you feed the animals in the house? no ...the pets of course!
    The cat and dog are usually fed on tinned food. The dog also gets biscuits and usually leftover turkey on the Sunday night. As for me, I'm eating less and less meat.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stargalaxy wrote:
    The cat and dog are usually fed on tinned food. The dog also gets biscuits and usually leftover turkey on the Sunday night. As for me, I'm eating less and less meat.
    take a trip into the world of pet food one day ...you'll throw a wobbler i'm sure.
    and our super shops have a billion square feet of it for sale while seven tenths of the people in our great modern world ...are hungry.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    take a trip into the world of pet food one day ...you'll throw a wobbler i'm sure.
    and our super shops have a billion square feet of it for sale while seven tenths of the people in our great modern world ...are hungry.

    I've wear my moleskins when I go beating/shoooting. Poor moles! :lol:
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    piccolo wrote:
    Exactly, leather is a by-product of the meat industry. I think that distinction is really important to be honest. The animals are probably not still treated very well, though, in fairness.

    Leather acounts for half the slaughterhouses profit in a lot of cases, so it's not merely a by product. can't find the link just now, but in some countries, such as india, leather exports counted for a little over half the profit in the cattle industry, and is recognised as being at least as important, and not just something that's left over after they get the meat.

    Stargalaxy - You said you eat chicken, unless free range, also kept in tiny cages. same as turkeys which was mentioned in your post.
    Also, don't forget the horrible conditions that lots of egg laying chickens and dairy cows can be kept in, so you won't want to be consuming dairy products of eggs either will you?
    Good luck by the way finding a decent pair of smart black shoes which lasts and isn't made of leather should the need ever arise.
    anyways, bedtime, all i can be bothered to write at the moment.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had a fur coat that was made from the 60s, and I got it from the Salvation Army years ago. As for new fur, I wouldn't. It would be too fucking extortionate. I bought a lovely wee fur number from Primark for £20.

    And Stargalaxy and everyone else moaning about how terrible it is, there are WORSE things. Colgate and Johnson's torture and experiment on animals in cages etc so we can have lovely clean teeth, hair, and spot free skin.

    I think that's worse than skinning a few animals. Although I don't agree with it, I'm not gonna get my knickers in a twist about it. This sort of business happened before any of us were born and it won't change now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kiezo wrote:
    Again, it's OK to murder something as long as you keep it in good conditions before hand?

    That's like saying it woulda been OK for Hitler to kill Jews if he didn't stick them in camps first - and don't say it isn't.

    So you're saying there is no ethical difference between killing a human and killing a mink?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i agree with that.

    so, ok, i'm a hypocrite by wearing leather. though i also boycott a lot of companies i know that do animal testing and i wouldn't go out and buy fur because i don't want to support the industry. on the other hand, we all need shoes, and then you ahve to way up what is worse.....people slaving over your trainers in china or india, being payed a crap wage, living in very poor conditions, posibly being beaten to work as well...or a cow dying for the sake of your new DM's that have been made in england to someone who's getting a desent wage, living in a nice house, and having a resonable life.

    you can go and be cold and become ill by being a vegan, or you can do what you can within your ability. I don't eat much meat, but when i can i buy free range, but again it's a thing of whether i can afford it, i'm not going to not have milk, bread and all the other things i need just so i can have one free range chicken. instead, i buy my cosmetics and things from lush and the body shop, so that some animals won't have to suffer.

    at the end of the day it's a case of do you swerve off the road too miss a deer which could cause you crash your car, or swerving slightly hoping that you miss it but with a possiblity that you might not, or just running straight into it.

    your choice.....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    you can go and be cold and become ill by being a vegan, or you can do what you can within your ability.

    How does being vegan make you cold and ill?

    Personally, I don't eat meat, wear leather, or fur. Only dairy products which I try to buy free range/locally if I can.

    Oh, for shoes Vegetarian Shoes have good non-leather shoes.
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    How does being vegan make you cold and ill?

    It doesn't unless you are being silly with veganism (?). My ex flatmate is vegan and she is really healthy and normal looking. Eats well and looks really good.

    However, back on topic, I wouldn't buy a fur coat because I don't like them. I don't like fake fur either. I never had a problem with people wearing fur coats etc because otherwise I would be hypocritical as I enjoy my meat.

    However, as has been stated, I would rather the animals are well kept but at the same time, it doesn't really affect me either way *shrugs*

    Some of those anti fur/anti animal testing people really nark me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bongbudda wrote:
    So you're saying there is no ethical difference between killing a human and killing a mink?

    Ethically, no. Killing is killing.

    Logically, yes. Animals are tasty.
    at the end of the day it's a case of do you swerve off the road too miss a deer which could cause you crash your car, or swerving slightly hoping that you miss it but with a possiblity that you might not, or just running straight into it.

    your choice.....

    I hope anyone with any sense would swerve. Deers are fucking big and crashing into one would totally own your car.
    How does being vegan make you cold and ill?

    How can it not? There've been tonsa cases of people being vegan, and year later developing all sorts of crazy shit.

    Not so long as a month ago I read about a guy who was vegan for four years and ended up completely blind due to lack of vitamins and minerals he would have got if he ate meat like normal people.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Kiezo wrote:
    I hope anyone with any sense would swerve. Deers are fucking big and crashing into one would totally own your car.

    Bad idea.
    Generally tree's and other cars would 'own' your car more. I've hit several deer and yes they do make a mess of your car, but at least nobody else was injured.
    Deer just don't stand still you know? Lights dazzle animals and they very rarely stay still.
    Best bet is to just do an E Stop.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kiezo wrote:
    How can it not? There've been tonsa cases of people being vegan, and year later developing all sorts of crazy shit.

    Not so long as a month ago I read about a guy who was vegan for four years and ended up completely blind due to lack of vitamins and minerals he would have got if he ate meat like normal people.

    they don't get ill cause they're vegans. they get ill cause they don't eat properly.

    you can survive quite adequately without animal products, but you have to eat a range of foods. nibbling on a few carrots won't cut it. beans and pulses, tofu, soya milk, all that jazz.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote:
    Bad idea.
    Generally tree's and other cars would 'own' your car more. I've hit several deer and yes they do make a mess of your car, but at least nobody else was injured.
    Deer just don't stand still you know? Lights dazzle animals and they very rarely stay still.
    Best bet is to just do an E Stop.

    I said swerve, not spin the wheel and dive off the road. Also, roads with deer etc. on are generally country roads. When is there ever any other cars around on country roads? I assume, as you're already swerving to avoid a deer, you'd also be smart enough to come to the conclusion that smashing into a car also = bad.
    kaffrin wrote:
    they don't get ill cause they're vegans. they get ill cause they don't eat properly.

    I wasn't meaning all vegans end up like that, I meant that's how you can get it from being vegan.

    Also, to eat properly you're meant to include meat/dairy products in your diet as well as fruit/veg/the rest of that crap. Seems way more hassle than it's worth tbh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kiezo wrote:
    . Seems way more hassle than it's worth tbh.
    too much hassle for me too, but its certainly do-able if it means enough to you.
    A lot of meat eaters are lacking in most vitamins too because noone seems to have any idea about nutrition these days.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Kiezo wrote:
    I said swerve, not spin the wheel and dive off the road. Also, roads with deer etc. on are generally country roads. When is there ever any other cars around on country roads? I assume, as you're already swerving to avoid a deer, you'd also be smart enough to come to the conclusion that smashing into a car also = bad.

    As I said deer don't stay still, and they often cross the road in large numbers.
    I live in an area where there are thousands of animals roaming quite freely, and I have to deal with animals on the road on a daily basis.
    Trust me when I say it is safer to hit the deer than it is to try and swerve.
    And if you don't believe me do a search on google and you'll find the advice always given is not to swerve.

    The most serious incidents often occur when people try to avoid the deer.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    at the end of thre day ...if some great economic nightmare unfolded cos of some great ecological event and the big shiny machine that one tenth of the worlds population lives in ...died unexpectedly ...you'd wear fur yeah?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote:
    As I said deer don't stay still, and they often cross the road in large numbers.
    I live in an area where there are thousands of animals roaming quite freely, and I have to deal with animals on the road on a daily basis.
    Trust me when I say it is safer to hit the deer than it is to try and swerve.
    And if you don't believe me do a search on google and you'll find the advice always given is not to swerve.

    The most serious incidents often occur when people try to avoid the deer.

    Don't believe you? I don't care. I wasn't expecting someone to jump on my comment seeing as it had nothing to do with the thread.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Kiezo wrote:
    it had nothing to do with the thread.

    I don't care. Want a whole thread on the subject?
    You make such an effort to be right all the time I had to point out that you were infact wrong. :)
    It's better if people don't believe you in thinking that swerving is the best course of action.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For goodness sake, no-one is ever going to agree in this thread! Might I suggest we accept other peoples opinions and move on? :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote:
    Want a whole thread on the subject?

    No. Like I said, I don't care.
    Skive wrote:
    You make such an effort to be right all the time I had to point out that you were infact wrong. :)

    Uhh... and what? Why would I make an effort to be wrong? You're the one who makes too much of an effort to try and prove me wrong every time you see a few discrepencies. When was the last time you posted in the fashion forum anyway?

    I was making a smart arse comment. I didn't make it factually correct as I didn't think you'd be lurking in the bushes all "OH WELL ACTUALLY KIEZO!".

    (Noone cares.)
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Kiezo wrote:
    Uhh... and what? Why would I make an effort to be wrong? You're the one who makes too much of an effort to try and prove me wrong every time you see a few discrepencies.

    What I meant was that you have problems admiting when you are wrong -even on subjects as trivial as this you have to come back with smart arse replies. You're the one who's dragged this out. Stop being Mr Angry.

    And it took no 'effort' what so ever to prove you wrong.
    Kiezo wrote:
    When was the last time you posted in the fashion forum anyway?

    What has that got to do with anything?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote:
    What I meant was that you have problems admiting when you are wrong -even on subjects as trivial as this you have to come back with smart arse replies. You're the one who's dragged this out. Stop being Mr Angry.

    I come back with smart arse replies 'cause I'm a smart arse. My original comment was a smart arse reply, yet for some reason you took it seriously.
    Skive wrote:
    And it took no 'effort' what so ever to prove you wrong.

    WTF? You didn't prove me wrong. That's like some prick claiming they proved a joke wrong 'cause it's factually incorrect.
    Skive wrote:
    What has that got to do with anything?


    Are you even paying attention? K here's a hint - itwas in the same paragraph as "Uhh... and what? Why would I make an effort to be wrong? You're the one who makes too much of an effort to try and prove me wrong every time you see a few discrepencies.", so it's logical to assume it had something to do with that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    wears my fur coat ...it's getting decideely chilly in here.
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