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How to treat immigrants...



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think the way it was handled was disgusting...I would hate being dragged out of bed in the morning - usually its my mum telling me I have to go to work, that is bad enough.

    I can't imagine the fear of some scary person knocking on the door, not getting chance to say goodbye, and maybe they should deal with the existing claims before letting others in, the pain caused to these people unable to say goodbye after a comfortable few years must be awful. If they are allowed to enter after a certain time they should be allowed to stay and other claims left until later.

    I would argue that the cause of increasing population is immigration as for every person who come to the country you get many people leaving fed up with things. In recent months I have known several familes to move out of Britain to set up a new life in spain, australia and such places

    I feel where I live the main problem with increasing population is the obsession of teenagers having children before the age of 16, our town has one of the highest pregnancy rates in England and Europe due to the huge naval base and drunken Matlows! but to blame it on one issue will not do, there are many reasons, many other factors such as improving medical discoveries and healthier lifestyles (could be argued) mean that people live a lot longer and over-poluation is a global issue - an issue that cannot just blame immigration.

    The point raised here was whether the people were treated fairly, no they were not and whether or not they were illegally here or not they were treated unfairly and deportation should not have been in discussion, after contributing to society for so long why should they have to leave. I would have loved to have taught the children as they sound like such nice children who actually wanted to take part and make an effort! such a shame!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BeckyBoo wrote:
    Kermit, so you are ok with anyone and everyone coming here, even if they arrive illegally ?

    The law is created to protect one political interest from another political interest.

    Who created the law? For what purpose? Why is that law morally justified?

    Yes, I am perfectly happy to see immigrants arrive in this country.

    Unless you are going to argue that people born in Britain should also be held to the same "qualifying test" that immigrants should be, then I think your position is untenable. Do you think that people who aren't intelligent or rich should be prevented from breeding? That contributes to "waste", "overcrowding" and "benefit scrounging" just as much, after all.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes we are the 2nd most crowded country in Europe after the Netherlands.

    To those that support imegration, does it matter to you atall that numbers we have, why do you think house prices are so expensive compared to other countrues that are less full. We are crowded how much country side is there not much and its shrinking.

    Does it not matter to you if the imigrants dont consider them selfes British and dont want to assimilate.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes we are the 2nd most crowded country in Europe after the Netherlands.

    To those that support imegration, does it matter to you atall that numbers we have, why do you think house prices are so expensive compared to other countrues that are less full. We are crowded how much country side is there not much and its shrinking.

    Does it not matter to you if the imigrants dont consider them selfes British and dont want to assimilate.

    what do you mean assimilate? theres not 1 british culture? :s

    most asylum seekers last year came from zimbabwe, iraq and afghanistan - any idea?

    most economic migrants came from the new EU countries last year, and since theyre here legally they get the same working rights, and since theres a minumum wage they cant undercut, and most have gone into areas we need people in like construction

    and illegal ones well you probably would see them about cause they doing crappy illegal jobs for near zero money most of the day....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To those that support imegration, does it matter to you atall that numbers we have, why do you think house prices are so expensive compared to other countrues that are less full.

    There are more empty houses than there are people looking for homes. How about we ban "second homes" first?
    Does it not matter to you if the imigrants dont consider them selfes British and dont want to assimilate.

    By eating Tikka Masala for example. It's the nation's favourite dish.

    Now, which part of Britain developed that recipe?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    why do you think house prices are so expensive compared to other countrues that are less full.

    Because people will pay for them. No other reason.

    There are loads of houses that will cost little. The trouble is that they are in areas that people don't want to live in.

    It's choice, not overcrowding.

    I'd also like you to define "british".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes we are the 2nd most crowded country in Europe after the Netherlands.

    Source? Not saying I don't believe you, but I'd like to see the stats
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To those that support imegration, does it matter to you atall that numbers we have, why do you think house prices are so expensive compared to other countrues that are less full.

    Nothing to do with immigration.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I beleive that population pressure does have an impact on house prices.

    Dont have a link for the 2nd most crowded country heard it on the news, look for the facts your self and If Im wrong Ill eat my words.

    Im not defining Britishness thats not what its all about, I mean people who never consider them selves British e.g. wanting England to lose at football arnt interested in asimulating, on no wait a minuet that sounds a bit racist dosnt it Id better rephrase.

    Lets let as many people in here that want to come, and make them under no obligation, to feel British to learn English, that'l make the country better ?
    And it'l also heel the divisions between comunities wouldnt it ?

    I remember England losing in the 98 woprld cup and the street in Illford I was living at the time was full of about 10 Asisn lads shouting and cheering after the final whistle,
    Is it racist to say they shouldnt do that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I beleive that population pressure does have an impact on house prices.

    As immigrants like this family can't afford to buy houses this is bullshit.
    Im not defining Britishness thats not what its all about, I mean people who never consider them selves British e.g. wanting England to lose at football arnt interested in asimulating, on no wait a minuet that sounds a bit racist dosnt it Id better rephrase.

    Well, for a start, "britain" isn't "england". There are three other territories included within the now defunct legal agreement of 1707.

    I love minuets, too. Bach is great isn't he?
    Lets let as many people in here that want to come, and make them under no obligation, to feel British to learn English, that'l make the country better ?

    What country? What are you on about? Let's have some proof of this weird country assertion before we go on. Maybe you will be the first to provide some but i doubt it.

    There is no england - never was - never will be. look at a photo of the globe and you can clearly see that he distinction isn't there in the real world.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Klintock wrote:
    What country? What are you on about? Let's have some proof of this weird country assertion before we go on. Maybe you will be the first to provide some but i doubt it.

    There is no england - never was - never will be. look at a photo of the globe and you can clearly see that he distinction isn't there in the real world.

    Oi, naughty! :razz:

    (ooh, i've just become a mega poster!)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I remember England losing in the 98 woprld cup and the street in Illford I was living at the time was full of about 10 Asisn lads shouting and cheering after the final whistle,
    Is it racist to say they shouldnt do that.

    Why shouldn't they do that? I quite dislike football and all the rubbish which goes with it, the country went bonkers during Euro 94 or whatever it was and the whole thing was deeply annoying. I thought us loosing was really funny.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This is such Bollox its an overly pollitically correct attitude Im not sure what to say to counter it with out sounding like an ld fashoned British empire racist.

    Firstly not talking specifically about those people but in general, populaytion pressures will put up the price of houses Fact, after Honk Kong reverted to China the Prices for expensive houses in london raised.

    Theres no such thing as England/Britain its just a piece of land it dosnt matter we owe no loyality, is that acceptable or do you think we should have things in common and a common interest as a country.

    Do you think people should try to work in the interests of a comunity or country or just them selves, do people have a perfect right to come here claim assilum or in some way imigrate, and have no loyality to the country or the people, I think they should have some loyality' they want to claim the rights under British law that people have fought for for hundreds of years (Abu Hamza claimes this right).

    Do you think the Chartists or the Suffrajets, were trying to make a better Britain, but then they were racist as Britain dosnt matter its just a piece of land Britishness dosnt exsist its just a language, If we hadnt had these people fighting in many ways to make us better , rich free prosperous and stable (which we are at the moment) then we'd be in the shitter.

    What were these idiots think they were doing fighting for freedom, did they do that so someone could claim all the benefits of this and owe none of the loyality they showed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bongbudda wrote:
    Why shouldn't they do that? I quite dislike football and all the rubbish which goes with it, the country went bonkers during Euro 94 or whatever it was and the whole thing was deeply annoying. I thought us loosing was really funny.

    Yeah you go to Pakistan and go out in the street start cheering when they lose in Cricket to India, and see their reaction,

    If I started a threat saying I was going to work in Pakistan for a few years and I intended to do that (cheer if they lose at cricket), and say I didnt need to learn the language or culture or have any respect for the place or the people Im just there to get what I want, fuck em, theres no country there its just a piece of land so theres no need for me to show any respect, thats OK then it it ?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If I started a threat saying I was going to work in Pakistan for a few years and I intended to do that (cheer if they lose at cricket), and say I didnt need to learn the language or culture or have any respect for the place or the people Im just there to get what I want, fuck em, theres no country there its just a piece of land so theres no need for me to show any respect, thats OK then it it ?

    But how many people actually do that? How many people come all the way here just to sit on their arse?

    None of the immigrants in my area just sit on their arse, in fact they work longer hours and harder than the locals.

    Yes, people who move here should learn English, but virtually all of them will if given the chance.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Theres no such thing as England/Britain its just a piece of land it dosnt matter we owe no loyality, is that acceptable or do you think we should have things in common and a common interest as a country.

    I have things in common with individuals and i am capable of making my own bargains and whathveyou with others. I don't need a forced burden on top of that thanks.
    Do you think the Chartists or the Suffrajets, were trying to make a better Britain, but then they were racist as Britain dosnt matter its just a piece of land Britishness dosnt exsist its just a language, If we hadnt had these people fighting in many ways to make us better , rich free prosperous and stable (which we are at the moment) then we'd be in the shitter.

    none of those people would have had to fight at all if the delusion of country didn't exist in the first place. You have to follow the law of england, you have to obey me because we are in england. Well we aren't so I'll ignore any commandsthat are based on that idea thanks.

    Also - better , rich free prosperous and stable is hogwash. As the songs says - "ow many of them are happy and free?"

    Oh and sorry to the mega posting Cap'n.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    The thread was only discussing the treatement they got from police, and drop in the comment "shouldnt have illegally been there in the first place!" (with exclamation and all) when police brutality or at least abhorrent behaviour was all that was being discussed can only be interpreted as some kind of personal belief that the family got what they deserved. I believe we can all see this very clearly but you appear to have missed the point.

    I shall remember that when we are on a different topic........NO side tracking from now on, talk about the subject in question and do not bring any other factors into the debate.
    Both z01 and myself admitted how they handled it was wrong, it seems as though you refuse to accept that though.

    and I have missed no point at all, thank you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Yes, I am perfectly happy to see immigrants arrive in this country.

    that wasnt what I actually asked though, I asked if you were happy with anyone and everyone coming here, even if they arrive illegally.

    I personally am happy with immigrants but that does not seem to be sinking in here, all I ask is that they follow procedures..thats all.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:

    Do you think that people who aren't intelligent or rich should be prevented from breeding? That contributes to "waste", "overcrowding" and "benefit scrounging" just as much, after all.

    I dont think your points should be raised in this thread because you are talking about a totally different thing.
    Mind if you wanna start a thread I will be happy to answer your questions ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm an english man living in wales and married to the welsh ...i'm fucked if i want wales to beat england in the rugby!

    know i aint interested in learning the language either ...it's on it's last legs and is of no use whatsoever outside of north wales.

    hello my dear beckyboo ... :wave:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1. The "tebbitt test" is deeply odious. If people don't want to support "Britain" at sport then that is their own choice.

    I support Australia in the cricket. Should I "go home" too?

    2. Population pressure (whatever that means) doesn't cause problems in house prices. There are more empty houses than homeless people, if you want to buy a cheap house there are whole streets of them in Salford.

    House prices are high because people don't want to live in Salford, and are happy to pay more to not.

    3. BeckyBoo, define "illegally". You again seem to be labouring under the mistaken belief that the "law" is always "right" and in "our" best interests.

    4. Though for the record, yes I think anyone and everyone should be allowed to come to this country to work and make money.

    5. If the anti-immigration argument boils down to "scroungers", then surely we should boot out the "British" "scroungers" too? Or do immigrants cost more money.

    5. Yes, immigrants should learn English. And, guess what, they do!

    6. Define "respect" for a country. The Tebbitt test doesn't cut the mustard. Are you trying to imply that all these dirty foreigners should STFU and follow Jesus? How do you show "respect" for a concept with no concrete existence or beliefs?

    Do you just mean that they shouldn't eat their own food, talk their own language, and be friends with people from the same socio-economic background?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BeckyBoo wrote:
    I shall remember that when we are on a different topic........NO side tracking from now on, talk about the subject in question and do not bring any other factors into the debate.
    Both z01 and myself admitted how they handled it was wrong, it seems as though you refuse to accept that though.

    and I have missed no point at all, thank you.
    Still completely and utterly irrelevant to the discussion at hand, and in z01's case, rather inhumanitarian and cruel.

    Had the discussion been another one (say, one about immigration) the comments would have been appropriate. But I don't think they were in the context in which they were made.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    Still completely and utterly irrelevant to the discussion at hand, and in z01's case, rather inhumanitarian and cruel.

    It might be better to agree to disagree then, cos we aint getting nowhere here.

    Kermit, when I say 'illegal immigrants' I mean people who have not gone through the process and who stay here. When they have been granted permission to stay here then no I have not got a problem with it. But we always have this debate about law and I think most people know my views regarding this so i wont get into all that. But i will say most laws are there for a reason wether we agree with the law or not.

    also on a side note I actually think some immigrants work much harder than people who have been here all their lives. They do not seem to be afraid of hard work and when they are at work they give 110% in the work that they do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hello my dear beckyboo ... :wave:

    Ello Me Dear, fancy seeing you round here :wave:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    When they have been granted permission to stay here then no I have not got a problem with it.

    Which people grant others "leave to remain"?

    When and where did they acquire this mysterious power and how?
    But we always have this debate about law and I think most people know my views regarding this so i wont get into all that.

    If you thiink violent control of other people's lives is a good thing you are insane.
    But i will say most laws are there for a reason wether we agree with the law or not.

    "Fairies at the bottom of my garden told me to do it" is a reason. look at what's factually happening and go from there. i.e. A handful of psychotics have brainwashed the vast majority of you into following their whims because it's "the law". like writing things down with a wig on does anything.

    You might as well pray to rocks and sacrifice goats. Whatever, just keep your weird, unprovable beliefs well away from me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Whatever, just keep your weird, unprovable beliefs well away from me.

    So cos I agree with laws im wierd blah blah...............fuck off dipshit.
    If you thiink violent control of other people's lives is a good thing you are insane.

    another idiot who never reads posts properly. So just to clarify YET again, I dont agree with how these people were treated....shit I must have said this about 20 times now and it is getting very tiresome having to repeat myself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BeckyBoo wrote:
    Kermit, when I say 'illegal immigrants' I mean people who have not gone through the process and who stay here.

    Why should they?
    i will say most laws are there for a reason wether we agree with the law or not.

    So what reason is this law here for?

    The law exists and must be obeyed because they have guns and we don't. But don't try and pretend it exists for anyone's benefit but the ones at the top who wrote it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So cos I agree with laws im wierd blah blah...............fuck off dipshit.

    Uncalled for, so stick it up your ass.
    another idiot who never reads posts properly.

    That would be YOU then.

    How else does the "state" operate except through violent control? Oh yeah, they threaten you with it first to save them the effort.

    To support the law is to support violence against others.
    So just to clarify YET again, I dont agree with how these people were treated....shit I must have said this about 20 times now and it is getting very tiresome having to repeat myself.

    But you said -
    when I say 'illegal immigrants' I mean people who have not gone through the process and who stay here. When they have been granted permission to stay here then no I have not got a problem with it.

    Which means you support the vioent control of others for whatever reason. You can't have it both ways. It's either wrong to use violence against people or it's ok. You seem to think it's ok to send in the boys once a set of hoops have been jumped through. I don't, because I'm not an idiot.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    But don't try and pretend it exists for anyone's benefit but the ones at the top who wrote it.

    Well maybe thats so, but the laws there so it should be abided, cant say much more than that really can I.

    you ask why should they, well take these people they were supposed to fill out papers but they didnt, why didnt they do what they needed to do ? They cant complain if they knew what procedure they would have to follow to stay here.
    (before any one starts it shouldnt have been handled in the way it was)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    It's either wrong to use violence against people or it's ok. You seem to think it's ok to send in the boys once a set of hoops have been jumped through. I don't, because I'm not an idiot.

    Ive already stated it was wrong the way they were treated *Yawn* *Yawn*
    Uncalled for, so stick it up your ass.
    yet you call me weird because of my view, insane because I dont agree with letting anyone and everyone stay here.............yeah charming mate.
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