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rioting in Northern Ireland



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think theyd have a fair bit more control over the problems if they were allowed to use their guns, nevermind tanks

    theres 2 big vehicles you'd see them driving around in .. the bomb defusal van thingys and big saracens they use for ramming barricades/blocking roads etc .. these are big fuckers

    the army arent very much use ... they're just good for numbers but aren't any more useful than the police ... they cant even get out of their jeeps in certain areas

    tho back in the troubles the paras were feared ... bunch of trigger happy bigoted cunts
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Brick the brits...thats what I say
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    turlough wrote:
    Brick the brits...thats what I say

    Becasue we have the tanks. Hahav

    Erm, I dunno, why is the britsih still occupying ireland? I mean its not like its ours but I supose if we left there would be civil war.

    Meh, just shoot anyone who makes trouble.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Come round to my house mate, 2 british army bases on two mountains surrounding it, helicopters fly overhead regularly, it's like Iraq. I have a hatred for the british army...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    Brick the brits...thats what I say
    if the loyalists want to burn down their own homes and shops and stuff ...send in the troops to help them out.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    turlough wrote:
    Come round to my house mate, 2 british army bases on two mountains surrounding it, helicopters fly overhead regularly, it's like Iraq. I have a hatred for the british army...

    That'd fuck up your sleep pattern. When a chinook flew over my house by fuck the windows shook! big arse thing, woke me up!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if the loyalists want to burn down their own homes and shops and stuff ...send in the troops to help them out.

    Maybe in Belfast but I don't see why they should be in my area. Quite a rural peaceful area, though over the last 30 years, 500 deaths and countless amount of army bases on scenic mountains...don't like it one bit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I recall being in The Strand some years back visiting a friend just when a march of the Orangemen and the Prentice Boys was passing down the road. It really was a raucous provocation from what I could see and hear.

    Shame that hate is a such a self perpetuating reality for so many.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I recall being in The Strand some years back visiting a friend just when a march of the Orangemen and the Prentice Boys was passing down the road. It really was a raucous provocation from what I could see and hear.

    Shame that hate is a such a self perpetuating reality for so many.

    Yep thats another contentous parade...don't see why they want to march down a Catholic area with banners celebrating Protestantism and the murder of Catholics centuries ago.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Most of the people on the streets rioting are just having a good laugh - politics is the excuse.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Okay yes, throwing stuff at police vans and getting in a ruck with riot police might be fun, but throwing petrol bombs and taking shots at them is a lot more than fun. Someones definatly trying to make a point.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I one brought up a point with my GCSE history teacher, why don't all the catholics go to the republic of ireland and all the protestants go to n. ireland, like they did in India. But then if you examine India, they have been pretty much on the verge of nuclear conflict with pakistan for the past quarter of a century or so. *shrugs*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    Most of the people on the streets rioting are just having a good laugh - politics is the excuse.

    thats a bit of a mad notion you have there

    yes, wrecking the place and public disorder is fun, espically when you can get laid into the police, but its not for a good laugh! lol
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    z01 wrote:
    thats a bit of a mad notion you have there

    yes, wrecking the place and public disorder is fun, espically when you can get laid into the police, but its not for a good laugh! lol

    though he does have a pont, at the end of the, 90% of the rioterd are just wee hoods...could be any one of us ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I one brought up a point with my GCSE history teacher, why don't all the catholics go to the republic of ireland and all the protestants go to n. ireland

    What a ridiculous idea. How can you move half the population of one country to another country. Regardless of the absurdity of such a suggestion it would only fuel the 'us and them' sectarian attitude, thereby achieving nothing.

    z01 wrote:
    the kind of people that partake in these marches and support them are generally not very nice people that usually have strong links with loyalist paramilitaries

    That's misinformation.

    you'll find the loyalist paramilitaries have always been far worse ... any catholic is a target whereas republican paramilitaries generally only target certain protestants ..

    'Certain protestants' being innocents doing something innocuous such as commemorating their war-dead for example (a la Enniskillen). Do you think those killed in my hometown were viable targets? That attitude is disgusting and sectarian. Noone is a viable target, there is no excuse for killing on either side. No death has more viability from the next. It's all murder, horrible needless murder.

    in general im talking about recent times, but even as you look back i'd say the catholics are the better people

    Why's that then? It's the old 'we're better than them' argument. Both sides are as bad as eachother, it really is that simple. It's irrational violence whatever way you look at it. You cannot jutisfy a statement saying 'Catholics are the better people'.

    i dont exactly agree with the republican cause but its more understandable than the protestant cause which seems to be a fear of catholics reaching equality

    Deluded perception. Again neither cause is more rational or undertandable than the other. Noone has more 'right' to a political cause or more 'right' to be violent than the other. And please don't confuse the protestant cause with the loyalist cause. I'm a protestant and certainly wouldn't want to be tarred with having a loyalist cause.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    addicted7 wrote:
    What a ridiculous idea. How can you move half the population of one country to another country. Regardless of the absurdity of such a suggestion it would only fuel the 'us and them' sectarian attitude, thereby achieving nothing.

    I know it wouldn't work, but when I was discussing it with my history teacher it seemed something that people might be inclined to do, to avoid the violence etc. they move and live with people who are less likely to react badly towards them. Not a state policy, but private decision makers etc.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    in general, loyalists carry out more random sectarian attacks ... they also carry out the sicker attacks

    shankill butchers ?

    they're fond of trying to abduct people ... trying to trail people into cars .. getting out and stabbing people .. cowardly attacks

    theres a garage not too far away .. a few years ago people pulled up in a car and called someone over and asked them for directions .. when he was half way through tellin them, the driver stuck a kitchen knife in his neck and drove away ...

    attacks like that scare me .. you could easily be that person in that position .. they're really pathetic low attacks

    another example, near that same garage .. a 15 year old was killed a month or two ago, got stabbed in 5 times in the back ... people from one of those paramilitary shit holes killed him

    another attack that you could easily relate to ... you never hear of catholics murdering people in this fashion .. theres numerous examples throughout the last few decades of innocent catholics being murdered in such a slimey way

    i know theres exceptions of IRA killing innocent protestants but its nowhere near as common

    even in recent times there arent much random attacks on protestants ... the vast majority of sectarian attacks in n.ireland are by loyalists against catholics

    if you were a protestant you could walk around your own area safely .. walking around catholic areas at night is dodgy as fuck, you're just waiting for a car full of people jumping out ... you would end up dead or very close to it
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You are deluded or just plain bigotted if you think the IRA never carried out sick murders. Is it not sick to murder people including women and children who are commemorating their dead? Is that not the height of cowardice and as 'pathetic and low' as you can get.

    Or what about people out having a drink whose only crime is to be British. Not sick?

    How about 3 generations of a family, including an unborn child. Not sick?

    I could go on and on about countless people, many women and children who have been murdered. Your attitude scares me, with your belief that republican murders have been 'in general' more viable than any other murder.

    Don't be so narrow minded. It is not more viable to kill protestants than catholics. There is no moral highground for either side in all of this. I hate the sectarianism and needless murders this country has had to face, each one as unacceptable as the last. I deplore violence and murder against another faith. Never ever has there been an acceptable murder in Northern Ireland.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im talking about belfast and how it is now and how it has been

    say what you like i dont really care but i can assure you you'd rather be a protestant in belfast!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    z01 wrote:
    im talking about belfast and how it is now and how it has been

    say what you like i dont really care but i can assure you you'd rather be a protestant in belfast!

    In all honesty I dont think you would rather be one or the other. Catholics are victimised for being the minority in a country that was originally theirs. Protestants are hated because they are seen to be loyal to the English and completely unsympathetic to the politics of Sinn Fein and Irish republicans.

    While I am not condoning what the IRA do and the way in which they promote their politics, surely if someone moved people into an area of england, tried to over rule you and make it part of wales or scotland, you would have some objections??!!

    Ignorance is not a virtue. Read up on this topic before you talk about it.

    Belfast continues to be a dangerous place to live both politically and socially. I wouldnt wish being a Catholic or a Protestant or anyone of any religion living there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ignorance is not bliss
    z01 wrote:
    im talking about belfast and how it is now and how it has been

    say what you like i dont really care but i can assure you you'd rather be a protestant in belfast!

    In all honesty I dont think you would rather be one or the other. Catholics are victimised for being the minority in a country that was originally theirs. Protestants are hated because they are seen to be loyal to the English and completely unsympathetic to the politics of Sinn Fein and Irish republicans.

    While I am not condoning what the IRA do and the way in which they promote their politics, surely if someone moved people into an area of england, tried to over rule you and make it part of wales or scotland, you would have some objections??!!

    Ignorance is not a virtue. Read up on this topic before you talk about it.

    Belfast continues to be a dangerous place to live both politically and socially. I wouldnt wish being a Catholic or a Protestant or anyone of any religion living there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    z01 wrote:
    im talking about belfast and how it is now and how it has been

    say what you like i dont really care but i can assure you you'd rather be a protestant in belfast!

    So in Belfast republican murders have been 'in general' more viable than other murder in Belfast?

    And in Belfast the republican cause is more rational than the Loyalist cause?

    Catholics are in general better people than protestants in Belfast?

    Why would someone rather be a protestant in Belfast? Try telling that to some kid whose had his dad shot dead by paramilitaries. It doesn't pay to come from either side of tracks.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jonny8888 wrote:
    Okay yes, throwing stuff at police vans and getting in a ruck with riot police might be fun, but throwing petrol bombs and taking shots at them is a lot more than fun. Someones definatly trying to make a point.

    Yeah, most of the people there are just enjoying themselves, although obviously with shots fired there is some serious feeling.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    addicted7 wrote:
    Why would someone rather be a protestant in Belfast? Try telling that to some kid whose had his dad shot dead by paramilitaries. It doesn't pay to come from either side of tracks.

    Too true.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    throughout the whole conflict its a fact that loyalists carried out sicker attacks and thats still true to this day

    im not saying i agree with any murder ... but i'd say i'd prefer a loyalist paramilitary to die than an innocent catholic and im sure you could say the same for an innocent protestant

    say what you like but if you were to look into the history (of belfast specifically because thats what im talking about, but i do take into account what you say about your hometown) you'll find that its true

    coming from such a republican area it'd be pretty difficult for me to grow up without ending up with a bit of bias ... but i dont consider myself sectarian at all and don't have anything against protestants - its only the ones that have something against me for being a catholic that im bothered about

    going on what ive seen here the police are very much in favour of the loyalist community ... something like 18% of the psni is catholic .. it cant be hard to understand why you'd feel slightly oppressed in this situation

    i dont see much point in bickering about it because we're both obviously going to hold differing views on it, i respect that you're a protestant and its very unlikely that we're gonna agree, but you also have to remember that belfast and enniskillen are different places!

    but i agree with you that murder is uncalled for
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    We could even try to get hte USA to stop funding the IRA. But no, obviously they are not terrorists because they aren't coloured or Islamic.

    Fucknig hypocritical bastards. War on terror, my arse. War on folks who disagree with us, more like. We can't give a shit about British Civilians or our own even, as shown by new orleans. Their is terroritory to be conquered, damnit!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    z01 wrote:
    throughout the whole conflict its a fact that loyalists carried out sicker attacks and thats still true to this day

    How in God's name is that a fact? I'm glad that most of the catholics I know are not as deluded or disinformed as you. You obviously have some very misguided perceptions if you believe the murder of innocent women and children is not the most heinous, sick and murderous crime known to man.

    im not saying i agree with any murder ... but i'd say i'd prefer a loyalist paramilitary to die than an innocent catholic and im sure you could say the same for an innocent protestant

    Not just for an innocent protestant because I'm not a bigotted fuck. No innocent deserves to die and if I had to choose between the life of an innocent be they catholic or protestant, or a paramilitary regardless of religion, then I'll choose the innocent. It's quite simple.

    If a loyalist was going to bomb a catholic pub killing innocents, then I'd rather see the bomb explode prematurely killing the murderous, sectarian, hate-fuelling bastard carrying it than see innocents slaughtered. Could you say the same for a republican terrorist intent on murdering innocent protestants? For example when I heard about would-be bomber IRA terrorists, being killed prematurely by their own devices I believed it served them right and there was some justice. I was happy that innocent lives were spared. The exact same situation would apply for a loyalist.

    say what you like but if you were to look into the history (of belfast specifically because thats what im talking about, but i do take into account what you say about your hometown) you'll find that its true

    What, like proper fact based history or deluded biased history?

    going on what ive seen here the police are very much in favour of the loyalist community ... something like 18% of the psni is catholic .. it cant be hard to understand why you'd feel slightly oppressed in this situation

    18% of the PSNI is catholic? I'll obviously not trust your figures but I obviously realise the force remains predominantly protestant, due to it's RUC roots. You can't just kick half the staff out and start over, it's a longterm progressive thing but I believe they're trying to move in the right direction. It doesn't help matters when catholics are told not to join up by their political parties though does it? Perhaps that explains the low numbers. Anyway, it seems the PSNI is the new enemy of the loyalist community. I don't think the police force can win. Damned if they do, damned if they don't though they obviously don't always make things easy for themselves.

    i dont see much point in bickering about it because we're both obviously going to hold differing views on it, i respect that you're a protestant and its very unlikely that we're gonna agree, but you also have to remember that belfast and enniskillen are different places!

    My differing views has nothing to do with the fact I'm a protestant. I have catholic friends who deplore the IRA for the atrocities they have committed against my town and other towns such as Omagh. They too would argue against your delusions. I am not a loyalist, hell I don't even think of myself as British, so don't tag my views to my religion. I just don't like people talking shit. For example when you tell the people on this board who have little knowledge of our country that "in general...catholics are the better people" it's total biased misinformation. While most here thankfully have the knowledge and sense to realise such a statement is absurd, some might actually believe the prejudiced shit you're spewing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    theres an accurate and unbiased chronology of the conflict listing all the deaths and important events from the beginning up until 02, it has quite a lot of information


    the main site has lots of other stuff about the troubles

    looking through the chronology you can see that most IRA attacks were against the ruc, british army and the government .. although murder is not right you have to accept its going to happen in an armed struggle and looking at the reasons for this trouble you can see how these people could be viable targets for republicans

    although there were innocent protestants were killed, the attacks were clearly focused on the state

    the first few years are interesting (69 onwards) .. id actualy like to hear peoples views on it if anyone would care to read a few pages?

    im not trying to fill people with shit i was expressing my opinion on the subject which i believe this forum is for
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Since the 1994 ceasefires the loyalists have been the worst, I think everyone will admit that, however, the IRA have always done some viscious murders like the Shankill butchers, particularly here, i've read reports of touts being tortured, getting their testicles cut off and eventually murdered...truth is, both sides have been fucking awful over the past 30 years. thank god I've never had to live the worst of it.

    z01, I know you might think the loyalists have been worse because their main objective is to protect the protestant people of Ulster whereas the IRA have legitimate targets like security forces and the police, but if you even look at that CAIN site, the IRA have killed more civillians than the loyalists, though it still doesn't excuse or condone anything. It was a different climate back then, those things happened, not much can be done now about it.
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