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Hurricane aftermath



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The same here... However I'll probably learn more about what is imported and exported where in university.

    Psychedelic drugs and self-study are the best means of developing your world view imho.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Makes no sense.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    what is imported and exported where in university.
    well ...the illegal stuff like drugs goes stright in through the front door ...the legitamate stuff ...like girls ...goes in by the back door.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No really, you're talking in riddles.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No really, you're talking in riddles.

    more localised economics ...like my wallet ...i understand.

    i don't see what you don't see ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't, it's right that we do. Why should their shoulder the costs on their own?

    Have you ever read a US AID funding agreement??? There is so much conditionality attatched to them its unbelivable - including the promotion of US goods and services. Like you only get the money if you spend it on our goods - i think its pretty disgusting and anti developmental.

    Why should my money go to supposedly the richest country in the world - a country which consistantly dumps its over subsidised products onto world markets depressing prices below the cost of production for thousands of poor farmers. They surely have more than enough to go round, as far as i can tell they don't need Aid they just need someone to organise them effectively.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Katrina latest... LOL!

    Bush to lead inquiry into his own failings

    And I hope no-one will suggest we cannot trust Dubya to conduct the inquiry with total imparciality! No sir!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    Bush to lead inquiry into his own failings

    And I hope no-one will suggest we cannot trust Dubya to conduct the inquiry with total imparciality! No sir!

    Oh. My. God.

    Like he's going to put any blame on himself. Cunt.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wyetry wrote:
    Have you ever read a US AID funding agreement???

    And how many of those have been written by a poor homeless unemployed person living in new orleans?
    Why should my money go to supposedly the richest country in the world

    You need to separate the country from the individual. Sure the nation is rich (although that is debatable given their debt) but the people who onw suffer aren't.

    I have more than they do, I have a roof over my head, food on my table and a job. So many there don't have any of those.

    I don't dispute that their neighbours should contribute, but I don't see why the state of their Govt should make any more difference than they state of Indonesia's Govt did after the tsunami for example.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Perhaps for the slight discrepency in the fact that the Indonesian government is not a global superpower nor does the Indonesian currency enjoy a militarily enforced global hegemony?

    Since you asked.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Again, why should an individual suffer because of that?

    Basically, you want to attach clauses to aid, which is precisely what the US is being criticised for.

    And another thought, if we are on the lines oif wealth, why should the west contribute at all to relief in asia when it is home to meany of the richest people in the world and has serval wealthy nations of it's own?

    Seriously, your double standards amaze me. You must really hate your own country.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I neither have double standards nor hate my country. Reverting the standard irrational bandwagon response to any criticism of Washington again, MoK?

    Some things never change around here.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I figured you for more itelligence Clandestine, but your irrational hatred of the US Govt seems to cloud the fact that aid isn't for them. It's for the indivudlas who have nothing.

    You may find that your blinkers get in the way, personally my dislike for Bush and his cronies doesn't extend to penalising the poor anymore than they are already.

    As usual you seem to prefer to be part of the problem.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh get off your f***king pedestal you presumptious twat. I answered your question above with a statement of fact, not with a qualitative position of my feelings toward aid for the poor of New Orleans. If you are incapable of making such a distinction than, as ever, tis your irrational desire and "blinkers" that have once again clouded your perspective.

    For all your routine indictments as to the double standards of others here, yours shine as bright as the noonday sun.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh get off your f***king pedestal you presumptious twat.

    Why are you swearing? I'm not swearing.
    I answered your question above with a statement of fact, not with a qualitative position of my feelings toward aid for the poor of New Orleans.

    No, you are saying that we should give aid to the poor Indonesians because they don't have a military hegemony or something, but not to the poor of the United States because they do.
    If you are incapable of making such a distinction than, as ever, tis your irrational desire and "blinkers" that have once again clouded your perspective.

    There is no distinction drawn by yourself.

    The poor of New Orleans and the surrounding states have nothing. Now isn't the time for not helping them in order to score cheap political points.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And I repeat, claiming I said we "should" do or not do this or that, is a presumptive reading of a matter of fact response to MoK's implied question. I defy you to find any "should" or "should not" in my previous response.

    And btw, the delay in helping is indicative of precisely the sort of politicking that Washington is prepared to play with the citizens of the country, let alone what it has already been playing with the lives of countless more outside.

    Save your lectures for the criminals in power.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh get off your f***king pedestal you presumptious twat. I answered your question above with a statement of fact, not with a qualitative position of my feelings toward aid for the poor of New Orleans.

    You answered with your usual bollocks about the Govt of the USA, in response to my point which asked why this was relevant.

    Thus your response suggests that you feel less compassion for them because of the scumbags in Washington.

    If you can't make yourself clear in your responses perhaps you should stop trying to make yourself look clever by getting your dictionary out everytime you respond. No-one else seems to think it necessary.
    If you are incapable of making such a distinction

    Erm, I was making a distinction between the action of a Govt and the suffering out it's population. You were the one who seemed to get caught up in the bullshit argument about the nature of Bush's regime.

    It isn't relevnt IMHO.
    For all your routine indictments as to the double standards of others here, yours shine as bright as the noonday sun.

    The double standard which suggests that we should help anyone regardless of regime?

    Coming from a man who has previously stated that we shouldn't help prevent Govts from killing their own people because that is an internal matter, I find your moralising laughable.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    No, you are saying that we should give aid to the poor Indonesians because they don't have a military hegemony or something, but not to the poor of the United States because they do.


    There is no distinction drawn by yourself.

    The poor of New Orleans and the surrounding states have nothing. Now isn't the time for not helping them in order to score cheap political points.

    Thank you Kermit, I guess it's no just me who could see the usual anti-US Govt feeling of this member had clouded his vision as usual.

    I'm starting to wonder if we're going to be told that the levees breach was actually a CIA/Mossad plot...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Seems youve descended to the mental character of Matadore after all MoK. Blah blah, Anti-US, Blah blah, hate this or that.

    Clear to see you have little comprehension of the written text, but prefer to make non-intellectual assertions of presumed intent to compensate for desperate shortfalls in critical reasoning.

    Go sell your nonsense to the Murdoch/Rove spin machine. They love such drivel.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Coming from a man who has previously stated that we shouldn't help prevent Govts from killing their own people because that is an internal matter, I find your moralising laughable.

    Coming from a man who suggests that dropping bombs on countless more innocents and their cities whilst invading and occupying them as any sort of justifiable answer to tyranny (rather than being a mere change of exploitative tyrant), tis your moralising (and presumptive to the utmost at that) which is most hypocritical and laughable.

    Edited to add: Especially indicative of your own blind double standards when our own leaders by ommission or commission show themselves just as willing to "kill their own citizens", not least of which those who might dare rise up to oppose them and the very system they have instituted.

    Truly laughable indeed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Coming from a man who suggests that dropping bombs on countless more innocents and their cities whilst invading and occupying them as any sort of justifiable answer to tyranny

    I hope you;re going to provide a source for that.
    our own leaders by ommission or commission show themselves just as willing to "kill their own citizens"

    So instead of whingeing about the criminals in Washington (you won't find many who disagree with that analysis), perhaps we should be willing to stop them "killing their own".

    The time for politicking is not now- the people in the Deep South need help, and if someone else won't give it to them, then we should. The governmental power of the US is irrelevant, just as it is in Indonesia (for example) where a wealthy and morally bankrupt cabal also run affairs.

    Help the people, and then roast the testicles later.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MoK's defence of and apology for the Iraq and Afghistan invasions are a matter of record on these boards which anyone can find in abundance for themselves. The point of principle and its demonstration of his hypocrisy for moralising at my prior statement of fact (not of moral imperative) is unimpeachable.

    As for politicking, again I point you to the very demonstration of just that by the US federal govt and its elite, out of touch, self-congratulatory criminals (as ironically noted, for all your efforts to smear me here, in your most recent thread on Mommy Dearest Bush and her wanton comments).

    Try to remember that all foreign "aid", though naively asserted to be "for the victims, not the govt" is being channelled through depts thereof. Given their record and their demonstrable lack of character or concern, how much of that "aid" do you truly think will reach those who so desperately need it.

    Political indictments cannot be removed from this equation since they go right to very heart of the fundamental issues in play here:

    1. That a government of sociopathic ideologues and war profiteers has shown itself prepared to kill countless thousands in foreign lands by intent and at home by indifference;


    2. That this same govt presumes yet again to divert attention away from its criminal negligence in this disaster despite its direct budgetary plundering of measures that would have prevented it or considerably reduced the destruction in the first place, its pampered devil may care prioritisation of its own R&R whilst its poorest were left stranded and dying, and its audacity in delaying response yet further after the fact by several days.

    Sweet kumbayas and indictments against rightful critique of rampant elitist criminality laid bare wont save those who have already been sacrificed nor go anywhere toward ensuring the same wont ever happen again to those who reamin.

    A pity the self inflated "moralisers" here have shown their morality to be devoid of such realisation.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry, could you speak English?


    If it is so well-documented, go and find something. Simple.

    Politicans are scoring points and out-of-touch. Gee, thanks for that newsflash.

    The Bush administration is happy to let poor people die. Knew that too.

    The Bush administration carries a burden of blame. That's obvious too.

    I'll ask you a direct question, give a direct answer. A direct answer is one that involves words of less then 76 syllables, btw.

    The Bush administration won't do much. Does that mean we should not do anything either?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah blah, Anti-US, Blah blah, hate this or that.

    Erm... are you not then? Don't you hate the Bush regime then?

    Weren't your comments anti-Bush regime?
    Coming from a man who suggests that dropping bombs on countless more innocents and their cities whilst invading and occupying them as any sort of justifiable answer to tyranny

    Not sure I ever used the word "countless" :p
    MoK's defence of and apology for the Iraq and Afghistan invasions are a matter of record on these boards.

    Indeed it is.

    If anyone choose to look it up they will read that I believe we should do whatever it takes to rid the world of oppresive regimes - no matter what their colour. I don't reserve my vitriol for the US. Unlike some.

    They would also read that I prefer diplomacy but that I accept the need for violence in some cases.
    Try to remember that all foreign "aid", though naively asserted to be "for the victims, not the govt" is being channelled through depts thereof. Given their record and their demonstrable lack of character or concern, how much of that "aid" do you truly think will reach those who so desperately need it.

    Here's a little maths for you, assuming only 10% of aid arrived at those in need.

    10% of $0.00 = $0.00
    10% of $10.00 = $1.00

    I'd rather the latter happened, I;d rather that the victims got something than nothing.

    Now, if you like we can all come up with pretty words and condemn the actions of the US federal and local states and we give nothing because they are "corrupt". Or we can give something knowing that a portion of it will arrive where needed, and still complain about corruption.
    Political indictments cannot be removed from this equation since they go right to very heart of the fundamental issues in play here:

    1. That a government of sociopathic ideologues and war profiteers has shown itself prepared to kill countless thousands in foreign lands by intent and at home by indifference;


    2. That this same govt presumes yet again to divert attention away from its criminal negligence in this disaster despite its direct budgetary plundering of measures that would have prevented it or considerably reduced the destruction in the first place, its pampered devil may care prioritisation of its own R&R whilst its poorest were left stranded and dying, and its audacity in delaying response yet further after the fact by several days.

    I don't actually disagree with that assessment, in part. I just cannot see why it should impinge on the provision of aid by other countries. Which is the point I was making. However, you imply that it should.

    We can have that debate in six months time, if you really want it. Right now we should deal with the probelm at hand which is several million people without food, water, homes and jobs.

    Sweet kumbayas and indictments against rightful critique of rampant elitist criminality laid bare wont save those who have already been sacrificed

    Politik won't save those who survived. I guess they are the people I'm thinking about.

    The "why did this happen" discussion isn't relevant right now. Helping the victims is. You know, I'm so glad that you're not a doctor. Otherwise you would be wanting to analyse why someone broke their leg, instead of just plastering it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And again I defy you to find any "should" which you continue to claim I made in the post which started your hypocritical tirade.

    As for the "countless" qualifier, it's a foregone conclusion that wholesale war perpetrated upon any nation results in just that. The very reason war of "aggression" is both morally wrong and an international crime (and that by precepts which our nations established as the measure against which other nations have been condemned for the same).

    Your defence of it as anything other than added misery upon those already suffering (as well as being nothing more than forced imposition of foreign domination and tyranny) is glaring hypocrisy.

    Kermit> One as intelligent as yourself should know that I support the poor over the elitist system.

    That however was not the point of MoK's to which my original response referred. He asked how the state of the govt of the US could be differentiated in any way from that of the Govt of Indonesia. A matter of fact question which received an unqualified matter of fact response.

    All other pontifications he can sell to his preferred Murdoch rag, such is the level of its presumptive inanity.

    Oh and if my appreciation of the richness of the English language is too difficult, feel free to stick to 3rd grade-level Daily Mail editorials.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    deleted in error
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It just means that I'm intelligent enough to realise that no everyone swallowed a dictionary at school.

    You went to school in Scotland?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    You went to school in Scotland?

    What's a "Scotland"? ;):p

    I'm old enough to have been at school when the ability to type wasn't relevant. And the only school computers we had were BBC B and the ZX81 was the height of home computing and lead to millions of kids using simple programs like:

    10 Print "XXX smells"
    20 Goto 10

    Who said youth is watsed on the young eh?

    Oh, it's not the only word I've spelt badly in that passage either
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What's a "Scotland"? ;):p

    It's a legal agreement between some people long since dead who claimed to be "royalty". It's also the name of an arbitary region of the earth- i.e. people pretend that it's a discrete thing when it isn' that people not party to that agreement use for their own convenience. :D

    My local magistrate is having a hissy fit over this at the moment. Apparently it's "friviolous" to argue jurisdiction. Writ of mandamus, anyone?

    Hmm BASIC. Nothing like spending the afternoon trying to find that one line of code and fix it.

    That's if you could press the keys, which on the ZX81 had many a small child with broken fingers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit> One as intelligent as yourself should know that I support the poor over the elitist system.

    As do I.

    But MoK's and my point is that the corrupt state of the countries at Christmas was not even mentioned, and in terms of corruption they are far worse than Bush's chums.

    Why is it in this case?
    Oh and if my appreciation of the richness of the English language is too difficult, feel free to stick to 3rd grade-level Daily Mail editorials.

    My reading ability is very high, thank you very much.

    Using jargon and syllable-laden superlatives don't aid your point, and are harder to read. Long words don't make you look smarter, and they are not more precise.

    I read enough of that crap at work, I'd rather just talk English on here.
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