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BBC 'run by women'

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He's right.

    But the the BBC always was painfully politically-correct. It's why it's run by, and for, women and those "men" who are interested in shoes.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have to agree. Most of the BBC is unwatchable these days too. Celebrity house removal/dog grooming antique shows etc Shite the lot of them.

    It's more people in general that's getting that way tbh. Most workplaces bend over backwards to cater for women, even if those women do not recognise it when it's happened. (Mainly because they don't see the benefits they get as benefits, but as their due.)

    The law in general is tipped well in their favour when they get divorced, yadda yadda. Add in decline of traditional male stuff that needs hard physical graft due to replacement by machines and I am sure you all know the words by now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I for one would not mind if every Prime Minister/President post in the world was held by a woman. The evil milk snatcher put aside, women have very different priorities to men and I bet there would have been far fewer wars and conflicts in the world had our rulers all been women.

    As for normal jobs/the BBC, etc, well the fact remains that women still get rotten deals compared with men and get paid considerably less for doing exactly the same job. There are still far more top positions filled by men than by women and I suspect many of the 'concerns' people like Buerke have boil down to jealousy or disquiet at this 'challenge' to male supremacy.

    Incidentally it is the viewers that make programmes successful. If no one cared for home and garden shows no one would watch them and they'd have been taken off the air ages ago. And men do get their testosterone-filled, boys' toys programme fixes as well. Has anyone watched Top Gear recently?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    But the the BBC always was painfully politically-correct. It's why it's run by, and for, women and those "men" who are interested in shoes.

    What on Earth are you on about? That the BBC is only for women and gays?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bongbudda wrote:
    That the BBC is only for women and gays?

    It might as well be, with its wall-to-wall soap operas and Trinny and Tranny and Garden Front in the Home and the rest of it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I for one would not mind if every Prime Minister/President post in the world was held by a woman. The evil milk snatcher put aside, women have very different priorities to men and I bet there would have been far fewer wars and conflicts in the world had our rulers all been women.

    Souinds great. The only problem is that most of the time in order to get anywhere, the woman must act just like a man would have done, so theres no change. Milk snatcher being a prime example. In order to be seen to be punching their weight, they have to go OTT and once that shit has worked for them, then guess what they do next?
    As for normal jobs/the BBC, etc, well the fact remains that women still get rotten deals compared with men and get paid considerably less for doing exactly the same job.

    While dictating workplace ethics and what is or isn't acceptable in most places. See MoK's arguments on the homosexuality thead about the financial side of it. i.e. they get less experience through their choices to have families etc, therefore why pay the same? Simple economics and common sense.
    Incidentally it is the viewers that make programmes successful. If no one cared for home and garden shows no one would watch them and they'd have been taken off the air ages ago. And men do get their testosterone-filled, boys' toys programme fixes as well. Has anyone watched Top Gear recently?

    Yeah cos the Beeb doesn't have a captive audience does it? Oh and as for your last part, this is kind of the thing I mean. If i had said pfft it's all womens stuff, cooking and looking after kids then your post would have looked quite different. Women have made great strides into traditioanly male preserves, but us fellahs are expected to sit in our little "football, cars, porn" ghetto and stay there.

    I wouldn't mind but it's not even making most women any happier.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    It might as well be, with its wall-to-wall soap operas and Trinny and Tranny and Garden Front in the Home and the rest of it.

    Given you have said publicly on here you dont have a TV licence I dont see it as any of your business. And there really isnt any need to be so sneering about it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ah, but we do now.

    And you should know me better than to think I'm always being serious.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Ah, but we do now.

    Well which are you, gay or a woman?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Souinds great. The only problem is that most of the time in order to get anywhere, the woman must act just like a man would have done, so theres no change. Milk snatcher being a prime example. In order to be seen to be punching their weight, they have to go OTT and once that shit has worked for them, then guess what they do next?
    That's debatable. Had women been in power from early on, chances current tensions and conflicts between nations might not even exist, in which case there would be no need to go OTT.

    Of course, you can always find extremist women who support extremist men. But on the whole there is little doubt that women have different priorities- and egos- to men. I believe that on the whole they're far less likely to subscribe to nationalism. And nationalism is one of the major causes of war and misery in this planet.

    While dictating workplace ethics and what is or isn't acceptable in most places. See MoK's arguments on the homosexuality thead about the financial side of it. i.e. they get less experience through their choices to have families etc, therefore why pay the same? Simple economics and common sense.
    Sounds like feeble excuses by tight-fisted employers to me. If a woman has climbed to a certain postion through her own working abilities then she was proven herself as worthy as any male in a similar position. In fact, employers might even find out that if they paid them more decent wages perhaps fewer of them would be tempted to quit their jobs and become full time mothers.

    Yeah cos the Beeb doesn't have a captive audience does it? Oh and as for your last part, this is kind of the thing I mean. If i had said pfft it's all womens stuff, cooking and looking after kids then your post would have looked quite different. Women have made great strides into traditioanly male preserves, but us fellahs are expected to sit in our little "football, cars, porn" ghetto and stay there.

    I wouldn't mind but it's not even making most women any happier.
    If a programme is rubbish people won't watch it. There are other channels to choose from. Yesterday was home and garden shows, today is bleeding auction and car boot sale programmes (which you could be justified to say it's much more the domain of boring, old, white men than of women).

    To suggest that we have home and garden programmes because there are many women bosses on the BBC (obviously women only care about pruning roses and keeping their homes tidy) is rather silly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That's debatable. Had women been in power from early on, chances current tensions and conflicts between nations might not even exist, in which case there would be no need to go OTT.

    It would be debatable if we had time machines, we don't so it's not. This isn't a problem just for women of course, it's the case that all established fields have the same problem of the people at the top having to have accepted the previous way of doing things and not be that interested in changing.

    Oh, and as there are no nations then that's bunnies too.
    Of course, you can always find extremist women who support extremist men. But on the whole there is little doubt that women have different priorities- and egos- to men.

    Well duh. The point is that those women who "get anywhere" must have internalised a large portion of the environment (male, professional, whatever) in order to do so. It's like Chomsky's rule about universities.
    I believe that on the whole they're far less likely to subscribe to nationalism. And nationalism is one of the major causes of war and misery in this planet.

    Yeah I know. You see it as based on reality I see it as a fundie belief at least we agree that it's a bad thing.
    Sounds like feeble excuses by tight-fisted employers to me. If a woman has climbed to a certain postion through her own working abilities then she was proven herself as worthy as any male in a similar position.

    Where do these higher and going up metaphors come from I wonder? Anyway IF a woman has got a position within a company on her own merits, fine, of course she should get the same pay as anyone else. If she's had less time in the field due to family etc then she should be prepard to accept that she isn't as desirable to an employer. End of.
    In fact, employers might even find out that if they paid them more decent wages perhaps fewer of them would be tempted to quit their jobs and become full time mothers.

    So it's a straight cash vs kids argument? Don't think so....
    If a programme is rubbish people won't watch it. There are other channels to choose from.

    So we should be able to have hard core swedish porn on mainstream TV at 5 in the evening then. :D Porn defence 101.
    Yesterday was home and garden shows, today is bleeding auction and car boot sale programmes (which you could be justified to say it's much more the domain of boring, old, white men than of women).

    I also never mentioned the content of programming so why this is brought up i don't know. The beeb being run by women need not show up in the product any more than a munitions factory would prduce different bullets staffed by women. It would definitely be a different place to work in though.
    To suggest that we have home and garden programmes because there are many women bosses on the BBC (obviously women only care about pruning roses and keeping their homes tidy) is rather silly.

    I agree, which is why I was drawing your attention to your "top gear" bollocks.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    It would be debatable if we had time machines, we don't so it's not. This isn't a problem just for women of course, it's the case that all established fields have the same problem of the people at the top having to have accepted the previous way of doing things and not be that interested in changing.

    Oh, and as there are no nations then that's bunnies too.
    Of course they aren't...

    Anyways, not wanting to waste any further bandwidth on that issue, and trying to get the thread back together into two or three lumps (rather than a 20-piece dissection)...

    Where do these higher and going up metaphors come from I wonder? Anyway IF a woman has got a position within a company on her own merits, fine, of course she should get the same pay as anyone else. If she's had less time in the field due to family etc then she should be prepard to accept that she isn't as desirable to an employer. End of.
    Of course. But for the looks of things women do get a blanket pay discrimination regardless of whether they work full time, or even if they have a family. Underpay affects single women with no children or even partner just as much as mothers-of-four. Which ain't very fair on the former.

    I also never mentioned the content of programming so why this is brought up i don't know. The beeb being run by women need not show up in the product any more than a munitions factory would prduce different bullets staffed by women. It would definitely be a different place to work in though.
    I wasn't responding to you regarding to programming- more to other posters who appeared to be suggesting it's because there are women bosses on the BBC that we have home and garden shows on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Of course. But for the looks of things women do get a blanket pay discrimination regardless of whether they work full time, or even if they have a family. Underpay affects single women with no children or even partner just as much as mothers-of-four. Which ain't very fair on the former.

    Yes of course. That's got nothing to do with how workplaces operate on a day to day basis though, does it. :p

    Could it just be that women as a group have less to offer than their equivalent males? Given that, as a group they have less experience in their various fields because as a group they have put less time in at work?

    To advance us a little I would say it's both scumbag employers and lower value at work to cause the effect. If you had total equality of pay etc, you might find that still women as a group earned less because of the experience factor. Any nudging the books from that point on would be wrong, imo.

    We ain't there yet though. (No time machine for me either)
    I wasn't responding to you regarding to programming- more to other posters who appeared to be suggesting it's because there are women bosses on the BBC that we have home and garden shows on.

    Fair enough, my bad.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    I for one would not mind if every Prime Minister/President post in the world was held by a woman. The evil milk snatcher put aside, women have very different priorities to men and I bet there would have been far fewer wars and conflicts in the world had our rulers all been women.

    bollocks theyd go to war cause the other PM said something aobut her make up to her friend :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "The result is men are becoming more like women," he said.

    As far as this quote is concerned, perhaps this is a good thing... That people are breaking free from their previous gender roles and embracing the side of them that they previously would have repressed in order to fit society's idea of a masculine male.

    I don't see why it's a problem if men want to become more effeminate or that women want to wear rugby shirts and butch it up. Why can't men cry, or groom themselves? Why can't they wear nice clothes and have a sensitive side?

    And what is wrong with women chosing what we want to see and hear? At the end of the day the BBC goes by how many people view certain programs rather than what one controlling woman thinks we should watch.
    "Look at the changes in the workplace. There is no manufacturing industry any more; there are no mines; few vital jobs require physical strength," he added.

    "What we have now are lots of jobs that require people skills and multi-tasking - which women are a lot better at."

    Like what?

    Sure, robots and machines are replacing people and there are more jobs out there that are suited to women physically... But what about all the computing jobs around? I mean personally I don't know any computing students who are female, I'd imagine computing and programming to be very male-dominated still.

    I think men are perfectly good at customer service and people skills.
    "Products are made for women, cars are made for women - because they control what is being bought," he said.

    I don't think so... Look at Top Gear, that's a car program that isn't aimed at women. All these programs like Trinny and Suzannah and Ten years Younger, all these programs and new products out put pressure on women to appear attractive rather than looking at the beauty inside them. Women do have more financial independence these days however.
    "All they are is sperm donors, and most women aren't going to want an unemployable sperm donor loafing around and making the house look untidy."

    I think that this is a snipe at women. There are always jobs out there suited to both men and women. Women can be mechanics and work on building sites, men can be secretaries or nurses.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I think men are perfectly good at customer service and people skills.

    my local wetherspoons pub doesn't seem to think so, they only have reaonsly attractive females and a camp black guy, most of whom cant even pull a decent pint let alone know the brands of beer they sell, whislt i know of peopel with real bar experience who are friendly and sociable who wanted that job cause it pays okay, and were refused cause theyre not suited to female customers who apparatly prefer to be served by women and camp men....

    it is true though and it makes obvious sense for wetherspoons to do this, shallow men prefer being served in any business by a woman, and women feel more at ease with other women and effeminate men, so you please a larger % of people and make more money - even if they are in fact the most useless barstaff on the planet

    i switched to the local lout west ham fanatisised pub run by a nice indian family who get barstaff who know their stuff even if theyre ugly :thumb:
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Moral of the Story? Bring back Greg Dyke.

    Either way, BBC is steadily getting worse and worse. It's gonig to turn into channel 5, then 4, then ITV. But all channels are sadly beoming 4 and ITV like. I need Sky, damnit.

    Yeah, they are not even repeating the Fast Show, Or and good old Comedy like Only Fool and Horses, etc... and keep on with Period Drama's which I find rather toss. As for daytime TV? Nothing on Any channels at all.

    But, I can at least seek Refuge in the Documentaries on BBC and 4. And the occasional films on all channels.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my local wetherspoons pub doesn't seem to think so, they only have reaonsly attractive females and a camp black guy, most of whom cant even pull a decent pint let alone know the brands of beer they sell, whislt i know of peopel with real bar experience who are friendly and sociable who wanted that job cause it pays okay, and were refused cause theyre not suited to female customers who apparatly prefer to be served by women and camp men....
    In the Wetherspoons where I am it's a mixture, as with any pub. More women go out drinking these days so it's always good to employ guys too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The very thought of women in the work place makes me feel sick, they have every right to work if they want, but they have been tricked into the nine to five by morons like Lamp Boy, made to think they like it when in reality it is an unnesesary waste of their life.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The very thought of women in the work place makes me feel sick, they have every right to work if they want, but they have been tricked into the nine to five by morons like Lamp Boy, made to think they like it when in reality it is an unnesesary waste of their life.

    So women shouldn't be earning money?
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Renzo wrote:
    So women shouldn't be earning money?

    Duh, stay at home and bake cakes, clean, and have the meal ready when the man comes home and clobbers her for no reason at all. Like all good Catholic women should, if we followed the Vatican.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The very thought of women in the work place makes me feel sick, they have every right to work if they want, but they have been tricked into the nine to five by morons like Lamp Boy, made to think they like it when in reality it is an unnesesary waste of their life.
    Damn right, I'm happy to cook and clean for my husband, have his slippers ready for when he gets in from work.

    If I get a black eye for under cooking his potatoes I know I deserve it!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think he's exaggerating a little....but how much different would it be if men decided what we should watch?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Renzo wrote:
    So women shouldn't be earning money?

    "Originally Posted by Born Slippy
    ... they have every right to work if they want..."
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    What about "The idea of women in the workplace sickens me"?

    So where are they meant to work?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The very thought of women in the work place makes me feel sick, they have every right to work if they want, but they have been tricked into the nine to five by morons like Lamp Boy, made to think they like it when in reality it is an unnesesary waste of their life.
    The very thought of mysoginist bigot lowlife such as yourself breeding and polluting their innocent offspring's minds make me feel even sickier.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    What about "The idea of women in the workplace sickens me"?

    So where are they meant to work?
    Funnily enough the author of Mein Kampf shared Born Slippy's concerns.

    He also had an answer to your question. The place for a woman to work at is in the house of course, as homemaker. Keeping the house tidy and clean for the breadwinner and bringing up the children is all the work a woman should (and apparently can) undertake.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This isnt an issue.

    The real one is whether we actually need a 1950's dinosaur of an institution like the BBC around any more in the 21st century.

    The real issue is whether we should have to pay the license fee to watch any form of television, regardless of whether we choose to watch BBC rubbish.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Or why indeed, there is a drought in the "Good Programs" sector of TV. :/

    Only Sky has enough on to keep me watching TV more... damnit. I must get it when I move out... just wondering here... what of that thing though, were you don't need a TV license but can watch it live on your PC? Does it work?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:

    So where are they meant to work?

    Where ever they want to work.
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