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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not really. What about if it was illegal to breathe? Would you not breathe because you weren't allowed to?

    Just because something's illegal doesn't make it the be all and end all. The only reason my mum was so unhappy with me having sex at 15 was that she hated the guy it was with, and she had a bit of an issue with the age (which she wouldn't have had that much of an issue with had he been a nice person). Had it been with a decent person, and maybe with someone slightly younger, I don't think she'd have minded as long as I was safe.

    The next time someone tells me (either directly or indirectly) I shouldn't have had sex at 15, I shall give them a piece of my mind. Because even after alllllllll the shit it caused, I still think I was mentally mature enough to have done it. I think the fact that I managed to have rational conversations with my father about it, and try and make sure the relationship wasn't just about sex (which it ended up being, not because of me, but because he was a persuasive fucker and I was in love so gave in too easily) half proves that.

    Dunno why I'm bothering though.

    I am pointing out what BeckyBoo's oppinion was according to her thread and how it was incorrect to logically deduce what Kermit did. I was not stating my personal oppinion in any way. An implies statement is part of prepositional logic which is what I was illustrating with that example in a crude way so as to prove adequetely that BeckyBoo had not said it was OK to do anything legal by saying she didn't agree with doing something that was illegal.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am pointing out what BeckyBoo's oppinion was according to her thread and how it was incorrect to logically deduce what Kermit did. I was not stating my personal oppinion in any way. An implies statement is part of prepositional logic which is what I was illustrating with that example in a crude way so as to prove adequetely that BeckyBoo had not said it was OK to do anything legal by saying she didn't agree with doing something that was illegal.

    Your point would be valid if you'd actually deigned to understand what I said. I'll try again.

    Your and BeckyBoo's argument has been that because something is illegal it is morally unacceptable behaviour, as if legality is the defining nature of morality. Therefore, because you have defined morally acceptable behaviour solely by the legality of that behaviour, the converse argument is that any action that is legal is morally acceptable.

    Again, I'll ask about homosexual sex, and the illegality of that until recently. Because it was illegal gays shouldn't have had sex, is that correct?

    Oh, and stop trying to be condescending. I suspect that my mathematics is at least a match for yours, tbh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I was not stating my personal oppinion in any way.

    ME wrote:
    The next time someone tells me (either directly or indirectly)

    See the bit in brackets.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Your point would be valid if you'd actually deigned to understand what I said. I'll try again.

    Your and BeckyBoo's argument has been that because something is illegal it is morally unacceptable behaviour, as if legality is the defining nature of morality. Therefore, because you have defined morally acceptable behaviour solely by the legality of that behaviour, the converse argument is that any action that is legal is morally acceptable.
    Again, I'll ask about homosexual sex, and the illegality of that until recently. Because it was illegal gays shouldn't have had sex, is that correct?

    Oh, and stop trying to be condescending. I suspect that my mathematics is at least a match for yours, tbh.

    I severly doubt your maths is at least a match for mine to be entirely honest. You are making an assumption in providing the converse argument. For your benefit I will now state the truth table of an implies statement

    1 0 Result
    T T T
    T F F
    F F T
    F T T

    as you can see from this table if mine and Becky's argument isn't fulfilled (i.e. something being legal then cause two can be either true or false and the statement will hold true. In case you haven't understood this means that when something is legal then it can either be moral or immoral and the implies statement will still be logically correct. Do you understand now?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    to be honest, this thread is getting boring now......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    See the bit in brackets.

    It doesn't indirectly say anything about my personal oppinion. That would be incredibly stupid due to the fact I wasn't 16 when I first had sex. It is a purely logical argument using the implies statement for which the truth table is given above. It in no way implies what I think at all.

    I don't see how you think it directly or indirectly applies to you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right-o. Quite what a "truth table" has got to do with the price of stilton I don't know, but such is life eh.

    I'll keep it simpler for you this time. If you base a moral decision solely on the legality of the situation, then you are stating that legality and morals are directly linked. i.e. you are saying that illegal = immoral, and therefore, by definition, legal = moral. If you wish to argue that morals and legality are NOT linked, then feel free, but that's been the entire basis of your argument so far.

    And I note that you still haven't stated that you agree that gay people shouldn't have sex where it is outlawed, because "the law is there for a reason". I wonder why that might be...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It doesn't indirectly say anything about my personal oppinion. That would be incredibly stupid due to the fact I wasn't 16 when I first had sex. It is a purely logical argument using the implies statement for which the truth table is given above. It in no way implies what I think at all.

    I don't get that truth table. I need explanations, you see. By the way, by keeping this argument going, with the above information, you are calling yourself immoral. Yay you.
    I don't see how you think it directly or indirectly applies to you.

    Because you are indirectly calling me immoral for having underage sex with somebody I loved. Thanks for that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It does not mean it is an equivalence relation Kermit it means it is an implies relation which does not assume the reverse is true.

    Of course gay people can have sex if they so choose thats why as a democracy the law was changed. You have as yet not replied as to what you want the law changing to.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't get that truth table. I need explanations, you see. By the way, by keeping this argument going, with the above information, you are calling yourself immoral. Yay you.

    Because you are indirectly calling me immoral for having underage sex with somebody I loved. Thanks for that.

    I really don't think you are following at all what I am saying Franki.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It does not mean it is an equivalence relation Kermit it means it is an implies relation which does not assume the reverse is true.

    It implies immoral? Don't think so, either you are using the law to "prove" immorality or you aren't.
    You have as yet not replied as to what you want the law changing to.

    I said that the law was arbritrary, not strictly incorrect. There needs to be an age limit, so why not set it at 16? It makes no difference, as its abritrary.

    Though for the record, I think the Dutch law makes much more sense, and is something that would be very good in this country.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I really don't think you are following at all what I am saying Franki.

    No, she is getting what you're saying. You and BeckyBoo are arguing that, because of a random and abritrary law, sex below the age of 16 is immoral. And guess what Franki did, eh?

    Anyway, bored now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    You and BeckyBoo are arguing that, because of a random and abritrary law, sex below the age of 16 is immoral. And guess what Franki did, eh?

    Page 5: this is what I said
    So lets get this clear, im not saying 14/15 yr olds should not have sex cos theres no point saying that cos they will do it if they wanna do it. But if they do want to have sex then I would be happier if it was with someone their own age................not an 18 yr old who should be out clubbing with their mates
    Just to clarify my view on this subject.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    what are you on about Kermit I am bored by the fact you clearly do not have the mathematical knowledge to grasp the concept of an implies statement. Sigh. The implies statement is the exact statement. I would tell you to google discrete mathematics but lets be frank you wouldn't would you?

    Plus I spoke to Franki off the boards to explain what I meant. For the record Kermit she hadn't quite got the point I was getting at.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    LilMizME wrote:
    and what i really wanted to say was... who are you to judge me.. when you hvent gone through the same as i have?? why make it personal?!?!?

    Just to let you know, having sex from a very young age like yourself increases the risk of cervical cancer. There are a lot of people (young girls in particular) who think themselves to be mature and enter decisions with the right knowledge and experience, when in fact they don't have that knowledge and experience. You've gone from cream of the crop - a private girls boarding school in malvern rated in the top ten, down to part timing and you're still only doing your GCSEs.

    One of the reasons the age limits are there is because in a lot of cases it's not sensible having serious boyfriends at 14. I know at 14 I hadn't had any relationships, apart from those ones at primary school where you kiss behind the bushes :p. Yet you have had multiple sex partners, been expelled from of the most exclusive and prestigious schools in Britain, and where are you now?

    There comes a time in everybody's life where they look at themselves and think 'am I proud of myself'. I hope you will hold high standards for yourself and if you are not proud of yourself you will change your behaviours and attitudes, because even though you will always insist you know better, they are not healthy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    what are you on about Kermit I am bored by the fact you clearly do not have the mathematical knowledge to grasp the concept of an implies statement. Sigh. The implies statement is the exact statement. I would tell you to google discrete mathematics but lets be frank you wouldn't would you?

    Plus I spoke to Franki off the boards to explain what I meant. For the record Kermit she hadn't quite got the point I was getting at.

    learn english

    nuff said
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrG wrote:
    learn english

    nuff said

    Not really, there wasn't that much wrong with the English he was using.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BeckyBoo wrote:
    lilmize you dont see having sex at an early age a problem even though you had a pregnancy scare aged 12............shit :rolleyes:

    Agreed, you've jsut proved that everyone who says people under 16 don't understand enough to have sex right.

    Unless you had some accident such as contreception faliure in which case I apoligise.

    If it was a case that there WAS no contreception... then yes it is a problem.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrG wrote:
    learn english

    nuff said

    Meaning what exactly. Look at time I posted I had just got in from an 8 hour shift at work I dont believe the English is that bad.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Meaning what exactly. Look at time I posted I had just got in from an 8 hour shift at work I dont believe the English is that bad.

    "look at the time i posted"

    and erm i work 8/9 hour shifts and have about 5 hours of sleep a night as well, and i still manage fine
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    One of the reasons the age limits are there is because in a lot of cases it's not sensible having serious boyfriends at 14.

    The Dutch age of consent is lower.

    The Dutch have much fewer teenage pregnancies.


    Bomberman, I am fully aware of what implies means, though thank you for your input. Maybe when I do a mathematics A'Level again I shall be able to improve my excellent grade with your information.

    Sadly you weren't implying anything, you and BeckyBoo were saying that BECAUSE the law is there THEREFORE underage sex shouldn't be done. There's no implication there, it's a DIRECT CAUSAL LINK. I'm still obviously not keeping this simple enough.

    The law is there.
    Because the law is there underage sex is wrong. No other arguments have been put forward, except the existence of the law.
    Therefore it follows that without this law, the reason for the "wrongness" of underage sex disappears.
    Therefore it follows that if something is legal then it is not wrong.

    Is that simple enough this time?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrG there are a few missing comma's. I am glad you have nothing better to contribute than an evaluation of my English skills on a discussion board where frankly I cannot be bothered to make sure my English is 100% correct. You keep up with that hobby of yours.


    I would thank you though if your post in this thread could include things such as capital letters at the start of sentances and you use apostrophes where appropriate before you correct my English.

    Kermit that is an implies statement. Theres nothing more that I can say than that and as you only have A-Level maths this is probably why you cannot grasp this simple concept.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can't make my explanation any more moron-proof than that. I give up.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ok then the difference between an iff statement and an implies will continue to elude you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Therefore it follows that if something is legal then it is not wrong.

    No, that does not follow at all. Which I think is what Bomberman may be trying to say. Maybe.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It does follow if you continue the train of thought.

    No it doesn't, the logic for saying that it does is incorrect.

    You cannot present that

    If A then B
    Not A
    Therefore, Not B

    as an argument, because it's logically flawed, and that is essentially what was being said.
    The argument has been that underage sex is only illegal because of a law that says so. Therefore if you remove the law, you remove the only problem to having underage sex. If people think that there are other reasons against underage sex apart from the legality of it then they need to put them forward and defend them. So far, nobody has.

    I think that confusion has come in as to what exactly was being argued, because kermit and bm were talking about the relationship between the law and moral wrongness and you have just talked about the relationship between the law and legality, which is kinda obvious.

    Assuming though that that was just a slip of wording, I agree that noone has put forward any other arguments, but that still doesn't mean that you can say that because one thing is not true another thing becomes untrue.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No, the logic is perfect.

    No it's not. Read what I said again.
    If something is only wrong because a law says so, then take away the law and there is nothing left to say it is wrong - therefore it is not wrong.

    That statement is true yes, but that's not what was being said before, and not what I was saying.
    The point is whether there are other things apart from the law that make it wrong, or not.

    Well, that's your point, it's not the one that I was discussing.

    Still, ho-hum.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This deserves to go in P&D
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