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What are you feelings right now towards Americans?



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    LOL. Keep trying to paint a perfect picture of all sorts of Americans across the community voting for Bush. You very well know that you owe the victory to that most unpleasant and fanatical people, the evangelical Christian Right.


    And boy, aren't they going to milk you for all you're worth...

    It won't be long before women who need and abortion and homosexuals are forced to flee America.

    A great victory indeed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    {edited out dreaded double post}
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Perhaps all those who exist simply to stick their hand out expecting a free ride might "flee" to your little island. Seems their philosophy is more in line with yours...

    Those who are "conservative" believe in OPPORTUNITY to make of your life what you will, and the "liberal" believe that it is the government's responsibility to play nursemaid to all who would not take care of themselves.

    You may have Moron and his minions. Good riddance...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Opportunity... LOL. Such as drastic welfare cuts for the needy, ever more difficult access to health and education for the less well-off, and all to finance for a tax cut for top 1% of the population?

    Are you a multimillionaire Thanatos? Do you belong to that top 1% of the population Thanatos? Or are you simply a turkey voting for Christmas?

    Do you believe homosexuals are evil people who will burn in Hell and who should be persecuted? Do you believe in criminalising abortion?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The exodus begins...

    Civil war cannot be too far away...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Globe
    Those who are "conservative" believe in OPPORTUNITY to make of your life what you will,

    What a load of tosh - this is all about people being forced to live their lives according to the dictats of religious fundamentalists, ironically the same thing that the USA reckons it wants to liberate the muslim world from.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    Opportunity... LOL. Such as drastic welfare cuts for the needy, ever more difficult access to health and education for the less well-off, and all to finance for a tax cut for top 1% of the population?

    And that is ALL just more HAND OUTS.

    Promote your Marxism all you want. Just keep it on YOUR side of the pond.

    Take Moron and his minions. Absorb them. Support them. Have the lot of them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by freethepeeps
    What a load of tosh - this is all about people being forced to live their lives according to the dictats of religious fundamentalists, ironically the same thing that the USA reckons it wants to liberate the muslim world from.

    Religion has nothing to do with it, other than give it a buzzword appeal to those of constricted cognitive capability, such as yourself.

    Shouldn't you be trotting out your favorite "n*gger" type word? You know... "neo-con".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Lolita
    Devil what most people are saying here is that American didnt just vote for themselves...they voted for the world. Its not so hard to see why a few people would have a bee in their bonnet is it now? Things will change for everyone.
    my thoughts exactly, I feel very frightened for the future now that warmonger has 4 more years. Ive never been bothered about American elections before particularly as I never felt they would affect me, but these last two, and especially this last one.... I feel the world is getting less safe by the minute, and its his fault. I wish someone would assasinate him, for the safety of the rest of the world.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by rainbow brite
    I wish someone would assasinate him, for the safety of the rest of the world.

    Why do you not come to America, and put your life behind your mouth? Or simply empty words, without substance or conviction within the one spewing them?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im not planning on doing it, I dont think I could kill anyone, but I would be happy if he died, however it happened. I wish that noone made me feel like that, but I feel so frightened for the rest of the world, and then people like you sit and laugh, like youve got one over on the rest of the world. I dont get your mentality. Cant you see the danger you and the rest of the W mob, have put the rest of the world in?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Globe
    Why do you not come to America, and put your life behind your mouth? Or simply empty words, without substance or conviction within the one spewing them?

    If I could get away with it I would.

    But he isn't worth dying for- he'll be gone soon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have you ever seen fahrneit 9/11? that's what bush is all about... americans are not as idiots as they show... I mean... ok they are..... lol the problem is that bush has 2 brain cells... and others only have one......

    save our planet... send bush to his own
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by not_an_angel
    Have you ever seen fahrneit 9/11? that's what bush is all about...

    Uh, yeah... :rolleyes:

    Step 1) You need to take a deep breath, and then remind yourself that Michael Moron's cartoon show is no more related to reality than Star Wars...

    Step 2) Worry about this step ONLY when you have completed Step 1...

    Take that deep breath; you can do it...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Globe
    Uh, yeah... :rolleyes:

    Step 1) You need to take a deep breath, and then remind yourself that Michael Moron's cartoon show is no more related to reality than Star Wars...

    Step 2) Worry about this step ONLY when you have completed Step 1...

    Take that deep breath; you can do it...
    You dont like Michael Moore very much do you

    Raw nerve and hitting perhaps?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by not_an_angel
    Have you ever seen fahrneit 9/11?

    Perhaps - for a balanced view - you should seek out FAHRENHYPE 9/11
    For 15 years the US opposed letting Iraq pump oil.

    It is now known on the basis of documentation discovered after Iraq was liberated that the French, and the Germans and the Russians had all assured Saddam Hussein that they would never permit the UN to give president Bush a mandate to act against him militarily.

    Saddam Hussein gave France two of the best oil fields in Iraq with the promise that they (France) could start drilling as soon as the United Nations sanctions were lifted. France worked right back into the UN Security Council and voted to lift the sanctions.

    According to this video, Jacques Chirac's right hand man Interior Minister Charles Pasqua received a note entitiling him to 10-million barrels of oil at $10 per barrel which he could turn right around and sell on the open market the next day. Charles Pasqua denies this claim.

    Russia, voted against sanctions…the US has documentary evidence of bribes to the Prime Minister of Russia, the former Prime Minister of Russia, the Communist candidate for President of Russia, the Nationalist candidate for President of Russia and the All Russia United Party that was Vladimir Putin’s party.

    China was given one of these oil fields to develop also.

    So these votes were bought and paid for…and what could the US really do…get these players to vote against their own personal financial interests?

    According the US general accounting office, $10 billion of the $62.5 billion oil-for-food program was paid out in bribes

    (Info presented on video by Dick Morris -- former adviser to President Clinton)

    Now... for those REALLY slow on the up-take... ex-president Clinton (and his advisors) is not exactly one of Bush's crew...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Globe
    Now... for those REALLY slow on the up-take... ex-president Clinton (and his advisors) is not exactly one of Bush's crew...

    But bought by the same black and sticky dollar.

    or maybe that's just cynicism coming out in my old age.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Smash
    Americans have got the president that they deserve.
    Originally posted by Disillusioned

    It’s a long way away but I’d like to see Hilary Clinton run for 2008, I think it would be great for America to have a woman Democratic President.
    It’s funny but you’re right. It was why the influential elite of Democrats had chosen Kerry. Because he had no chances. Hitlery von Klington has one shot only and it will be 2008 election. So Kerry was an appointed scapegoat. And when she wins ( I’m 90% sure she will) all stupid Bushists will be ashamed what a ‘liberal jelly’ their leader was…
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by veez
    the good news is that he'll be gone in 4 years time. otherwise really p****d off

    Good point. Hope the years go past real fast though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fahrenheit 9/11 can be argued to be propaganda against Bush, and I would agree that it is definitely antibush.

    However there is one thing that stuck in my mind after watching the film.

    That of Bush attending a dinner which consisted of the very rich.

    His speech which he made started

    "We are the haves and the have mores"

    Bush is there to represent the rich and the powerful, the poor and the needy will be hurt in the next fours years. Children will suffer, people will lose jobs and the poor will face even more hardships.

    Isn’t the number of people in the US who can’t afford health care rising?

    The number of Americans without medical insurance reached a record 45 million in 2003, highlighting what many analysts say is a deepening crisis in the way the nation pays for health care.

    How can a country as rich and as powerful as the US allow 15% of its population to have inadequate health care???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Because so many people who are themselves poor and can ill afford health insurance are so stupid as to vote for the party of the very rich, the tax cuts and the self-serving greed.

    It's the ultimate example of turkeys voting for Xmas.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    Because so many people who are themselves poor and can ill afford health insurance are so stupid as to vote for the party of the very rich, the tax cuts and the self-serving greed.

    I don’t agree with America’s healthcare policy but it’s a domestic American issue. What makes you think that you as a non-American have the right to comment on issues that don’t remotely affect you? Americans don’t go around criticising other countries healthcare systems as inadequate so why do you?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Disillusioned
    I don’t agree with America’s healthcare policy but it’s a domestic American issue. What makes you think that you as a non-American have the right to comment on issues that don’t remotely affect you? Americans don’t go around criticising other countries healthcare systems as inadequate so why do you?
    Thats true.
    I feel sorry for the americans whove voted for something that isnt in their best interests, but thats not the reason im anti-bush.
    I think Bush is on the fast track to starting another world war - and he would love it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Disillusioned
    I don’t agree with America’s healthcare policy but it’s a domestic American issue. What makes you think that you as a non-American have the right to comment on issues that don’t remotely affect you? Americans don’t go around criticising other countries healthcare systems as inadequate so why do you?


    America feels free to impose "freedom and democracy" on other nations - that means its own system is deffo up for scrutiny

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by freethepeeps

    America feels free to impose "freedom and democracy" on other nations - that means its own system is deffo up for scrutiny


    You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

    America’s system of healthcare is not an issue of ‘freedom and democracy’. It’s perfectly justifiable for non-Americans to criticise the election fiasco of 2000; after all with America advocating democracy around the world when democracy in America was undermined in 2000 it’s definitely fair to criticise the hypocrisy there.

    America has a healthcare system whereby people have to pay. I don’t agree with it. But, that’s America’s choice. Americans know that Bush opposes a state healthcare system but the majority of Americans still voted for Bush. That’s democracy. So stop whining about freedom and democracy, it’s entirely irrelevant to the issue. It’s something purely for Americans to decide and it’s absolutely none of your business.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Disillusioned
    So stop whining about freedom and democracy, it’s entirely irrelevant to the issue. It’s something purely for Americans to decide and it’s absolutely none of your business.

    Hoo boy - you're a censor now?

    Would you like to put up a thread outlining all the subjects that I'm allowed to voice an opinion on?

    Or maybe you could just stop trying to tell me what I'm allowed to talk about?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by freethepeeps
    Hoo boy - you're a censor now?

    Would you like to put up a thread outlining all the subjects that I'm allowed to voice an opinion on?

    Or maybe you could just stop trying to tell me what I'm allowed to talk about?
    Say what you like.

    It’s just odd for you and Aladdin to be so concerned about America’s healthcare policy which only affects Americans and bizarrely as it sounds is supported by most Americans. It’s up to Americans, they support it and it’s their decision. Or can’t you accept that?

    On the subject of Europeans sticking their nose into American affairs…If you’ve ever been to America, especially er less liberal parts you’d know that Americans hate being told how to vote by Europeans. (And hey how would you feel if Americans told you to vote Tory?) What people like yourself and a few stupid Guardian readers are too brainless to see is that the more Europeans tell Americans to say vote Democrat, the more likely Americans are to vote Republican. As somebody who would much prefer Americans to have a Democrat President it depresses me when Europeans help Bush. (Even if it is accidental as the case with the Guardian readers and other Europeans who urged Americans to vote Kerry).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Disillusioned
    Say what you like.

    It’s just odd for you and Aladdin to be so concerned about America’s healthcare policy which only affects Americans and bizarrely as it sounds is supported by most Americans. It’s up to Americans, they support it and it’s their decision. Or can’t you accept that?

    On the subject of Europeans sticking their nose into American affairs…If you’ve ever been to America, especially er less liberal parts you’d know that Americans hate being told how to vote by Europeans. (And hey how would you feel if Americans told you to vote Tory?) What people like yourself and a few stupid Guardian readers are too brainless to see is that the more Europeans tell Americans to say vote Democrat, the more likely Americans are to vote Republican. As somebody who would much prefer Americans to have a Democrat President it depresses me when Europeans help Bush. (Even if it is accidental as the case with the Guardian readers and other Europeans who urged Americans to vote Kerry).

    You know what, Iraqis don't like being told what to do, nor do the people of Haiti, Somalia, Iran, France, Venezuela, Argentina etc etc etc

    Do Americans give a monkeys?

    The Guardian attempted to sell more copies and open up dialogue - the idea that it is capable of "tampering" with a US election is absurd - and I repeat, as America feels that it has the right, as the playground bully to boss the other countries around, it opens itself up to scrutiny - how long before it attacks the NHS?

    months, years. what?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by freethepeeps
    You know what, Iraqis don't like being told what to do, nor do the people of Haiti, Somalia, Iran, France, Venezuela, Argentina etc etc etc

    Do Americans give a monkeys?

    The Guardian attempted to sell more copies and open up dialogue - the idea that it is capable of "tampering" with a US election is absurd - and I repeat, as America feels that it has the right, as the playground bully to boss the other countries around, it opens itself up to scrutiny - how long before it attacks the NHS?

    months, years. what?



    You’re guilty of the a criticism often attached to Americans – ignorance.

    You’re either ignorant or just stupid. Out of interest have you ever even been to the US?

    Anyway it’s quite simple really:
    Europeans tell Americans to vote for Kerry.
    Americans defy Europeans and vote for Bush.

    Listen to Democrats, they’re recognising that Europeans sticking their nose in boosts Republicans popularity!

    Anyway keep going freethepeeps; you and your chums will ensure the Republicans get 2008. I guess you want that? I don't...

    As for the NHS remark; do you realise how stupid you sound? America couldn’t give a damn what healthcare system we have. It’s irrelevant and doesn’t affect them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    freethepeeps, one of these days you might actually LISTEN to what people say. Not that I'm too optimistic.

    If the Americans want a pay-system then they are entitled to it; they might be "wrong" in your eyes, but it's their choice. It's not like they don't know what the policies are.

    Iraqis have more choice now than they did under Saddam Hussein. You might not agree with the candidates, but they will have the opportunity to choose their own leader.

    Or do you think that Saddam is preferable to democracy, however young and tenuous it may be?
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