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Posts: 4,519 The Mix Elder
why do they ignore 'wat do i do with my feelings'
Crazy mad insane
first so sorry to hear you are going through this, but glad you felt able to reach out to people! Feelings can be so difficult to manage and navigate, this might be why you felt ignored, sometimes others do not know how to manage them either and struggle to give advice, especially to people they care about.
Sometimes just talking about how you feel and having someone just there and to listen, can do wonders.
I find journaling or writing a letter to myself can be helpful, as I often struggle to express myself and having it all laid out helps me to pinpoint exactly how I feel or what is really causing me upset. When I have difficulty moving on from my feelings, I have found putting all my negative feelings on a piece of paper and tearing it up helpful, as I have accepted them and feel able to move on.
Whatever you find useful, your friends may also!
I agree with everything that @fiona333 has said.
It's good to reach out to friends but sometimes friends might not always be able to help us. Emotions can be difficult, especially if they are strong emotions, and your friends might not know how to help you or what to suggest. Sometimes friends might struggle with their own feelings too.
Are there other people you trust in your life that you can talk to? A trusted adult, such as a parent, or a counsellor might be able to help you if you have strong feelings that you don't know how to cope with.
Another way of processing intense emotions could be by writing these down or colouring in a colouring in book. Remember, you are not your emotions, and any uncomfortable ones will pass with time. If it helps, you could repeat to yourself “These feelings will pass”. If any similar negative emotions persist for several weeks, it might be worth seeking professional help.
It might be possible to access services outside your local area, but I would speak to your GP first. Have you tried any mental health charities, like Mind or tried online therapy sessions or a helpline? What type of therapy would you be drawn to: face to face or online?
The Samaritans have a helpline on 116 123 and they also have email chat and a mental health tracking app. Here is the link for more information: https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqrLkhfna-AIVhu3tCh3U9gbNEAAYASAAEgK_VfD_BwE
Crayola have some free printable colouring pages you could try before buying a book to see if colouring in helps you feel better: https://www.crayola.com/featured/free-coloring-pages/
Do you think you would benefit more from an organisation you can spend nights at?