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General chit chat



  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    The James Cameron one? Yeah I watched it years and years ago, haven't seen the second one though. Hope you enjoy it!
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I like police programs and ambulance programs. My dream job is to become a nurse.

    I’m bored whatcha wanna talk about lol
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    I like the occasional crime documentary, but I'm not obsessed with them like some people I know. What kinds of people would you like to help as a nurse?

    Are you much of a music fan?
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I would like to work with children. Or in A&E. I’m not sure yet as I’m not stable enough to even start anything.

    I don’t know, I listen to top 50 most days
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I’m watching a helicopter program now. It’s air ambulance 💜. That wouldn’t be a bad job would it? Working for the air ambulance would be awesome and rewarding <3
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    I guess that would be really cool yeah. Paramedics are awesome to be honest. Such a difficult job but also such a great thing to do for other people, and they're always super upbeat and happy too!
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    The ones who saw me were so kind and considerate. They were lovely.

    What’s your favourite animal?
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Oh I like dogs, dogs are the best. But if you're looking for a more exciting answer, then I guess otters are pretty amazing. :D How about you?
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I like cats. As you can tell as my profile picture haha. How about food what’s your favourite food?
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Awhh :/ Kittens are cute but I'm not a big fan of cats for a few reasons.

    My favourite food changes based on how much I eat it. I do get bored of things after a while. Basically anything with chicken though is what I like most. At the moment my favourite thing is Jamaican Brown Stew! It's actually amazing aha. And you? :D
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I like McDonald’s 😂🤫

    Ooh, I’ve never had a stew before, is it nice?
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Who knew trying to log into your bank account was hard lol
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    It's lovely yeah. It's quite spicy though, and you have it with rice. It's a lot like curry to be honest, and I really like Indian food so, it's right up my alley. One of my mum's friends is Jamaican I believe, and she gave us some leftovers a while ago. We enjoyed it so much that my mum has been making it ever since. :D

    Do you have a go to order from maccies? :p
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I just found an old top I haven’t worn in ages lol 😂

    Oh yes, it’s a spicy wrap with chips and a toffee frappe
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Very nice, very nice. I always have a quarter pounder meal, chicken nuggets and a chocolate milkshake. :D Can't remember if I've had a wrap from maccies. I enjoy the ones from KFC but I basically never get KFC because the one nearest to me is disgusting.
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I love kfc. What’s your favourite meal from kfc
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Don't really have one. Like I say the one near me is gross so, it's kinda put me off eating kfc for good aha.

    Got any plans for the weekend?
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I’m not doing anything, you?
  • independent_independent_ Community Champion Posts: 8,983 Legendary Poster
    Libby_ wrote: »
    I like police programs and ambulance programs. My dream job is to become a nurse.

    I’m bored whatcha wanna talk about lol

    @Libby_ ooh I love police and ambulance stuff too!!
    “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,576 The Mix Elder
    edited September 18
    Evening @Past User how are you tonight?.
    Post edited by TheMix on
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Hey Amy, still shit, yada yada :p

    How are you? ^^
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
  • independent_independent_ Community Champion Posts: 8,983 Legendary Poster
    Afternoon all how are we?
    “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,098 Legendary Poster
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
  • Brandon_LCBrandon_LC Posts: 14 Settling in
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,576 The Mix Elder
    edited September 18
    Past User wrote: »
    Hey Amy, still shit, yada yada :p

    How are you? ^^

    Hey I'm sorry to hear that your feeling rough. Im alright, I went to Harry Potter London the other day which was alright :)
    Post edited by TheMix on
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • Brandon_LCBrandon_LC Posts: 14 Settling in
  • leyla26leyla26 Moderator Posts: 4,204 Community Veteran
    Hi Brandon! How's it going :)
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  • leyla26leyla26 Moderator Posts: 4,204 Community Veteran
    FAQ | How to report a post | How to report spam
    I'm a community moderator. I'm here to help guide discussions and make sure Community Guidelines are followed. I can't send DMs, but you can message @TheMix or email community@themix.org.uk with questions or concerns.
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