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General chit chat



  • independent_independent_ Community Champion Posts: 8,983 Legendary Poster
    @Libby_ it is nice yeah. Quite a strong taste mind you. I still like the odd glass of red with food.

    I haven't had monster in years !!!
    “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    @Libby_ it is nice yeah. Quite a strong taste mind you. I still like the odd glass of red with food.

    I haven't had monster in years !!!

    What about Jack daniels and coke? My mum used to have it when I lived with her. I don’t know if she has it now or not but I’ve always wanted to try it.

    I like the green one
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Does contraception pill make you tired? I’m feeling exhausted since going on it
  • independent_independent_ Community Champion Posts: 8,983 Legendary Poster
    Libby_ wrote: »
    @Libby_ it is nice yeah. Quite a strong taste mind you. I still like the odd glass of red with food.

    I haven't had monster in years !!!

    What about Jack daniels and coke? My mum used to have it when I lived with her. I don’t know if she has it now or not but I’ve always wanted to try it.

    I like the green one

    Oh no @Libby_ I don't like Jack Daniels! It's too sweet for me.
    “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Libby_ wrote: »
    @Libby_ it is nice yeah. Quite a strong taste mind you. I still like the odd glass of red with food.

    I haven't had monster in years !!!

    What about Jack daniels and coke? My mum used to have it when I lived with her. I don’t know if she has it now or not but I’ve always wanted to try it.

    I like the green one

    Oh no @Libby_ I don't like Jack Daniels! It's too sweet for me.

    Oh! Ok
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Feeling sick
  • independent_independent_ Community Champion Posts: 8,983 Legendary Poster
    Libby_ wrote: »
    Feeling sick

    How come @Libby_
    “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.”
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Libby_ wrote: »
    Feeling sick

    How come @Libby_

    Probably the food, I don’t know I’m experiencing high panic attacks at the moment
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I need sleep
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    edited September 18
    Past User wrote: »

    Post edited by TheMix on
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    hey Libby
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Hey, how are you today? How was your sleep?
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Still feel a bit shit. Sleep was better though so it isn't all bad. :p

    How about you?
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    My sleep was ok. Ah why you feeling shit? Up for a chat? I’m bored😂
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    I mean, I guess self consciousness? Also I've been rereading one of my old posts which is sad.

    Yeah I'm up for a chat, you up to much today?
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Is it the bervemeant thread? If so I understand where you’re coming from. <3

    No, I’m going for a walk later I have to go food shopping but apart from that I’m doing nothing.

    How about you?
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    It was actually, I was just reading what I wrote in the original post. Kinda strange to see everything laid out in order like that.

    Well the walk is nice at least, food shopping not so much. :D To be honest though I don't enjoy shopping of any kind aha. Have nothing that I need to do really, free week for me aside from Thursday and Friday. I'm thinking of texting a 1-1 service though today. Idk, I'll see how I feel when it opens.

    And how are you today? MH wise and physically, you seemed to be quite ill last night.
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I’m feeling better, yeah I was scared because all of a sudden my eyes were blurry, then my head was going. It was nice seeing you in chat though :)

    Mental health wise, I’m okay. Well, I am trying to be ok. Thank you for asking.

    Yeah, I would recommend shout, they’re a good service but you will be waiting ages. Or Samaritans there open.

    Of course you can get support here too <3
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Glad to hear you're feeling better, even if only a little, it's still a great thing :)

    Shout I don't use anymore, not since having a particularly bad experience with them. Like you say, the waits are too long. I use CALM on the rare occasion I actually use those types of services.

    Still doing your colour by numbers art?
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Yes, I did a panda yesterday it’s okay. When does calm open? I like calm because if you told them you want to die they don’t call anyone. I like that <3

    What’s for breakfast? I’m having cereal
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    It's open from 5pm to 12am, so unfortunately if your sleep is terrible like mine, it's easy to miss. I've been fortunate enough that nobody has ever called emergency services on me, but then again I am also very careful with how I word anything related to suicidal thoughts. Honestly the idea of being forced into things is terrifying to me, because I'm very private and the last thing I want is to explain to family why someone has sent an ambulance to me. That shit gives me nightmares. :S

    Ooooh lovely! Would you think less of me if I said that I just had a pizza? XD I've always been terrible with breakfast, either not eating it at all or just eating whatever. The pizza was gross though so that's sad aha.
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    I had police and ambulance called on me few days ago, shout and the mix called them. I’m glad though as I got support.

    Pizza for breakfast mhm tasty! What do you want to talk about?

    I’m definitely not feeling hyper today haha
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Oh geez, I'm no good at small talk. :D But a good start is always, what sorts of things are you interested in? ^^
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Colour by number, cooking, I like sleeping. I like swimming but because of my scars I get scared I’ll get judged. I like rainy days too.

    How about you?
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    Cooking is a brilliant one to have. I say it all the time but I need to learn how to cook, I just wish I found it enjoyable. :D I hear you with the swimming. I go to the gym and very occasionally I get into and out of martial arts, but I get very self conscious about scars there also. It's not a great solution but, I think you just have to go for it, and trust in the fact that other people can be kind and understanding about things. Even though I'm extremely ashamed of it, not once has anyone ever said anything to me or looked at me weird.

    I love the rain as well. Games and music mostly. TV shows and to a lesser extent, movies. I find writing enjoyable provided I have a reason to write. Psychology, cosmology, maths, mythology and philosophy, although I feel a bit slow since I left the education system. I'm trying to read more, but I either, get distracted by other things too easily, or get so engaged that I can't sleep for days straight. Used to be quite sporty as well, but nowadays I'm super unhealthy and don't get opportunities to do the things I used to love, like athletics and football.
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Wow! You do like a lot of things! I’m impressed.

    You shouldn’t feel ashamed of scars, as I know there my battle scars, they are there as it’s a story that happened. Feel proud of your scars, they’re on your body for a reason I know it sucks because of the memories but you’re amazing.

    What’s your favourite tv shows?
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    edited January 2023
    Oh Christ I'm quite picky with tv shows. I'm watching The Sopranos at the minute. My favourite shows on Netflix are animated shows. Arcane and Edgerunners specifically. But I also really like the setting and themes in Altered Carbon, albeit the second season was a bit lackluster. Of course shows like breaking bad and game of thrones, but that just makes me think about how shows always seem to start off great, and end not so great. :p Oh and I'm so sick of superhero movies and tv shows... I feel like it'd take too long for me to name every show and go over what I like and dislike. XD
  • Libby_Libby_ Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Have you watched the film avatar? I’m going to watch the second one in cinema on Friday
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