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im thinking back to
i didnt do too bad actually. Considering how unprepared I was compared to other people. If I knew you basically said lot indepth about your mental health challenges & then how you've progressed I would of been more prepared. I guess it was expected as speeches are personal to you. But considering I wasn't that prepared & I added most stuff from the top of my head while making eye contact- I didn't do that bad. Was a lotttt of people. I didn't have shaky voice probably because of my sore throat and I took propranolol right before. I think the propranolol helped a lot. I just don't know why I cant just stay still when anxious. Ive never been put in such a High anxiety position like that
Everyone was crying, even my sister said she was. but I didnt cry over anything & made me feel heartless but just kinda felt empty. They bigged us up about how hard was to even get onto the training & how much work went into it, & yeah it is so much work for 4 weeks (first time they did the training in that sort space- normally over 12 weeks) but idk. & kept saying they're proud of us & wouldnt spend on all time preparing for training & doing it & passing each one - if they didn't think we'd do a good job. Which did make me feel like a somebody. But that was only time lol.
and what is annoying is staff member already put photo up friday and i look bad and the only one not even ready
and I think they made us do a speech because like sharing parts of "your story" is a big thing of the role
& there was someone who i was sectioned with in hospital about 3 years ago. She was graduating as peer support worker from Cambridge. I remember her clearly I dunno if she remembers me. Didn't say anything. Think she must of remembered me. Kinda awkward, but yeah guess can't judge anyone from hospital state
We didn't do anything after graduation cause everyone was busy mostly cause of their kids. But I really want to do something with them and they said we will but I'll be sad if dont cause they're all really nice.
now I'm going to work and am sad and have too many thoughts
It's good that when reflecting on your speech you realise you didn't do bad. I was told once that the only person that ever focuses on our mistakes when public speaking is ourselves. The audience isn't focusing on what we think are mistakes, but on what we are actually saying. It sounds like you had a lot of stuff to say and the fact that you were able to wing it is great.
It sounds like you feel like you analyse things a lot after they happen. What sort of situations do you do this in?
It also sounds like you want to meet up with everyone from the course afterwards! Have you thought about trying to organise something with them?
You say your sad about some thoughts you are having. Are you comfortable sharing what those thoughts are?
Well done again on giving your speech
Think about it with a lot of situations. I over think everything even at work and work was shit today not for any particular reason just always shit
and maybe the NHS did just waste load of money training me because i want to be dead
also spoke about other things they're offering. They have a training for application process and interview process for the NHS as it's not like CV sort of thing. And can be quite hard. I'm not sure whether to go to that. I think i will. But only to the start of it because I don't want to do the practising stuff
Also spoke about co production stuff and helping about with recovery college about the subject they hold. I'm not too sure if I wanna help out with that or not yet.
I didn't see my tutor for this convo lol I saw him for face to face feedback as was offered to everyone so thought might aswell see where can improve and what did wrong. And was a 30 min appointment.
But basically he just said he has no concerns what so ever and that I clearly Learn really well , take info in and text book learner. So then that was it and asked if I had anything questions on improving but I didn't really think of that. Thought he was just gunna tell me where can improve. But he said really well and communication assessment was really well and everything he wanted to see and thats how can see if someone can be peer support worker.
So then said like still basically have 30 mins left so spoke about that instead lol.
But that convo has made me feel so much better right now. Cause he seemed really impressed with like how I am. So felt good