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Work experience was hard the first day because of the graphics and hard stuff I heard. But it was actually good for the rest of the days as I got used to it all and all the people. Even got offered a Job but yeah they didn't realise I can't drive so can't do community work lol. So I want to start thinking about driving to get more opportunities.
And it's weird how people are in post(got a job) & start working as PSW before even get results because they're sure we will all be passing & if not they're going to work with us individually until do. Which is great so will be actually trained peer support worker eventually even if fail and I am just so grateful I got onto the course its been really good & insightful & yeah just sounds like such a great meaningful job
Oh no lol I've not done any references yet lol nthought id do it at last min. I think hardwared reference or something is good website? But I'm confused on if you reference after every assignment or do you just have a page of references? No idea.
I'm worried about the whole of graduation. I live in Peterborough. But Cambridge are also graduating the different cohort at the same time so it will be in huntingdom. Lot of people. But i don’t know I guess it will be interesting to hear what others say too. What we say in 5 mins is about actknowledging our MH challenges but how are you suppose to word that. Then can say what you have achieved & for then for the further.
Also need to get £79 to pay for my certificate which I don't even have lol. But I'm not complaining cause to get a level 4 for free is really good & DBS check so idm. Just no money lol
anyway whats confusing is if someone is experiencing unique beliefs we have to take their word for it and believe it. Which yeah surely that is dangerous. They said "because whos to say it isnt true and how many times has someone had "unique beliefs" and turned out true even when it looks like facts was against it - you might be the first person to believe and hear them which can help them" wellll thats sounds dangerious to me
So asked if someone said they see something that isnt there - do we see it too. But yeah you do not loll hahhaha and probably found that question way too funny lol. So i guess you say you dont see it -just dont think theyre lying that they see it. Which yeah that makes sense. But what if someone thinks the world is going to end /apocolypis very soon and start preparing, doing things that are dangerous (thats a "delusion" i saw on casuality). Surely we cant be like yeah i believe you the world is going to end.
I dont know what the answer is, but tbh if I believed it was the end of the world, I think I'd be more likely to accept help and support from someone that at least pretended to believe me over someone who told me that it isnt gonna happen'. I think it helps to put yourself in their shoes - if someone truly believed in the end of the world, how terrifying would that be for them firstly. And then how awful it would be to have somebody telling them they were 'delusional' and their feelings werent justified.
I think you're right too that you'd have to keep judging whether they were doing something dangerous or not - I'm sure it's a very thin line!
Would be interested to hear what others think too though?
and omggg i honesty cant breath ATM from stress. So i have 18 question assignment. With them at 500 words or over. Which adds up to 10,000. I know i was suppose to do them while doing training aswell but fml - go home from training and never time or energy. So ultimatly they give us 2 weeks to do 10,000. Theyre due in 7th and honestly its too mcuh. Im too stressed. Ive done most but still the ones i aint done are hard. Its a bit much
Ive refrenced everything. All i need to do now is copy the actual questions on with my word counts. And my last question is about finding recovery and none recovery lanaguge on tv/written media and how could challenge none recovery lanague if i was there and the pro & cons of each challenge. Basically i think by that they mean to directly challenge it by saying how it is none recovery or indirectly by just repharsing what they say and role model the new lanagauge since people can copy your lanaguage without noticing much
Does that sound right dk. dont suppose anyone knows any other challenge lol??? So basically when i get home from work im going to watch casuality or gp behind closed doors to find none recovery lanagauge lol. And i also have to say where i used recovery lanagauge with someone and the impact.- basically probs going to lie about that one
and then my last part thats not part of my assignments questions. is finish writing up my work experience reflections. But thats a lot of small questions
Basically everything that i have to use what ive seen - ive left last cause it feels more harder for some reason. Probs cause its not all on google lol
You're so close to finishing all your assignments now! It sounds like it's been really stressful trying to get all this work done in such a short amount of time. You're doing really well
It sounds like you've understood your last question right. Really great idea to watch Casualty and GPs Behind Closed Doors. There's also Ambulance and 24 Hours in A&E if you want to give those a watch too. With the question about where you've used recovery language, could you talk about the support you've given here on the boards and chat?
There's lots of helpful websites for referencing. I used to use this one but make sure to check the type of referencing they've asked you to do because there's a few different styles and they might mark you on that. When you're proof-reading, it can be helpful to check through your referencing because you don't want to lose easy marks on that. My uni used to mark you down for missing a capital letter or not having something in italics!
I'm not sure if you need to reference after each assignment, can you ask your teacher about that? If they are all part of one assignment, it would just be a page at the very end but if it's separate assignments then you might need reference pages for each of them. Check with your teacher though
I hope that's helpful! Keep updating us with how everything is going. Best of luck with your results
Thank you. I also used cite for me. Seems like the better one. Its either that site we got told to use or another two which cant remember now. But Yeah ive read the portfolio again and i think ive done it right hopefully.
I know the stress is really affecting my body , mind and my breathing and i can still feel not breathing properly cause i keep rereading my work thinking its wrong or not answering the question & im so fed up. But dont you think 10,000 words for less than 2 weeks is too much? Like dk not got much to compare with. How much did you do at uni? I dont think im over dramatic it feels a lot. Its not even all on the same topic. Its like 18 different questons that are lot of specifc scerieno based so cant google all and need to think hard of every single one. And i just cant breath. And theres not actually a lot of info on google about mental health peer support workers and is hard.
But did do some today and done queston about how supported on here. That was 500 words. Then wrote about work experience. Still havent finished that. And still need to do tv one😒😒😒
Really hard to breath
but its really good cause some people dont pass but they work with recovery college until they do pass. So i think thats how maybe cause get all the support anyways
And you know. Some of this training just annoys me. - with the recovery language like you may have notice i say "Mh challenges" a lot instead of illness. Cant say 'illness' or 'problem' or 'issue' in any content. (Wouldnt say "illness" for physical health either) And its like why. Surely its devalidating it. Its facts its an illness😒😒😒 But yeah ive said this all on training and some how the tutor always came back with good answer which then made me confused about why i was even questioning it. Lol. So yeah ill just stick with saying "challenge" all the time.😒😒. I always end up realising the benefits of it anyway.
But there is a page in my folder that sounds devalidating someone with depression and OCD and just sooo annoying I cba to move to take picture but will do tomorrow cause annoying me.
Also my very first assignment was "benefits and challenges of employing PSWs" there was some challenges that i found on a site that yeah totally putting me off lol
And I still cant breath properly. Even tho ive nearly done it all. Just scared is wrong.
And lot of people on my corse said they might be askin for extension. So i think it is a lot and not only me finding it too much ah
Will hand in tomorrow. 😊😊😊😊😊😊
should know before 12th July if failed, passed, merit or distinestion.
But lol looking through my folder and this all probably would of been alot easier if i didnt make weird drawings instead of notes hahaha
Also this is the stuff i was talking about
tell someone theyre "a person who is very organised" rather them telling them they have OCD Is not very validating. Also same with depression. Call it "low mood". There are many reasons for it. But still.
Kinda annoying to read sometimes.
Yayyy I've handed it in!!! As well as my money for certificate.
Finally. Is all completely done😊😊😊😊😊😊🎉
Made it lol. Without ending up in hospital or anything ah ah. Hopefully al okay
I havent said "im sorry to hear that" since the training which is good and im trying to use training with the languagae but is hard as i think online it is different. As well as the way you support someone as not always two way convo or 1-2-1 conversation since group chat isnt even like that and i thinks that how harder. And then makes me left with nothing to say something.
But ive done my best to not use "none recovery" words like "suicide" "relapse" And challenge the none recovery words just by repharsing what people say. And not directly saying its not great word and realised not the best way
Theres loads of none recovery words and i think ive done all but ive done really bad at not using the word "symptoms" ive said loads of times i think. When should say "expereinces"
And its been stressing me out.
Tho my faviourate part ive learnt from the training is validating peoples challenges and giving strengths validation in a way that doesnt devalidate the actual challenge. Like saying "but youre good at this" half way through
Also dk what suppose to wear for grauduation and had email about if wanted to put a quote or something to add to graudation book. Like what achieved. But not too sure.
And dk what suppose to say for 5 mins
and should know soon on the grade
It can be really difficult to change the way we have spoken for years, its something that comes naturally to us after years of practice. It sounds like you recognise this and have been trying to alter the way you speak both online and offline to fit around your training. It's really good you are trying hard to do this, it sounds like you have plenty of places to put it into practice!
I can understand how you find it stressful, however, it sounds like you are trying your best and practising the correct language.
In terms of what to wear for your graduation, you could always ask your classmates or teacher what they are planning on wearing.
Rather just not go to graduation tbh. People on group chat aaid theyre going to wear a dress. Dont wanna lol. Have no idea. And still no idea on what to say for 5 mins either lol. Will want to make it 2 mins if i can and still dont know ah
And he said he would speak to you if dont feel got a good sense can be a peer support work before graduation. Havent had that email yet which is good lol. Still some time lol
& so annoying. Keep remembering saying wrong things like "i have BPD " when i should say " i have diagnosis of BPD" instead (Said that in chat lol.)Thats one I do actually feel its a completly better way of saying it though with better impact, so need to change that
And the tutors say they use their langauge and the approach for everywhere because feel it benefits a lot.
And tbh i feel like it benefits but somethings aint gunna harm someone.
Like basically all of the training was to make person feel indepedant (also heard & all that). So for example - the tutors said - if someones crying dont show them the box of tissues. Because youre telling them "oh here this for whenever you stop crying" or "get rid of that" and shouldnt stop people from expressing themselves and if they wanted a box of tissues theyd reach it for themselves and be independant. .......i meannn, giving someone a box of tissues is just being nice and loads of things like that example makes me just confused. and feel they totally over complicated the whole training and every program im watching im like "well, if my tutor saw this" lol. And just have lods of example but if ranted about it here and all the reasonings behind feel would be here forever lol
But there is loads of things do totally understand. Mostly the recovery lanaguage do understand but the way you go about making people independant dk. Some people will always be naturally dependant on people. (I did say that in training and he said 'because people dont set boudaries or help their dependancy but do form relationships which can look like dependancy but not always' or something like that but still Confused) i think im quite dependant person sometimes
And i guess its not a way you have to approach every situation in your life. Well my tutors say it is but i dont think so tbh. I see the benefits but i think its different roles & places & relationships. Id use most but not all. but so ill try to rememebr that so less stressed watching things aha. But they do say once get into the hang of it all - you actually hardly do anything for people cause they make their own choices you just support that
TLDR - the things learnt in training is stressful when im thinking it in everything i watch and everyday life ect since can be used everywhere. And think just overcomplicated it all. And confused
Kinda annoying now notice
But tbh imo the word "competition" should be none recovery in that content lol. Probably better way to word that sort
anyway. Tomorrow by email i know my grade and percentage and am scared
and i dont want to go to graduation next friday
but i do know i definetly do not need to do anymore work with them and have reached atleast a pass !!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊officaly trained peer support worker yay
Im sooo happy because some people in past are still working with peer mentors in their free time until they have confidence they can be a peer support worker.
Now will def go to graduation now know for sure
Havent even looked at detailed feedback yet cause am too happy