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I dont know what to do (possible TW)

These past couple of weeks i've been struggling with Suicidal Thoughts and the Urge to act on them. I wouldn't act on them but it just scares and upsets me being there. I really want to tell my CAMHS worker about them but there somethings stopping me . I don't want her to Say that i'm unsafe and then her have to ring my mum because then my mum would find out and last time i tired to talk to her about things like this she shouted at me and told me not to be so stupid, That i was making it all up and that i'm not putting her through this all again.I'd much rather Her admit me to the children ward in the Hospital if she thought i was that unsafe than listen to mum screaming and shouting at me , or watching me every second.
I just really want to tell her but i dont know how to
I just really want to tell her but i dont know how to

Sometimes all you need is one person to believe in you , for you to begin to believe in yourself.
If you did talk to her, how do you think you might do it? In a physical conversation, or perhaps a letter or long text message? The latter can be a nice way to get out everything you need to say without interruption or things getting too emotional if that's a worry.
One thing I would say is that this is likely to be a difficult thing for your mum to process, and that can naturally produce some less-than-ideal reactions. That doesn't mean it's right or that you should have to go through that, but more that it's something people often get past once they've had time to reflect on the news and remember they do care, do want to help, and don't want to make your life harder.
Obviously I don't know if this will be the case for your mum, but there's a chance it may be a case of getting through that initial reaction/outburst and then things looking up after that.
This really caught my attention, and it's clear you're really dreading this.
Also, just a gentle reminder that Crisis Messenger and Samaritans are always there to support you if you feel like you're at breaking point. It's really positive that you're looking for ways to help yourself through it - it's not easy to even consider telling parents about this stuff, so you're doing well.
Im not sure how I’d tell her , if I texted her or wrote her a letter it would still lead to a conversation about it and I feel like all three ways are going to end in a argument or her shouting and screaming at me.
I think what makes it harder for mum is she’s already had her other daughter ( my older sister ) go through all of this and I understand how hard it must have been to hear or see me go through all of that again but then that makes me question why she couldn’t of just been supportive and a part of me dosent want to Tell her when she has everything else going on.
obviously it would be something that I’m the long run I would want mum to support me with because it’s reslly painful to keep hidying things from her. Im just not sure I don’t think I’m still ready to tell her yet - even though I’ve told Beth I feel like telling mum is a step too far for me right now if that makes sense .
Just want to echo what others have said, and wanted to pop on to offer you some hugs, sounds like your going through a lot at the minute, we are here for you
im abit worse for wear at the moment , finding out I didn’t pass my 2 exams really knocked me back but found out yesterday and today that my subject department is going to pay for my remark of H&SC as I was one mark away and for the resit of my Childcare so that’s a positive
Just wanted to say sorry to hear about your exams, it's never nice when you don't pass something that you've worked really hard on. I like to think everything happens for a reason, it sucks, but it's positive you can take the exams again, which is positive like you say.
How you feeling about resitting your exams?
We are here for you
how are you feeling today?
I think maybe your mum may rather worry than not be there to help? I think many people can react in a similar way she did - and i think its maybe cause they feel helpless and some sort of denial in wishing you wasnt feeling that way. If makes sense. But maybe she would like to support you ?
hope youre remarks and resits go okay
i don’t know I just guess I’m not ready to tell her yet and i don’t know how long it’s going to be until I am - I guess until I’m ready it’s just going to have to be a case of trying to hide it from her as best as I can
I hope sharing here is helping you and that you are taking good care of your self.
Today hasn’t been good I’ve just been feeling that I’m not me . That I just don’t feel like my normal self but I don’t reslly know how to describe it . The thoughts have been pretty bad to today I don’t know weather that’s becuase I’m exsuaghted and then my bloody Heart raté keeping jumping into the 100 for no reason 🤦🏻♀️
Mum in probably had an idea I’m not myself becuase she’s picking up on how moody and snappy I am with her .
i just don’t think I’ll ever be ready to tell her about the thoughts , I’ve grown up learning to struggle through things my myself so I suppose I can carry in doing that .
Sending you some hugs, it sounds like today has been challenging, really glad you've posted and reached out for support, we are here for you
Do you want to talk more about how you've been feeling today? It sounds like you've had some bad thoughts, we are here if you want to talk more about anything.
sorry I’m just rambaling on
Sorry to hear how your mum is at the minute, it sounds difficult for you, but also sounds like your very supportive to your mum.
You are not rambling on, we are here for you to talk about things, sometimes just getting things out of your brain can help right?
i just suppose I’m feeling pretty hopeless right now .
Thank you for caring ❤️
I find it really strange how being sat in hostipal. ( even though it’s not for me ) has made me feel so safe , secure and the thoughts have subsided ☹️
i totally get your feelings around hospial making you feel safe. When i was discharged from hospital all i ever wanted was to go back there - even tho it was hell but my life is just as bad. And i understand its actually hard to have those thoughts but hospitals are not the best place to be and there are ways you can get the feelings of what hospital gives you- outside of hospital
Does anything else makes your thoughts quieter?
what sort of thoughts are you getting now? Do you think you can break them down or?
*Might be TW for this part *
Umm it’s kinda hard to describe I just feel really hopeless and that I’m not worth anything and that no one cares . It’s the thoughts of wanting to die and that I have no engery to carry on fighting them everyday becuase it’s exsuaghting, That im not wanted and my life is just one big massive shit show ☹️
Do you feel safe in public areas too- if know cant harm yourself?
And im sorry you feel like that. But you are definetly wanted on here and we care
meh still pretty shit and overwhelmed but then again I’m always like that now kinda get use to it now. Writting it down does kinda help make sense of everything.
Its just that sense of that I’ve got no one or that no one carers even though I know there is people. I dunno maybe supporting my friend through her thing yesterday has just riled things up abit for me
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling like noone cares, I hope you know that there are people at The Mix that care for you, although I understand that it can be difficult.
I'm glad that being at the hospital helped a little, even if it wasn't an ideal situation. LIke @Shaunie
suggested, reflecting on why the hospital might have helped could be a good idea so well done for doing that. It can be hard to understand our thoughts so even taking that time to reflect is a big achievement, even if you're not sure.
I hope your friend is doing okay today and that you manage to take some time for yourself. We're all here for you
I’m trying to write a letter to her but can’t find the write words to describe it all 😐