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Plus size model front cover of magazine. Right or wrong?

so like last month i saw a lot of discussion around wether this is okay or not. And am wondering what people on here think.

I have anorexia and im all up for being confident in your body and for them to stop putting super skinny woman on magazines and stuff. But i think this front cover, is just as damaging as putting skinny woman on it.
Ive read a lot of discussion on this and watched the interviews and i just still think its wrong no matter how they justify it. To me and probably others - the woman on a front of a magazine just says that this is what we should look like. Not once does the magazine say about this being unhealthy. She aint just a bit overweight. Obviously Being that fat is dangerous. comes with so much health problem. And obesity in children and everyone is so high that is a massive problem for the NHS so like why do we need that. I just dont get why cant we just put healthy weight people on it as promotes being healthy.
The model says
And i find it interesting she says “Your mental health is far more important before you can worry about your physical health." Mental health is so important. But i think mental and physical are both linked. So feel like that statement is irrelavent. Having eating disorder i am constantly told about how my diet can affects how i feel, no energy from no food causes more low mood. And i think if people are eating unhealthy stuff then that could affect how theyre feeling and sometimes eating shit can make you feel shit and exercise is also important for mental health. Which is something they dont really talk about in their discussion which i think is important.
but just wondering if others think this should be on a cover or not?
so like last month i saw a lot of discussion around wether this is okay or not. And am wondering what people on here think.

I have anorexia and im all up for being confident in your body and for them to stop putting super skinny woman on magazines and stuff. But i think this front cover, is just as damaging as putting skinny woman on it.
Ive read a lot of discussion on this and watched the interviews and i just still think its wrong no matter how they justify it. To me and probably others - the woman on a front of a magazine just says that this is what we should look like. Not once does the magazine say about this being unhealthy. She aint just a bit overweight. Obviously Being that fat is dangerous. comes with so much health problem. And obesity in children and everyone is so high that is a massive problem for the NHS so like why do we need that. I just dont get why cant we just put healthy weight people on it as promotes being healthy.
The model says
I mean yeah we all need to love ourself & being happy while that size but also trying to lose weight to be more healthy is important."my message isn't 'let's all be fat', my message is 'let's love yourself'".
And i find it interesting she says “Your mental health is far more important before you can worry about your physical health." Mental health is so important. But i think mental and physical are both linked. So feel like that statement is irrelavent. Having eating disorder i am constantly told about how my diet can affects how i feel, no energy from no food causes more low mood. And i think if people are eating unhealthy stuff then that could affect how theyre feeling and sometimes eating shit can make you feel shit and exercise is also important for mental health. Which is something they dont really talk about in their discussion which i think is important.
but just wondering if others think this should be on a cover or not?
“And when they look at you, they won't see everything you've been through. They won't see the **** that turned to scars that began to fade with time. They won't see the heartbreaking things that shook up and changed your entire world. They won't know how many tears you cried or even what it was you were crying about. They won't see how strong you had to be because you had no other choice. What they will see though is how compassionate you are because you experienced pain. What they will see is how kind you are because you experienced how cruel the world is. What they will see is how good you are because you've seen how bad things or people can be. The difference between you and your experiences are who you choose to be, despite everything that could have turned you cold and unkind.You are the good the world needs and the best of us.” ~ Kirsten Corley
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I can see its unhealthy and can lead to some implications in her life but if she wants to be like that then thats her choice
I myself am pluz size , im 16 and in size 20 clothes and i have tried so many different diets that i cant seem to shift the weight
This helps me in terms of my body confidence and image as i think if she feels comfortable in her body than maybe i can be
i would much rather see a woman of there natural weight than one that has been photo shopped here there and everywhere.
Most importantly shes comfortable in her own body and to me that's what matters the most
[mention of specific weight removed by moderator]
its a bad life chioce and unhealthy. I know some try to eat fine but stil be over weight. But you dont get to that weight eating normal diet. And i can imagine somene who eats takeaways every night and is overweight to see the magazine and think “yeah its not that bad”. Over half of people are overweight
And ive read a lot of comments that it is like putting soemone whos smoking on a magaizine and saying “this is my life and its okay”. Its unhealthy
I just dont think should be on fromt cover as normalise it. if theyre going to put the model on front cover i think they need to empathsis that we need to be happy with who we are but need to try to get healthy
And i disagree with the comments saying its like putting someone on the front cover who is smoking
Morbitly obese can kil you. Enlargens the heart. Give you heart attacks and increase risk of skin cancer and so many other complications. You dont need to be old for that to happen
This is just something that interests me as when people talk about ‘body confident’. Everyone seems to start talking about having ‘curves’. Ive read a load of shit of talking about curves and where theyre actually doing the opposite and body shaming - skinny people. Ive even read “real men like curves, dogs like bones”. And i aint saying we should normalise being skinny. But some people can have anorexic weight, cant help their matabolisim and be perfectly healthy, & hate it. I hate my body sometimes when i become less deluded and realise my weight and see how skinny i am. And eating disorders aint just about looks and wanting to be the way i look, i guess same said with binge eating disorder. But not having curves can be seen to be disgusting as “your man doesnt have anything to hold on” . And “curves are beautiful” I have read all these shit quotes about “body confidence” when my anorexia head believed i was fat & needed to & then sudden realisation i would feel awful about my body from things ive read or seen on media
So i dont really get any of this. Kinda contradictive in my view.
Like why is not okay to have skinny woman on the magazine covers but okay to have very fat woman.
Both damaging, both unhealthy.
But anywayyyy i am sure that the magazine is just trying to say we can be confident in our bodies. Which i completly agree with. Just dont think should normalise and think is importnat to be confident no matter what size but need to focus on health aswel. Thats all🙃
I agree that glorifying a seriously unhealthy weight that will cause this woman a tonne of health problems and probably lead her to an early grave is not the way to go. I equally don't agree with celebrating unhealthily thin models on the front cover of magazines either. I think it would be a lot better for everyone if people who are a normal, healthy weight were featured as models in magazines. Learning to love yourself is definitely admirable, but in my view this takes it too far. I'm not saying that I want her to feel ashamed of how she looks or that I think anyone has any right to take issue with her for how she looks. But I don't think either unhealthy extreme of weight should be promoted on the cover of a magazine and if I were her I would be wanting to lose some of the excess, not because weight has any bearing on your value as a person, but just for the benefit of my own health.
HAES (health at every size) and intuitive eating are much better for you in every way and I’d suggest anyone look into it properly. It has been shown that yo yo dieting actually is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and more.
Basically. Everyone should love themselves and we should stop telling people to lose weight to achieve “health” under false concern for their health.
I don’t think it’s about saying hey everyone I’m overweight/obese come and be that with me , it’s more about normalising plus size models that haven’t been photoshopped or done some stupid fad diet to get to there size m because let’s face it we all look at models in magazines and think Ohh I wish I had there figure or I wish I had that thigh gap .
Now If that was a play size model I don’t think you’d be going ohhh i want to be there size. As someone who’s struggled being in the larger end of the scales there’s so many things I feel like I can’t wear because I think I look horrendous or it clings to my “curves “ too much or my legs chaff and my thighs get sore and cut from them rubbing wearing a skirt but actually lh you have to learn to embrace your size and not give a Fuck what other people think which I think is where plus size models in magazine come into play as they clearly don’t give a shit in what people think and I think if that person can do it then you know what so can I
If very stick thin models shouldnt be on it then very fat models shouldnt be on the front cover. But thats just my opinion
people say very thin models cant be models on front covers because it glamourises it. So people who are naturally thin or even people who are also suffering from some illness can not feel comfortable in their body. Dont see many any very thin model on front covers much anymore. Seems like no body shaming turns into shaming skinny people
YOU SAY about shaming skinny people your shaming “fat people right now” also would be kind not to use the term fat as that can be quite offensive .
and attucally if you was to sit down now and talk to someone who is on the larger end about how they are that size there’s quite a lot of emotional reasons behind it
Not just my words and
Not shaming anyone.
If dont agree thats fine but im not shaming anyone. Im trying to say fat vs skinny should be equal. Since everyone deserves to feel comfortable. When no body shaming turns into "girls with curves look better" just shames thin people.
I find this to be quite an igornant and very highly misinformed comment , what about the skinny people who have to see diaticiteans , be admitted to hospital after a fad diet went wrong etc
No body shaming turns into shaming underweigjt people and it shows everywhere.
Everyone's body is different, everyone's body is their own and everyone's body is beautiful and nobody should ever feel put down by someone else over their bodies. We all can't be perfect
Many models are photoshopped to look thinner or curvier. That's also not the fault of the model. That's society we have created, a society were we push for the perfect body that doesn't exist.
will ask the mix to close this. But thanks for opinions just dont like feeling everyones against me just for an opinion