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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    I'm not feeling well at all😢 sickness, diahorea, headache and achy body. I want to go home in the comfort of my own bed and room
  • Former MemberFormer Member Miniposter Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    Lostsense wrote: »
    I'm not feeling well at all😢 sickness, diahorea, headache and achy body. I want to go home in the comfort of my own bed and room
    I'm sorry to hear that. :crying: Have you let someone know that you're sick? I hope you feel better soon:>
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Yeah they watched me be sick at midnight and they know I still feel sick today
  • Former MemberFormer Member Miniposter Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    Lostsense wrote: »
    Yeah they watched me be sick at midnight and they know I still feel sick today
    Has anything been done about it? I hope you feel better soon.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,171 Wise Owl
    Hey Lostsense

    How are you feeling today? Do you know when you're able to go home yet? So sorry to hear you've been poorly :(

    - Lucy:rainbow:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Sorry I havent been feeling very well at all. We are not sure what it is if it is a virus or an allergy..I've had sickess and diarrahea, I keep fainting and my speech is affected too. I can go home Thursday (which seems such a long time away!) but I'm going to stop at my my mums Thursday night and Friday night so she can look after me too before I go home Saturday I think. That is what the plan is I think anyway but my mum is coming to ward round this Thursday so we'll see then for sure.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Miniposter Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    Lostsense wrote: »
    Sorry I havent been feeling very well at all. We are not sure what it is if it is a virus or an allergy..I've had sickess and diarrahea, I keep fainting and my speech is affected too. I can go home Thursday (which seems such a long time away!) but I'm going to stop at my my mums Thursday night and Friday night so she can look after me too before I go home Saturday I think. That is what the plan is I think anyway but my mum is coming to ward round this Thursday so we'll see then for sure.
    It's nice to hear that you're going home soon. I hope you start to feel better.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Ive been discharged yipppeee! Been in hospital nearly 5weeks. I'm staying at my mums for 2/3nights first and then going home. Then of to Teneriffe next Saturday and my Birthday on the 25th!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Miniposter Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    Lostsense wrote: »
    Ive been discharged yipppeee! Been in hospital nearly 5weeks. I'm staying at my mums for 2/3nights first and then going home. Then of to Teneriffe next Saturday and my Birthday on the 25th!
    I'm glad things are going well for you! :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Not really well its all a fake act really to get out, nothing has changed
  • Former MemberFormer Member Miniposter Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    Lostsense wrote: »
    Not really well its all a fake act really to get out, nothing has changed
    Well, I hope you can find a better source of help :heart:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    I'm back at my home until Thursday morning now but I duno if I will be able to cope😐 its really strange being back in my room
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,171 Wise Owl
    Hey @Lostsense glad you managed to get home, I understand that's what you had wanted for a while - how's it going?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Yeah it is what I wanted. I didnt like the 2nd hospital I was at, so I wanted to get out. Its just so strange being in my own room, I'm nervous. Its really strange..this time last week I had to have a supervised bath, supervised going out for a fag. Not allowed stuff to self-harm with or my charger now I've got them both😂
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    I cant believe this time 6 weeks ago, I knew I was going into hospital. I had the duty worker from my CAMHS around, the crisis team, paramedics and the housing manager here all trying to force me sit up in my bed. I accidently hurt the paramedic while the paramedic was trying to force me to sit up. My voices we're so loud. I really was not well at all. I dont want to be thinking about that night tonight though or at all really. 6weeks ago in the morning I was admitted to the mixed ward. Ive only got 2 more nights before I'm back at my mums. Ive got to hang on and trying not to self harm either because I'm going on Holiday on Saturday. Stay strong
  • RayofhopeRayofhope Posts: 152 Helping Hand
    Hi Lostsense,

    Sorry that sounds like there has been a lot going on and that it has been hard. How are you feeling currently about going back to your mums? It sounds nice that your going on holiday I hope that the holiday is able to provide relief for a little bit and help distract you. Do you have anything nice planned for the holiday?

    Keep going.
    Life doesn’t require we be the best, only that we try our best
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Yeah, it is my Birthday a week today so we'll be in Teneriffe. I think we are going to book a nice day trip when we are there for that day. Yeah I'm glad to go back to my mums tomorrow ☺
  • Former MemberFormer Member Owl Whisperer Posts: 1,020 Wise Owl
    Lostsense wrote: »
    Yeah, it is my Birthday a week today so we'll be in Teneriffe. I think we are going to book a nice day trip when we are there for that day. Yeah I'm glad to go back to my mums tomorrow ☺
    :rainbow:[FONT=lucida\ sans\ unicode]Happy Birthday - and Happy Holiday! [/FONT]:rainbow2:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 65 Boards Initiate
    Hi @Lostsense. I'm really glad to hear that you are going on holiday and will be back at your mum's soon. You've been really strong sharing your experience on here and for focussing on the upcoming events. I look forward to hearing about your holiday and birthday. I hope that the time spent away will give a chance to relax.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Mirabelle wrote: »
    :rainbow:[FONT=lucida\ sans\ unicode]Happy Birthday - and Happy Holiday! [/FONT]:rainbow2:

    Thankyou! 😋
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,171 Wise Owl
    Hope you have a lovely time in Tenerife, I love it there :cool: & happy birthday! Hope you are able to relax and enjoy your time away, let us know how it was when you're back :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Thankyou! Have you been to Tenerife then? We are back tomorrow we land at Birmingham at like midnight tomorrow. So tomorrow is going to be a long day with the 4 and a half hour flight back too! We have had a nice time though thanks but dont think we'll come back because you can get hot weather in spain which is only 2 hour flight. I'm seeing my cpn on Monday so I dont have long to wait and she said she'd make sure a dr is there too because there starting me on the depot when I get back so I have a antipsychotic injected into me but I had an allergic reaction to the one they tested me on in hospital so I will need a close eye kept on me so I am going to ask if I can be with the Home treatment team for a bit. I'm a bit nervous about going back because I should still really be in hospital really. I came out of hospital had only a few nights back at home and then came on Holiday.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,171 Wise Owl
    Hey Lostsense,

    Yes I went to Playa De Las Americas for my first holiday with friends, so I have very fond memories there :) Welcome home! How was the long day travelling back and how are you feeling now you are back?

    Good luck with your CPN tomorrow, let us know how you get on :rainbow:

    - Lucy
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Ah thats where we went. We might have been to the same hotel lol. Yeah the travelling back was okay.

    I'll let you know how I get on with my cpn later I'm not seeing her until 1pm.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    So I got on okay with my cpn. I'm seeing her again next week (I am seeing her weekly for now because I am in a bad place) I thought a medic was going to be in our appointment today but there wasent but the dr within my CAMHS has left but a new one has just started aswell and she said his got to do an induction tomorrow so from Wednesday can book people in so she said hopefully when I see her next week she'll have an appointment. I thought it might have been today so thats delayed things a bit more. I'm not taking any medication atm my cpn only gave me some promethazine today so thats all I'm taking for my mental health. She said to phone her Wednesday or Thursday to let her know how I am getting on with the promethazine. She said she spoke with the new dr about me on Friday and he suggested a new med and she has printed off info about it for me to read so when I have the appointment with the dr I can ask him any questions about it. I will start of taking the tablets and then I will be put on the depot on it. I phoned my support worker crying earlier because I'm not feeling very well. We need something for the shorter term as its going to be a few weeks before I go on the depot and I'm not feeling very well at all atm. I'm going to end back in hospital.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Uoh I just self harmed after not self harming for like 5weeks.
  • RayofhopeRayofhope Posts: 152 Helping Hand
    Hi Lostsense,

    I am sorry to hear about the self harming but remember that this might just be a blip at the moment. Its sounds like things have been alright in the past few weeks but now your struggling again is there any other support that you think you would find really helpful at the moment and mean that you don't end up in hospital?

    Its good to see that you got on alright with your CPN do you think you would be able to talk more about how you are feeling?

    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Life doesn’t require we be the best, only that we try our best
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Trigger warning

    Well infact I was admitted to hospital 8 weeks ago today I was there now and I was very very poorly then I was put on a section 2. I can feel things sliding back to that place right now. I was a lot better staying there for a week then I went to a female ward got poorly again and was discharged a week before I was going on Holiday (2weeks ago) so I've been out 2weeks now but I was feeling very poorly again yesterday but I self harmed earlier on again and its made me so excited lol. Maybe too excited because now I want to do it more and more so I stay feel excited/hyper. I cant help it. But I know its not a good way to feel excited. So I have been struggling for a while now. I think I need the help of the home treatment team but my cpn told my support worker that I'm not high enough risk to be with the HTT yet but they dont know whats happened today yet that might change things. Idk.
  • RayofhopeRayofhope Posts: 152 Helping Hand
    Hi Lostsense,

    Sorry to hear that you falling back to being poorly like when you were in hospital. Will you be able to talk to your cpn about how you are feeling at the moment and whats happened today?

    Self harm can be really difficult and can help us relive the way which we are feeling, do you have any distraction techniques which you are able to use for the rest of the day to be able to help you not feel the need to self harm?

    There is a good list of distraction techniques here:http://www.nshn.co.uk/downloads/Distractions.pdf

    I hope your support worker is able to help you and keep talking here.
    Life doesn’t require we be the best, only that we try our best
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Yeah I will talk to my CPN I'm meant to be calling her tomorrow but she told my support worker that she is going to call me tomorrow so Idk. I guess I will wait until the end of the day tomorrow and if she hasent I will call her. She said to call her either today or tomorrow to let her know how I am getting on with the promethazine she gave me on Monday. I will tell her that I want to be honest with her and that I felt like I had to take some yesterday and some on Monday and some left for today. I'll tell her that I've wanted to contact the crisis team every night aswell just to see what she says. I'll try my best to also tell her whats happened today some part of it I havent been able to put on here. The excitement/hyperness from the self harm earlier has finished now😔 maybe I need to do it again to feel excited again. No, nothing else works in the terms of other distractions. If I need to do it again today, I will. I've got an appointment with my support worker tomorrow aswell, she just popped her head in because I text her lastnight asking her if she thinks I should contact the crisis team and she said if I think I need them then I should😞 but I dont know if I need them
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