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Depression and Self-Harming - Please read



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dr Pirate wrote:
    I need to see someone about my drinking...

    It's gotten to the point I'm not even remembering leaving my house, yet finding my door wide open and my stuff all around the place =\

    Ugh... sounds silly, I'll just stop. ;[

    love xxxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I slipped up, again. Havent even bothered trying to hide the cuts at work for once, and as their pretty fucking noticable, no-ones said anything. Not sure if thats a good or a bad thing though. I'm really not coping with all the stress I'm under at the moment.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I slipped up, again. Havent even bothered trying to hide the cuts at work for once, and as their pretty fucking noticable, no-ones said anything. Not sure if thats a good or a bad thing though. I'm really not coping with all the stress I'm under at the moment.
    Hugs Marie, I hope you're ok.

    Saw my Dr this morning about getting more ADs, she wants me to stay on them for a while longer, and thinks it's a bad time to come off of them. She also said how it's just problems that adults have to learn to cope with what I have/am going through- fair enough, but surely it's how an individual copes with it, I usually cope with things by cutting- now I'm not cutting I need to vent somehow, my usual thing I think is to either sleep- or exercise. It's taken me so long to work that out, and find out a new way to vent. Could explain the recent really bad urges. Still though, it's nearly 2 months, think I last harmed in the middle of November. Found that if I continually remind myself of, ooh, well I've gone 17 days, I can't slip u now- then it's just more on my mind. Approx is best, that's where I went wrong before I think.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I massacred my arm last night. Rubbish. It had been ages. But at least I prevented it from being worse by asking my housemate to look after all my sharp implaments/pills.oh well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *hugs* - to all those that are struggling to get by at the moment. I would love to offer advice but I'm afraid that I just don't have any. You're not alone and we all do care for you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cheers loopi:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can feel it fucking storing up. I hate this so much.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    your-babe wrote:
    I can feel it fucking storing up. I hate this so much.

    Ditto. This is becoming so frustrating for me - apart from about 2 days this year, all I've wanted to do is cut myself. (which I've managed to do but haven't left a scar or anything)

    I need help but am just too scared to go and talk to someone.::crying:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    your-babe wrote:
    I can feel it fucking storing up. I hate this so much.

    I know your having a hard time Kirsty, but you need to use every single distracation method possible. You need to get it out of your system somehow, go down the gym, go for a drive up the downs and scream your lungs out, beat the shit out of every pillow/cushion you can find. If you bottle everything up, when it all comes out, it will even messier then normal to deal with. Hugs to you, you CAN get through this.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sofie wrote:
    Ditto. This is becoming so frustrating for me - apart from about 2 days this year, all I've wanted to do is cut myself. (which I've managed to do but haven't left a scar or anything)

    I need help but am just too scared to go and talk to someone.::crying:
    I'm finding it hard not to cut. I don't see why I shouldn't anymore either :( I don't see my counsellor until 30th Jan, think I will slip up by then tbh.

    I was glad that I got help, it's difficult to get past the scared bit I know. Hugs.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know your having a hard time Kirsty, but you need to use every single distracation method possible. You need to get it out of your system somehow, go down the gym, go for a drive up the downs and scream your lungs out, beat the shit out of every pillow/cushion you can find. If you bottle everything up, when it all comes out, it will even messier then normal to deal with. Hugs to you, you CAN get through this.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know your having a hard time Kirsty, but you need to use every single distracation method possible. You need to get it out of your system somehow, go down the gym, go for a drive up the downs and scream your lungs out, beat the shit out of every pillow/cushion you can find. If you bottle everything up, when it all comes out, it will even messier then normal to deal with. Hugs to you, you CAN get through this.
    Thankyou Marie, will try the beating the shit out of a pillow now. Just want this all to be over. Want to go up the downs tomorrow, need a good walk on my own somewhere. I want to not cut, it's been about two months, but I haven't felt this desperate for it before.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    this is my first post in this thread. i'm a self harmer who is at the moment starting to get help.
    your-babe wrote:
    I'm finding it hard not to cut. I don't see why I shouldn't anymore either :( I don't see my counsellor until 30th Jan, think I will slip up by then tbh.

    I was glad that I got help, it's difficult to get past the scared bit I know. Hugs.

    i agree totally with what you say about getting help and wish you the best of luck in evrything and hope you dont cut

    take care
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Christ, why am I feeling like this? I've got 60 ibuprofen popped out in front of me and despite knowing that a) it's a really stupid way to die, b) it's really stupid to WANT to die anyway, it's something of a comfort knowing that I could take the lot and end it all for good.
    I don't know whether I want to sleep, cry, die or just get a hug... the confusion with everything going on inside my head is driving me insane, it's like the worst headache ever. I don't think i've ever felt so desperate.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Feel rubbish today. Illness and exams and other stuff just piling up on top of me. I want to see Rich but I won't see him til tomorrow afternoon. I hate being so far away from him :(. I just want to crawl up in a ball and disappear.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why is it like everything's getting worse? All alone today... like every day... even when there's someone around, it still feels like i'm alone, like it's just me and no-one else.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    dr_carter wrote:
    Why is it like everything's getting worse? All alone today... like every day... even when there's someone around, it still feels like i'm alone, like it's just me and no-one else.

    I get that sometimes dude, like I'll be out with my mates who I usually have a great time with, and they might aswell not be there. Like I don't know it's hard to explain but yeah just really, really alone.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think it's time I told my tutor about why I seem to so unmotivaed in doing any work that is set now. (which is basically because of my self harm and the fact that I possibly suffer from depression)

    Now, how exactly do I tell her I have a problem without letting on that I self harm? I'm worried that if I just say 'I self harm and probably suffer from depression', she's going to tell my parents and my work placement. Neither of them know and I want it to stay that way. (mainly because of the reactions I've had in the past from some people)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    dr_carter wrote:
    Why is it like everything's getting worse? All alone today... like every day... even when there's someone around, it still feels like i'm alone, like it's just me and no-one else.

    I dont know, I've felt alone all day every day for about the last 6 years now. I'm just used to it.

    I was getting there emotionally and I've just let my ex get back under my skin and fuck my head up. The sooner I never have to see/speak to him again the better.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ibuprofen isnt a good idea. Tried that.

    I dont usually write much in here and i dont really offer much useful advice, but i just needed somewhere to vent so i can make sense of it.

    [I cant find any peace.
    I feel so sad, anxious, scared, i wanna laugh, cry, scream, i wanna starve but i just eat, i wanna slash into my arm but i just stare at the blade, im filled with so much hate and anger that i want to do really bad things, but i love so intensley it panics me to constantly worry about them. Weird dreams are so disturbing i wake up frightened.
    I take a pill every night, ive done therapy, ive done weekly appointments.
    I go to work and sort other peoples medication in hospital, i look after my precious puppy, i spend most of my time with my boyfriend-we have fun and laugh, we have stress and cry but theres a lot of love, i got up this morning and made his children their breakfast, we went shopping and i laughed at his daughter mucking about with her friend. But its there the whole time, my mind, telling my how ugly and fat i am, how useless and miserable i am.
    Ive learnt to look forward, look for the positives, and i do. Even when i want my mind to just give up, it wont, it carries on looking for a way forward
    Please give me peace. Give me a rest so i can be a better person.Its destroying me and everything that i try to get on with in my life. Or just let me go.]

    Thanks for the space
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sofie wrote:
    I think it's time I told my tutor about why I seem to so unmotivaed in doing any work that is set now. (which is basically because of my self harm and the fact that I possibly suffer from depression)

    Now, how exactly do I tell her I have a problem without letting on that I self harm? I'm worried that if I just say 'I self harm and probably suffer from depression', she's going to tell my parents and my work placement. Neither of them know and I want it to stay that way. (mainly because of the reactions I've had in the past from some people)
    Is there a disability service at your college, Sofie? They intervened on my behalf so I didn't have to tell my tutor. My tutors know that I "may have to miss class" and that's about it but it's enough because I have the backing of the disability service.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    piccolo wrote:
    Is there a disability service at your college, Sofie? They intervened on my behalf so I didn't have to tell my tutor. My tutors know that I "may have to miss class" and that's about it but it's enough because I have the backing of the disability service.

    I have no idea. We have the SEN department, which does deal with people (to some extent) with disabilities.

    Anyway, I've written y tutor a note just to say that I have some issues and that's the reason why I've not been that motivated during lesson time and during my work placement. I have alos asked her if it's possible to book adoctor's appoitnment on a Tuesday morning so that I can finallt get help.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sofie wrote:
    I have no idea. We have the SEN department, which does deal with people (to some extent) with disabilities.

    Anyway, I've written y tutor a note just to say that I have some issues and that's the reason why I've not been that motivated during lesson time and during my work placement. I have alos asked her if it's possible to book adoctor's appoitnment on a Tuesday morning so that I can finallt get help.

    If its a college then they should have a team to help students, and depression should be covered by it. At least you have said something now as long as someone knows, they can give you the support you need at college.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    At the moment I just want to scream until I can't anymore. This rage that boils up in me just keeps haunting me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sikorah wrote:
    [I cant find any peace.
    I feel so sad, anxious, scared, i wanna laugh, cry, scream, i wanna starve but i just eat, i wanna slash into my arm but i just stare at the blade, im filled with so much hate and anger that i want to do really bad things, but i love so intensley it panics me to constantly worry about them. Weird dreams are so disturbing i wake up frightened.But its there the whole time, my mind, telling my how ugly and fat i am, how useless and miserable i am.
    Wow. It was like you were reading my thoughts there.

    Come in here and talk more often. It's good to just let it out. Don't bottle it up. Let yourself cry. Let yourself punch stuff (not people mind). Allow yourself to feel this bad. Only by accepting it can you begin to move on. Take time out to do the things that 'you' want to do. It sounds like you're always trying to look after others. You must look after yourself. You are the most important person in your world - well you should be - and so you've got to do what makes you happy.

    Dr. C - you might feel alone but you're not. Try to stay positive. Ignore the call of the pills - my mother did that and all she wound up with was a three day hangover from hell and a lot of pissed off hospital staff (and a distraught daughter). Do something to take your mind off the way that you're feeling. Walk, walk walk and run until you're so tired that you can't think about anything else. And then sleep. It's amazing what peace you can find in sleep. Start a new day fresh and look after yourself.

    I'm going now. I'm preaching far too much and probably talking a load of shite. I hope what i've said helped.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks loopi-i hope you feel better soon too
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey. I've not popped my head here in a while.

    Just thought I'd say if any of you guys need anyone to talk to, to PM me.

    It makes me sad to see people feel how I once did.

    I hope you all feel better soon :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi, I'm new.
    I know exactly what you mean. I'm currently in counselling dealing with clinical depression and I've not long started self-harming. I live with my younger sister and she knows about this and tries to help as much as she can. I'm wracked with guilt though because when she goes to work she worries that she'll come back and I'll be bleeding everywhere and is getting to the point where she is hiding all of the sharp objects in the house. All I can say is that some people understand, some people won't. And it's not your fault if he doesn't. Chances are he will never understand but he might try. And that's a really good sign if he does. x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kizzmitt wrote:
    . All I can say is that some people understand, some people won't. And it's not your fault if he doesn't. Chances are he will never understand but he might try. And that's a really good sign if he does. x

    Hi and welcome to the site.

    This does seem true - I used to be in the situation where a friend of mine didn't understand anything about self harm. I think he understands it a bit more now though because I've given him some articles to read, to help him to understand what exactly is going on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I give up.
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