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How do you make friends??? (At uni or just in general)

AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,344 Boards Champion
So, I’m starting uni in September and I have a feeling I’m gonna be incredibly lonely. I haven’t had a friend since before covid and I have no idea how to talk to people my own age anymore. People grew up so much and it was scary lol. I dont know how to make friends and I’m so scared I’ll be all alone for the rest of my life. What do I do??? I’m autistic, so I’m totally clueless 😭 There’s this like autism group thing at uni so maybe I can meet people there but I feel like nobody will want to talk to me. Plus, another problem, I can’t really talk to people. How am I supposed to make friends if I can’t talk?? Will people judge me for it? Like hypothetically if you met someone who barely spoke and mostly communicated over text, would you be ok with that? Is that stupid?? I feel like there have got to be other people like me who are scared of everyone 😂 but those people might struggle to talk to me too.

Another thing, I was bullied in primary school, and that experience taught me to hide everything about myself and just pretend to be like everyone else. Do I need to do that at uni?? Because it’s kind of impossible to be true friends with someone when you’re literally a fake person with them. It’s exhausting too. I dont know if that sounds horrible, but I just mean I pretend to be interested in the same things they are, so they’ll accept me.

I’ve never had a close friend irl and I have no idea what to do. What do I say to people?
“Hi, I’m ___, what’s your name?”
Then what?? Do I invite them to… do something? What about the next time I see them? I dont know how conversations work. Does anyone know? Am I just stupid? I’m just scared nobody’s gonna like me and that they’ll all give up trying to talk to me, like what happened at school.


  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Posts: 2,052 Boards Champion
    Thats a very good question...

    But seriously. If your uni is anything like mine, then you have to realise as soon as possible that people there are actually much nicer and willing to talk than it may seem, it took me over two years to realise, that so if theres one thing I wish I knew sooner it would be this!

    If the autism group is also anything like mine, then it will be your best friend through uni! (Also wished I joined sooner lol). I didn't talk during the meetings, and a few other people didn't too. I mostly talked on their discord server and I felt very accepted anyway. The autistic community will understand whatever you're struggling with, whether its how to prepare for a presentation, or just what to make for breakfast haha. So I can't recommend joining enough, and remember theres no pressure for you to do anything or contribute in any way.

    About making friends... yea I'm not an expert I'm sorry :sweat_smile: but I think its important to acklowledge that its going to be tough, especially for an autistic, socially-anxious individual who isn't experienced making friends (I'd understand). Its just something you slowly learn over time, but its important to be confident in yourself and trusting that you can do this! Just accept you are not good at it, and remember you are doing your best, help others underestand this too. And I'm sure you'll make friends in no time ;)

    Oh and btw, you will have some people leaving you sooner or later, its unavoidable. But that doesn't mean you're 'weird' or not 'worth it', it just means there's not really a connection between you two, and you should accept that and move on, NOT give up!
    I dont know if that sounds horrible, but I just mean I pretend to be interested in the same things they are, so they’ll accept me.
    One last thing. I kind of relate to this, but its best to try not to please others in this way, it makes it worse for everyone. Be true about who you are and if someone doesnt accept that its their problem, and they're probably not a good friend to have anyway. But its hard to do I know, so if you end up doing this from time to time to make certain situations easier to handle then that's ok. Just try your best not to. Just be yourself as they say ;)

    Take care and always remember we're here for you!
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,532 Extreme Poster
    I've gotta agree, whilst I personally don't have autism, I'm someone who is quite introverted and quiet and so I was also nervous about not making friends, and just being sat on my own in seminars, lectures etc. However, what I soon realised is many people are in a similar position and probably feel just as nervous as I did, and so were nice and open with me too. It definitely helped me come out my shell and talk to new people over the first few weeks.

    As for the autism group, whilst I can't speak on personal experience, it does sound like something that could help you. and as scary as it may feel, theres no harm in trying out attending to see what it's like. It could be that you meet a future best friend in there or somewhere else in university.

    I feel like university has probably been, in my experience, the place with the most range of different people with different interests and things - in other words I feel like there are people for everyone.

    I'm sure you'll do great at university when you start in September and I hope you settle in quicker than you expect and just enjoy the experience.
  • JustVJustV Posts: 5,514 Part of The Furniture
    Just wanted to echo both of these responses ^ uni is a different ball game to school, and people are a lot more accepting and mature about this stuff (generally speaking)

    I'm almost 30 now but, if it helps, the best way I've found to make friends as an adult is to spend time around people wherever you can. I think sometimes there's a misconception that what you say or how you behave is what decides whether you make friends, but in my experience it's overwhelmingly just the amount of exposure you have to other people.

    That might be cooking when you know someone else will be in the kitchen, working in a shared space - you don't even need to speak to anyone at first. You could have your headphones on the whole time and then build up to more social interactions once they feel familiar to you.

    Over time people get more comfy with each other and conversations come out more naturally, and then you can build connections quite organically from that point.

    A bit like @JJLemon18 said with the autism group - being in a space with people but not necessarily feeling a pressure to engage, contribute or 'be' a particular person. If you give yourself plenty of opportunities to connect with people, eventually you will. :)
    All behaviour is a need trying to be met.
    The truth resists simplicity.
  • JustVJustV Posts: 5,514 Part of The Furniture
    edited July 15
    Another thing, I was bullied in primary school, and that experience taught me to hide everything about myself and just pretend to be like everyone else. Do I need to do that at uni?? Because it’s kind of impossible to be true friends with someone when you’re literally a fake person with them. It’s exhausting too. I dont know if that sounds horrible, but I just mean I pretend to be interested in the same things they are, so they’ll accept me..
    Also! Having a weird interest or thing about you is quite a good thing in more adult spaces. It helps separate you from other people and gives them a reason to be curious about you. :bleep_bloop:
    All behaviour is a need trying to be met.
    The truth resists simplicity.
  • jayne26jayne26 Posts: 47 Boards Initiate
    Hi @AnonymousToe I understand that you're feeling nervous, and I completely get that. Starting something new and especially something as daunting as uni is a big change. Personally, uni taught me a lot of things about myself, and most importantly to just be myself. People will either get you or they won't, but you'll find your people. I found people were generally pretty friendly, especially during freshers week.

    I think it's important to remember that everyone is also in the same boat as you regarding making friends, as I'm sure others are nervous. My advice would be to join some societies where you can meet a few people who have similar interests to you :) what are you going to be studying?
  • amy02amy02 Posts: 280 The Mix Regular
    Hey @AnonymousToe just agreeing with everyone else here that it's totally normal to feel nervous about starting uni - I myself had very similar worries about making friends.

    I found uni to be very different from school - in that there are so so many different people from all walks of life, and people were generally much more accepting and less judgmental. The uni themselves should be pretty supportive in running different societies and events for all sorts of interests.

    You've also got to remember that you have so many amazing qualities which are unique to you! And often people will gravitate towards that, without you having to pretend to be someone else. You're a great person and I'm sure there'll be people there who feel a similar way :3

  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    So, I’m starting uni in September and I have a feeling I’m gonna be incredibly lonely. I haven’t had a friend since before covid and I have no idea how to talk to people my own age anymore. People grew up so much and it was scary lol. I dont know how to make friends and I’m so scared I’ll be all alone for the rest of my life.

    @AnonymousToe I totally understand where you're coming from - I'm also starting uni in September. My "plan" is to join a lot of societies that I want to try out or have an interest in. This means I'll be with people who have a similar interest to me so it gives a starting point for conversations. My university for example has a baking society, a film society and a psychology society (along with many others). I'm planning on joining these ones but I would probably say try to join/go to society events at the start of the academic year because I feel it would be more difficult to join mid year from a confidence standpoint. If there's a society for the subject you're studying I'd definitely join that (e.g. I'm going to be studying psychology so I'm joining that one to get to know my peers).

    Some universities also have facebook groups or groupchats on Whatsapp/Instagram/Snapchat for freshers/applicants. I would check on your university website first of all. I joined a freshers 2024 facebook group for my university, introduced myself and what I would be studying and then I found other groupchat etc from there. I would really recommend doing this as for me the people doing my course that are freshers have arranged to meet up before freshers and will likely meet in freshers week to get to know each other and break the ice.

    I would definitely recommend trying to be as involved as possible for freshers week as societies may have taster sessions and there usually tends to be other university events, for example my university is holding subject inductions and campus tours. If you're not sure what societies you might want to join they tend to have information on the university website and social media accounts showing the kinds of activities they may do.
    There’s this like autism group thing at uni so maybe I can meet people there but I feel like nobody will want to talk to me. Plus, another problem, I can’t really talk to people. How am I supposed to make friends if I can’t talk?? Will people judge me for it?

    I would definitely try out the autism group to see what you think of it but try not to worry that no-one will want to talk to you because I'm sure the people in the group will be more understanding than most and might even be going through or thinking similar things.

    It's definitely possible to make friends. Do you ever use or have considered using communication cards? It could help you explain to others what's going on for you. If you're really nervous you could just focus on the autism group and message the people that run it and explain you're a little nervous about joining and see if there's anyway they could support you with it.
    Like hypothetically if you met someone who barely spoke and mostly communicated over text, would you be ok with that? Is that stupid?? I feel like there have got to be other people like me who are scared of everyone 😂 but those people might struggle to talk to me too.

    Personally I would be okay with it and understand because I've been there but I think for those that maybe don't have that awareness or understanding have a tendency to take it personally so I would watch out for that and maybe reassure people it's not them, however you don't have to explain yourself or owe anyone an explanation so it's really up to you and how you want to go about things. It's definitely not stupid at all, and you're right you're definitely not alone in this. You could maybe contact your student support and see if there is a mentoring or buddy scheme to help with this.
    Another thing, I was bullied in primary school, and that experience taught me to hide everything about myself and just pretend to be like everyone else. Do I need to do that at uni?? Because it’s kind of impossible to be true friends with someone when you’re literally a fake person with them. It’s exhausting too. I dont know if that sounds horrible, but I just mean I pretend to be interested in the same things they are, so they’ll accept me.

    Firstly I'm so sorry to hear you went through that. You don't need to do that at university - the good thing about going to uni is there's a lot more people there so you're more likely to find others like you or that have similar interests to you. It doesn't sound horrible at all, I think it's really common for people to do that but unfortunately it's not talked about a lot. I would definitely say be yourself which sounds like a cliche but what I mean by that is do what feels natural for you, don't try to put on a facade too much, especially if it's exhausting and takes a lot out of you. The right people will like the real you, and I promise you will find them. It doesn't hurt to be honest like admitting to be nervous about going to new societies or starting university because a lot of people will be feeling the same way and will be able to relate.
    I’ve never had a close friend irl and I have no idea what to do. What do I say to people?
    “Hi, I’m ___, what’s your name?”
    Then what?? Do I invite them to… do something? What about the next time I see them? I dont know how conversations work. Does anyone know? Am I just stupid? I’m just scared nobody’s gonna like me and that they’ll all give up trying to talk to me, like what happened at school.

    That's definitely a great starting point. It helps to ask questions to keep a conversation going so when the person responds with their name you could ask them if they're from close-by or if they moved here for uni. You could ask how they feel about starting uni, what course they're studying, if they know what they want to do after getting a degree.

    For people in your class/course you could ask what they're excited to learn about, what their timetable looks like, how they feel about the lectures/tutorials, whether they like the lecturers.

    Towards the end of a class you could ask people if they have any plans after class, if they don't you could ask them if they would like to explore the campus/go to the library/go for a coffee (you don't have to get a coffee, it's just a phrase people use to ask to go to a cafe)/go for a drink/go for something to eat.

    Succeed Socially is a pretty informative resource that you might be interested in for some help - I've added a few links from them covering some of the areas you've brought up


    Meeting people and making friends: https://succeedsocially.com/articlesmakingfriends

    Making friends at college/university: https://succeedsocially.com/howtomakefriendscollege

    How to make conversation: https://succeedsocially.com/articlesconversation

    Articles on the idea of changing socially: https://succeedsocially.com/articleschanging

    Getting drained by socialising: https://succeedsocially.com/articlesdrained

    Articles on not fitting into the norm: https://succeedsocially.com/articlesnotfittingin

    I hope this helps and keep us updated on how it goes <3
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,344 Boards Champion
    Thank you so much @JJLemon18 i really appreciate you sharing your experiences 🧡
    You’ve definitely made the whole autism group thing sound less scary.
    JJLemon18 wrote: »
    lOh and btw, you will have some people leaving you sooner or later, its unavoidable. But that doesn't mean you're 'weird' or not 'worth it', it just means there's not really a connection between you two, and you should accept that and move on, NOT give up!

    ^ also thanks for this, I kind of gave up when that happened to me at school.
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,344 Boards Champion
    Thank you @sinead276 <3
    yeah sometimes I forget that other people will feel similarly. I get really intimidated by people lol
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,344 Boards Champion
    Thank you @JustV I’m glad to hear that it’s different to school. I tend to just hide away from people so I’ll try not to do that 😂
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,344 Boards Champion
    Thank you so much @amy02
    It’s a relief to hear you found people more accepting at uni because I really need that lol.
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,344 Boards Champion
    ^will continue replying hopefully tomorrow, sorry
  • Millie2787Millie2787 Posts: 5,191 Part of The Furniture
    I was terrified of starting university - I was scared I wouldn’t fit in or find anyone I liked But trust me when I say your find your peoples, you truly do.

    My first few months I found it hard , I didn’t really know what to do or how to make friends and then I discovered the Neurodiverse society and the LGBTQ society. That’s where I found my people and that’s what helped me get through my Uni.

    Maybe have alook at what societies your uni has before freshers fair - your be suprised on that’s there is literally one for everything … ours even had a Taylor swift society 😂
    Sometimes all you need is one person to believe in you , for you to begin to believe in yourself.
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Posts: 2,052 Boards Champion
    Millie2787 wrote: »
    ours even had a Taylor swift society 😂

    Omg same! xD
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    JJLemon18 wrote: »
    Millie2787 wrote: »
    ours even had a Taylor swift society 😂

    Omg same! xD

    So does ours! Must be really popular hahah
  • Katie12Katie12 Posts: 324 The Mix Regular
    Hey @AnonymousToe, i was also very anxious about making friends at uni and i think the best way to approach it was to not pressurise myself to make friends straight away. Some people will and that is great but for me it took a little longer to find a group and that worked out much better by taking my time!
    I found that most people were also nervous and wanting to make friends so it was easier to start conversations because everyone was just trying to find people to talk to. I'm sure by the end of the first week you will be sick of people asking you 'what course are you doing?' 'Where are you from?' and those sorts of questions :lol:
    I'd say definitely look out for things runs by your uni or course as a way to get to know people. My course ran a quiz during freshers week and that was a great way to start to meet people and gave us all a starting point to talk about! And i agree with everyone else about joining societies as those are great for finding people with the same interests!
    Good luck for September!
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,344 Boards Champion
    Sorry it’s been ages. Thank you so much for all that advice @lunarcat522 i really appreciate you <3
    My "plan" is to join a lot of societies that I want to try out or have an interest in. This means I'll be with people who have a similar interest to me so it gives a starting point for conversations. My university for example has a baking society, a film society and a psychology society (along with many others). I'm planning on joining these ones but I would probably say try to join/go to society events at the start of the academic year because I feel it would be more difficult to join mid year from a confidence standpoint. If there's a society for the subject you're studying I'd definitely join that (e.g. I'm going to be studying psychology so I'm joining that one to get to know my peers).

    ^ that sounds like a good idea - something I’ve heard a lot of students recommend at open days etc is to join societies as a way to meet people. It doesn’t really sound like the thing for me lol but I’ll definitely join my subject society and at least something else as well.
    Some universities also have facebook groups or groupchats on Whatsapp/Instagram/Snapchat for freshers/applicants. I would check on your university website first of all. I joined a freshers 2024 facebook group for my university, introduced myself and what I would be studying and then I found other groupchat etc from there. I would really recommend doing this as for me the people doing my course that are freshers have arranged to meet up before freshers and will likely meet in freshers week to get to know each other and break the ice.

    I don’t think my uni has anything like that yet unfortunately but I think they plan to open up something on unibuddy after results day. I feel like I’d be left out before I even started if I didn’t join in with that so I need to look into it.
    It's definitely possible to make friends. Do you ever use or have considered using communication cards? It could help you explain to others what's going on for you.

    I’ve never used communication cards. They do sound like they’d be useful but I’d be worried about what kind of reaction they’d get. I think I’ll attempt to use some but i dont know if I’ll have the courage lol
    Personally I would be okay with it and understand because I've been there but I think for those that maybe don't have that awareness or understanding have a tendency to take it personally so I would watch out for that and maybe reassure people it's not them, however you don't have to explain yourself or owe anyone an explanation so it's really up to you and how you want to go about things. It's definitely not stupid at all, and you're right you're definitely not alone in this. You could maybe contact your student support and see if there is a mentoring or buddy scheme to help with this.

    That’s a good point actually. I didn’t realise people might take it personally if I can’t speak to them.
    There is actually a buddy scheme that I should have access to. I don’t know the details of it yet but that is something that will hopefully help. I just worry that another student would have no idea how to help me lol I’m so complicated.
    That's definitely a great starting point. It helps to ask questions to keep a conversation going so when the person responds with their name you could ask them if they're from close-by or if they moved here for uni. You could ask how they feel about starting uni, what course they're studying, if they know what they want to do after getting a degree.

    For people in your class/course you could ask what they're excited to learn about, what their timetable looks like, how they feel about the lectures/tutorials, whether they like the lecturers.

    Towards the end of a class you could ask people if they have any plans after class, if they don't you could ask them if they would like to explore the campus/go to the library/go for a coffee (you don't have to get a coffee, it's just a phrase people use to ask to go to a cafe)/go for a drink/go for something to eat.

    Succeed Socially is a pretty informative resource that you might be interested in for some help - I've added a few links from them covering some of the areas you've brought up

    Thank you so much for all those tips!!
    don't you could ask them if they would like to explore the campus/go to the library/go for a coffee (you don't have to get a coffee, it's just a phrase people use to ask to go to a cafe)
    ^ 😂 I definitely needed the clarification there, thank you so much.
    I never know how to start / continue conversations or initiate spending more time with someone so I really appreciate all that. Thank you so much for the links as well, i dont know where you find all these resources! You’re a great help to me. I hope you’re doing okay <3
  • MaisyMaisy Posts: 701 Part of The Mix Family
    I've already had my time at university and while I don't have an autism diagnosis, I struggled making friends in high school and often got picked on and taken advantage of. I was also very quiet and generally, I type more than I speak. I didn't do anything to prepare for socialising at university (I commuted in though so I never lived with other students) and didn't really think much about how to make friends. Didn't join any clubs or groups either. So like you, and many others here, I was nervous about starting university as I didn't know whether I would fit in, whether people would like me or whether it would just be a repeat of high school.

    The other students on my course were lovely and quite accepting of differences, even though we were mostly the same age and hadn't long finished high school. In the first week, someone on my course invited me to a student night out drinking, but I didn't go. I was worried in case I ruined my chances at friendship, but it didn't. On my course there were a few others that also didn't like to go out drinking, and we all became friends.

    I was known for certain interests but at the same time, I did feel that I had to try and like the same things as my friends. It works on a surface level- you get along, have something similar to talk about etc., but as you've realised, it's not very authentic or sustainable. Since graduating a few years ago, I've kept in touch with my friends from university. I've dropped some interests that weren't me (that I was only doing to keep up with a friend), but I have rediscovered interests that are me. And as a result of this, I've realised that I share similar interests with another friend from university. So the friendship I have now is a bit more authentic than when I was actually at university.

    I guess it's having a balance of thinking up ways to make friends and being interested in them, as well as allowing yourself to be you and not solely doing things just for others.

    Best of luck :)
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  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,344 Boards Champion
    Thank you for sharing your experiences @Maisy and I’m so sorry you didn’t have a good time friendship-wise at high school. It’s good to hear that you managed to make friends even without living on campus or joining clubs though
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,344 Boards Champion
    I’ve worked out how to start a conversation but no idea how to keep one going
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,056 Wise Owl
    Heya @AnonymousToe well done for working out how to start a conversation I feel feel like that is the hardest bit getting started but hopefully once it starts off will flowquite naturally. Maybe you could talk about like your hobbies and stuff like that or ask if they are looking forward to starting the course? Or another easy question maybe you could ask them what school they went to and did they like it? Those are just some ideas but ill be thinking of u and just remember everyones in the same position so just be urself and u will find ur people <3
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