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I don't know

JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,097 Boards Champion
I wanted to write this in the 'I need a hug' thread but decided to make a new thread instead (that rhymes funny lol). I'll just be writing my thoughts and venting here to not take up too much space over there.

I'm ruining everything, I've messed up my holiday now and I don't know what to do :s I've even started ignoring my aunties calls and my response to every single question is literally 'I don't know'. I've never ever felt this bad.
I don't even have the energy to explain it, plus I'd probably end up saying all the same things over and over again. I just want to stop thinking for once, I want to stop caring about every single small detail and every second wasted. I already have a million regrets, and I keep making more...
No one wants to give me any time or space, I do need a lot of it sure, but I just can't take all that's been happening. No one understands how I feel, no one can help me. I really feel alone. And yes I do have a couple people I can vent to but venting can only do so much.

Why do I believe a real hug can actually solve all my problems??

Ngl I kinda want to just shrivel up and disappear then come back like a year later and see what's changed lol.
Believe in me - who believes in you


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 77 Budding Regular
    I am glad that you have come to acknowledge what is going on inside yourself. That is a good first step in creating a path to solving your dilemmas.

    You mentioned that no one wants to give you any time or space and that you need a lot of it. People should give up themselves more to be available to people for the sake of helping the individual and benefitting their relationship with that person however, we must come to also understand that everyone is busy and caught up in their own dilemmas. It is not being selfish or that they do not care, they need to prioritise themselves first in order to allow them to do other things. On the other hand, maybe those individuals you have met may want to help you deep down but they do not know how to respond or help you. What I am trying to get at is that there is typically a reason to the actions and behaviour of humans.

    Feelings are subjective therefore, of course no one will truly know how you feel completely. However, the greatest thing about humans is that we have the capacity to connect to another person at least half way. Not completely but half way. I, myself, may not fully relate to everything you are going through because we are individuals with our own lives but I do know for certain that I will be able to relate to you in some way and no matter what I will be at your side because I wish for everyone to reach their ideal and improved state.

    This is not a criticism and I apologise if this appears to look like it but I would like to offer you some perspective.

    Perhaps you really need a real hug instead of the virtual ones. After all, real physical hugs consist of feeling human warmth and the body's warmth reminds you that you are living and in the present here and now. I do concur with you on that. I too prefer a physical hug than a virtual one. Unfortunately I cannot run to you personally. What I can offer is being your friend and I am happy to continue to chat with you anytime. I wish you the best and I will walk with you on this journey. :3
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,097 Boards Champion
    @marcellus_beauregard Thank you so much :3

    You're right, people do live their own lives with their own problems, that's why I can't be angry at them in any way. I just wish it was different yk, I wish they understood how I felt and what I'm going through. I know I'm just complaining because I do have a lot of time and space, too much in fact, but even that is not enough for me anymore.
    Unfortunately I cannot run to you personally.
    It would take 10 whole days to walk from the UK to Poland ;)
    But seriously, I think I'm complaining here too because I do get hugs from my mum, they feel nice but beside that they do nothing.

    Again, thank you, I appreciate it a lot! I'm here for you too <3
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,097 Boards Champion
    I've been thinking about death quite a bit lately. And just to be clear. Yes I am safe, yes I know what the helplines are, no I wont be calling them because I'm safe. I will never take my own life. So even though I may say some stuff that sound like I'm suicidal, I am not.

    (Trigger warning just in case)
    I am terrified of death, terrified of being forgotten, terrified of missing out the most. I don't want to die, yet I can't imagine a universe where I survive, if that makes sense. I can't see myself recovering and living a good life, I just don't see it. I've messed up too much and I feel unfixable again. I ruined both my mental and physical health and I keep having the dreading thought that I might die anytime soon. I keep having these thoughts that I should 'tidy up after myself' or 'sort things out', just like a suicidal person might do, and I'm truly not suicidal. I'm horrified at the idea that something might happen to me, and my family will read all my messages, all my notes, diary entries and (god forbid) all my posts here... Also I'm worried of what you all might think if just suddenly stop posting, stop replying to messages. I wanted to write here some nice message in case I never post again but that'd just be depressing and I definitely don't want to assume I'll be gone anytime soon.
    I keep telling myself 'chill the fuck down, you will live!' But at the back of my mind I don't see it. Maybe the world is actually ending lol.

    Something funny to end this post with. My brain right now:
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,097 Boards Champion
    Been thinking about death a lot again. I don't know what to do. I'm terrified, I cant see things getting better, but i know they can still get much worse... My life is just one massive mess and I cant see a way to fix it. I'm dissociating a lot, nothing feels real, I'm constantly losing my voice and I cant talk, both my mental and physical health are practically non extstent, I'm so tired and overwhelmed all the time, I'm starting to feel lightheaded way too often, I'm so scared to do anything beside lie in bed. I feel like I'm literally dying inside. I just don't know what to do :bawling:
    Sorry for the ramble, I probably shouldnt be writing all this. I will be okay. I have to be okay. There is no other way.
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • Former MemberFormer Member muda muda Posts: 122 The Mix Convert
    JJLemon18 wrote: »
    Been thinking about death a lot again. I don't know what to do. I'm terrified, I cant see things getting better, but i know they can still get much worse... My life is just one massive mess and I cant see a way to fix it. I'm dissociating a lot, nothing feels real, I'm constantly losing my voice and I cant talk, both my mental and physical health are practically non extstent, I'm so tired and overwhelmed all the time, I'm starting to feel lightheaded way too often, I'm so scared to do anything beside lie in bed. I feel like I'm literally dying inside. I just don't know what to do :bawling:
    Sorry for the ramble, I probably shouldnt be writing all this. I will be okay. I have to be okay. There is no other way.

    No no, that's completely okay. Arguably, it's better to put out your thoughts and feelings as even if it might consequently result in regret, you are attending to your current needs. It's more important to nurse your current internal needs so as to avoid potential inner troubles. So, I'm glad that you've posted. <3
    I can see your resilience but also a strong desire of being in a peaceful state which your current messy life does not provide - a sort of desire determined to live. I believe this desire is a wonderful thing to possess, it's a fantastic strength which I would recommend to keep having by your side. However, this can also burden you as saying that you 'have' to be okay can transform this desire into a form of authority which can further oppress your current state. It is important to remember, like you've said, that things will be okay as that's a possibility that always exist which we cannot prove or disprove since we always exist in the present. We can make hard, convincing guesses about the future but not foresee it.
    Sometimes I end up experiencing what you are currently experiencing as of now. I would also have the feeling of wanting to do something but not knowing what. For me, I would allow myself to succumb to my state and allow myself to stay in bed for days. It allows me to become one with my state, to experience it to its fullest and for it to settle down over time. It's not a nice process since you have to really experience these horribly overwhelming emotions yet its aftermath can be quite positive - some relief and inner stability. Other things which I find helpful are to:
    • Consume some nostalgic pieces of media
    • Make some cute art pieces
    • Have a little tea party
    • Watch some meme compilation
    • Engaging with a research topic
    • Burn some incense

    I believe these provoke opposing emotions and shift my attention to something else, and so, they make me feel quite conflicted which I find as something positive as that means I can feel some positive emotions which I struggle to previously feel.

    Idk if my coping strategies are helpful but hopefully, they'll help you find your own strategies.

    I truly hope that you can experience some contentment because honestly, you're one that deserves it.

    Sending hugs as big as the galaxy. <3
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,097 Boards Champion
    @CaniceQ Hiya, I got a notification that you commented here last night but I cant see anything. I don't think you can delete posts so I'm making sure that it didnt just randomly dissapear. Or maybe I'm actually going crazy who knows haha. Hope you are well.
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • Former MemberFormer Member muda muda Posts: 122 The Mix Convert
    JJLemon18 wrote: »
    @CaniceQ Hiya, I got a notification that you commented here last night but I cant see anything. I don't think you can delete posts so I'm making sure that it didnt just randomly dissapear. Or maybe I'm actually going crazy who knows haha. Hope you are well.

    Yes, I did in fact comment here but I've made a little edit and suddenly my post was removed. I think it said that my comment will appear within a certain amount of time - perhaps it is being reviewed since I've edited it. This happened to me last time, so I believe the post will appear later today or tomorrow. I honestly hate that. Why does it always happen...
    Anyways, I'm doing fine. Hbu? How are you feeling today?
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,097 Boards Champion
    @CaniceQ what? I've never heard that happen before haha. I'll be waiting then... Imagine if posts took as long to get sent as real life letters lol.
    I'm feeling okay today, didnt get out of bed yet so I cant say much.
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • Former MemberFormer Member muda muda Posts: 122 The Mix Convert
    Yup, the post is back up. Yay! Seriously, why did it take long.....
    @JJLemon18 lol, I mean there is something special about receiving real posts - I guess it's the anticipation for something only for you or since it's physical it feels like you're receiving a present but idk.
    Since it's the next day, how are you feeling now? I'm aware of the struggle to get out of bed. Perhaps you can do some comfortable activity since having another comfortable thing/space beside your bed may help you get out of bed. Some people recommend making your bed uncomfortable so that you are forced to get up (this is typically done by removing the covers or setting a loud alarm). Perhaps you can make plans so you can have something to look forward to and convince yourself to get up. Although, depending on how low your emotional threshold is, I know how difficult it is to still get up despite these little changes. Do you have a pet? By having one, they can be your personal annoying loud alarm lol. They pretty much encourage you to have plans since you have to feed them and (depending on the animal) walk them. Though, I like to applaud you for being online and posting. It is a good start as it shows your desire to enter a better emotional state, so well done :3 I believe interacting with others can evoke positive emotions and boost your energy. When it comes to changing behaviour, reading into 'learning' may help you. To start, you can specifically research into classical and operant conditioning; it's quite intriguing and can be applied in our daily lives.
    As I mentioned that interaction with others can help, my DMs are always open and we can talk about anything - not only just your health but your interests, life, random thoughts, etc. You can use my DMs to rant too. I literally don't mind what. For me, it is important for you to have a space where you can be yourself and speak your mind.
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,097 Boards Champion
    @CaniceQ Hey sorry for not responding. I've read your replies but I've been feeling real bad lately so I havent had the energy to respond. So bad in fact that today I've had a moment where I actually thought I'm dying. That plus the fact that I'm struggling to focus, like everything thats been happening feels like its just a dream... or a nightmare.
    I'll try to reply properly once I feel a little better. I hope you're well <3
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • Former MemberFormer Member muda muda Posts: 122 The Mix Convert
    @JJLemon18 That's completely fine, it's always important to prioritise your needs. I wish you well :3
  • AislingDMAislingDM Inactive Posts: 1,666 Extreme Poster
    Hey @JJLemon18 , I'll keep this one short (I hope!) because I know you're just emotionally and physically shattered right now <3

    I just want you to know that I can see how deeply exhausting this all is, not merely the constant thinking about death and simultaneous fear of that actually happening (and the consequences, like people missing you) but also the confusion that ensues around it all. I feel that because you are such an insightful and self-aware person, it's almost like a 'curse' in a sense (I hope that does not come across in a bad way, I sincerely mean it as a compliment) because every passing (or lingering) thought and feeling is something that you can think so deeply on and leave you so profoundly affected. It's no wonder you're left just replying 'I don't know' or not coming back to people as 'quickly' as usual, because in some ways you're left thinking: 'what is there to say?'.

    No matter what we are here, I promise and I'll always want to listen even if you don't really want to talk <3 I'm now noticing this is actually quite long, so I'll leave you with my thoughts that that meme is 1000% accurate! Huge hugs, and feel no pressure to reply to me, okay? xx
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  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,097 Boards Champion
    @CaniceQ Hey, I feel a little better so I'll try my best to respond as I can't stop thinking about this. Thank you so so much for the sweet replies and all the advice, I genuinely appreciate it so much!! Even though I still have a lot of trouble concentrating, I tried my best to take it all in, I just don't know how to respond to most of what you said beside a 'thank you'.
    CaniceQ wrote: »
    • Consume some nostalgic pieces of media
    • Make some cute art pieces
    • Have a little tea party
    • Watch some meme compilation
    • Engaging with a research topic
    • Burn some incense
    Thank you for sharing, I do some of these but there's one that I want to mention in particular, incense. I hate incense, the smell is just vile to me and I always get annoyed when my mum burns it haha. Maybe that's the point, to distract me by annoying me :lol:
    CaniceQ wrote: »
    Sending hugs as big as the galaxy. <3
    I love the galaxy!
    CaniceQ wrote: »
    Though, I like to applaud you for being online and posting. It is a good start as it shows your desire to enter a better emotional state, so well done :3 I believe interacting with others can evoke positive emotions and boost your energy.
    I agree... its a shame I literally disappeared from here after posting that lol.

    And no I don't have a pet, I wish tho.

    @AislingDM Again, you know exactly how I feel... And that didn't come across in a bad way, I agree, its a curse. But it seems to me like I'm only self aware with the negative stuff, I very rarely get a positive thought that makes me feel good about myself.
    AislingDM wrote: »
    feel no pressure to reply to me, okay? xx
    How about no :p Thank you! Sending hugs <3
    Believe in me - who believes in you
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