Finding Friends & Recovery

I'm absolutely obsessed with languages. I'm so obsessed with languages that I decided to research basic Greenlandic. 😂 Now, I am absolutely obsessed by EVERYTHING Greenlandic. 😂
My fluency level in German is intermediate and my French is basic conversational. At the moment, I am learning Russian and I absolutely love it. At the end of the year, I hope to go travelling with my friend. We want to go inter-railing around Europe, visit Thailand and go on holiday to Greenland. Obviously, this depends upon the whole COVID-19 situation. I'm planning to learn some basic Polish before we depart for travelling.
Before I leave, I would like to practise my language. In the future, I would like to be completely fluent in German and have an intermediate level of Russian and French. 😁
Right now, I would like to boost my fluency level in German. I'd love to find a pen pal to help expand my knowledge of the German language. Do you know any trustworthy pen pal websites that I can subscribe to? I've researched some websites but I am concerned about the safety of some particular websites and their negative reviews. This would not only be an opportunity to expand my knowledge but make new friends and relationships.
I suffer from Clinical Depression, Anorexia Nervosa, Generalised Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I've reached the point where I am almost an ENTIRE year into recovery. This would be so beneficial for my mental health and give me a focus on this unusual gap year. My Clinical Depression was only diagnosed recently. Before, I had a diagnosis of depression caused by severe Anxiety. This is a separate diagnosis.
If you could offer me any advice, I would be most appreciative. 😜
Thank you Xx 😊
I can't point you in the direction of a penpal website, as I don't know much about them! It sounds like you have done some research into some websites already. My advice would be to continue that research, read user reviews of the site, and remember to stay safe and be careful with the information you share with any potential penpal!
Not sure if this would work, but you could try reach out to German universities and see if they are able to connect you with anyone? I have zero idea if that would work, but it might be worth a try!
I'm looking for German pen pal to help expand my knowledge of the German language. However, I would like to find out more about the German culture and their social life.
Honestly, the worst thing about anxiety is having to take the medication.
I think it's lovely that you plan on travelling with a friend- it sounds like you'll have a good time visiting plenty of different countries and learning different languages along the way too.
I don't know any penpal websites at all, unfortunately. I know that you can always use duolingo for learning and practicing languages and you can add friends on there, but I don't think you are able to talk to them (though you can compete against each other).
Sorry I can't be of more help and hope others are able to help you further. I wish you all the best in continuing with your recovery, your search for a penpal and your awesome sounding travels. You deserve it