Post of the month - September

It's time to vote on September's post of the month. Thanks everyone for all of your nominations

1.@Eyepatch 's reply in 'Struggling with anxiety'
Try to focus on one thing at a time, even if its just something like eating lunch or doing one page of homework. Splitting all those tasks you have up into bite-sized chunks can really help you focus and get though them.
Are you talking to your mum about what she is going though? Its very brave of her to report something from long ago, it means she has found courage and feels ready to face this challenge. She's doing something good even though it might be hard on her to recall negative events from when she was 13.
You can get though this, try to find small bits of time to relax, the trip to and from collage or when you are just about to go to bed.
Let us know how you are getting along with all this,
2. @Shaunie 's thread 'What you wish people understood'
So feel free to join me in writing down what you wish people understood. Can be about yourself or anything. Or even what you wish people knew about you.
Feel like i have loads but anyway will start with saying; i wish people understood i need a lot of personal space and just because i want to be by myself, doesnt mean am in bad mood or hate the persons company
Also wish people understood that when i question somethig someone believes, i aint dismissing their belief or trying to be rude or start agrument, just trying to understand.
3. @Aidan 's reply in 'What you wish people understood'
This is a very general one too, but...
I wish people understood how strong they are and they're capable of so much, and tried harder to break their limits than to make their limits
I wish I understood that too
4. @Maisy's reply in 'ptsd & recovering, thoughts"
So sorry to hear what you have been through. You didn't deserve to go through that at all and it's understandable that such things would be life changing. But it is possible to recover and heal.
First, it might help to think about what recovery means for you. While you may never go back to exactly how you were before the trauma, it doesn't mean that you can't recover. For some, recovery can be being able to deal with flashbacks, intrusive thoughts and other trauma related symptoms in a healthy way (e.g. without self-harming). Others might want to lessen the flashbacks, be able to deal with triggers rather than avoid them, become more confident, find new meaning in their life etc.
Everyone is affected by trauma differently, and so everyone's recovery journey will be different too. There isn't really such a thing as a 'normal' life, or recovering over a certain amount of time or never getting affected by it again. Recovery, like life in general, is full of ups and downs, but it is entirely possible to live the life that you want to live instead of being held captive by your trauma.
It seems like you may be struggling a bit at the moment and I'm wondering if you are in therapy at all? Counselling can help provide a safe space to talk about feelings, come up with ways to deal with things you struggle with, and help you to plan for the life you want and reach your goals.
Also, be sure to be gentle with yourself, engage in self-care and talk to those you trust, especially if you are feeling stressed or low. Recovery can be challenging at times, but worth it!
Keep a look out for posts to nominate. You can nominate a post by flagging it, selecting Report, and then choosing 'Post of the Month nomination' as the reason.
- Aife & the team
Well done to all the nominees. Your support is amazing!
- Aife