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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Girl-From-Mars:
    i also dont want to get into a big slanging match with anyone involved. firstly, does anyone else note the similarities between mrsrb921 and "u people r clueless"? both from america, both similar situations, both argumentative and antagonistic

    geeeeee...mrsrb......we must be exactly the same as we are both from america and in similiar situations and argumentative and antagonistic... LOL!! I can assure you that we are not the same person, if that is what you are getting at. Yes, i do become arugmentative and antagonistic when HOW I WAS CONCEIVED is basis for u people to decide that i will have a fucked up terrible life! to dirty harry....would you become antagonistic if i tyed you to those darn stairs you speak of that cause you such dismay when you see them????? Well i feel ineffect that is what you people are doing to me, with your comments....just ASSuming that my conception will always be the central focal point of my whole existance...and go on say all you want ...that u aren't saying that...that noone HAS said that....but with your comments...YES U HAVE!

    has anyone actually read the post that sarted all this hatred and arguing off? for those who havent:
    Originally posted by RachaelHolmes:
    Speaking from experience I had to have that abortion. My pregnancy was the result of rape and the thought of that thing growing inside me made me suicidal. I did look into carry the thing to full term and then adoption but I did some research into similar cases and decided that it was best to have an abortion. I read about 1 girl who was raped and had a baby conceived through the rape. She had the baby adopted out and years later the child (then grown up) came to find her. She had to tell the him the truth and it absolulety shattered him. I couldn't put any1 through that. I was also advised by friends and family to have the abortion as the mental stress of the whole situation was making me crazy and as I peviously said suicidal. Giving birth to that thing would have been the worst thing I could have done.
    this is the view and experience of one person, who herself was raped and found it too difficult to carry the baby to term. this is not an ignorant mind, she did researh, as she stated clearly. who are you to come on and start slagging her off for her personal choice? if someone wishes to have an abortion, they can, and a rape will make the possibility of that happening more likely in my opinion.

    I have never made ONE comment on Rachel holmes herself...although i tend NOT to believe she is telling the truth (and i am only NOW saying this for the first time!)
    MY views on all of this i have repeated over and over and over.....and they are that i find it offensive that u think that you have the life of a person concieved by rape all figured out...and that it is destined to be bad......THAT is what i take offense with! As for Rachel holmes...no, i do not believe that she is telling the truth...i think she realized she looked like a 'ho.....so then as an afterthought decided to come back looking for pity by creating the rape angle.and THAT is MY opinion...NOW i have said it, and i have NOT before....!!!!!

    NO ONE has said that you have no right to live!! i dont know where you get that from. neither has anyone said that adoption should be scrapped, thats a silly idea. okay you obviously feel very strongly about this, being conceived of rape yourself. and rachael obviously felt strognly enough about her situation to have her foetus terminated. you also have no right to question the fact if she was raped or not.

    I have the right to do whatever i choose, and i will!

    on this board,we aim to give advice and support to those who need it. we may not alwas agree with whatever's goin gn or whats been said. bt you dont have to react so strongly to it, especially when it seems youve misunderstood some of the messages.

    i've misunderstood NOTHING!!!!!!!!

    no one wishes you harm or thinks you shouldnt have been born. we just think that its the choice of the woman involved, whether to have an abortion or not. some choose to have an abortion, some choose adoption. its all a matter of personal choice and what you think is right for YOU. your birth mother gave birth to you, she obviously thinks she made the right decision, and we are not here to say otherwise.

    i just think you should respect other people here, you're not going to gain much respect for your own personal views by choosing a name such as "u people

    I'm not here to gain anyones respect...that is not what i am looking for..i'm here to educate you, cuz obviously u need it...just giving u the opinion of someone whos actually living the life of a rape conceived person!

    if you wanted to make your point, on what i know is a very emotive topic, it would have been better to present your side of it in a calm and collected way without resorting to insulting people and their choices. it shows you seem to be a very insensitive and thoughtless person, whether or not this is the case, its just the way you have portrayed yourself.
    You are the ones who are insensitive and thoughtless spouting off with the attitudes that you have on what a rape conceived persons life SHOULD be like!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    i think she plain stupid, she hasn't read any of our posts and just keeps restating her original point, run out of ideas i guess.

    your just upset cuz u made that dumb post about those stairs...and now u look dumb!! and YES, i do keep restating my origanal point...NO i haven't run out of ideas...(another stupid comment made by harry).... I keep stating my original point BECAUSE my original point remains the same...it is the reason i am HERE replying to u people at all!so why would i be stating anything different?????????

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    me, dumb comment? what dumb comment.

    what i was saying was i was shoved down a set of stairs at school once by a load of kids and i always think about it when i go on these stairs and from that i can understand why a mother would not want her child (not best example i admitt)

    u probably still remind ur mother of being raped, shes a very strong woman for having you back.

    i think this argument can be summed up about now with all the valid points i can think of having being posted.

    BTW was ur mom raped of did she have it underage? underage would explain how she managed to take u back.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BTW also how old r u?

    if u keep resaying ur original point the argument dies, kinda makes it not worth it.

    I think u got valid points but so have we and in some of ur posts u seem to be a bit of an ignorant (only looking at one side of the argument).

    i dont really think ur worth the time it took to conceive you.

    [This message has been edited by dirty_harry (edited 21-01-2001).]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    me, dumb comment? what dumb comment.

    what i was saying was i was shoved down a set of stairs at school once by a load of kids and i always think about it when i go on these stairs and from that i can understand why a mother would not want her child (not best example i admitt)

    NO, its not a good example....a baby HARDLY compares to a set of stairs, and being pushed down them....you were pushed down the stairs cuz people obviously disliked you...i was born obvioulsy because people DID like me!!

    u probably still remind ur mother of being raped, shes a very strong woman for having you back.

    i think this argument can be summed up about now with all the valid points i can think of having being posted.

    If its summed up...then why are u still asking me questions??????????

    BTW was ur mom raped of did she have it underage? underage would explain how she managed to take u back.

    Don't understand what this question means...have what underage...me? (Not sure if your just so dumb that i cannot undertsand what your question is, or if u use different terms for things there in britain)....underage??? under the age of 18 you mean??? i've already stated that my mother was 13 years old when i was born...so why don't you have all your info. before u decide to speak to me proclaiming to have heard all i have said! I've also said that she was raped by her father and 2 uncles....not only rape, but INCEST!!!!! incase you missed that too.....

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    BTW also how old r u?

    if u keep resaying ur original point the argument dies, kinda makes it not worth it.

    I think u got valid points but so have we and in some of ur posts u seem to be a bit of an ignorant (only looking at one side of the argument).

    i dont really think ur worth the time it took to conceive you.

    what the hell does my age matter??? it doesn't. ignorant is an adjective and not a noun, so therefore the sentence that u have written, using the term, "an ignorant" is not written properly.... seems U are the one who is the ignoramus, here! Your lack of intelligence is evident in all of your comments, Harry! Guess those darn stairs there in school are keeping u from getting any learning done in school! You cannot get me with your words , Harry...you WILL not be able to go over my head without me calling u on EVERY mistake that you make!!! Have a GREAT day! Hope u have nIGHTMARES about those stairs tonight!!
    [This message has been edited by dirty_harry (edited 21-01-2001).]

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:

    u probably still remind ur mother of being raped, shes a very strong woman for having you back.

    i think this argument can be summed up about now with all the valid points i can think of having being posted.

    BTW was ur mom raped of did she have it underage? underage would explain how she managed to take u back.

    ??--That last question was jarbled nonsense to me, but i'll try to answer it best i can:
    I'm assuming you are asking was my mom underage when she was theoretically raped. Yes, she was, but she was 2 weeks from 18 which is the age of majority here in the states. (Don't know much about you Brits...and from the coldhearted, excluding attitude I am getting from this board...can't say as I'd particularly want to!). So she could have kept me if she had wanted to. Social pressure, dependence on family, and so forth was her reasoning behind relinquishing me. BUT, my situation is no different than any other of us so-called "throwaway rape babies'"...the mother could resolve to do right by the child...and just MAY come back years later to not only be glad she gave another person life instead of taking her trauma out on the innocent baby...and also find that she may be happily reunited w/ that now-grown baby to boot.

    Dirty_Harry, I'm afraid you might have us confused. I'm the one who is reunited with my bmom. You people can't seem to get it right. First y'all just assume my mom kept me, even tho' i said she DIDN'T...then from what "u people r clueless" posted, assume HER mom kept her...well, i am ASSuming u were confusing her w/ me and my case...why don't u ask HER if her mom kept her, if she was adopted, etc...instead of ASSuming as you are doing?? Let's get the facts straight, folks! I've already been misquoted, my words misconstrued, several times already, while on this board...and incidentally...you all blab on and on about my short-sightedness in not being able to see the poor bmom's point of view...well has it ever occured to you that you all seem to have your own agendas as well...being totally UNsympathetic about what we might be going thu...what we DID go thru, as do several other babies whom, unfortunately DON'T make it, because of SELFISH mothers who care only about themselves, like Rachel Holmes?? And i'm sorry, but I am roaring, reading "u people r clueless"'s comments...
    glad i'm not the only one who can see right thru Rachel Holmes...i don't think for a minute that she was actually raped...if u go back through and read the posts she left, you can see the progression there...and as "u.p.r.c." pointed out, when she wasn't getting enough sympathy, it was THEHN that she threw it in there...but even if she was raped...she will get NONE of my sympathy, for being so cavalier about a life growing inside of her...her very own flesh and blood!! I don't care HOW the baby got there, she was still his or her mother!! And if she wanted to choose to terminate that right (i.e., adoption), that would be one thing...i could totally understand that, and respect her for trying to give the baby a better life...but no...she calls her baby an "it", and a "blob"...and yaks on and on about how it is destroying her life...oh, boo hoo...but as has been previously posted, the growing life of an infant means much less in your parts than the wishes and desires of a spoiled, selfish, compulsive liar who is too young to appreciate anything in life, let alone the preciousness of the life growing inside of her, and his or her right to live, too!

    "U people r clueless" thanks for backing me up...i guess we will just have to face it that people on this board think we are backward hicks being from the, as has been stated, "good ol' US of A"...they are utter FOOLS on this board (for the most part...please, don't take offense, those of you who actually HAVEN'T trashed me...the slim minority that you are!!), they who insist on trashing us...a prime case of opening their mouths and talking garbage they know nothing about...the SAME thing we are being accused of!

    All I can say is, if R.H. didn't want to get pregnant, regardless of whether she was raped or not, she should have used birth control. Why couldn't she have gone on the pill?? Rape statistics are staggering...not just here in the "good ol' US of A," but even, i'm assuming, in your perfectly cultured Brit world of adult priveledge and infanticide...so why not take the precaution, knowing you might be faced with such a quandry?? The only reason I can say this and be so trite, is because I KNOW from reading her post that she was NOT raped...re-read it and you will be able to see that too...a 14 year old getting raped and impregnated is highly unlikely...rape pregnancies are highly unlikely to begin with, but when you add all that....PLUS her attitude, you can see she is LYING...at least that is what I got from her post!! And I realize I will get totally FLAMED for what I'm saying here...but she talks about her "rape-conceived baby" like it is trash...and treated it as such, too...and so for me, that is a personal assault, being one of those so-called "throwaway babies"...so, tit for tat...isn't that what you ever cultured Brits say??

    [This message has been edited by mrsrb921 (edited 21-01-2001).]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by mrsrb921:

    "U people r clueless" thanks for backing me up

    haha, yeah, create another identity for urself, how sad.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    and u should have been thrown out the window the second u were born.
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is anyone that agrees with me that we should drop this case, forget those two(?) persons and rather discuss those matters if anyone would want to, being sensible. Those two persons are obviously not worth it, come here acting like gods saying they are trying to educate us, which I would call "forcing their views on us".

    What do you folks say? Shouldn't we stop while we are ahead and ignore this argument, we've had enough of them lately.

    Please agree with me ;)


    Brennt barn forðast eldinn
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    JsT, can i ask you a question.

    would u like to tell everyone who you really are?

    U said on another topic u were banned once, ur 14 yrs old and that makes you "sys" "sickmind" and "iomega" if my record of people who were banned goes.

    ok, lets leave this topic but if u look back at "u ppl r clueless"'s posts ull see they are said from mrsbr's point of view.

    Forgot to change to ur old ID did u when u posted that? just shows how out of ideas u are and how ur opinions are flawed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    Originally posted by mrsrb921:

    "U people r clueless" thanks for backing me up

    haha, yeah, create another identity for urself, how sad.

    Just goes to show how very, very little you obviously know...I am only one poster, and I did not create another identity on this board. Hard though it may be to believe, there are others out there who are in my circumstance, and don't share your pro-murder views.
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    and u should have been thrown out the window the second u were born.

    Yeah, whatever. Gets to me right here. I'll need years of therapy to recover from that personal blow, I'm sure. You obviously were thrown from a window yourself...and somehow survived....hence the apparent loss of brain functioning. Pathetic loser.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:

    haha, yeah, create another identity for urself, how sad.

    I'm sure that's what you want to believe, so that is what you are going to believe. What are you saying...you're accusing me of being another poster as well, and of being someone who previously posted....you are absolutely paranoid!! I am but one poster, sorry to disappoint you. And as I said, if you don't believe that, that's not my issue.

    [This message has been edited by mrsrb921 (edited 21-01-2001).]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    Originally posted by mrsrb921:

    haha, yeah, create another identity for urself, how sad.

    harry, think but u want but i can assure u that we are 2 people!! I promise!
    On another note...to whomever started piping shit about me saying something about british people suck...hmmmm..if i remember correctly that was NOT what i said, it was infact, "YOU british people suck"...meaning YOU here on this site. Infact, much as it embaresses me to admit it my anscestors came from england...and since i am conceived of incest with my father being also my grandfather....and HIS side of the family being the british side...i happen to be more than half british...my original last name is Randall....common british last name, eh??? Now...you people keep going on about the way things are done there in your country, and that one poster who acted as is mrsrb had to be some southern hick since she was from kansas.... i feel made some pretty baseless ASSumptions......could i therefore make the conclusion that since it was my british grandfather and his brother who raped my mother then therefore ALL from england are incestuos????????????????????????? well then don't go making your assumptions that just cuz someone is from somewhere that they act a certain way!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Fáfnir VII:
    Is anyone that agrees with me that we should drop this case, forget those two(?) persons and rather discuss those matters if anyone would want to, being sensible. Those two persons are obviously not worth it, come here acting like gods saying they are trying to educate us, which I would call "forcing their views on us".

    What do you folks say? Shouldn't we stop while we are ahead and ignore this argument, we've had enough of them lately.

    Please agree with me <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/wink.gif"&gt;


    LOL! Who are U??....some guy with a cold family eating old food is all....THAT SUX!!!!Maybe thats why u are such a negative person also!! but puullllleeeeeze .....feel free to stop replying to me....now u've all managed to really piss me off here... CAN'T u people read??????? From the very first minute that "I" got here i stated that my point of view was that i felt it was wrong of u to ASSume that ALL mothers who conceive out of rape/incest feel the way you all here have been proclaiming that they do....and asking you all the simple question of , "WHO are U to make the other ASSumption that a baby conceived in rape/incest is doomed to a life that sucks... a life of being hated, rejected and a constant reminder of what happened to the mother... a life filled with guilt????" ALL i asked you to do was to realize that you DO NOT KNOW that for a fact, and i further asked you to go to google and see for yourself.....and NO it was not only NY aabortions that i was speaking of....i NEVER said that...never a word about NY adoptions in particular...so now before any of you reply to me, please make sure you have read my post or do not even bother replying to me until u have your facts straight! Furthermore.....in perusing back to the begginning of this subject, apparently mrsrb is the one who began this subject thread in the first place...SO..................
    .....none of you HAVE to be here replying if you do not want to be.....you keep mentioning that you have haddit with this subject, well then WHY are you still clicking on it????????????????
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the second identity comes out of the blue....

    ok, tell me this, when i asked u if u had underage sex "u ppl r clueless" replied saying "i never had underage sex".

    read the previous posts ppl, we got a double ID user.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    and randall is a very old brithist name.

    if u think about it all americans r decended from brits, europe populated thwe place after chris columbus discovered it, if it wasn't for us ud still be indians right now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    the second identity comes out of the blue....

    ok, tell me this, when i asked u if u had underage sex "u ppl r clueless" replied saying "i never had underage sex".

    read the previous posts ppl, we got a double ID user.

    Harry...u couldn't be more wrong! AS USUAL what u are writing makes NO sense...., AND i NEVER answered that "I" never had underage sex, either...where do u see that?? cuz i NEVER said it!!...learn to read HARRY!!!!!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    and randall is a very old brithist name.

    if u think about it all americans r decended from brits, europe populated thwe place after chris columbus discovered it, if it wasn't for us ud still be indians right now.
    here he goes again...harry harry harry....ofcourse i understand what you are saying about columbus and all...but once more u were not listening to me...otherwise you seem to have trouble with your reading comprehension.... i SAID that MY relatives.....not meaning the ones dating back to columbus....meaning that it was not that long ago when MY Randall's came to america....guess they knew it was a nicer place to live. : ) !!!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lmao, bet u deleted it, hang on, ill check.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by u people r clueless:
    your just upset cuz u made that dumb post about those stairs...and now u look dumb!! and YES, i do keep restating my origanal point...NO i haven't run out of ideas...(another stupid comment made by harry).... I keep stating my original point BECAUSE my original point remains the same...it is the reason i am HERE replying to u people at all!so why would i be stating anything different?????????

    shouldn't u be using ur "mrsrb" ID for this one?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    lmao, bet u deleted it, hang on, ill check.

    IT was NEVER written there to begin with...i think what i said was that my bmotehr was 13 when i was born, in reply to your underage question...i thought you had meant her...not me
    ... deleted it? If i did wouldn't it say that a message had been deleted???????
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by u people r clueless:
    Don't understand what this question means...have what underage...me? (Not sure if your just so dumb that i cannot undertsand what your question is, or if u use different terms for things there in britain)....underage??? under the age of 18 you mean??? i've already stated that my mother was 13 years old when i was born...so why don't you have all your info. before u decide to speak to me proclaiming to have heard all i have said! I've also said that she was raped by her father and 2 uncles....not only rape, but INCEST!!!!! incase you missed that too.....

    heres the reply when i asked "mrsrb" about underage sex.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    shouldn't u be using ur "mrsrb" ID for this one?

    Huh?????? we aren't the same person...but i am curious...why would it be her that would've made that comment????? wish i had a way to prove to u that we aren't the same person!! : ) !!think of a way, and i'd be glad to show u! and c'mon...u said u were going to find my post where i said that "I" never had underage sex...c'mon harry...bring it on...show it to me!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by u people r clueless:
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    yeah, well put together leeanne.

    Imo rape babies will remind u of what happened each time u look at it like when i see the set of stairs where i was beaten up once.

    as for the term "disposable" they are not yet alive and there should be no problem with saving it from a fucked up life.
    k...but "I" am alive, now what??????? i'm doomed to a fucked up life, and i'm better off dead?? Sir, C'MON!

    speaking from "mrsrb"'s view but u forgot to use that ID, instead u used ur other one.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dirty_harry:
    heres the reply when i asked "mrsrb" about underage sex.

    I thought that you were talking to ME, not mrsrb...which is why i replied....and NOOWHERE in there does it say that i had underage sex....i wrote, "had it"...me??? meaning was i the "IT" that you were referreing to my mother having.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the underage sex one is above somewhere.
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