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Woman who put cat in washing machine escapes jail



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lacy wrote: »
    What i mean is, people that treat their cat like its one of them. Like it's got feelings. It's a cat. They're just animals, they come to you when they want to get fed an stuff.
    You don't have much experience with animals do you?

    Cats do have feelings. I can assure you of that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blimey I'm really lagging behind everyone else's responses here... :mad: :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blagsta wrote: »
    Cats do have feelings. I seem to recall reading somewhere that they have the emotional capacity of a 2 year old child.

    That's not really the point though - as I said earlier, its about the emotional relationship that humans can have with animals.

    To be honest i couldn't care less if cats feel anything seeing as i'm never likely to ever come across one. No animal deserves to get it's fur blasted off, and shes obvously a nutter but whats stickin her in prison gonna do? Hardly gonna reform her is it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lacy wrote: »
    To be honest i couldn't care less if cats feel anything seeing as i'm never likely to ever come across one.

    Where do you live, Antarctica?
    Lacy wrote: »
    No animal deserves to get it's fur blasted off, and shes obvously a nutter but whats stickin her in prison gonna do? Hardly gonna reform her is it.

    No, probably not. What good does prison do anyone? However, that's a whole other thread innit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blagsta wrote: »
    Where do you live, Antarctica?

    Nah. Just not many cats around here.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lacy wrote: »
    Whilst i agree that this women is obviously disturbed, and i'm not one for animal cruelty an stuff but at the end of the day it was just a cat. Doesn't really warrant prison time, someone just needs to have a serious look at her head.

    So, just because luck would have it that we got to the top of the evolutionary ladder first, that gives us the right to knock ten bells of shit out of anything that is not the same as us? To torture an animal in a boiling hot washing machine as an act of 'revenge' on a boyfriend is just downright evil - and she if the prisons could have held her (no thanks to overcrowding), they should have put her away.

    At what stage does animal cruelty 'warrant prison time'? Or do you think that imprisonment for animal cruelty should never take place?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lacy wrote: »
    Nah. Just not many cats around here.

    Where's that then? The moon?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    briggi wrote: »
    I don't wish to be told that the issues I consider important aren't so, and directed by you toward issues that I should be thinking about and debating.

    Ok, fair enough, but I do wish to point out when I think people are discussing something out of perspective. So don't tell me not to do that.

    Er, are you bollocks? That might be your story now, but as I have interpreted it your view was that all cruelty to animals is the same and that if someone is upset or angered by the death of a cat at the hands of a deranged girlfriend then they should be as upset and angry about fishing.

    I don't need "a story" because I'm not on trial. The reason I post is to hear other peoples' views, otherwise I would just keep my own to myself and assume I'm always right.

    My view isn't that all animal cruelty is the same. In fact I do distinguish between torturing and killing a cat and angling, I'm a regular angler myself and I want to know how people distinguish between such acts.
    I wasn't saying you had a less than simple mind, quite the opposite in fact -- and was implying that maybe you're not actually the better for it. Sometimes issues really aren't complex, but there's no telling some people. I guess in "torturing for fun" you're speaking of fishing for sport? I'm probably not the best person to comment since I've never been fishing in my life or eaten it in the last decade, but I think the main difference is that fishing [even when done for sport] is not done with the specific aim of hurting the fish. Suffering is a by-product, not great but not the same as putting a cat into a piece of electrical machinery with the aim of not only killing it -- but also causing anguish to the owner. I can't say I'm a fan of fishing/angling/whatever, but I can see some difference and a huge part of that is that the mental state of the hundreds (thousands?) of people who go fishing is nothing like that of this woman in question. Or that of many other people who torture and kill animals week in, week out

    Well this is where the definition of intention comes in. An angler knows that his actions will result in the torture of a fish (if fish can feel pain) and most anglers consider the most exciting part of fishing "the fight" - pulling in a hooked fish against its will i.e. causing it pain and distress. I am interested in why you distinguish that from torturing an animal for another reason.

    (As for numbers, millions of people fish every year. Apparently it is the largest sport in the UK)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teagan wrote: »
    So, just because luck would have it that we got to the top of the evolutionary ladder first, that gives us the right to knock ten bells of shit out of anything that is not the same as us? To torture an animal in a boiling hot washing machine as an act of 'revenge' on a boyfriend is just downright evil - and she if the prisons could have held her (no thanks to overcrowding), they should have put her away.

    At what stage does animal cruelty 'warrant prison time'? Or do you think that imprisonment for animal cruelty should never take place?

    Lol don't make out that i agree with animal cruelty when i've already said i don't.

    I just don't see it as important as other crimes. Yeah it's bad and i never said she shouldn't be punished for it as it is still a crime. I just don't see animals in the same way as humans. Simple as that!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lacy wrote: »
    To be honest i couldn't care less

    And that's your problem, not ours.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    Cats do have feelings. I can assure you of that.

    How? Are you a cat?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lacy wrote: »
    Lol don't make out that i agree with animal cruelty when i've already said i don't.

    I just don't see it as important as other crimes. Yeah it's bad and i never said she shouldn't be punished for it as it is still a crime. I just don't see animals in the same way as humans. Simple as that!
    Has anyone here stated otherwise??
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote: »
    And that's your problem, not ours.

    Lol ta for that. If there was ever any misunderstanding in my mind that that was your problem and not mine then you've cleared it right up for me.

    Thanks :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    carlito wrote: »
    My point was that the horror expressed by so many people on this thread while they stay silent on other issues relating to humans suggests a lack of proportion.

    I am sorry, but most of the hardships in this world ON humans is brought BY humans. And for 90% of the time, we express horror on the other threads at how issues relating to other humans are so terrible. Human issues get most of our attention, most of the time.

    But this once, when we raise an issue on the inhumane and evil actions towards a cat, we are suddenly branded uncaring about human beings. :confused:

    So the less than 1% of the time we spend debating human issues generally, a voice of concern for the welfare of animals is poo-poo'ed as irrelevant. Who speaks for them? Can we not get angry on their behalf?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    carlito wrote: »
    Ok, fair enough, but I do wish to point out when I think people are discussing something out of perspective. So don't tell me not to do that.

    Ok, you pointed out that you thought people had blown this out of proportion and that there were other issues. That's totally fair enough. Is there any need to labour the point? It obviously is important to some of us or we wouldn't bother our arses discussing it (or attempting to). Doesn't mean we don't think other issues aren't important, too.

    When did I say you were on trial? Drama queen.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    carlito wrote: »
    How? Are you a cat?
    No but I have a pair of eyes.

    Are you trying to suggest animals are incapable of experiencing anger, sadness, joy, distress, anger, envy and many other feelings?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    carlito wrote: »
    How? Are you a cat?

    I have an animal that feels fear, it feels excitement, it knows boredom and sure has shown me a lot of defiance lately. ;) All of this and more is what I see when I interact with it. It gets pretty obvious when you get familiar with an animal's language.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    No but I have a pair of eyes.

    Are you trying to suggest animals are incapable of experiencing anger, sadness, joy, distress, anger, envy and many other feelings?

    Eyes can deceive.

    I am suggesting that some animals are incapable of experiencing those things, yes.

    I'm trying to work out where people draw the line, why, and why they are so incensed that other people don't intuitively know where that line is.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do not feed the troll.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I wouldn't, but that's animal cruelty.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Of course animals feel pain and experience emotions...to a certain degree anyway. After all, humans are animals also, just much more complex one's at that.

    Tie a cat down and start kicking it, it will screech.
    Kill a kitten in front of it's mother and the mother will show emotions of sadness.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    carlito wrote: »
    How? Are you a cat?

    They feel pain... Doesn't take a genius to figure that out (what's your point?).

    Surely if you don't think cats have feelings, you think we can abuse them how we want?

    Sorry... Just the jist I feel from that post.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    carlito wrote: »
    I am suggesting that some animals are incapable of experiencing those things, yes.

    What animals? I'm especially wondering about animals that belong to humans here. I already know that flies aren't very emotional animals.
    carlito wrote: »
    I'm trying to work out where people draw the line, why, and why they are so incensed that other people don't intuitively know where that line is.

    I draw the line at HOW the death is delivered. I don't care if it's a cat or a fish, I don't see anything fine with torturing it to death.
    If somebody kills an animal quickly (bullet to the brain) on purpose without the owner's permission I think monetary fines are good and acceptable. It's sad but at least the animal died quickly. IF the said animal was tortured brutally and died because of it I think the damage goes beyond paying the other some money. I know of a girl who lost a horse she had owned for less than a year after she was betrayed and lied to and later found out that her horse had died a terrible slow painful death. This is something you don't get over easily! It's something you cared for, spent time on as well as a lot of money. For somebody to inflict that on somebody I think is pretty severe and outright disgusting.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yerascrote wrote: »
    Of course animals feel pain and experience emotions...to a certain degree anyway. After all, humans are animals also, just much more complex one's at that.

    Tie a cat down and start kicking it, it will screech.
    Kill a kitten in front of it's mother and the mother will show emotions of sadness.

    That shows that animals have sensitivity to their environment - not that they feel emotions. An jellyfish has sensitivity to its environment, so does a starfish, a salmon, a sparrow, an alligator, a cat, and a whale. Do they all feel "emotions"?

    I'm not trolling, I'm actually interested as to how people can get so angry at somebody expressing an opinion (for instance Toadborg making no distinction between a cat and a fly) when they have drawn an unexplained line somehwhere.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    carlito wrote: »
    Eyes can deceive.

    I am suggesting that some animals are incapable of experiencing those things, yes.
    I suggest you do a bit of research. Animals can even suffer from depression. A few Google searches should show you that. And if frankly you think you know better than veterinary doctors and animal psychologists with degrees and many years of experience in the field you are a tad deluded.
    I'm trying to work out where people draw the line, why, and why they are so incensed that other people don't intuitively know where that line is.
    Some people will draw the line at slightly different places than others. Whether inconsistent or not it is generally agreed that some animals such as mammals of certain intelligence and who have been pets and companions of humans for tens of thousands of years are a tad more important than an ant.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    carlito wrote: »
    ... and why they are so incensed that other people don't intuitively know where that line is.

    Well if by "people" you mean women such as the one originally in question, there is no doubt that she knew where that line was and crossed it -- as I think most people who inflict cruelty on animals [in the manner she did] do. If she hadn't known where the line was and had been unaware of the innate cruelty of her actions then obviously she wouldn't have revealed her actions to her partner on the telephone with the sole intention of hurting and upsetting him as some kind of currency in trying to make him come home. If she hadn't know where the line was, she surely would've thought that he might've returned home and not been at all bothered to find his cat in the washer.

    To be honest I think the fact that she used a defenceless animal as a pawn in some sick game with her boyfrined is even worse than had she tortured it purely for her own fun. In her eyes it was a totally disposable and inconsequential way for her to exact revenge and gain the attention of her signifigant other. If that's not one fucked up person in serious need of an immediate mental health evaluation then I don't know who is.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jaloux wrote: »
    What animals? I'm especially wondering about animals that belong to humans here. I already know that flies aren't very emotional animals.

    I draw the line at HOW the death is delivered. .

    But if flies don't feel emotions what is wrong with torturing them to death, if it gives pleasure to a human being?
    If somebody kills an animal quickly (bullet to the brain) on purpose without the owner's permission I think monetary fines are good and acceptable. It's sad but at least the animal died quickly. IF the said animal was tortured brutally and died because of it I think the damage goes beyond paying the other some money. I know of a girl who lost a horse she had owned for less than a year after she was betrayed and lied to and later found out that her horse had died a terrible slow painful death. This is something you don't get over easily! It's something you cared for, spent time on as well as a lot of money. For somebody to inflict that on somebody I think is pretty severe and outright disgusting

    But thats not to do with the suffering of the animal, its to do with inflicting suffering on its owner (i.e. a human).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    carlito wrote: »
    Ok, fair enough, but I do wish to point out when I think people are discussing something out of perspective. So don't tell me not to do that.

    Have you not considered that its an issue which has quite an emotional charge for a lot of people? So is therefore not out of perspective?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    I suggest you do a bit of research. Animals can even suffer from depression. A few Google searches should show you that. And if frankly you think you know better than veterinary doctors and animal psychologists with degrees and many years of experience in the field you are a tad deluded.

    I said some animals, not all animals.
    Some people will draw the line at slightly different places than others. Whether inconsistent or not it is generally agreed that some animals such as mammals of certain intelligence and who have been pets and companions of humans for tens of thousands of years are a tad more important than an ant

    If people draw the line at different places (and this is therefore a fairly arbitrary distinction) why are you getting so angry at somebody who disgarees at where tat line should be drawn? And demanding that people who disagree at your line be sent to prison?

    Fish too have been pets and companions of humans for tens of thousands of years...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lacy wrote: »
    Lol don't make out that i agree with animal cruelty when i've already said i don't.

    I just don't see it as important as other crimes. Yeah it's bad and i never said she shouldn't be punished for it as it is still a crime. I just don't see animals in the same way as humans. Simple as that!

    Will you quit with the straw man arguments?

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